Another Character Study
If you could…
Travel anywhere, where would it be? Tokyo, Japan with Leilani so we can go to Disneyland Tokyo
Meet anyone, who would it be? Leilani’s Nonna and Nonno though I think that’ll be soon
Bring anyone dead back to life, who would it be? Hands down, Robin Williams. Don’t need to think twice.
Be anyone for a day, who would it be? I have no clue. I like being me
Get anything for free for the rest of your life what would it be? Anything for free? Money then. Just give me unlimited money. If I can’t choose that. Then food.
Change one thing about your life what would it be? That I met Leilani earlier in my life so she would be in my life longer. But things happen when they’re supposed to happen so I am happy that meeting her happened.
Have any superpower what would it be? Maybe Time Travel. Or Teleportation.
Be any animal for a day which would you be? Shit. I don’t know. There’s so many. Um, Elephant? Horse? Monkey? Gorilla?
Date anyone who would it be? My soulmate. Oh wait, already dating her.
Change one thing about the world what would it be? There are some certain people I’d like deleted from the world. Some diseases or wars. There’s too much to just choose one.
Live in any fictional universe which would you choose? Shit. Harry Potter. Love to be a wizard and go to Hogwarts.
Eliminate one of your human needs which would you get rid of? The ability to having to work till death just to live.
Change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be? I would change nothing. I worked hard to make myself look the way I want to. I’m not ashamed or upset with my looks.
Change one of your personality traits which would you choose? Same as above. I don’t think I’d change anything. Every day I’m learning and changing views and directions to make me a better person.
Be talented at anything instantly what would you choose? My dancing. Leilani should agree with me on this but I’m sure she won’t. haha
Forget one event in your life which would you choose? Death of my grandfather
Erase an event from history (make it so it never happened) which would you choose? Shit. I can’t just choose ONE. The Holocaust, MLK Shooting, JFK shooting. Any shooting at schools or places of worship, or theaters. Hate crimes. Robin William’s death. Walt Disney’s death. The birth of a certain president that shall not be named. Fuck, any killings of innocents. See, a long list that goes even more
Have any hair/eye/skin color, which would you choose? I like how I am made.
Be any weight/body type, which would you choose? Same as above. I like how I am
Live in any country/city, where would you choose? Anywhere Leilani wants to live. Where she goes, I go.
Change one law in your country, which would you change? Nope. Not answering this to start fights or wars. Keeping me mouth shut.
Be any height, which would you choose? I like my height.
Have any job in the world, which would you choose? Shit. I think I have the one job that I want. Teaching History. I don’t think I’d want anything else.
Have anything appear in your pocket right now, what would it be? An unlimited amount of money.
Have anyone beside you right now, who would it be? Gabe. Or Johnny. Those two... rawr... hahaha kidding. Already have her beside me, Leilani.
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1.) Benny, my oldest at 4 years old. I have had him since he was 4 weeks old. He was rejected by his mother and I took him in to care for him.
2.) Benny again. Most white pit bulls can be born deaf. Thankfully he is only deaf in one ear, which I think is very rare. When laying on his side, he usually has his hearing side up.
3.) Benny is one silly boy. He just, knows when you need to laugh or when you need a hug. He has been my therapy dog ever since he was born. It’s just natural to him. He is in training to go to schools and hospitals.
4.) Murphy is the second to join us. He is a year and a half old. He is rambunctious still. But he is following Benny and is learning to comfort when needed, hugs and being silly to have you laugh.
5.) He is Benny’s shadow. Mimics him. I got Murphy when he was 8 weeks old. He was the runt and the shyest of the group. But when he left that group he broke through his shell. He stays by your side as much as he could.
6.) Although Benny and Murphy were supposed to be my dogs, they love Leilani. When they get to sleep in the bed with us, they have to sleep in between us. Murphy usually pushes me to the edge of the bed and go and cuddle her. He and Benny are lucky I love them.
7. This is our newest addition. 8 month old Luna. I got her for Leilani. Luna is definitely the queen of the house. Benny, Murphy, Leilani, and I are just her royal servants.
8.) She has a lot of sass and spunky attitude. She will definitely tell Benny and Murphy who is the boss. And they listen. Leilani and I laugh at it, joking that a small Pomeranian can take down two Pit bulls.
