unorthodoxwriting-blog · 7 years
The only question that’s hard to ask and answer is ‘Why?’.
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unorthodoxwriting-blog · 7 years
How Things Work.
How is it that things go wrong so fast and making it right takes a whole lot longer?
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unorthodoxwriting-blog · 7 years
There are two rules for sucess in life. One: Never Reveal Everything You Know.
Marvel Villains, The Riddler.
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unorthodoxwriting-blog · 7 years
Painful Part
The only thing painful about the truth is the one behind it.
The one who has been lying.
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unorthodoxwriting-blog · 7 years
It seems to be an event where people come together for one last time to spend with the deceased. It has always been a solemn and most depressing event people attend. For me, I've always found it amusing how they can bring together the people that is related to the dead. Why is it that people only come together late? Why is it when that person is dead, then they feel obligated to show up? Is it because of guilt? Remorse? To gloat one last time? Or is it to say your last farewell? Funerals have been keen to be hated yet they dont understand the very essence of having such affair. They think it is only to remind them of the loss they had or to prolong the guilt they feel. Though in my pespective, it has a different agenda, for funerals are not for the dead but for the people they have left behind. It is an event where they are brought together by the deceased to remind them not of what they will lose but to thank them for the time they have spent together and the love they had shared. This event is not to prolong the guilt they felt but to be able to say their last farewell and to promise that they will meet again in the afterlife and in hopes, they would be welcomed with open arms.
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unorthodoxwriting-blog · 7 years
The Dreamers
Some Dreamers dream often that they forget what reality is and get stuck on their own minds. They tend to do irrational things as they think that nothing is impossible and they are ridicously an optimistic. When a dreamer fall into despair and lose all hope, they start to see the truth in everything. They see the world as it really is, and they see what are the lies and what isn't. Realist have come to believe reality too much that dreaming is forbidden in their own mind and that causes them to become cold, this people are not heartless nor do they not feel pain. They choose to become this way in order to live the way of their life. It is a must to become what they are; a person who is cold and ruthless but they only seem to be because people – even if they don’t admit it – are dreamers, no matter how many times they fall, fail, or change their minds about their choices. We may be young or old, innocent or corrupted, rich or poor, pure or tainted but we all have one thing in common... We at some point have come to dream, have ambitions, and wishes to become who we want to be or who we want to be with when we grow up but circumstances have changed other's perspectives leading them to have their own idea about the world.
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