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REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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“Shhh…” Hushes Undertaker when Othello smothers a gasping cry into his skin. “If anyone hears youuu…”
Someone will die. It might not be you, but you'll have blood on your hands. Othello thinks.
Impatient, the prisoner clasps a hand on his shoulder, using the leverage to pull Othello back on him with a fierce grunt. 
It crushes the air from his lungs, the weight of the cock lodging in him like a knife. 
“Uhn.” Undertaker breathes, taking a moment to soak in the vital heat. “Unbroken? I wasn't expecting that. Mm.”
Othello hates that he can somehow tell. Always in charge of sexual encounters, he's never been beneath anyone. 
Because he never thought he would like it, submission- forced or not. Control has always been imperative for his pleasure. Or so he believed.
Othello's limbs shake beneath him. Being so mercilessly impaled makes staying upright a struggle.
And when the fugitive curls one of those bone-breaking hands around his neck and squeezes, Othello smothers a moan, clenching around the fat of undertaker's cock.
He spreads his legs wider for his assailant, giving in to the onset of lust with a fevered shiver.
“Like that, do you?” Undertaker drags his tongue up the side of his face in an animalistic lick. Othello's breath hitches as his every nerve ignites. “I thought you might.”
Undertaker’s words barely register over the roar of blood in Othello’s ears. The shreds of his mind are aghast from how the ache of a wound could feel so damned good.  
Artwork by the lovely Luci-on-Moon! You can see this artwork in its entirety by joining her Discord! Here's her Tumblr page:
I'm so, SO happy with this commissioned piece! 🥹 💖 It really brought this chapter of The Teeth Of Madness to life.
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I drew Ciel in this dress and the picture somehow turned into a mock dakimakura design...?
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Can't wait for ✨ HIM ✨
Spoiler alert? I guess? I mean if you're not up to date with the manga, omg go read it NOW
Anyway this guy right here. That's all.
Comms are open and my private discord server (makeshift p@treon) is full of art so .. you know what to do 😜
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She’s sooooooo pretty 🥰
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This is not easy to share or to type it a lot (my left arm is in AGONY just from writing up the gofundme) but my kitty needs help and I need help to help her.
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One for the block list. @xauraborax sent me this ask and then blocked me because they're too chickenshit to say anything to my face. 😂
@xauraborax I am a CSA survivor and if you think fictional content in any way, shape or form compares to an actual flesh and blood child being abused, you severely lack critical thinking skills and are probably too young to even be on Tumblr.
Show me one instance in which I said CSA survivors cry about not wanting to see lolicon. No where have I ever said anything of the sort.
In fact, many CSA survivors write or read fictional content because it gives them a sense of control over what happened to them. It allows us to safely process trauma in a controlled environment and therapists around the world encourage this method.
But people like YOU make us feel unsafe when you engage in harassment and dare to compare CSA victims to their abusers. And sending asks like this makes you just that. An abuser.
Congratulations, you like harassing actual CSA survivors in favor of protecting fictional characters.
Please reblog this so everyone knows what this person does and others can block them too.
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After a long journey… it’s killing me to write this, but the treatments have failed. The tumors are regrowing along the surgical scars, her neck, and one is growing on her lung with the addition of fluid forming around her lungs.
We’ve been told she has “a few weeks left” so… we’re just preparing ourselves now.
Thank you, SO MUCH, to everyone that reblogged and donated.
I’ll be getting her paw tattooed on my arm with some of her ashes after the time comes. That way Lucy stays with me.
This is not easy to share or to type it a lot (my left arm is in AGONY just from writing up the gofundme) but my kitty needs help and I need help to help her.
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Is this anything?
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side effects: excess melatonin, dizziness, nausea, narcolepsy, epileptic seizures, memory loss, hallucinations. It’s recommended to not drink more than one can every 48 hours.
(avaiable on InPrint with Sundrop!)
(not me rushing to make some new illustration to print and sell at the next convention) I’m kinda proud of how it came out!
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Hi Hi Just discovered your writing , you're so talented ! If you're taking up requests could we have something with The undertaker with an s/o , whatever inspires you !
Hi, sorry it took so long to reply to this! And thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy my writing! :3
Ah, Undertaker. My favorite mortician. 💗 I hope you like what I've done here.
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* Undertaker's work takes up a lot of his time, but he sets aside a window just for you. However, his job means his robes constantly smell vaguely of preservation chemicals and incense- but you've grown to love even that about him.
* Undertaker adores playing with your hair. Gently raking his ebony talons through it, twirling the tips, and if you sit still long enough, he may even try braiding it.
* It was months before he let you see his eyes. For a while, you had wondered if he was blind and just self-conscious. It was a shock to find his irises are layered, but you found the hues of chartreuse green behind his feathery bangs to be stunning.
*His laugh is contagious, and you love that about him. You can be in the crappiest mood, and he will have you smiling in minutes.
*Undertaker will say the most ridiculous, obscene things to crack you up. Example:
"(Insert bully name) pissed me off today."
Undertaker grimaces at the very mention of their name, then sighs. "I'd rather shit in my hand and clap than collect their bloated corpse."
Once you stop howling with laughter at the weird-ass mental image that comment invokes, he adds, "But collect their corpse I shall. For you."
Yes. He will imply that he will remove someone from the equation entirely if he thinks doing so will make you happy. Funny, how people who have wronged you have been so scarce as of late.
*Undertaker has trouble keeping his hands to himself. He is touched-starved, to put it plainly. He loves wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you against him for as much warmth and contact as possible.
*His kiss is electric. Devouring. It leaves you breathless every time.
*He doesn't give a damn if you are in public. He will stand behind you and when he thinks no one is looking, he'll kiss and nip along your neck, murmuring "Just can't help myself, love. You're a temptation."
If you enjoyed my writing, please reblog! :3
If I get 30 reblogs on this, I'll write a NSFW Undertaker/reader!
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Sleepy time…
{34481175 | 姫束級}
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Reblog to kill it faster
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disclaimer: these are results from google. there were loads so i just picked at random from "most watched anime" lists
please reblog and put your answers in the tags <3
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