9.) Although she is Leilani’s, Luna has me eating out of her hand. There has been numerous times where we are on a walk and she will decide to not walk anymore and I am there carrying her back home. I let her get away with everything and anything. In the end though, My boys, and Luna, are definitely Leilani’s. I’m just a servant, which I admit I’m okay with.
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The little naughty things
When did they lose their virginity? -When he was 17. He was raped by a female teacher. Do they have any kinks or fetishes? -Yes he does but only Leilani will know the list What is the weirdest place they’ve had sex? - Um... a baseball game? What is their favorite position? -This will only be known to Leilani and him Are they dominant, submissive, or switch? - Mostly dominant, but will be a sub when the moment is right and let Leilani be in control. Have they had any one-night stands? - Yep. A few. Would they be more likely to do it in bed, on the couch, on the floor, or elsewhere? - He’s open to many places. So far it’s just been the bed Have they had sex in a public place? - Yes he has Have they ever been caught masturbating? - I think so. No one ever confronted about it What does their favorite sexy underwear (to wear) look like? - This is a Leilani’s eyes only question How often do they have sex? - Often enough, just the perfect amount that they both want. Right Lei? Is there anybody right now they’d like to have sex with? -Yes. Already having sex and will only be them till the end of time Do they like giving oral? - Yes. He’s been told that he does a good job Do they like receiving oral? - Yes, by only one certain person What is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to them during sex? - He was called a different name What song would they listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex? - He only listens to the sounds that come out of their mouths What song would they listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex? - No music here too Are they into roleplay or dress-up during sex? - Both Would they prefer sex in the tub or sex in the shower? - Shower, less water everywhere Who would it be if they could have sex with anyone, living or dead? - He only has one name on that list for the rest of his life: Leilani Have they ever had a threesome? - Yes. A few times Do they/would they use sex toys? - I think one time they used toys? If they would, it’s up to his partner if they wanted them or not. Have they ever given someone a dirty text/letter/picture? - Have I sent any of this Leilani? Would they have sex with their best friend? - He has three best friends. Two, he wouldn’t have sex with them, since they are like sisters to him. One, well, is Leilani and he already does have sex with her Is there anything they do after sex? (ex: smoke, eat, drink, cuddle)? - He loves cuddling with Leilani. What is something that will never fail to get them horny? - oh ho ho this is a list that only Leilani will know Do they prefer morning sex or night sex? - Any time is a good time What is their favorite body part of the opposite sex? - Everything on Leilani is my favorite What is their favorite body part of the same sex? - Pecks? Abs? Do they watch porn/read dirty magazines? - He might. It’s a secret
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Halloween Songs Playlist
1] Monster Mash by Bobby Pickett [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNuVifA7DSU ]
2] Somebody’s Watching Me by Rockwell [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YvAYIJSSZY ]
3] Thriller by Michael Jackson [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOnqjkJTMaA ]
4] This is Halloween by Danny Elfman  and the citizens of Halloween  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVuToMilP0A ]
5] I Put a Spell on You by Bette Midler, Kathy Najimi, and Sarah Jessica Parker [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCTbr3vjb6I ]
6] Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe93CLbHjxQ ]
7] Superstition by Stevie Wonder [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CFuCYNx-1g ]
8] Phantom of the Opera Overture by Andrew Lloyd Webber [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nDw2Fk8tuY ]
9] Grim Grinning Ghosts by Thurl Ravenscroft [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSaqSVi--Ms ]
10] Time Warp by Rocky Horror Picture Show [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg-vgGuTD8A ]
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Name your favorite
Place- Disneyland Paris
Person- Leilani Armstrong
Color- Blues
Food- Mexican
Smell- Chocolate
Book- The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
Movie- Drop Dead Fred
Music artist- The Beatles
Genre of music- 60s music
Genre of literature- History, Real life
Magazine- None
Texture- Smooth
Time of day- late afternoon
Day of the week- Friday
Tumblr- None
Thing to do when bored- Watch TV
Celebrity-  Robin Williams
Class in school- History
Website other than Tumblr- Fmylife.com
Drink- Strawberry Margarita
Precious stone- None
Animal- Horse
Flower- Chocolate Cosmos
Time in history- Too much to pick just one
Font- Um what?
Video game- Super Mario
Play- Phantom of the Opera
Sound- Leilani’s laugh
Fruit- Apple
Vegetable- Artichoke
Store/shop- See’s
Article of clothing you own- My grey sweatpants
Fashion/style- Comfy?
