unitatotato · 2 years
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Hyper Blend Mode
There are many combos that I like but out of them all the most broken one must be Cyclops with Zhask's ULT.
First of all Mage with another Mage skills means Items compatibility. Also due to Cyclops Passive with skill cd reduction he can spam Zhask ULT way more than any other heroes. Also he is probably the only combos which I can solo carry my team. Since I sucks at using Assassin heroes (laugh).
Other 2 deadly combo I have encountered are Balmond with Alice's ULT and Saber with Guison's ULT.
To be honest Guison's ULT works well with many other heroes as well. Resetting their skills combo and escaping a battlefield.
Marksman with Argus ULT or Guinivere's 2nd skill. Or Moskov with Sun's ULT is also pretty troll.
Estes should definitely go with Rafaela's 2nd skill or Faramis's ULT.
Other skills I enjoy picking are Vexana's ULT and 1st skill (CC), Minotaur's Fury ULT, Aurora's any skills with Freeze, Vale's skills with CC, Bane's 2nd healing skill.
I might have missed some but it really depends on Luck for what hero you get and what skills are available. Most important good random team mates who knows how to push.
I guess 2 days left before this mode disappear.
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unitatotato · 3 years
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MVP like this and this is entirely different… The frustration don’t even get to me anymore…
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unitatotato · 3 years
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I am discretely trying to be an Hylos main right now for since a few seasons back. I used to main Gatot but then he got changed into a fighter/tank and somehow he felt a bit more squishy to me. So I tried different tanks. I did Belerick for awhile then Lolita even tried Grock, but ended up with Hylos.
So Hylos is an early game tank, high dmg output and due to the massive HP he is very tanky even without proper tank items. The only downside is if he is met with anti-heroes like Karrie/Claude/Sun etc.., then his HP will go down like waterfall.
Otherwise I did say he is a good pick for low rank tanking until Epic or low Legend. Early kills, early roam, easy CC, easy escape. The only negative with him is he easily KS his team mate with his 2nd skill.
I am sharing my build and emblem if anyone is interested. It is suited for my playstyle and I am not saying it is the absolutely right style to use. I am still sticking with the Clock of Destiny build, since I am used to it. If you don't know his Passive (last pick) allows him to gain more HP with more Mana added by equipmet. Also he can use his HP to cast skills when his mana is out.
Any items with added Mana is a good item for Hylos such as Clock of Destiny, Dominance Ice, Twilight Armor and Thunder Belt. But for me only CoD and Dominance Ice are the only core build, then everything else can be swapped in according to the match.
If you need Physical defense then get Antique Cuirass and Twilight Armor or even Blade Armor. If you need more Magic Defense then get Oracle and Radiant Armor. Otherwise Cursed Helmet will help clearing lane faster and higher dmg output. If you want to stay in map without going base then get Guardian Helmet. It always depends on the situation.
My to go build if I am stable without dying too much, Part 1 of show + roaming item (red one), then complete Clock of Destiny right away, complete boots, Dominance Ice, Cursed Helmet, Oracle or Guardian Helmet. This is an annoying build which can let you stay in map for a long time for poking and surviving by jumping in and out of team fight. But if you are too squishy then you might have to swap out some items.
Still a long way to go before I get to rank on Global (let's see when I get bored of playing rank) Currently around 2100 power. Let's hang in there.
You can tell I am a suicide tank, I don't really enjoy dying but if I can trade for 2-3 kills then I will do it gladly for my core.
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unitatotato · 3 years
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I am playing a bit of Rank this season. Can we just appreciate that sometimes my team will actually suggest me playing Nana.
The first game went by like a breeze, it was easy to gank and all.
But the 2nd game ended up disaster. I picked Nana due to Tank role got picked. I am surprise that Nana still got the damage but I can't really seal a kill. I can't even remember how we lost. But yeah it was sad, losing with so much damage dealed. I really wish everyone was good at cleaning lanes and watching map.
I am still in epic rank, since I didn't rank anything at all last season.
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unitatotato · 3 years
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I don't feel left out at all. All those COUPLES-COUPLES-COUPLES.
But look at this cute Cyclops Skin. I am sad I never knew about the Star Wars skin.
mayhem for the million-th times this year
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unitatotato · 3 years
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5th Anniversary!
So I am still playing this after so many years (lol) and my reaction is getting worse. Not sure if my mini ipad is getting old or I am just bad now.
