universityproblems · 7 years
I wish somebody had told me this.
When discussing how you want an R&D job, which one do you want? There is either research or there is development. You can’t do both at the same time. I ran around career fair all day going on about how I wan’t an R&D internship. I mean somebody must want a lab slave, right? Nope. It wasn’t until it was almost over that one of the recruiters let me in on that little nugget. Now I’ve got to rethink my whole strategy and the direction I want to go. Feck.
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universityproblems · 7 years
I bought a 3D printer
I caved and placed an order for the K200 single extruder & heated bed kit from HE3D for $180 + $63 shipping. It was the cheapest printer with a reasonable build volume that I could find. I really hope it’s a halfway decent printer that will get me started. Let’s see what it’ll do in a month or two when it gets here. 
I hope this wasn’t a mistake.
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universityproblems · 8 years
Living on my own is boring
I expected something more interesting, but is basically the same as living at home, except with fewer people, more responsibilities, and I can walk around my flat naked. I still spend most of my time on the internet, which I now pay for. I have to go shopping for food every week (I can’t even buy bread because a loaf will go bad before I finish it), I have to cook and clean.
And I have to study. So much studying.
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universityproblems · 8 years
I was not expecting school to be so stressful. All of a sudden my inbox exploded and I cant keep track of like two things I’m involved in. This is some bullshit.
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universityproblems · 8 years
This is my life now.
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universityproblems · 8 years
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universityproblems · 8 years
Oh god, the more I think about moving, the more I freak out. This will be the first time I’m actually on my own, the first time I have to make real decisions, go shopping on a regular basis, and adult full time.
I feel like I’m in a game, on the level just before the boss fight where you get a badass weapon or powerup. In my case its my family giving me a bunch of stuff to go in the apt and the boss is a real university.
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universityproblems · 8 years
Fucking useless systems! I’m trying to fill out a Master Promissory Note and apparently I need an award from the school first which I thought I had (a financial aid awards package sounds pretty promising). Now I need to talk to my financial aid people who probably won’t help much.
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universityproblems · 8 years
7 days
Until I move to the frozen wastes of the north. I’m so excited and scared. I don’t think the realization that I’m finally moving away from home has actually set in yet.
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universityproblems · 8 years
how to be good digital artist:
step 1: open up drawing program of choice step 2: sin
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universityproblems · 8 years
OMG, science is happening! What that science is I can’t say because the results aren’t in yet, but you can clearly see by the test tube, clamp, blue nitrile glove, and graduated cylinder that science is indeed happening. The liquid-powder interaction is also indicative of science, but to a lesser extent than the apparatus and ppe. The good lighting and black background show that the scientist doing the classic “clear-liquid-in-white-powder” experiment clearly knows what he or she is doing and thus has the authority to answer the age old question of “what happens when I mix this shit together?”
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Putting Liquid in a Test tube With White Powder
Putting in a seemingly clear liquid in a test tube with white powder is a very important chemistry thing that is very interesting. You see the clear liquid just go down there as it is poured. What is deeply fascinating is that the white solid powder thingy isn’t fazed by it at all, there’s is seemingly no reaction taking place. The white stuff is so chill, I mean look at it how chill it is. It’s also white because why the fuck not. 
This exceedingly amazing chemical example of an experiment in which i don’t know what i am talking about and clearly have copied the text from Wikipedia, shows us that posts like these are very popular among the science folk on tumblr, who really don’t care about the science they reblog, like at all. They just like the pretty gifs i make. And they have this idea that i could make a competent sciency person, which isn’t true. I don’t even like science that much anymore. But i make hella gifs.
More science and gifs on my blog: rudescience Gif made from: This video References: (x), (x).
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universityproblems · 8 years
I’ve never heard of curve sketching as useful interview knowledge...
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We’ve been doing some cool inorganic experiments recently using transition metal ions which make so many pretty colours that I am constantly taking photos. Also in maths today, we did curve sketching which was quite interesting and should be useful as apparently those sort of questions are common in interviews.
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universityproblems · 8 years
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Its no longer a fucking background service if it hogs all the “disc” metric and brings my computer to a crawl you bastard.
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universityproblems · 8 years
Wohoo! I have an apartment! Now I must go buy all the basics to make it a space I can live in. 
I also have that summer job as a machinist. It’s alright at $12.50.
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universityproblems · 8 years
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Mars needs YOU! In the future, Mars will need all kinds of explorers, farmers, surveyors, teachers … but most of all YOU! Join us on the Journey to Mars as we explore with robots and send humans there one day.
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universityproblems · 8 years
Looking for housing sucks when you have to dedicate a big trip to it. I don’t mind being 8 hours from home in the frozen north, but it’s a bit of a worry when you line up a bunch of potential candidates only to say you can only be there 2 or 3 weeks from now. What if enough other people decide to be smart and sign the lease before I get there? I know more places will open up as the fall semester approaches, and as heartbreaking as it would be to go camping up north all summer, I still have to make some extra money to make sure I don’t have to work while I’m going to classes to ensure I don’t go flat broke which means a summer job.
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universityproblems · 8 years
Geology confirmed for true, engineering is only true for the weak ones who don’t survive.
College Major Stereotypes:
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Gender and Sexuality Studies:
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Social Work:
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Women’s Studies:
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Computer Science and Engineering:
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Environmental Studies: 
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International Studies:
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