unrequitedloyalty · 1 year
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Not intended to be ship art but damn they did not beat the allegations 💀💀‼‼‼‼🔥🔥🔥
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unrequitedloyalty · 2 years
Anyone could believe that the Guardian had indeed lost his mind. Here he was, not exactly majestic as he may have been before. No, he was small and acted like he had no care in the world.
There was no sense of danger here, well, not much anymore given Pennywise and Lefou became a sort of friendly duo, Le Duo if one could think of something like that. 
He had his hair down from it’s usual tied back style and just being himself, or what himself wanted to be. Happy and laughs. His thoughts were not on It for now, and more just himself as he drank a pint, not sensing or seeing Maturin until others looked at the newcomer oddly.
Lefou grins, “always great to see a friendly face!” He beams, no recognition, just a greeting.
The little man had no past, at least not from what he could ever remember. Unless one could count the war, that Lefou sure never could.
No, he counted his time with the monster that was in a clown’s body that was his friend as both a nightmare and a blessing. He, who had saved the clown’s life, not knowing he didn’t really and it was all an illusion.
He could not remember his time when he was not human, when he was all four legged and free, standing among the beams in the Macroverse. No, he was just a human now, one almost could hardly believe such a being would be able to be in a human’s body… it was far from an illusion, Lefou was Lefou, human and long forgotten what he was.
Also, couldn’t help given the horse he had disliked him to no end and disliked his clown friend more. 
The traces of Rocinante would lead Maturin to a little town that busied with life. The trail would lead him to a tavern where the Horse was, but what was and what is could have been quite an interesting sight.
Lefou was in his singing again, barely downed his ale as he smiled and danced with a contagious lure that made others love his joyful company. It would be strange, if not frightening if Robert Grey would be among the people either.
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Maturin entered the nearby town, and immediately knew something was wrong. The people were busy and some even still laughed and sang, but there was a dreadful feeling in the air. A presence which put Maturin on edge. The RED? He paused in the middle of the street for a moment, to try to understand what he was sensing, and the moment he recognized IT his face paled with realization.
Not just the RED…The BEAST.
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Maturin hurried his way into a nearby tavern, praying that he had not been spotted by his ‘brother’ yet. The tavern was full of joy, laughter and love, IT would likely not be anywhere near the place. He dreaded the implications of feeling the BEAST’S presence here while Rocinante was still lost.
However, just as Maturin was considering the worst that could have happened to his fellow GUARDIAN, he heard a familiar voice, and his eyes darted up to the front of the Tavern where an equally familiar face was singing and spreading mirth among the tavern goers.
“–It can’t be—” Maturin mumbled stepping close for a better view. 
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unrequitedloyalty · 3 years
The little man had no past, at least not from what he could ever remember. Unless one could count the war, that Lefou sure never could.
No, he counted his time with the monster that was in a clown’s body that was his friend as both a nightmare and a blessing. He, who had saved the clown’s life, not knowing he didn’t really and it was all an illusion.
He could not remember his time when he was not human, when he was all four legged and free, standing among the beams in the Macroverse. No, he was just a human now, one almost could hardly believe such a being would be able to be in a human’s body... it was far from an illusion, Lefou was Lefou, human and long forgotten what he was.
Also, couldn’t help given the horse he had disliked him to no end and disliked his clown friend more. 
The traces of Rocinante would lead Maturin to a little town that busied with life. The trail would lead him to a tavern where the Horse was, but what was and what is could have been quite an interesting sight.
Lefou was in his singing again, barely downed his ale as he smiled and danced with a contagious lure that made others love his joyful company. It would be strange, if not frightening if Robert Grey would be among the people either.
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@unrequitedloyalty​  ♡’d for starter  ( Maturin )
The BEAM GUARDIANS were dying, that was an undeniable fact. Maturin, for his part, had accepted this. His body and mind were still strong so it would be many years, centuries even ( a millennium if he was lucky ) before his time came and he had done his weeping over it, found peace with it, and continued to have faith in Ka.