Pattern- Don’t have one
Workout- Can’t say my favorite workout but Leilani knows
Quote-  Everyone you meet is fighting a family you know nothing about. Be Kind. ALWAYS -Robin Williams
Historical figure- Oof that is tough
Boy’s name- Ryder
Girl’s name- Amelia
Potato chip flavor- Sour Cream and Onion
Meal of the day- Dessert
Ice cream flavor- Cookie dough
Soda- Diet Coke
Popcorn flavor- Chocolate
Season- Fall
Month of the year- October
Word-  Fuck
Disney princess- Belle
Insult-  Fierce Notions [Gaelic insult]
Joke- Anything from Robin Williams
Cussword- Eejit
Letter- F
YouTube channel- DFB
Eye color- Blue
Memory- Meeting Leilani
Dessert- Leilani’s cheesecake
Candy- Reese’s
Restaurant- Hard to choose one
Lifehack- Have none
Language- Gaelic
Thing to learn about- Anything History
Thing about yourself- My smile
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Getting to know you Part Deux
1. What is your name? Harrison James Abernathy 2. How old are you? 30 3. Where were you born? Cork, Ireland 4. What did your father and mother do for a living? Uhm... entrepreneur?  5. Were you well off? Middle class? Impoverished? Very well off 6. Do you have siblings? If so, what are their names and ages? Yes. I have a twin sister and a “twin” half sister. She was born the same day and close to the same time as my blood sister and I 7. Where do you fall in the birth order? The oldest, youngest? Oldest by a few hours 8. Which one of you is your mother’s favorite? We are all our mother’s favorites 9. Why? Mum has a big heart and can’t choose 10. How did you feel about that? I feel fine about it
11. When you were a child, what was one thing you could always be sure of? That my family always had each other’s backs
12. What was something you were never sure of? That we could always lean on our family 13. Where did you grow up? Is this a place you’d go back to now? Or avoid? Grew up in Ireland till I was 6. Then moved to Los Angeles, CA 14. Do you still have friends there? Or family? I have family and friends in both Ireland and LA 15. How did you do in school? I did fairly well. I focused on school rather than partying 16. What was your favorite subject? History 17. What was your greatest talent? I know random facts 18. What did you do badly? Flirting with women. Oh school... English 19. If you did not do well in school, why not? Were you not interested, or did something interfere with your ability to work hard? I think I did well in school. And when things were hard I looked for help 20. How far did you advance in your education? College degree in teaching history 21. If you went to college, where did you go? If you didn’t go, what were you doing in those years? I did. NYU 22. If you went to college, what kind of school was it? It’s NYU... pretty self explanatory  23. How did you pay for it? Dad paid 24. What was your course of study? History 25. Is that what you wanted to do, or did someone influence you to follow that course? It’s what I wanted to do 26. How do you feel about those years now? Do you look back with pride or regret? I look with both pride and regret. Sure there were things I regretted, but I do not dwell on them
27. What is your life like at the moment? Life is great at the moment. I have an amazing, loving, caring girlfriend and a great job. Family bonds are pretty much strong except for one member. 28. Are you married, single, or in a relationship? ... I guess I have to repeat myself. I have a girlfriend 29. What is that person’s name and occupation? Her name is Leilani and she is a tattoo artist 30. How are things going with him or her? Things are going amazing. 31. Where do you live now? I live in Staten Island, New York 32. What are your physical surroundings like? Are they comfortable, safe, or dangerous? They are comfortable I guess? 33. How do you feel about the place where you are now? Is there something you are particularly attached to, or particularly repelled by, in this place? I feel pretty fine in the place that I’m at now 34. Who lives with you? Leilani will come and sleep over majority of the time. I also have a few dogs 35. How do you get along with them? If you don’t get along, what is the source of conflict? We get along perfectly. The dogs and I, well they pretty much rule the roost 36. Do you have children? No 37. If so, do you have a good relationship with them? I hope I’ll have a great relationship with my future children 38. If not, what caused the rift? hopefully there won’t be any 39. How do they feel about you? They are sperm and eggs right now 40. When is the last time you saw them? ... I really don’t want to answer this question with what I have in my head. 41. What about the rest of your family? Are you close to them now or distant? I am close to all but one. 42. If you are distant, why? What has gotten in the way? One of my cousins hates me. I can’t disclose the reason why.
