unmaskinglynz · 3 years
Hey guys! There's something that I want to talk to you, I'm a little concern about the impact of jimmy's issue on Gerard's mental health. I bet my life that Gerard is going to end up leaving the industry completely to dedicate himself fully to living his quiet life with his family, and now we will not know anything about him even on Instagram. All we agree that we are diverting attention from the important issue that is Jimmy and the girl who sued him, all of us are minimizing this fact by wanting to satisfy a selfish need for Gerard to answer about something where he does not even have interference. Definitely I do not justify Jimmy (first dead before doing it, for a long time I expected people to realize how filthy he is) but based on what was previously allowed and nobody dared to speak, we all know some violent, pedophile, sexist, racist, etc. I think that knowing him does not make him responsible for his actions, unlike the cover-up (they are all screwed there). Let's not confuse and don't lose sight of how important it is to hold Jimmy accountable for his actions just like any other abuser
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unmaskinglynz · 3 years
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unmaskinglynz · 3 years
Not even her own fandom wants her
Recently it has come to my attention, some captures that have been sent to my twitter account where the MSI fans ask for the return of the band even if that means the departure of Lynz.
It’s rare to see how some fans have accepted the problematic behavior of lynz that has caused a lot of controversy for the band (besides the accusations of pedophilia and racism against Jimmy, don't forget that)
I have covered the names of the users to protect their identity
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comment added: “the difference between a girl who kicked their butts and another girl who sleeps with one and drinks the other's urine”
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“Jessicka Addams is crazy...but a lot of what she says is true”
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
A Former Lindsey Way Fan Shares Their Story
In a slightly different post from our normal updates, we recently had a follower reach out to us with a story of their own experience with Lindsey (and Chantal Claret). The individual has asked us to keep their identity anonymous and although we cannot 100% confirm their story, we have no reason to doubt them. What follows is their own words:
“Hey, could you post this but keep me anonymous? I went to the Ghosts for Sale art show in 2017. It was a super relaxed environment with only about 30 people or so. No crazy fans and plenty of time to chat or meet people. I was 13 and a big Lyn-Z fan at the time so I was super excited to meet her and tell her how much I appreciated her art. I went up to her and said hi and she flat out ignored me and avoided eye contact. She didn’t say a word to me. She pretty much just took a picture with me and shooed me away. I didn’t expect anything from Lyn-Z other than human decency, but she had no interest in interacting with anybody other than her friends from what I could tell, even though we were all there to buy prints and support her. She made it really awkward and I regretted going because I felt unwelcomed by her even though she said anyone could show up. I spent money on prints and a ticket to get in and made my mom drive over an hour to go. Waste of time really. Also, I met Chantal (who was super sweet and had a good conversation with me) and she told me that she painted one of the pieces in the art show, which I thought was strange because she got no credit for it. Weird”.
Here is the picture they provided as proof that they attended the Ghosts For Sale show and met Lindsey:
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From our anon: “This is the piece that Chantal did. She received no credit from what I’ve found”.
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Again, although we cannot neither confirm nor deny the story provided by this person, it certainly wouldn’t be the first (or second, or third…) time that Lindsey has been accused of “””borrowing””” someone’s art without giving credit.
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
found this on this.is.not.emo website using internet archive!!!!! 2003 baybey! IVE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE!!!!!!!! don’t think many ppl will have , was nearly lost to time ~~~
(EDIT: after cross referencing their website for old tour dates, against where this.is.not.emo is based (Connecticut), and against a video of The Used (x) where the drum riser and stage are the same. I can happily say that this is from the 29th April 2003, as part of their co-headline with The Used, Thrice, and Story Of The Year!!!) 
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
Lindsey Way: Shitty Friend.
Another Ex-Friend Speaks Out!
Earlier this weekend a couple of new Lindsey Way pictures were doing the rounds on Instagram. These pictures popped up on fan accounts and showed Lindsey tattooing a friend:
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However, while the fans were gushing over these “never-seen-before” pictures, they conveniently left out the information found on the original content (which, as you can see, @/ballatotrashy claims not to know the source of - funny, cause we just had to scroll down like two posts to find it):
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It transpires that this post was made by someone who had been a friend of Lindsey’s for over twenty years. The friend in question, Amanda, is also from Connecticut (where Lindsey grew up) and even collaborated on one of the ‘Shitty Teen’ pieces with her. Here is some proof that they were longtime friends:
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Amanda has since been bullied by Lynz fans to remove her post, but not before we got the evidence.