Anyway many Arcade modes are on and I am spamming Mayhem as usual. So Estes and Zhask is still not back nor Odette so I am spamming Cyclops this time around. Or else Belerick is still a good pick! Assasins is still strong to pick if you are an assassins players. Like Saber, Lance, Haya, Fanny, Guison, Nat etc..
So Cyclops pretty much do not have any CD on his skills, due to the upgraded version of his Passive for reducing 1 sec of CD for every skills landing. Sounds OP right, which mean he can spam his 2 nd skills infinity. You can build him a powerbuild with full bursts items such as Clock of Destiny, Lightning Truncheon, Holy Crystal, Divine Glaive, Concentrated Energy and Demon Shoes. Or basic build with Enchanted Talisman, Demon Shoes, Concentrated Energy, Necklace of Durance, Divine Glaive and Holy Crystal. Glowing Wand is also a good item.
Enjoy all the anniversary modes and gifts!!
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unitatotato · 3 years
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I stop reading updates kinda. So these items updates ended like some surprise for me.
But not gonna lie I have been wishing for an anti-healing item for Tanks. So they actually added that effect on Dominance Ice, it took me a while to notice it. I kept seeing enemies getting anti-healing symbol without knowing why almost tho Hylos got somewhat passive update like Baxia.
So yeah, if you get Dominance Ice don't bother getting Necklace of Durance, waste of a slot. Same for if support gets defensive items, pick Dominance instead of NoD.
Radiant Armor, another addition to the Magic Resist/Magic Defense item. Haven't been using it, but definitely good if enemies are full of Magic Heroes.
Shadow Twinblades are certainly more suitable for heroes like Mage/Assassin like Karina, Harley, Guinevere, Silvana, etc...
Then War Axe, I am, not really sure, but most likely for any Tanky-Fighter should try it out. Like maybe Balmond, Hilda, Terizla, Thamuz, etc... Not sure about the new revamped Alpha tho.
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unitatotato · 3 years
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Season 20 ended and time to do some rank.
Took more games than I tho to hit back up to Epic. Not sure if it because I played during a weekend or if I am just getting really bad at playing rank.
But one thing for sure I suck at using Cyclops. I didn't do farm on him is it even worth doing farm these days? Like with retri and proper jungle item? I didn't read up on the new system for jungle and roam. I just go with the flow, I still get the roaming item on tank and support tho.
It really gets on my nerves that I couldn't carry with Cyclops I mean the damage output tho. I guess I should have tried out jungle/farm with retri on him to check out if it was easier to carry an early game. But I felt stressed and the lack of proper CC on Cyclops especially if your team lacks tank and proper line-up it is gonna get hard at end game. Also, mage never gets to farm anymore.
Tank wise I am still using Hylos for easy CC and high dmg output if I am left to fend a lane by myself. I didn't KS'd my team they are just not dealing enough dmg for crying out loud, I am the highest dmg for the whole game.
Then I got tired of losing with tanks or whatsoever so I just camped using Odette to reach Epic. She is good to harras midlane in the early game, easy to gank with, and good CC. This might just be in low rank. Not sure how it works in high rank.
Then I guess anything works in GM or below.
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unitatotato · 3 years
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Shadow Brawl! All Mirror modes are my favorite especially brawl + mirror!!
I get to play heroes I never use. Any assassins are a no for me except in brawl (haha)
But dang look at all da Odette Skins, I think we lost that game tho. Odette is so weak against CC.
And I am totally out of the loop for Bane, seriously tho why make him Magic Damage too he was way more powerful with Physical Damage, I loved his splash dmg with crit, now I can’t seem to dish out the same amount of dmg as before (sadface) Guess it is trial and error time.
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unitatotato · 3 years
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Ravage Mode is back but they changed the game play again (sadface). I really miss the 5 vs 5 Ravage, the 3 vs 3 was still okay. But this mode just like how they butchered the Survival mode into Nexus Survival.
So everyone will be Beatrix again, just the weapon you use is different. You will get the Military Blade first. Then you need to collect them by just playing the mode. It is not that hard since you will still gain points for losing, I guess around 10 games or something then you can unlock all the guns.
So I pretty much tested all of them and in my opinion Energy Gun is the easiest yet strongest to use. Second to that would be Sniper Rifle I guess for the full power and easy aim. Boomerang is also good for the mobilites and continously attacking.
Laser Gun is pretty useless and Flamethrower you need to be really close to make it work. Then the other 3 are just exactly the same from Survival Nexus.
