People are ridiculous with racism allegations. Of course many people are racist in vast situations, but this is clearly not one of them. I personally think the broccoli is the cutest. Maybe people choose a cop because they know a cop, or it’s their occupation, or a gift for someone who has that occupation. Not everything is racism based. Geeze. Not to mention these are just 2 out of like 15 choices, but because the mermaid is black it’s racist..
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I can’t find any explanation for why this poorly made cop doll is beating the cute little mermaid, other than pure spite on the part of racists who have too much time on their hands. 
Vote here to fix this. 
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i was made to keep your body warm
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No one was talking about anonymous girls boyfriends reputation if anonymous was even a girl.. for all you know anonymous girl was an online troll. Don’t believe everything you read online kiddos. I was referring to durian rider obviously. Sorry you weren’t capable of figuring that out. I don’t understand why an abuse victim would go to someone of him. That’s who’s reputation I was talking about. You don’t have to curse though and be vulgar. I can’t stand rude people. I’m allowed to post my opinion if I please. I don’t need to be a follower and agree with people because they have a vast influence over tumblr users lol that’s laughable.
I have no friends or family. Only a boyfriend. What do I do?
You don’t really own anything in life but your fitness and your thoughts. Everything else is out of your control pretty much mate.
Focus on your fitness, thoughts and serving the planet. That is all that really matters.
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It’s funny how people idolize celebrities, or even people on tumblr with huge followings. I can’t argue with stupidity. I can think for myself though.
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It was a response to a possible abuse situation. It is KNOWN that isolation is a tactic of an abuser, and this was a warning saying if he was the cause of their isolation to find help. Not because he's a man, but because they could be in danger. They were asking for advice to escape their separation from the world, and getting out of an abusive relationship if one is present is good advice. Please don't cut off that resource of information because you don't want a man to be a bad guy.
“Possible” meaning you aren’t sure. You don’t have to come on anonymous to try to enlighten me. I’m capable of thinking for myself. Like you said it was a “possible abuse situation” so how do you know she was asking for advice to escape because of being abused? I’m pretty sure like I said in my post that an abuse victim won’t be coming into a man’s inbox who obviously is known for being crude, to ask for advice on how to leave an abuse scenario. I am free to interpret information the way I please.  I never said I didn’t want a man to be a bad guy, I’m saying the facts aren’t there for you people to make assumptions.
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What's funny about FA is that despite being 250 pounds, I was still considered as being a "small fat", therefore I had "small fat privilege". Apparently 'fat opinions' only matter when you're over 300 pounds, short, and on the verge of losing a leg.
*facepalm* So much for their ‘acceptance’. 
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Dear Guys,
If a girl is hitting you, defend yourself. Hit her back. Make her stop. You shouldn’t let it continue because she’s a girl. Because “it’s not right to hit a lady” if someone is attacking you, defend yourself. I see to many people telling guys not to hit someone back because the person attacking them is a girl. Hit back, defend yourself. Someone’s genders should not take away your right to defend yourself. 
A female who is sick of people telling boys they can’t hit back even to defend themselves
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Reblog if you think sign language should be taught as a language in schools.
You seriously don’t understand how often you use sign language once you know it.
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This is the kind of shit I am sick of seeing on this site. BEING PART OF A MINORITY DOESN’T MAKE YOUR OPINION ANY MORE OR LESS VALID THAN A MAJORITY.
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She’s a free inhabitant, what a genius. 
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Lol because it says where that he is abusing her? There are so many possible scenarios. Maybe she has anxiety? Her and her family aren’t close, drifting is a typical part of growing up. Some people are loners. Typical feminists attempting to make men look like the bad guy and assume it’s abuse. Even if it was someone on tumblr with an obviously douche bag reputation isn’t the person to go to.
I have no friends or family. Only a boyfriend. What do I do?
You don’t really own anything in life but your fitness and your thoughts. Everything else is out of your control pretty much mate.
Focus on your fitness, thoughts and serving the planet. That is all that really matters.
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Things That Push Me Away From Feminism
How feminism only caters to the opinions of left-wing liberal women
How feminists exclude women with conservative viewpoints
How crude and disrespectful many feminists are
How feminists claim to be the open-minded ones but dismiss anyone with opinions that are different from their own
How feminists make virgin women feel like shit for placing any personal value in their virginity
How feminists refuse to acknowledge pro-life women with pro-life viewpoints
How feminists constantly rely on false information to push their own agendas
How feminists exploit tragedies to push their own agendas
How many feminists seem to think that being a literal bitch is some form of “empowerment”
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