So, here is ANOTHER friend that Lindsey has used and dropped, leaving her with the lasting memory that Lindsey Way is a “fucking piece of shit”.
Makes this tweet all the more ironic:
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Finally, a note to all the Lynz Way fans who have used the tattooing pictures or plan to use any of the pictures here on their fanpages in future - consider the source. Know that whenever you crop, edit or watermark Amanda’s pictures, she called her A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.
—————————— EDIT ————————————-
WELP! Looks like Lindsey got Gerard’s lawyers involved!
Turns out it was A HUGE MISTAKE and Amanda is “a moron” who only ACCIDENTLY called one of her “best and oldest” friends a “fucking piece of shit”.
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It’s all good guys, can you see the loveheart around their pic?
Any allegations around Lynz’s behaviour are clearly conspiracy theories about her character.
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
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Jessicka’s statement on the whole situation.
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
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I didn’t think I still had screen caps. Almost deleted these. All are from 2015, April through October. Frank is making music again, though MCR rumors just won’t quit, and Jessicka is back on her bullshit, so even though there has been some quiet, we’ll see if it stays that way.
Who gave Anna the idea Frank - who has written or cowritten (Death Spells) music and lyrics for three albums and an EP, plus made four music videos, all with minimal label financial support - is a freeloader and not a real guitarist? These tweets are not the entire sketchy story that was being spread around, but they are proof of the basic elements. How would she think to say those things about the musically busiest MCR member post split if she didn’t have a source?
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
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Rat king:
“A rat king is a collection of rats whose tails are intertwined and bound together by one of several possible mechanisms, such as entangling material…” “Rat kings occur so rarely that they have sometimes been thought to be cryptids…” “In folklore, rat kings are associated with various superstitions and were often seen as a bad omen, particularly associated with plagues.” “The original German term, Rattenkönig, was calqued into English as rat king… The term was not originally used in reference to actual rats, but for persons who lived off others.”
Maye I’m wrong, but -
Imagine building a career with a purpose ingrained in your DNA, your time with your father and grandfather, a community that made you feel safe and accepted, and your sociopolitical ideals, and then having to use a metaphor like a rat king to defend your place in it because the person you built that career with will only accept self depricating metaphors as a valid reason for your continued entanglement in everything you made together?
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
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This text was posted by the page “ugly confessions of MCR”
this confession will be long, I clarify 2 things:
* I’m not a fan of MCR or their music at all.
* I do this for my best friend who is a fan of this page and MCR
I start
I was Bandit’s aupair (something like her substitute mom than her simple nanny for over a year) this was thanks to AuPairGlobal and my first host family recommendations. my first family was a pair of dad (both man) who had two babies and I was with them for almost a year until they had to move and I didn’t want to go with them, so they recommended me to a family who were friends with them from the art world. 
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So Lindsey was introduced to me as a painter and artist (of art not as a musician) until that moment she seemed an extravagant woman but I worked for these two (she refers to her first family) enough to know that everything could be expected, after doing the exchange process and the fine payment for my first family, I went to live about a 9 miles from my first home (this is important) at first I had understood that It was only mother and daughter since her english was with another accent and, well, I continued being a latina with a very basic english. 
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the rules were clear from the beginning, I couldn’t have my cellphone or my computer unless the mother were supervising me, also she installed a spy app, that apps they put on young children devices, I could only use the cell phone “freely” when I was away out of the house (but with the app she could see everything I did in real time) I couldn’t make video calls with anyone in spanish and If I did, I had to tell her who I was going to talk, I also had to suspend my social networks completely, this may sound extreme but If you have been an aupair you probably know that the more money families have, the more paranoid they are. 
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The first days everything seemed calm, it took me a while to adapt and my latino family to accept that now I couldn’t make video calls every night, but the pay was double despite the fact that my contract said that I received the minimum acceptable salary, so everything was ok for me, I was saving to pay for my own car for when I got back to my country. everything had been quiet and excellent until I met Bandit’s dad. 
