unknownartfreak · 2 years
Pre-Arrival Task
Hy·brid (noun)
In biology, a hybrid is the offspring resulting from combining the qualities of two organisms of different breeds, varieties, species or genera through sexual reproduction.
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For this task i chose to create something Wearable, collage was the first option as it was easy and straight forward. So i decided to challenge myself.
i put together shoes and barbie doll limbs to create a freakish human like hybrid that at first glance gives you the impression that this person has small arms and legs growing out of their arms and legs but also that their feet have formed in to high heels.
The Process
I started off with a plain black shoe and a white knee high sock, inspired by a past trend by Balenciaga and their sock boots, i cut a hole in the heel of the sock and pushed the shoe in to the sock leaving the heel through the hole i created.
i had gathered a bunch of 2nd hand barbie dolls from a charity shop and shoved them inside the sock, while i was wearing it and cutting small holes for their arms and legs to escape from.
i added a few more and was really happy with the concept i created. but at this point it just looked like a shoe, a sock, and some barbies stuck inside it.
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i wanted to create an illusion that made it look as if my legs were mutated so i chose to dye the socks a tan colour using acrylic paint and painted the heel of the shoe using the same tone of paint
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