GAN would not allow the BEAM GUARDIANS to just die if there was no purpose, that too, was a fact.
Still, the other GUARDIANS were not all so at peace with their slow, upcoming demises, and had quite the varied coping mechanisms. Shardik, the BEAR, and his partner on the BEAM, was a fighter, and would continue to fight even when he no longer knew friend from foe. Maturin was no leader among them, but his love for them all was great enough that he had taken it upon himself to keep watch over the others.
Which was why he was so alarmed when the HORSE vanished.
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Rocinante was not dead, no, like Maturin, he was a long way from his end. In fact, the HORSE’S true self was still in the MACROVERSE, dormant on his BEAM like he was simply asleep. His mind had vanished, tucked away most likely merely in his avatar, but the weird thing was that none of the other GUARDIANS could sense his thoughts anymore. They were all telepathic by nature, and could feel their thoughts from great distances, but now, when they called, Rocinante did not answer.
With his counterpart, Garm left to protect their BEAM on her own, Maturin had volunteered to investigate Rocinante’s disappearance. Shardik’s mind was going, but not gone, so he could manage their BEAM on his own for a time. Maturin followed Rocinante’s trail, appearing in the area of the mutliverse that the HORSE had last been before his disappearance. Which, to Maturin’s chagrin, was a small world in the universe that he had created much by accident.
“–What were you doing in a place like this–?’ Maturin mused aloud as he started to explore the surrounding woods, looking for any trace that would lead him to Rocinante
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unrequitedloyalty · 3 years
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Beauty and the Beast (2017)
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unrequitedloyalty · 3 years
At first the creature said nothing, simply staring at Lefou with a disturbingly hungry expression, and when IT did snap out of it, it was hard to tell if Robert was more angry at Lefou for his recklessness, or at ITSELF for those few seconds IT saw him as food.
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"--Don't ever try to get between me and my p r e y again--!" IT snapped, "--You can't save all of them, and next time you might not get so lucky--!!"
He backed off quickly and looks down. It didn't grasp the fact that Lefou was a fool and a stubborn one. If there was a chance of saving them, he would put himself in harms way every time.
"I understand..." he lied.
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unrequitedloyalty · 3 years
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"You!!! Ludovic De Lafayette you could have been killed!! Mon dieu what the hell were you thinking!? Who am I kidding you weren't thinking at all! Dont----Mon dieu dont you dare ever scare me like that ever again!!!---Are you okay..?"
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One would think she would just sound angry and she was furious! But there was also relief and fear in her voice. Relief that he was alive and fear at what could have happened to her friend.
(For the meeemmee. Pulling out the FULL NAME he is in trouuuubbllleee idk what he did rn but he is in trouble)
When someone pulls out his full name he knew, for a fact, he was in trouble.
She was right though. Lefou wasn't thinking.. but he did it and nearly paid for it in full. He didn't even react when he was injured in the process, like usual. "I'm alright, had worse" he grinned.
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unrequitedloyalty · 3 years
My muse just did something stupid that almost got them killed. Yell at them.
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unrequitedloyalty · 3 years
Lefou was trapped under a monster and how he hoped that no one would come in and bother him. The personal space was popped and not about to be fixed as the creature above him whined and licked his face while Lefou could only think of a dog for his own sanity’s sake. 
Hearing It speak as if he’d be able to go back may be the only thing currently keeping him sane. The sleep shouldn’t come given this thing was laying on him, but the warmth of fur and exhaustion of the day crept in and soon enough he was sleeping, his breathing soft and calmed.
One thing It is going to realize if It hasn’t yet that Lefou was one of the most stubborn people on the planet. Even with doctor’s wishes, he’d rather be out and about again… much to their shock and soon annoyance.