43. What do you do for a living? Are you self-employed, or do you work for someone else? ...History teacher...  44. How long have you done this job? Too long to count 45. Is this what you always planned to do, or did you fall into it? Yes this is what I had planned 46. How do you feel about it? Feel pretty good 47. Would you rather be doing something else? If so, what would it be? Nope 48. If you’d rather be doing something else, what stops you? Is it money? Is it pressure from your family? Is it your own lack of self-confidence? Or does some other thing prevent you from doing what you want to do? I feel like this is just repeating questions. I like my job 49. What would you have to change in your life in order to do that thing you’d rather do? Nothing 50. Does this change depend on someone else, or does it depend on you? There is no change
56. How do you deal with stress? A nice bubble bath or snuggle with Leilani. Junk food. 57. If you use drugs or alcohol, how do you feel about it? Do you brag about it? I  Try to hide it? Try to give it up and fail? Have no problem with it? I don’t overuse alcohol. I don’t do drugs. I don’t have a problem with it and I don’t brag about it 58. What do you do to entertain yourself? Movies. Books. TV. Leilani 59. What is your idea of a really fun time? Anything with Leilani 60. What do you consider to be your most admirable personal quality? Um.. People have said that I have a big heart? 61. What is your greatest personal failing, in your view? I trust too easily and give people way too many chances 62. Do you think others see it that way, or would they say something different about your strengths and weaknesses? I think people will see me how they want to see me. 63. How do you handle conflict with someone else? Do you avoid fights, or are you aggressive? Or are you passive aggressive and only give the appearance of cooperation? I take it in stride, try not to have it blow up 64. What are your politics? Are you conservative, liberal, or something else? Do you have no interest in politics? Not speaking of them
65. What is your sexual orientation? Are you comfortable with it? Bisexual. Yes 66. If you are not comfortable with it, why not? Said I was comfortable with it 67. What do you do about those negative feelings? No negative feelings 68. Do you have love in your life right now? Yes I do and I hope I never lose her 69. Is there someone you once loved but no longer do? Possibly 70. If so, what happened to make that love go away? Personal things 71. What kind of problems do you face because of it? None I don’t think
72. Are your parents still living? Yes 73. If so, where are they now? Nearby or far away? Father is in Ireland and Mum is in Los Angeles, California 74. How often do you see them? As much as I can 75. Do you want to see more of them or less? I like the amount I see them. If I don’t see them face to face, it’s either FaceTime or a phone call 76. If you want to see more of them, or less, why don’t you? Seriously with the repeating questions? 77. If your parents are critical of you, what choices have you made that displeased them? Was it your job, education, marriage, life partner, or political views? They are critical, but easy going at the same time. They just want me happy. 78. Did their displeasure influence your decision? Did you decide to go ahead in order to show them up? Or did you change your mind because they disliked your choice? Their displeasure, if any, doesn’t influence any decisions. It’s my life not theirs and they do not control mine 79. If you changed your mind in order to please your parents, how do you feel about that now? Never have 80. How did they raise you as a child? Were they strict or lenient? Did they pay attention to you, or were they more interested in other things? They paid attention. They brought us up kind and caring. Taught us to be strong and independent. 81. How did this affect your relationship with them then? I think it makes our bond strong 82. How does it affect your relationship now? Doesn’t affect? 83. Does it affect your relationship with your own children? I don’t have kids... yet 84. If one or more of your parents are deceased, when did they die? None are dead yet 85. How did their death affect you? Did it change your life fortune? Were you forced to leave school? To give up a job? To abandon a plan? Or did you come into an inheritance? Hasn’t affected me since they’re alive
86. Where are you in your life right now? What are you most pleased with right now? I am in a great, amazing relationship right now. Teaching what I love. 87. What keeps you awake at night? Stress. Not being with Leilani 88. What is the most pressing problem you have at the moment? I don’t think I have one? 89. Is there something that you need or want that you don’t have? For yourself or for someone important to you? Nope. I think I have everything that I need that is supposed to happen at this time 90. Why don’t you have it? What is in the way? ... 91. What do you have to do in order to get the thing you need? I already have it 92. What is stopping you from taking this step? Nothing is stopping me? 93. Is there something else that must happen first in order for you to take this step? Seriously this could have been less than 99 questions... 94. Is there someone else who needs or wants the same thing? No? 95. Can they help you get it? I don’t think so? 96. Are they one of the things in the way? No? 97. What happens if you don’t get it? What do you stand to lose? Like I said. I have everything that I want/need 98. How will your life change if you do get this thing or solve this problem? I’m done answering. 99. Will someone else suffer if you succeed? I hope no one suffers if I’m successful
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Getting to know you
You’re at a bar when the one person you don’t want to see walks in. Who are they? How do you react? -My cousin, Aodhan. For some reason he hates me, probably wants me dead. I don’t react. I don’t give him the attention.