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I’m not gonna lie, Gerard is almost 6.5 ft and for someone as shot as me (5.1 ft) he was a super man and handsome. he got very excited when he knew where I come from and he tried to talk to me in spanish all the time. I would say that he never tried to flirt with me, rather he was very paternal, even more when he knew that I did this for my little brothers and for a car to take them to school. 
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after this, hell started.
Lindsey became jealous of him making comments about me, and telling me outright not to wear certain clothes when her husband was at home, which was rarely the time he was at home. 
she also tried several times to check my phone directly with the excuse that I had taken photos of her house, which was huge and beautiful but I wouldn’t never do somenthing like that, it was stipulated in our contract. 
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Bandit started an alliance with her mom and she had gone from being a lovely girl to being a total bitch with me, there were times when I had to take her to the mall with her friends and she would just hide from me and I would spend hours crying until she deigned to appear, other times she made comments that I would never have the money to buy the things she used or had. 
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As I said, I was 9 miles from my previous home and those who were my first and only friends during my two and a half year in the USA, so on my only day off I had to travel those 9 miles, pay for my own uber because I wasn’t allowed to use the car and I had a set time to come back to the house. that’s why I stopped seeing my friends and everything started to turn into hell, not because of Bandit, but because of her mom who had entered into the paranoia that I was trying to steal her husband. 
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Winter came and I already had symptoms of depression from being away from my only latinas friends, the constant pressure and control of Lindsey and the many extra activities that Bandit had (from music classes to visiting her friend’s houses who lived in the other side of the city)  I had the “fortune” to have 2 weeks off
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up to this point, I only knew a few things about the family, the father (Gerard) traveled a lot for his work, which I didn’t know what it was until that christmas. the mother (lindsey) worked from home painting, and that there were 3 rooms in the house that were forbidden to me. 
As I said, that Christmas, they were away and I went with my aupair group, most of them from families similar to mine. that was the moment when one of them told me who my family was, I heard MCR and MSI for the fist time and knew why so much control and I decided to quit.
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I had obtained enough money for a car in my country, the contract had already expired and I could leave whenever I wanted. The relationship with the father (Gerard) was super sweet and tender when he was at home, he even gave me a small keychain for my car which I currently use and I have no idea what it is or where it’s from. He told me about his tough adolescence and how he hadn’t left his garage until he was older than me, but after all this came the storm of living alone with mother and daughter and the jealousy of both, so for my birthday 21, I packed my things and came back to my country 
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
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https://instagram.com/p/BYpXLskgnAn/ Ten years of happy marriage, blah blah blah… so why is the Mikey stuff relevant? To any fan of My Chemical Romance waiting with baited breath for Gerard’s next brilliant career move and hoping for a band reunion, understand this: As long as Gerard feels obligated and Lindsey feels entitled to his life, he will not do anything without her approval. She can be gracious and charming and politically “woke”, edgy and “witchy”, do her makeup just so, and be that inspiration to little girls, but honestly it’s all about what she wants, her image or interests. Truth takes a back seat when she feels wronged or too much effort is required, and that’s why the Mikey nonsense is relevant - it’s who she really is. Imagine feeling so entitled to a friendship that you’d interfere in the friend’s marriage separation and divorce to publicly shame your husband’s brother with false and misleading rumors? Fine, be upset about distance and family conflict, but lying about someone? That’s where I draw the line - I am 100% confident in saying this because I’ve been there. You don’t lie to fuck with someone’s reputation and career. Mikey is not the only person affected by her behavior, but he’s the one I found screen caps for. He and Frank can forgive whoever they want: the lot of them have an ongoing economic interest in My Chemical Romance, which includes perpetuating the appearance that all is well among the extended band family. Like who you like, believe the ends justify the means (I don’t), and it was all for Gerard’s mental health (a gross oversimplification imo), but: 1. “Fake it ‘till you make it” is Lindsey’s mantra and his. Gerard will probably never care for another project as much as he used to love MCR - which was always a love/hate relationship for him, but that’s a whole other monster post. 2. Lindsey will not hesitate to hold others to standards of behavior she does not feel apply to her own. Therefore, more than ever, the truth about any project Gerard is working on is flexible and ever changing. There is no past that isn’t what is stated in the present. 3. If MCR ever reforms for any purpose, it will be only with Lindsey’s approval and it will be a money grab. Do NOT judge the other band members harshly for this. None of them asked for the band to end in the first place. Best of luck to the happy couple. I am forever done with spending another dime on either of them. Using people for your own purposes is wrong, and it is worse to lie to everyone and claim you cared. Fine, everyone fucks up, but own it, don’t flaunt it and revel in the fact no one caught you being shitty.