Lefou usually faked it to make sure no one suddenly got superstitious since humans feel pain and if they didn’t than something was wrong with them.
What the poor guy didn’t expect was this thing suddenly becoming a very terrifying beast and laying on him, making him meep and stare confused as the beast warmed him and licked at his face. He closed his eyes, trying to make himself think of a loyal hound and not whatever this thing was on top of him.
“No, I haven’t. I was more content in staying in Villeneuve.” He thought back of the war, trying to think of they ever were near a sea. None came to mind as he thought it over and over. No, only cold and gunfire.. no smell of the sea. “I’ve only known my home.” Of fresh bread, warmth, and where he could forget the wars and replace it with laughter and song. Where there weren’t beasts.
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The creature yawned, realizing how sleepy IT was now that they’d reached some sort of agreement. IT shifted slightly trying to get more comfortable while also not moving enough to allow Lefou to wiggle out from underneath IT. Stubborn he may be, but the BEAST was pretty determined to make sure he stayed and rested so that his wound healed.
The wound IT inflicted.
A small sound, like a whine came from IT’S throat and the creature licked his face again. The creature was incapable of remorse, that was not in IT’S nature. But the monster wasn’t stupid. IT could acknowledge when IT had done something wrong, and could do ITS best to fix things. The monster may not actually be able to feel bad for hurting Lefou, but attempting to help him was as close to an apology as IT could manage.
Sensing some remaining doubts or regrets or something of the sort in Lefou, the creature flopped ITS head down, –You’ll  be back there  before long– IT assured him, –Sleep now, you need to  r e s t– IT yawned again and shut IT’S own eyes, half trying to encourage Lefou to go to sleep and half to get some sleep ITSELF.
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unrequitedloyalty · 3 years
@devilofthecresentisle continued from here
Was he warming up to her finally? Well, given she is around, Lefou would feel a little rude if he didn’t finally accept she was here to remain every once in a while and didn’t pose any problem to his own magical secret. Funny given his cottage could have screamed witch home.
He grins some, “fine, maybe I am warming up to you. Or I wanted to mess with you and throw off your train of thought bwahaha.” He teased. “Hmm but you have a good point on making notes. I usually have to rely on memory myself. Mostly learning from experience..” 
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unrequitedloyalty · 3 years
How can Gaston and Lefou be so adorable!
I'm so excited for the new disney series with the two of them!
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unrequitedloyalty · 3 years
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Robert cocked IT’S head and took the washcloth back to toss it back in the water pail. Human bodies could not self heal the way IT’S could so they had to rely on what primitive treatments their doctors could come up with. IT had to take him at his word that he’d catch a fever like that, even if that confused IT.
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The creature observed him for a few seconds more, noticing his shiver and a lack of additional blankets to toss onto him. Robert considered the options on how to keep his temperature balanced and decided that body heat was the best solution.  IT climbed onto the bed with him, but shapeshifted again into something with fur as IT laid on top of Lefou.
IT lashed IT’S tongue over his face, much like how a dog might affectionately slobber on their master. Though this form could hardly be described as a dog, and if the lick was meant to show affection, IT’S sharp teeth and claws were far less comforting.
–I’ve  never been to the sea– The monster told him telepathically, –Have  you been  there–?
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One thing It is going to realize if It hasn’t yet that Lefou was one of the most stubborn people on the planet. Even with doctor’s wishes, he’d rather be out and about again... much to their shock and soon annoyance.
Lefou usually faked it to make sure no one suddenly got superstitious since humans feel pain and if they didn’t than something was wrong with them.
What the poor guy didn’t expect was this thing suddenly becoming a very terrifying beast and laying on him, making him meep and stare confused as the beast warmed him and licked at his face. He closed his eyes, trying to make himself think of a loyal hound and not whatever this thing was on top of him.