How would you react if you were catcalled? Probably smile and turn red from embarrassment.
How would you react if you saw a friend who owes you money spending frivolously? I’ve seen it many times. I will say something snarky or passive aggressive. If you can spend frivolously then you can pay me back
Your friends are speaking unfairly about a mutual friend. Do you speak up? I do speak up. Words and actions go around and sooner or later, that person you’re talking about will hear what you said. I would stop it as soon as I hear it
How would you react if you witnessed a victimless crime? If it doesn’t affect me, then I do not care. It was that person’s choice to head towards and do the crime.
What would you do if someone brought up your biggest insecurity in front of a crowd of strangers? I would try to act cool, but deep inside I would be hurt and pissed off at the same time. I trusted that person with something personal, thinking they would keep it to themselves
How would you respond to an apology from somebody you still can’t forgive? Thank you for apologizing, but right now I’m at a place where I cannot forgive you. I might forgive you, I might not.
How would you break up with someone? That is tough. Always be honest and apologize. Be gentle
If you won the lottery, how would it change your life? It wouldn’t change anything. Money is the last thing on my list. Family and friends come first and are worth more than money.
Would you trade ten years of your life to be richer? No I wouldn’t
How about to be more beautiful? Beauty is on the inside.
More intelligent? I’m good
What childhood memory still makes your toes curl? I have too many to list
What memory makes you swell with pride? The day my father first said that he was proud of me. I was 14 and stood up to bullies, protecting my sisters
If you could relive one day of your life without changing anything that happened, which day would you choose?  First time meeting Leilani
What about if you could change the course of events? I wouldn’t change anything. Things happen for a reason and are meant to happen when they’re supposed to happen.
Who were you closest to as a child? My mum. Still close to her. Dad and I are working on our relationship
What’s something you quit, that you now regret giving up on? I honestly don’t regret anything. I quit those things because they either affected my life or I outgrown it. It wasn’t meant to be in my life for eternity.
What was the best party you ever went to? Ah, well, haven’t been to the best party yet. Just to family gatherings. During high school and college I wasn’t a party person. I focused on school and work
Who was the first person to break your heart? Probably my first real serious relationship. I fell deep and hard... and she did too.. for my college roommate
Who was the last? Right now I hope my heart does not break
How well would you handle a long-distance relationship? I think I could handle it great. It will be strong and great if they were both equally working for the relationship
How would you feel after a one-night stand? I’m usually cool and collected. But this one one-night stand, I wanted more, needed more. And things are looking great
Have you ever kept someone in your life who you didn’t get along with — for example, a friend you disliked or argued with? Why did you avoid saying goodbye? Well, right now it is Aodhan. And I have to keep him in my life, he is family and Father has taught me and my sisters that Family is sacred, even if they treat you like shit, to always have their backs.
How would your best friend describe you? Uh. Probably kind, gentle, funny, a human version of a dog
How would your romantic partner describe you? Uh. Silly? Sexy maybe? Gentleman. Beast.
How would your boss describe you? He has told me that I seem to not look like the nerd that I am. And that he didn’t think I would be so kind hearted by my looks 
How would your parents describe you? Father would probably say hard working, focused. Mum would probably say I’m her little boy who is precious and perfect. Though no one can be fully perfect.
How would your worst enemy describe you? Aodhan would say I’m annoying, weak, dumb
What do you think about in the shower? Oh I can’t say. Definitely can’t say haha
Do you stay up late or wake up early? I stay up late
What do you do if you can’t sleep? I usually just walk around my place for a bit then lay down and keep my eyes closed, breathing slow and deep until I fall asleep
Who or what do you turn to when you’re upset? My love Leilani. Or my best friends Nicola and Bristol.
Are you more of a text person or a phone call person? Why? I’m more of a text person. I can text while my students work on things. 
What does your morning routine look like? Shower, dry, comb hair, breakfast, floss and brush teeth, once dry get dressed.
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever wished on somebody (and who was it)? I’m not one to wish a horrible thing on a person. And if I did, I wouldn’t say who
When was the last time you lied? What made you do it? I think lying is wrong. There might be a few white lies.
