unknowybruh · 7 months
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DUBBOX! he/him 19 y.o appears on disco party floor exits on SharkCo Mall a dubstep-headed dude who loves music and is a professional DJ! dubbox can speak any language expect korean because of the north korean goverment has a sibling named 'boomy' his audio-files can spawn anything! (example: piano.mp3 spawns a piano) he has a fear of heights interactions: entering the elevator. "H3LLO EVER#YONE!" "N1CE TO SEE U!" "DISCO NEVER DIES!" spray water, snowball: "GSH! C0LD!" "HEY! N0T COOL.." "AGHR#AHS!" tomato: "N0M" petals: "F0R ME? THANK U!" "I NEV3R GOT T#HESE.." "PETALS PET4LS! HOW CUTE OF Y@U!" full elevator: "OUH." "N0T TOD#AY" "0UT OF O#RDER? SRY!" dialogues BIVE B - Oh... you seem, interesting! DB - TH4NK U! B - I shall investage you more... DB - SURE, I D#ONT MIND B - What a unique THING! DB - IS TH@T A COMPLEMENT!? B - Take it as what you THINK! DB - TH4NKS! I NEVER GOT 0NE.. FLESHCOUSIN FC - Hello. DB - HI! FC - Dub wub wub... cub lub... DB - YE#A! (WHAT?) DB - W0W FC - Hm? DB - YOU L0OK JUST LIKE T#HAT GUY OVER THERE! FC - Laba-daba-di.. DB - C0ME ON! DATS COOL. GNARPY G - HRSH! Get away fromz ME! DB - ARE YOU A GN4RPIAN?! G - Nonz of your BUSZINEZZ! DB - AH! Audio-file 69456: Gnarpian Language. DB - Glorp zorp goop gap geep! G - GOP?! DB - C0OL! G - Whatz? DB - YOU LOOK C#OOL! G - I KNOWZ! INFECTED I - 0-0 DB - 0_o I - :O DB - :D I - :D I - WUT!1 DB - MY H3AD? I - Y4S! WUT D4 H3LL?!1 DB - I THINK I#T LOOKS COOL! I - M3 T00! LAMPERT L - you have an object for your head aswell? DB - YUH U#H! L - cool. DB - YUH UH! L - are you gonna say something different? DB - YUH 0H! L - huh. neat head. DB - TH4NKS! URS TOO! L - thanks too i guess. MANNEQUIN MARK M - Ay, how' it's goin'? DB - N1CE! M - WOOD to hear t'at! DB - HE#HE! M - Wood lookin'! DB - TY PAL! M - No problem' matey! M - Har har har! DB - H4R H#AR HAR! PARTYNOOB/POOB PN - oh!! parteh lookin' boi!! DB - I 4M FROM A PARTY! A D#ISCO FLOOR! PN - you luk amazeeng!! DB - YOU TOO! PN - a dubstep bumbox for a head?? yeouch! experiments must hav hurt... DB - I WAS B0RN LIKE TH#IS! PN - oh... sry... DB - N4H, ITS OKAY BUD! PEST DB - H1! P - Get out of my sight. DB - WHY? P - You disgust me. DB - I JU#ST WANTED TO BE FR1ENDS! :( P - What. DB - WUT P - What is your head. DB - DUBST3P BOOMBOX? STR#ANGE QUESTION.. P - I hope that head goes BOOMbox. SPLIT SP - Man, your head is BANANAS! DB - HEH SP - It makes my mind SPLIT! DB - YOH0#HO! SP - Hey! Where are you from? DB - D4NCE FLOOR! SP - I am from PEELiphines! DB - OHOH#OHOHO!! DB - CAN I HEAR MORE? SP - Sure! SP - Your head is self-DUBbed the coolest! DB - YEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!! SPUD DB - H3LLO THERE! S - spud! DB - SP#UD! S - SPUD?! DB - SPUD SPUD! SPUD SPUD SPUD... SPUD DB - Y0INK! I GOT YOUR NOSE! S - Give it back! S - i mean... spud! DB - SPUD! S - oh...
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unknowybruh · 7 months
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me after i succesfully killed a noob (im evil)
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