“No, I haven’t. I was more content in staying in Villeneuve.” He thought back of the war, trying to think of they ever were near a sea. None came to mind as he thought it over and over. No, only cold and gunfire.. no smell of the sea. “I’ve only known my home.” Of fresh bread, warmth, and where he could forget the wars and replace it with laughter and song. Where there weren’t beasts.
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unrequitedloyalty · 3 years
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unrequitedloyalty · 4 years
“You should’ve seen me in the war. I was shot and pressed on, people thought I was possessed. Doctor and Gaston scolded me for days.” Lefou told no one. How could he? He told them it was in the moment. He faked his screams when they took out the ball. There was some pain he felt here and there, but it wasn’t at all like what he witnessed back in the infirmary.
And clearly Lefou realized was that It both had some skill of doctoring as well as no skill at all. He blinks and actually touched his forehead to check to see if he did indeed have a fever. Nothing. Yep, It’s going to kill me by It’s terrible skills alone.
“Um, I don’t have a fever.” He frowns as he removes the washcloth. “I will though if this stays on me.” He shivered. And already It was asking where to go. His first answer had to be kept in his throat. Home, safe at home. “I don’t know. I guess we head towards the sea.” Away from home.
He was sure he was going to regret this for the next couple of months. 
And there they went with Lefou being pushed back to bed. Why did he say anything? “I don’t need another doctor that’s for sure. They already are scared about the fact that I can move at all without extreme pain.” That is the biggest problem he has in his life.
“I can’t feel pain.” He looked down. “It should be a blessing, but honestly it’s a curse. If I didn’t see you bite or scratch me, I doubt I wouldn’t have noticed it until someone pointed it out” He didn’t both fighting against It though and would rather sleep in bed for some days and it is a bit of an excuse not to leave suddenly.
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Robert nodded “–I see how that could be a problem. Pain is an  i n d i c a t o r  of an infection–” IT remembered the doctor mentioning something like that, how the wounds would fester and become more painful if they became infected.
 But if Lefou couldn’t feel pain, then how was he supposed to know?
The creature stepped away from him for a moment, searching the room for the things the doctor had said to use to help treat Lefou. There was a pail of water and a wash cloth to clean the wounds when it came time to change his bandages.
IT also remembered being told that keeping a cool cloth on his forehead would help sooth a fever if he caught one, so the BEAST’S logic dictated that having a cloth on his forehead would prevent him from getting one in the first place.
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Robert dipped the washcloth into the pail and squeezed out the excess water like IT had seen and returned to Lefou’s side and layed it on his head. IT sat down on the side of the bed, like IT intended to watch him while he healed. IT’S eyes scanned the wounds, they weren’t exactly fresh, and a long way from being well, but IT didn’t smell any foul odor that could mean it was infected.
The creature averted IT’S gaze when IT’S mouth began to water, swallowing saliva and looking Lefou in the face “–Which  way should we  go–?” Robert asked, “–You know this land  better than I do  you can lead the way when we leave–”
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unrequitedloyalty · 4 years
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When Lefou survives the Hunger Games.. the image feels fitting.
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unrequitedloyalty · 4 years
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The creature let out a breath IT didn’t realize IT was holding when Lefou took IT’S hand. His grip was tight, but Robert didn’t know it wasn’t supposed to be and assumed that was how handshakes were performed, so IT squeezed back firmly.
Controlling IT’S deadly instincts was going to be difficult, but IT had tried to leave him behind once and found ITSELF missing Lefou, so that had to mean something, right?
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Robert glanced down at Lefou’s wounds; the scratch, the bite, both could have been fatal if IT hadn’t stopped, or been stopped. Lefou was only partially right about IT not understanding how to tend to wounds- but before IT told him what IT was, Robert had been instructed on a few basic things IT needed to do to make Lefou better.
“–Well, for starters–” IT said, lifting a hand to Lefou’s uninjured shoulder and pushing him lightly back toward the bed, “–You’re  supposed to be   r e s t i n g–” Robert told him, doing IT’S best impression of the doctor who had been attending Lefou before.