Is there somebody you haven’t been able to forgive? What did they do? Do you want to forgive them? Yes. Not saying. Still processing it
Can you lie easily? No
Do you handle rejection well? No. I always scrutinize 
Have you ever done something illegal?  Why should I say? Not wanting to get caught.
Are you more likely to ask for permission or forgiveness? Yes, on both.
What terrible thing have you done that you never thought you would do? Telling my father that it was alright for him to cancel his trip from Ireland to New York for Father’s Day my first year of college. That everything was alright and nothing to worry about, even though I had lost a big shipment of his.
What criticism would your worst enemy would make of you, that you secretly agree with? That I was more aggressive
If you could erase one movie from existence, what would it be? That is a long list and I have a feeling if I say one, I’ll get in trouble
What’s the weirdest job you would be willing to do? I think I already had it. Sexing baby chicks. Never will do that again
What’s a job you would never consider, no matter how good the pay?  Veterinarian. I mean I bow to them. I think they are needed and are great but I just can’t do it. I get too attached to animals too easily and to have to be strong and not crying as I tell the owner that they have to put down their pet, or that their pet didn’t make it through surgery. 
How do you feel in large groups versus small ones?
Who was the last person you obsessively stalked on social media? Definitely not saying, possibly still stalking the social media...
What was the last book you read? Did you like it? Why or why not? The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon. Loved it. Was a bit confusing at first, but soon understood. It’s a quick read but intense and broadens the mind on things.
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Task #35
It was a usual trip for Harrison. He had flown from New York to Cork, Ireland. Back to his childhood home. He took in a deep breath as he finished getting ready. Tonight was their family Christmas party. Harrison had not been to a lot of them, but with his Aunt Rose talking to him, guilt tripping him, he finally gave in and headed across the sea. He loved his family, don't get him wrong. But there was just one family member that he disliked a lot. Hate was too strong of a word. But his eldest male cousin, Aodhan, hated him. Harrison knew why, jealousy, but he hated conflict. And Aodhan always spat at him, glared and made the tension high in the room.
Before he even stepped in the room, Harrison could feel the tension in the room. Harrison took in a deep breath and opened the door, walking in. His Aunt Rose ran up to him, giving him a hug and kissing his cheek. He chuckled at how energized she was. He wished he could be half as energized as her. His Uncle called her his 'little energizer bunny.'  Harrison always chuckled when his uncle called her that. He cleared his throat, feeling his cousin's eyes glare at him. Harrison fixed his posture, standing straight up with confidence. He took a few steps in and saw his twin little cousins playing with toys. In the corner of his eye he saw Aodhan. Clearing his throat again he nodded to him, acknowledging him with his name. "Aodhan." "Harrison." His cousin sneered. All Harrison could do was roll his eyes.
Everyone seemed to be busy with themselves when Harrison heard footsteps coming. "It should be me. Not you." Harrison heard the words spit into his ear. He sighed and turned to look at his cousin. "It is not my fault your father is not head of the family. This is just the way it goes." Harrison spoke sharply, but calm, not wanting a fight today. Harrison took a step back as his cousin pushed him. Aodhan can do whatever he wanted, but Harrison was going to hold back until necessary.  "I know that you are jealous Aodhan. But follow your father and take over his job when it is needed. That is all that you can do right now." Harrison spoke through his teeth, hands clenching as Aodhan scoffed and rolled his eyes. Harrison was more muscular, stronger than the lean Aodhan and knew that he would win any physical fight they would have. Just as Aodhan was about to punch, his mother, Harrison's aunt called them in for dinner. Aodhan growled and pushed past Harrison to the dining room. Harrison exhaled slowly, shaking his head and walking in after him.
