unpalaisdepapier · 11 months
“Public libraries are such important, lovely places!” Yes but do you GO there. Do you STUDY there. Do you meet friends and get coffee there. Do you borrow the FREE, ZERO SUBSCRIPTION, ZERO TRACKING books, audiobooks, ebooks, and films. Have you checked out their events and schemes. Do you sign up for the low cost courses in ASL or knitting or programming or writing your CV that they probably run. Do you know they probably have myriad of schemes to help low income families. Do you hire their low cost rooms if you need them. Have you joined their social groups. Do you use the FREE COMPUTERS. Do you even know what your library is trying to offer you. Listen, the library shouldn’t just exist for you as a nice idea. That’s why more libraries shut every year
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unpalaisdepapier · 11 months
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i know for a fact that az will talk so much when he’s with gwyn.
his voice will become raspy and rough because of he’ll overwork his vocal cords.
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unpalaisdepapier · 1 year
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i know for a fact that az will talk so much when he’s with gwyn.
his voice will become raspy and rough because of he’ll overwork his vocal cords.
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unpalaisdepapier · 1 year
Double Taylor’s version.
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unpalaisdepapier · 1 year
“father's day for many is hard. this post is dedicated to those who see the cards come out and feel sick. some fathers leave, some abuse, some neglect, some have passed away. whatever the case may be, it can be trying. i hope you get through the day feeling as good as possible. just another day in the year. remember you are not obligated to love someone who hurts you even if it's a parent. for those who have good fathers, i hope you have the best day with them.”
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unpalaisdepapier · 1 year
“In the Portuguese language, there is a word that cannot be translated into any other language. Saudade. Saying you feel someone's "saudade" is like saying "I miss you" but sick and feverish. It is a painful lack, an oppressive nostalgia. It is a disease that devours your flesh, rots your bones, and never gets better. Tired and grey, damp and sad. It's what I feel whenever someone pronounces your name.”
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unpalaisdepapier · 1 year
“father's day for many is hard. this post is dedicated to those who see the cards come out and feel sick. some fathers leave, some abuse, some neglect, some have passed away. whatever the case may be, it can be trying. i hope you get through the day feeling as good as possible. just another day in the year. remember you are not obligated to love someone who hurts you even if it's a parent. for those who have good fathers, i hope you have the best day with them.”
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unpalaisdepapier · 1 year
"And then, one fairy night, May became June."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
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unpalaisdepapier · 1 year
when you start reading again and it's like oh. oh . the sun actually does still shine.
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unpalaisdepapier · 1 year
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-Emily Dickinson.
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unpalaisdepapier · 1 year
I'm a sucker for angst and tragedy, so I'd love to see your take on how Romances would react to an Inquisitor who's become corrupted by Red Lyrium- maybe sort of like Corypheus? God-like powers at the cost of sanity... but it's fiiiine cause they're on *our* side... right?
So, I'll be honest I think a lot of them would dip if this went down, like instantly. Specifically Iron Bull and Blackwall probs? I think they'd either try to make you reach your expiration date faster or run for the hills, but like, what if they didn't.
Also this was written while suffering some real shit health issues so apologies for any spelling mistakes ;; I haven't really been able to move around a lot rip
Cassandra: She isn't one for staying silent. Cassandra watches quietly for the shortest of moments before she voices her concern over the situation, it's hard to not do so to the Inquisitor directly but Red Lyrium makes people temperamental at best. Cassandra is the first to bring up being ready, in case something ever goes wrong. In case they finally step over the threshold Corypheus did. There's something so unsettling about watching someone you know slowly crumble underneath a pressure they have no control over, watching them slowly go from a perfectly normal person to the husk of who they were. Romanced: It's worse when it's someone you love. Her eye keeps searching them for any trace of the person she loves and sometimes, just sometimes, she can see it in the edges of how they look at her but it's not the same. There's nothing to really remove the evergrowing pit in her chest, the way it aches and cracks more and more every day as they go further down a path that Cassandra can't really do much to save them from. Being the person she is, there's that obvious need to protect- but you can only do so much to protect someone from their own downfall.