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He was sure he was going to regret this for the next couple of months. 
And there they went with Lefou being pushed back to bed. Why did he say anything? “I don’t need another doctor that’s for sure. They already are scared about the fact that I can move at all without extreme pain.” That is the biggest problem he has in his life.
“I can’t feel pain.” He looked down. “It should be a blessing, but honestly it’s a curse. If I didn’t see you bite or scratch me, I doubt I wouldn’t have noticed it until someone pointed it out” He didn’t both fighting against It though and would rather sleep in bed for some days and it is a bit of an excuse not to leave suddenly.
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unrequitedloyalty · 4 years
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Robert bit the inside of IT’S cheek, running low on patience and reasons to convince Lefou to come with IT- short of just dragging him along and threatening to devour everyone to make sure he stayed.
Fortunately Lefou agreed before IT had to get that extreme.
Still, Robert knew he wasn’t too keen on the arrangement, he didn’t trust IT. The creature couldn’t say he didn’t have reason not to, and IT had very little options as far as proving ITSELF. Only one was useful at the moment.
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The shapeshifter extended IT’S hand to Lefou, the full significance of the gesture was lost on IT, but Robert knew a handshake was often used as a display of trust between humans, or to seal a promise.
IT looked Lefou in the eyes, “–Don’t  shake my hand  unless you mean it–” Robert said, already very aware of how sour their relationship had turned once IT revealed IT’S true nature to Lefou “–You  disappointed me once  already and I might have  k i l l e d  you, I don’t want it to happen again–”
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Slowly he extended his hand and stopped only when It mentioned the words of meaning it. Did Lefou mean this? Would he find himself trying to run away at any chance he could? He didn’t know what his mind would tell him a week from now, a month from now. Did he mean it when he promised that he’d go with It? 
He was afraid of It, but he was afraid of It killing more people of his village. Would he be able to stomach It killing others just so his home was safe? His mind was swirling with questions that he couldn’t answer or refused to answer. The next words did make his stomach turn. It bit into him without a problem.. It could’ve killed him without so much as seeing Lefou as a friend.. no, It mocked him horribly and sought to break what It didn’t know had already been broken.
Finally he grabbed It’s hand and shook it, not realizing his grip was tight. “I need to heal.. unlike you who can take a bullet, I can’t exactly heal quickly.” Hell, he was supposed to still be in bed, yet he chose to walk about and drink. “Unless you want to tend to my wounds, which I doubt you understand what to do. I’m stuck here for a few more days at least..” Sure, Enfer can carry him, but injuries can easily kill if left untreated.
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unrequitedloyalty · 4 years
Robert was quick to clarify ITSELF again, “–I do not mean forever–” The creature said and sighed. 
The BEAST loathed to talk about ITSELF in such intimate detail when IT and Lefou were still working out this friendship business, but Robert saw no other option if IT was going to get Lefou to leave with IT.
“–I only  feed for a short  period of time–” IT explained, “–I’ve been  awake for a couple of weeks  I will return to my  l o n g   s l e e p   in a few months. Perhaps a year–” 
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The longest IT’S feeding cycle had ever lasted was three years, but even that had had been many cycles ago. The recent ones barely lasted a full year, surely if Lefou could leave his village for a few weeks to warn the surrounding towns, he could remain out a little while longer.
Robert brought up this point to him. “–You’ve already left them behind and risked never making it back. I will swear that you  will return homealive  if you come with me–”
He thought it over. What would it mean if he suddenly disappeared from the village and friends.. would they even notice? Ludovic was just as loathe to think about leaving all he’d known. 
The last time he had left was during the war; finding himself in unknown territory, and returning far more broken than he had thought possible. “That was different.” He muttered, but he wasn’t meaning leaving to warn people of It. “I will come.” He somehow felt It was lying, but if it meant It leaving his home be..
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