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Aodhan (Aiden) James Murphy
Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not. Ann Brashares
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Harrison’s family is all from Ireland, where he was born and raised till age 6, then he and his family moved to Los Angeles. When he was 15, Siobhan knocked on their LA door, explaining, with proof that Harrison’s father, Richard, was her father as well. Richard had cheated on Aoife[pronounced EE-FA] on the same day that Harrison, and his twin Saoirse was conceived. Harrison, Saorise[ pronounced sur shuh], and Siobhan are called triplets by Aoife and the family. It was Aoife to convince Richard to allow Siobhan [pronounced shi vawn] to stay. Aine [pronounced awn-ye] is Harrison’s paternal grandmother. She is in her triple digits and is losing her memory fast. Angus, Harrison’s paternal grandfather, died when Harrison was born, so he never met him. Aine was spirited when she was young, the most beautiful in the town. She could have any guy, but fell in love with the shy, quiet Angus. Fionnuala [pronounced fin ulah] and Fergus were shocked that she fell in love with their son. Aine had to gain Angus’ parents, due to their “business.” She worked hard and gained it, soon marrying and learning about the family business. She controlled the household. And when Aoife came into the picture, Aoife had to do the same, gaining their trust.  Harrison is close to his Aunt Rose. She is bubbly and will take anyone and everyone under her wing. Her and Fionn [pronounced Finn] have a strong and hilarious bond. They have an older son, Aodhan [pronounced  Aid-on] who is jealous of Harrison. They have a hate hate relationship. Always butting heads. Harrison is just tired and annoyed by him. Rose and Fionn also have twin 5 year old sons, Conor and Noah.
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Family Songs Pop Up Task
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwG6g5boyF4 o1: Forever Young -Rod Stewart This is for my father Richard. He used to always play this song when I was young before going to bed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf1hefgJbak o2: Have I told you Lately -Rod Stewart This is for my mother Martha. She would always sing this to my father. And she would sing it to me whenever I was crying and sad.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaZpZQG2z10 o3: You're My Best Friend -Queen This is for my best friend, my sister from another mister Nicola. She's always there for me whenever I need her. We clicked right off the bat. She knows what I'm thinking.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAfyFTzZDMM o4: Beautiful -Christina Aguilera This is for Waverly. Although she is not blood related to me, I think of her as a niece. Whenever she feels bad about herself, I will put this song on and then sing really badly and off key until she smiles, laughs and joins in.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nx_D0VTHBag o5: Lean on Me -Bill Withers This is to my sisters, Siobhan and Saoirse. I will always be there for them until the day I die. They can always lean on me for anything.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0M5D5OA-d4 o6: You're going down -Sick Puppies This is to my cousin Aodhan. He and I pretty much have a hate relationship. He is jealous and hates me, wants what I have. I'm not going down without a fight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C58ttB2-Qg o7: With a little help from my friends -The Beatles This is to Nicola. She's always there to help me out in my time of need. Even when I don't think I need it, she's there.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C58ttB2-Qg o8: We are Family -Sister Sledge This is for my parents and my sisters. Whenever we're all together, we blast this song and dance to it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQzdAsjWGPg o9: My Way -Frank Sinatra This is for my father. He is always doing it his way. It is his way or the highway.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh8AejdapNc 1o: Mother like Mine -The Band Perry A song that I feel shows exactly what my mother is.
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There’s nothing like the summer. A time to soak up the sun and start anew.
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Task #33
It started out as a good, normal day for Harrison. He had his morning run and was now having his morning breakfast. While eating he browsed through the newspaper on the website. His attention went to The Gossip Queen section. It always amused him. He gasped and chuckled at some of them, shaking his head at the others. So far it was another day that he wasn't part of The Gossip Queen's attack. Though suddenly something caught his eye, making him lean forward and gasp. There it was. A section about him. What was he going to do? How did she find out? She really did have eyes everywhere.
He stood up and started to pace from wall to wall, rubbing his chin. How did she find out about his many trips back to Ireland? What was he going to do? No one knew who the Gossip Queen was. He couldn't just go to them and try to make a deal. He wasn't going to threaten them either. He let his father do that. He kept pacing, breathing deeply trying to think and calm himself down. She couldn't find out why he kept visiting his father. So many things were happening. His father was giving him more responsibilities in the mob. Meaning he had to go to Ireland to learn.
After hours of pacing and worrying, he decided that he shouldn't do anything. Stay calm. Don't show a reaction to it in front of people. Don't draw attention. He nodded to himself, taking a deep calming breath. If anyone asked why he was travelling to Ireland, he had a simple, yet truthful answer. He was seeing his family. He chuckled to himself, shaking his head. It was silly to freak out about a simple thing. The Gossip Queen was just trying to rile and stress people out. They were just trying to stir the pot. He kept telling himself it was that simple. They were just trying to get people suspicious about others. He ran his fingers through his hair and shut off his laptiop. He went about his day, trying not to think of what The Gossip Queen said.
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Pop up Task
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They have a lot of time on their hands. They did catch when I used to be happy.