Blackwall: It's really hard for Blackwall to not just instantly run off. To not tuck his tail between his legs and dash out in the dead of night because he made a promise to follow the Herald, the Inquisitor, someone who stood strong and bravely in the face of disaster- not whatever has taken their place. He does his best to spend as little time around them as possible because in a way they feel like a bigger reminder of his own failings. The inquisitor gave up what is practically themselves for the greater good, and he is well aware he could never even consider following their lead. But that doesn't change the unease, the way he can't help but feels his fingers twitch for a blade whenever they get more obviously inhuman so to speak. Romance: His heart will never recover from this. After everything, all the ups and downs and this might just be what makes Blackwall properly break. He watches their gradual change with a twisted expression of grief and knows he can do nothing. There is no talking someone out of this, once it begins it doesn't really stop. Blackwall can make as many toy horses or wooden ornaments as he'd like, it doesn't ease the stress of knowing the person he loves is slowly dying and he has no power to stop it. The worst part is even if he did, Blackwall isn't entirely sure if he would. They made this choice, a choice that cost them everything but a choice made with so much love for the world around them he isn't sure if he could take that from them.
Dorian: In some ways, it reminds him of Blood Magic. The way the Lyrium corrupts and takes whatever it gets its hands on, and he is equally uncomfortable watching this. Dorian has seen people fall for less and the idea that the Inquisitor is now walking the thin line that most have failed to walk before without tipping in either direction makes him nervous, to say the least. It's heartbreaking, really, to watch someone you cherish and in the past looked to for guidance become this and Dorian will probably never stop questioning if he could've done something. Magic can do so many things but not the thing he wants it to do. Sometimes he sees a hint of the old Inquisitor, and that's almost worse than dealing with the current corrupted personality he sees daily. Romance: Dorian never dealt well with grief, it's not quite an emotion he likes to linger on. And here he is, feeling it heavy on his heart more so than ever, watching the love of his life slowly dwindle into nothing more than a memory. He isn't really sure how to cope, if there is a right way to go around it, or if he can even do anything to help. There is one thing he knows for certain though and that is that people are far too quick to give up hope. Dorian can see his love in the small actions that nobody else seems to notice, the remaining sliver of hope shining like a beacon in the dark. The Inquisitor is slowly becoming more and more corrupted, but Dorian loves them and he isn't ready to give up hope yet and he isn't sure if he ever will be.
Iron Bull: There are some things Bull doesn't fuck with, and demons are one of them. Even if this is different, a corruption, unlike anything he has seen it is eerily familiar. He doesn't want to be on guard around the Inquisitor, they're taking one for the team- they're pushing themselves so far they're willing to become something unrepairable. And maybe that is a part of the reason he feels bad whenever his fingers twitch to reach for his axe when he holds his breath occasionally when they pass. There is a level of trust but it is far more brittle and he isn't sure how to go around it. Bull has seen more stable people do horrible things and the fact that every day the Inquisitor threads closer to something similar to Corypheus horrifies him. Romance: I can't see him not making his stance on the matter very much known instantly, if this was an accidental thing there is just heartbreak- but if the Inquisitor did it as some self-sacrifice I imagine him to be very hesitant to even let them. It's their choice, it is their sacrifice to make but Bull loves them so wholeheartedly and he wonders if there really isn't any other way. He values every little second more than ever though, the small moments have all the more importance because he knows it might be the last moment where they are themself. It is partly overshadowed by the fact that he knows that if it comes down to it, there might be a day when they're gone and there is just an empty husk in their place and he isn't sure if he will handle it.
Sera: The way Sera pulls away is instant. She doesn't fuck around with demons, and even if the Inquisitor isn't one entirely- they're all the same in her book. They're doing it for the greater good- blah blah, it doesn't matter. Because at the end of the day, she has absolutely no reassurance this won't turn around and backfire. It just shows that the inquisition is like every other political faction and organization in the world, it doesn't matter who is being torn down or hurt if it's for the cause. As long as it's for the good of the people a little damage doesn't hurt, which is fine and dandy when you're fighting rogue templars or mages- but not when you watch your friend and leader slowly turn into a less horrific version of the man you're trying to end. Romance: She has never really been one to hold back and that doesn't change even when she is in a relationship, I think there'd be an instant discussion because if Sera doesn't like something- she won't let it happen. Her words become snappier and the occasional comment becomes a daily occurrence, her distaste for the situation is obvious and she has no intention of hiding it - and if she is ignored she'll take her leave even if it breaks her heart a million times over. She isn't going to watch the person she loves break themselves down from the sidelines, she isn't the person to do that.
