unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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Phill Veras - Sorriso ao sono
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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Vader and Ren - Created by Aleksey Rico
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
A poesia está guardada nas palavras — é tudo que eu sei.
Meu fado é o de não saber quase tudo.
Sobre o nada eu tenho profundidades.
Não tenho conexões com a realidade.
Poderoso pra mim não é aquele que descobre ouro.
Para mim, poderoso é aquele que descobre as insignificâncias (do mundo e as nossas).
Por essa pequena sentença me elogiaram de imbecil.
Fiquei emocionado.
Sou fraco para elogios.
- Tratado das grandezas do ínfimo, Manoel de Barros.
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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Shades of Crystalline Purple
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
I take great care of myself by carefully shutting myself away.
Vincent van Gogh, Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh (via thequotejournals)
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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Here is the latest addition to my sketching spoonie project. The model, who suffers from gastroparesis, contributed this description:
“Every time I eat, it feels like I swallowed a bag full of rocks. It feels like I’m simultaneously over-full while also slowly starving to death. It feels like constant nausea, constant pain, constant cramping, and constant discomfort. It feels awkward when people offer their advice on how to “handle it,” because I know they are just trying to help but I also know they don’t have a clue what it’s like, nor do they have a medical degree. It feels repetitive always explaining what it is because most people haven’t heard of it. It feels annoying when I hear “Is THAT your secret to staying skinny? I’m so jealous of your figure.” –Trust me, I’d rather be able to properly digest a meal and have a little more meat on my bones than be thin and miserable. It feels strange buying meal replacement drinks by the case because that’s what my lunch is most days. I’m sick of saying “Sorry, I can’t eat that,” “I can’t go out- my stomach is bothering me too much,” and “Thanks, but I’m on a liquid diet right now so I can’t have any.”
I’m sick of being sick, but that’s not gonna stop me. Some nights, like tonight, I lay on the couch with my heating pad so long my stomach turns pink, but other nights I take on the world. Just because I eat like a bird doesn’t mean I can’t fly like one.”
Thanks again to all the models and supporters of this project! This is still ongoing, so if you want to participate or have questions or comments, send me a message here or at my [email protected] address
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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“I am wholly absorbed in the vast expanse of wheatfields, large as a sea”
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
Ás vezes, não há nenhum aviso. As coisas acontecem em segundos. Tudo muda. Você está vivo. Você está morto. E as coisas continuam. Somos finos como papel. Existimos por acaso.
Charles Bukowski. (via descrever)
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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moodboard: anxious non-binary → requested by anon
(lgbt+ works)
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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Lauv, “I Like Me Better”
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unloupgris-blog · 7 years
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