You will get hate from camping mid but seriously that is the easiest way to win. If you are losing try to gank with full team to take back mid. That is also why Energy Gun and Sniper Rifle are powerful, since they can just keep sniping the hidden area to deal damage. Also Energy Gun's Skill is wicked, you just nuclear an area.
Good Luck and Enjoy!
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unitatotato · 3 years
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I haven't been playing as much ml as before, since I mostly just solo now. Then Mayhem is back AND NANA IS BACK!! and I am chillin, but just a small rant.
So why do players still get so serious in Arcade mode? Legit the only mode ppl need to get angry at are like legend + higher tiers in rank right? It is easy to climb on Epic in my opinion you don't have to get angry there yet.
Back to topic, I was minding my own buisness as Nana, roaming around between 2 or 3 lanes then realized my gold was low so I went to semi focus on 1 lane to get some item right. OUT of nowhere this Eudora talked in All chat to ask ppl to report me. Like what did I do wrong?
Seriously I didn't do anything wrong my timing just got off, if I have to run around I can't really save everyone can't they just read the mini-map (ffs) before they initiate an attack. It is easy to know when an ambush is coming, just don't get close to bushes or any area you think you would set up an ambush yourself. I even use alert to tell my team to retreat, but no this Eudora just charge in, also keep bad mouthing enemy. Well enemy's Haya bad mouthed our Haya for hacking first but still.
This might sounds arrogant but yes pelase report me for having highest dmg output, highest dmg taken, highest participation rate. Don't talk about how I don't hit turret bla bla I kept cleaning lane to hit turret but I keep getting chased by Belerick I always ended up going back to base to regen.
To be honest Mayhem is a fun mode players need to chill and understand as soon as you lose the first few mintues the game is pretty much determined, unless you picked some broken heroes to use. And if you start to lose out in gold and turret you can't really come back as easy, the match is always doomed. You either win with great marginal or lose badly and it got nothing with your personal skills, more like how good your team is ganking and going together and not solo.
ps that is my favorite Nana burst build with Mage emblem on Mystery Shop talent, depending on situation I will switch one with Necklace of Durance or Immortality or Concentrated Energy.
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unitatotato · 4 years
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Seriously, once I start I can’t stop. So I have been Magic Chessing 2 days straight now. AND this was the most intense one, even gave me a  stomachache.
So this game started casually. I was just trying out different synergy to see which works out the best for me. So while experimenting I find this Synergy works really well for me, main is Lightborn x Mage, and then whatever comes around Elementalist/Nature Spirit/Northen Vale/Gunner/ etc..
It was relaxing for me, I am saying that coz I had a perfect health until when we were 3 man standing then I lost to the one who came 2nd. 
It was funny because I wrecked them twice and I wasn’t too concerned about it. But when I saw my mirror versus him and lost I was like maybe they completed their line up and I was sweating. And for sure I lost.
I won back 1 round right away but then I lost 3 rounds straight after. Oh yes I was sweating I was frying my brain to come up with quick solution. Swapping things around and burning all my coins opening up slots etc.. Then the 3rd guy went out of the picture. 
So what was left was we won 1 round lost 1 round etc and I won by a hairstrain to be honest, I mean he won 2nd to last round and I accidently won the last round. It was so intense for me and it was hella fun to be honest. I am sure I have played other longer games like 30+ this was only 28 rounds but still it melted my braind. 
Funniest part was still that we only lost to each other 5 rounds each, if there was a draw, then this should be one of those games. Hats off to them. We fought well (smile)
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unitatotato · 4 years
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Magic Chess
I am so sad my Perfect Victory, I lost the 2nd to last round (wails)
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unitatotato · 4 years
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After the newest update of Magic Chess I never bothered to play it until today. The update seems huge and many things have changed. 
The bigges mindblowing thing for me must be the BLESSING thing? It is cool for like 2 games, then when you realize how it butcher up the whole RNG and strategy for winning it is very upsetting and disturbing.
This Blessing thing are given randomly, most likely by RNG. All depends on luck. You can search/google it for the more detailed buffs and such it gives. But what is unsettling is the +1 star, which can make your 3 star hero to a 4 star hero and if it is a tanky hero they will become very tanky and can clean the board if you are doing it right.
So by this really wicked RNG I had 2 x 4 stars on board which was Chou and Grock. Also using Bersi with its first spell, the first killed hero can be revived again. My board became so godly, it just hit me right there I never wanna meet someone else having the same kind of RNG luck. It is impossible to win.