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
PART 4 considering these 40-year-olds are “BFFs” with a 25-year-old, and have been since she was at the latest 16, and GW has been paling around with her since she was 13.
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
PART 3 LW and MSI is. Considering this is how a decade long friendship began, its fair to say LW is pretty two-faced. Also, this is a year after GW and LW’s marriage, so its not unbelievable that the only reason FBC knew about MSI is because of her being a fan of MCR and a friend of GW. To surmise, LW’s friendship with FBC began as a business move for MSI and as LW seeing FBC as a badge of credibility (“see, Kurt’s daughter loves me, I’m untouchable)”) and is weird as fuck in general considering
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
PART 2 GW may be more fame obsessed than we believe. Anyway, in a 2008 interview (“Mindless Self Indulgence - Rock Sound Reading 2008 interview” on YouTube) LW says MST are playing a sweet sixteen party for “rock royalty”. This was FBC’s party - there are articles about it, leaked invites, etc. This rubbed me the wrong way when I first saw it back when I was a fan; LW is reducing FBC to her mum and dead dad, simply being “royalty”, an attraction to be paraded around to show how in-demand LW
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
PART 1 (This is gonna be a long ass ask so strap in bitches). As an ex-fan of MSI, MCR, and someone who was in to FBC I have some tea to fucking spill. FBC was a massive MCR fan and her mum took her to a show in 2005 and obviously they went backstage and met the band. There are photos. FBC would've been like 13 at this point. I assume she and GW stayed in contact, as they are still "friends” and she appears not to interact with any other MCR members. This is weird in itself and betrays that GW
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
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Lynz + Short Hair 
“I wanted it to look messy, like I cut it myself, possibly needs rehab or 90’s Winona Ryder”
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unmaskinglynz · 4 years
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Remember the Shitty Teen Redbubble drama? Gerard posted an indignant demand threatening legal action after kids noticed someone was selling the same design Lindsey was using for shirts to promote her art show in February 2016. I get it, but the design probably wasn’t hers - see the tweets from January 2015 and August 2013, incidentally after Gerard had been harassed for at least three solid months about Frank. Lyrics to “Millions” and “Joyriding” had been released, and Gerard was somewhere in the process of recording “Hesitant Alien”, so there was a bit of a lull in drama. She had a shirt with the design in 2013, long before the first mention of her art show, and it had been sold on Redbubble for a year before she noticed or took offense. So why the sudden drama? Well, she was selling a limited run of shirts. However, coincidentally, WB had been aggressively issuing takedown notices to sellers for MCR related merch beginning around December 2015. BUT, they didn’t stop there: kids making designs related ONLY to Frank’s solo work also had their work removed during this same two to three month period of time. I saw several examples at the time; the tweets above complaining after their removal notice a few weeks earlier represent one. Frank’s solo work was not in any way tied to WB that I’m aware, not even through remote distribution licensing (this has since changed, but it is remote, and has apparently resulted in Frank’s work being removed from Spotify in some markets). Was the offense from the one Redbubble seller competing with her 200 or so (I forget the number) shirts? Or was it because she was jealous WB was enforcing copyright on Frank’s behalf? Frank doesn’t enforce copyright on his solo work. There were a lot of kids complaining, although the tweets are long gone. I wish I’d been really petty and kept screen caps. The dumb thing was the drama never had to happen. It could have been handled privately. So again, why the fuss? Lindsey craves public reminders she is loved, and messy rescues by her adoring husband and fans are some of her favorites.
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