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If your character was an animal, which animal would they be? A horse, wild and free
Does your character pick wildflowers when they see them? No
How do they see themselves in their head? Is the image accurate, or not? They see themselves as a gentleman, respecting others and putting others before himself. He feels that this image is accurate.
If they talk in their sleep, what do they say most often? They do not talk in their sleep
Do they like muffins or cupcakes more? Why? Aren’t muffins just cupcakes without the frosting? I still pick cupcakes though. Have to have that frosting and cake.
Do they prefer arm day or leg day more? Arm day
What is the longest your character has ever slept in? three hours after the alarm at 6 am
What is their most embarrassing middle school moment? I asked a girl out to a dance and she screamed “NO” in front of everyone.
What is/are their favorite pizza toppings? Olives, Mushrooms, Sausage
What was the last dream they had? They dreamt that they were a permanent teacher
What is one possession they should get rid of, but can’t/won’t? His collection of movie tickets that he went to see
If your character spray-painted a wall, what would they write/draw? Probably something Harry Potter0ish
What would your character want their final words to be? I lived my best life
What is one aspect of their physical appearance that they like? Smile
Do they prefer jeans or sweatpants, or something else? Jeans
How far can your character spit a watermelon seed? Pretty far, but hasn’t measured.
Are they more likely to notice the shapes of the clouds or the color of the sky? Shape of clouds
Do they laugh during serious moments? They do because they feel awkward and uncomfortable
On a road trip, are they usually the driver, in the passenger seat, the DJ, the backseat driver, or the one napping in the back? Usually the driver
Does your character sleep in normal clothes, pajamas, or something else? Naked
When they sneeze, do they use their hand or elbow to cover their mouths? Elbow
Someone asks your character to dance and pulls them out to the dancefloor. How would they react? They would be incredibly shy and dance awkwardly
Are they more of a cat or a dog person? dog
What alternate time period would they enjoy living in? That’s a toughie. I would probably say the 1920s
Does your character keep a diary? If so, what do they write about? He keeps a journal, writing his thoughts and experiences.
When they’re stressed, do they stress shop, bake, eat, clean, etc.? I eat and pace. I close myself off from people.
Do they prefer raw cookie dough or fully baked cookies? I prefer both, but if I have to choose I’ll pick cookie dough.
What game is your character bad at playing? I’m bad at most games. There’s too any to list
Are they ticklish? Yes but I HATE being tickled. I punch and kick not meaning to.
What’s inside their car’s glove box? The car’s manual, car insurance card and registration. 
What’s their birthstone? Do they like it? Why or why not? Diamond. What’s there not to like about diamonds? Except for how the workers are treated and how they fuck us over with the prices.
Which Avenger is your character most like, personality-wise? Captain America/Steve Rogers
Does your character pay attention to the weather forecast? Yes, he does
When was the last time your character got sick? Did anyone take care of them? Last week. He took care of himself
What’s a weird/wacky/embarrassing story about them as a young child? When he was a toddler, he hated wearing clothes. Every chance he would get he would take his clothes off and run around.
If they eat steak, how do they like it cooked? They do. Medium Ra
Do they prefer to write with a pencil or a pen? If a pen, what color? Pen, black or blue. He uses a red pen for grading.
 Imagine your character on the beach, waist deep in the water. A big wave rolls up and towers over their head. Do they dive under the wave, body surf, freeze and get swept off their feet, or something else? They would definitely body surf
What are the last five items in your character’s Google search history? Do they often clear their search history? History facts, IMDB, FML, DisneyWorld Travel, Ireland travel
Does your character sing in the car? In the shower? No, he doesn’t sing
Do they have a harder time going to sleep at night or getting out of bed in the morning? A little bit of both
Would they rather fly or be immortal? Fly. Saves so much money from airplanes. And going through the TSA.
What’s the dumbest way your character has been injured? He was explaining how a student got injured to his class and banged his elbow onto the projector, breaking the screen, cutting his elbow up.
Are they able to fall asleep in the car? On an airplane? On a boat? He is able to sleep anywhere
How do they like their coffee or tea? He likes mint tea. And hot chocolate. Not a huge coffee fan, but will drink frappechinos
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Taylor Swift, Sebastian Stan, Zendaya, Emmy Rossum, Zooey Deschanel, Chris Evans, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Jamie Dornan, Richard Madden
1. What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual 2. Who was your first celebrity crush? Johnathan Taylor Thomas [he has not aged well] 3. What would be your dream date with your crush? Having dinner at a restaurant and then a walk in the park
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