unknoownsworld · 3 years
I hugged him and told him that I will always be there for him.
We stayed like that for over 10 minutes...
Then to respond to me, he kissed me gently on the lips.
I lagged, it’s been a while since I last kissed other lips. Plus, I was shocked, the person who is kissing me is different... I like him a lot... he has everything that I girl can wish for.
I couldn’t kiss him back, but he did not stop, he kept kissing me, I was paralyzed but I let him kiss me, I enjoyed his kisses, the smell of his breath, we were too close, our hearts were beating so fast...
He hugged me so tight said he liked me so much that he wants to see me everyday...
I said, me too... I started to like you so much.
In truth, we talk a lot, and when we meet we feel like we are meant to be together and that should have met long before the very first day he admitted his feelings to me. 
We know a lot about each other, we try to help and cheep one another up whenever one of us needs the other. We complete each other, we are like a puzzle, even physically, for the very first time of my life, I really felt like someone looks like me and is in harmony with my physique. Fun fact, we have the same origins, we both come from the same -let’s say- area, his family name is like my grand mother’s one, and the latter also has the same origins as my grand father’s which is funny and fascinating. Because I believe that those who come from the exact same place have a lot of things in common including facial features. and that’s interesting if you ask me. 
So indeed, Youssef does look like me. We do not look like we are related but everyone can tell that we have the same origins. Because we asked each other the same question when we met. We both are dark skinned, we have beautiful wavy hair, we are tall, we have big eyes and full lips... etc.
We kept meeting, he sometimes invites me to restaurants.
We talk about our future, kids, life as journalists and marketers, because we both have the same educational and professional background so we can help one another and elevate or evolve together. 
That too good right? What more can I ask for? 
One day we met again, I wore a dress again.
We talked again about his house where a heavy water leak occurred. 
He needed to get his rugs back from a dry cleaner, so I offered my help because he had too many rugs. 
He gently refused my help, but I insisted. So we picked his rugs up, placed them in his car and went to his house. 
We played some games on his Xbox, he was surprised because I am a good player. 
We listened to music, danced on romantic songs, we kissed and hugged. 
We slept on his bedroom.
I had a really great feeling when I was with him, I felt like he was my husband, mine and only mine.
We kept looking at each other, we massaged each other, and slept again.
Then, we woke up, we took a shower separately. 
Then he asked me a question: are you a virgin? 
I do not like this question normally, I said yes but why do you ask me this question? I was calm when I answered him but hurt deep inside of me.
He said nothing, I do not mind actually.
I said, if you do not mind then you wouldn’t care.
he said maybe.
I knew he just wanted to put an end to our conversation. I don’t know but these kind of questions hurt me a lot, men make a lot of mistakes, no one judges them, and when a woman makes one mistake, everyone calls her names and judges her. 
I ended the conversation and went to the balcony, he gave me one of his books, because he is a writer too. 
I started reading it, and at a certain moment, I felt like he was looking at me so I lifted my eyes up and realized he was contemplating me. 
He said: Loubna  I think I do not only like you because you haunt my thoughts. 
he looked scared, I couldn’t believe him... we’ve known each other for two years but we have never been intimate until these last weeks. 
I asked him not to be scared because attachment is a good feeling, plus, I do not think I am a bad person... 
We kissed and we drove me back home.
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unknoownsworld · 4 years
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unknoownsworld · 4 years
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unknoownsworld · 5 years
Hakuna MATATA. ❤
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unknoownsworld · 5 years
I wonder how i look in your eyes...
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unknoownsworld · 5 years
If my life had a flavour, it would certainly be coffee 🖤
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unknoownsworld · 5 years
All you need is love & more coffe 🖤
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unknoownsworld · 5 years
Just give me the coffee & nobody gets hurt.
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unknoownsworld · 5 years
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Never care about anything, seek happiness, live your life to the fullest. ❤ @momiji-choiminho
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