Solas: Oh, what has he done? Solas always edged on the feeling of remorse, pity, and regret for the fact that these are the steps he has to take to reach his goal. This wasn't in the plan. There is something so grotesque watching someone pull themselves apart at the seams because of you, because of something you put in place and orchestrated. He watches the Inquisitor lose themselves with morbid curiosity and horrified dread because it's something that in many ways is on him. This is his goal and agenda affecting the world and he gets to see it in the worst possible way. Solas keeps telling himself it is worth it, even if he feels an unsettling sense of dread settle in his stomach more and more every day. Romance: Every action, whisper, and loving word is given with a steady hand that is entirely held up by a devouring sense of guilt. Whenever he looks at them, their form and being slowly corrupting more and more with each passing day and sanity fickle- he knows it is his doing. Yet Solas selfishly loves them, he takes and gives and then takes some more because gods the way they smile at him and say his name - it's enough to make any sensible man lose their wits. But he lays away, staring at his hands as he wonders just what he is doing- what he has done. He ruined the person he loved, but it's for a cause, it's a must. A necessary sacrifice, or so he will continue to tell himself as they crumble from the ripples of his actions.
Cullen: Every time they are in the same room he feels that familiar suffocating panic that he did in the tower. There's only so much he can ignore, so much to look away from and it tears him more every day. But Cullen is no stranger to dealing with horrible conditions and accepting questionable morals to get the job down. He has no issues swallowing his doubts and concerns if it means the world becomes better, and they save people. If that means being unable to rest easy at night or holding his hands closer to his sword than he is comfortable doing, so be it. If Romanced: There isn't much that can make Cullen falter in his affections, not even this. If anything, to him this is a showing of his own failings. Damned, be this templar and his ability to turn everything into something he has done wrong or can fix. He isn't as blind as most probably think he is, Cullen sees the alarming signs of instability and they scare him- of course they do. But Cullen is just better at hiding it than some of the others, he just knows how to keep his concerns within the innermost circle, and keep the crying behind closed doors. But it's tearing him down slowly and it's just a matter of time before his love just isn't enough.
Josephine: From a work basis, she despises it. Josephine has always been quite good at separating her feelings when it comes to work, she can look past her own feelings on the matter to realize just how hard this will be to sell to the world. To make them realize the price someone is paying for their safety. But then there are obviously the personal thoughts, the ones that creep in late at night as she stares into the burning candle on her desk. The Inquisitor is a friend, a close one at that and she has to watch them slowly die practically. She isn't sure what to do about it, what she can even say or do or think to make this situation not feel like watching a person get tortured. Josephine lives every day with the anxiety that one day there might not be recognized in their eyes when they look at her. Romance: Nobody knows when Josephine will break, but mostly everyone knows she will. It's obvious in the way she seemingly cradles the fragility of her relationship with the Inquisitor in her hands. They will one day be gone and she probably won't get to do the things she wanted. Go to places they discussed, have her family meet them properly- these are all things that won't take place because they're a walking corruption. Proof of the fact that the veil keeps taking from everyone- the Inquisitor especially. One day she'll crumble into pieces and not be able to entirely pick herself up, and it'll be the day that the Inquisitor is the closest thing the world has ever seen to a god- and that will be the day they will most likely be killed, and Josephine will be defenseless to do anything.
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unpalaisdepapier · 1 year
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Back on my Ghibli redraw BS again lads 😎
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unpalaisdepapier · 2 years
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The Storm Coast
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unpalaisdepapier · 2 years
Taylor Swift and Marcus Mumford performing Cowboy Like Me in Vegas
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unpalaisdepapier · 2 years
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“I wish for us to have the courage to go out into the world when we are ready, but to always be able to find our way back to each other. No matter what.”
The Valkyries from ACOSF by Sarah J Maas for A Touch of Magic Designs
Instagram  - ArtStation - Website - Inprnt - Etsy - TikTok
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unpalaisdepapier · 2 years
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unpalaisdepapier · 2 years
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