My last enemy was also using Bersi with the same spell and had 1 x 4 star on board, but I snatch the win either way. And it kinda grossed me out. Not to mention the same hero can have 2 Blessings??? It is.... not fun? anymore? when it becomes like that (sigh)
I am so out of the loop with Magic Chess is this the new normal? Players don’t even need startegy to win, they can just try to last till end game and hope for some RNG Blessing or something.
The game result is bugged, I didn’t had 2 belerick, only 1 but he got revived maybe that is why.
It is easy to tell if you got an extra star, just look at the hero’s head it will glow with a yellow star +1.
My small rant about the new Magic Chess
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unitatotato · 4 years
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Mayhem mayhem mayhem...
I miss the old heroes in Mayhem the new ones are fun too but Estes is still my fave. And I miss Odette Nana Jon Franco Zhask Gord Ruby (sadface)
Still spammed many games with Ceci but he is so squish. Ended up playing many Belerick games, easier to counter close range heroes.
Doesn’t feel like there are any overpowered heroes this time around nor broken spell at that. Only fast kills and fast farms with hard gank pushing will bring victory. Good luck and enjoy 5 days left.
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unitatotato · 4 years
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Let's talk about Aurora (can’t remember if I have posted anything about her before). Occasionally I see some Aurora users who are not utilizing her Passive as they should. I am not to judge, it could be a hard game/bad team/bad day etc... But when Aurora is doing practically Zero Freeze during a whole brawl game you will start to wonder what is happening.
Aurora's skills are pretty straightforward. Skill 1 and ULT are AoE dmg. While 2nd skill is single target, which mean it is a 100% auto-aim skill.
What makes Aurora special is her Passive, every skill cast she will gain 1 charge/bar (see above her head the red bar), after 4 charges you can freeze 1 or multiply targets depends on which skill you use.
In a simple way you will always use skill 1 to charge her bars, so you can be ready at any time to freeze a target. [So what I normally do is as soon as I get out of the base circle I will start spamming skill 1, you don't really have to hit anything or save 1 to clean minions.]
Now when you have your Passive ready, you need to gank/camp/wait for a good opportunity to use your skill. [You should never ever waste your FREEZE nor ULT unless it is emergency such as you are alone at your base turret and you have to clean minions.]
Freeze + ULT is best to CC multiply targets and the area is huge. Or lessen your tankers job by helping them CC so they survive.
Freeze + 2nd skill is best for single target such as any incoming attack by enemy's initiator or assassin so you can survive or your team can survive. It is a 100% CC combo. Also after CC'd you should spam ULT and skill 1 on them to utilize her dmg.
Freeze + 1st skill is your out of options combo. So skill 1 can be interrupted by minions/obstacle, if you want to use this combo to Freeze you need to aim very good and precise, it is actually a nice surprise AoE CC.
The best combo for her is Freeze > 2nd skill > ULT > 1st skill or Freeze > ULT > any skills.
My current set of items for Aurora are Fleeting Time, Enchanted Talisman, Rapid Boots (these are my core items) after that I would maybe get Lightning Truncheon, Holy Crystal and Divine Glaive (or Necklace of Durance). This is not a burst build, it is shaped after my play style. I want low CD so I can spam her skills often and the movement speed to easily to move back and forth to CC the enemies for my team.
If I have to go for a burst build I guess I would get Clock of Destiny, Demon Shoes, Fleeting Time, Lightning Truncheon, Holy Crystal and Divine Glaive/Blood Wings.
I rarely use Concentrated Energy on her, but if I have to I would swap it with Fleeting Time, since her ULT CD is relative short so it is not a must (but it is good to have it).
I see that I used Glowing Wand here, but this game is like 2 years old afterall. I would totally swap it with Holy Crystal, I am sure it was for the moving speed, I vaguely remember I stripped her off the shoes at some points to get Concentrated Energy. 
This was and still is one of my most loved Aurora game ever played. It lasted us 39 minutes, it was about who is losing focus first, if I remember correctly all our (both sides) turrets were down and we kept camping by bushes etc... I had minimal death because my friend took all the hit for me and she kept having this horror show down with enemy’s AD build Aurora (lmao)
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unitatotato · 4 years
Last Shadow Brawl game for now. Every single time I get to play Odette, I am meeting her anti-heroes like some troll game system haunting me. Odette vs Moskov twice, Odette vs Gord twice, tragic story.
Also one of the Gord complaining about how Odette require no skill to play only stand and ULT. Okay like when did Gord require high mechanical skills to use. He is also basically stand still and ULT. Not to mention his first skill can cancel us anytime. Although Gord is weak if you get behind him.
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