unseeliesam · 4 years
The week prior was way too active and crazy for Theo to even want to consider going outside with others, but now that things were as calm as they could be the angel picked up his peace lily plant and headed outside for some much needed sun and fresh air. 
Still learning his surroundings, Theo liked to ventured out a little farther every time he went out. He wasn’t the biggest slave or particularly eye catching, so he could get away with sneaking a bit. With that, Theo found himself wandering into the green house. It was a perfect place for a plant of course and he could care for his their as well. As he expected, everything was very well cared for inside, causing Theo to smile.
He didn’t want to frighten anyone potentially inside with him just showing up and doing whatever, so he cleared his throat and called out in a calm tone, “Hello? Don’t mind me I just came to take care of my peace lily. I won’t bother you.”
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He heard a soft tone make its way inside the greenhouse and he turned his attention to it. Sam walked over and met the other, “Oh, hi. Don’t worry, I was just checking on them.” he said as he gestured to the plants around them. 
“A peace lily!” he exclaimed, “It’s beautiful,” he went into touch the leaves of the plant. “Where did you get this from?” he asked as he examined it further, not really noticing that he was a little too close for comfort. 
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unseeliesam · 4 years
Mathias smiled once he realized who it was. Sam was always a welcome sight to see. He was a bit nervous at first, not sure if the fae was safe from the magic Mathias put in him, but seeing him smile now eased those fears. 
“Wait, if you’re not allowed, what are you doing out here? You shouldn’t be breaking the rules like that Sam, you might get in trouble”.
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“I should be fine, I don’t think the guards will start to notice that I’m gone until they ask for me.” he gave a small shrug. “I can always say I got lost on the way back from the master that rented me.” he laughed a little. It wasn’t often that it happened but when it did, he had always stayed away from the undercroft as long as he could. It wasn’t his favorite spot, but he had to deal with it. “I take it you’re working hard.” he said as he pointed back to the wilted plants. 
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unseeliesam · 4 years
“I’m sorry I come out here sometimes so I can share my magic with the plants. It makes me feel better to let some of it out.” Caleb said with a little smile as the handsome young man seemed to be excited that he was a faerie as well. “Yeah! I am, I’m Caleb it’s nice to meet you.” the golden haired master might be large and imposing looking but he was a gentle giant. “What are you favorite plants? And what elements do you like playing with the most, can I see your wings? I don’t have any wings.” 
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He nodded as he heard the other man speak, “I kinda get where you’re coming from.” he said as he looked back at the plants around them. The next set of questions where a little much, but he also knew a master when he saw one. Sam had been at the castle since it’s inception and could spot one a mile away. His heart began to beat a little faster, the situation with his wings was something he hadn’t quite worked out yet. “I like flowers, not any one in specific. Uhm, well to be honest Peonies have always been my favorite. Unless you were talking about like any type of plant...” he rambled when he didn’t mean to. “I mean all of nature is beautiful...but, peonies. Those are my fave.” he smiled at the other. “Water. Well, Ice really. In the Fae Realm, where I was born, we were taught that Ice was used to preserve as well as harm. Just like Water was both unforgiving and beautiful.” he pressed his lips together. He wasn’t sure how he was going to explain his wings. “If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not.” his heart beat much faster, hoping the other wouldn’t think it was rude of him to say.
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unseeliesam · 4 years
The one thing that surprised Mathias about the castle, was the lack of a magic training area. Although now that he thought about it, that probably would have been dangerous.Probably no less dangerous than what he was doing right now, which was practicing his magic in the courtyard. He was doing his best not to hit anyone, and tried to keep it focused in one general area. 
He practiced his spells, and his control. Rotting and decaying plants, then trying to restore them as well. It was exhausting, but well needed. The necromancer took a break from his magic and sat under the shade of a tree. He toyed with a little bird skull that he found, giving it life and watching it clatter around him. The bird stopped it’s movements when someone approached, and Mathias looked up at the person, “Evening, am I sitting under your tree?”
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Sam was on his way back to the undercroft after entertaining one of the castle’s guests, when he felt a strange tug pull him from his path and take him towards the courtyard. He didn’t quite know why he was going there, he just knew that he needed to be there. Once outside he knew why. It was Mathias. His first friend, his creator. Sam smiled and watched the man for a few moments. He had watched the necromancer work over the plants, killing them slowly and then trying to reanimate them. Of course with that kind of magic, it was always easier to go one way than the other. 
He walked up to his friend and shook his head, “I’m not even allowed out here.” he laughed a little and then joined Matty on the ground. “I saw what you were doing,” he said as he nudged the other and pointed to the decaying shrubbery.  
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unseeliesam · 4 years
While Caleb was partial to his own gardens, the castle greenhouse was alright. It wasn’t as special for him but he was surrounded by plants all day long in his suites, though it didn’t mean they didn’t deserve some love as well. Not that the gardeners neglected the place, it was always flourishing. And there were mostly nice people in there. 
He let his magic seep out into the surrounding plants, burning away any parasites on them, infusing them with his aura of elemental magic. That was when he noticed the other male in there with him. “Oh. Hi! Sorry to bother you.” he waved, a bright smile on his face. 
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Sam turned quickly at the other, “No, you didn’t. I-” He was going to say, I shouldn’t even be in here but he didn’t feel like getting into trouble. “I thought that I would be alone, but you’re welcome to stay.” he smiled as he began to walk towards the handsome stranger. Sam could see the magic seep into the plant life around them. 
The unseelie turned to the other, “Are you a faerie too?” he asked him. “Oh, by the way I’m Sam.” he offered a warm smile. 
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unseeliesam · 4 years
Kris chuckled. “You want to pretend doing nothing isn’t a challenge itself from time to time.” He grabbed the boy’s chin to make him look him directly in the eye. “Tell me you didn’t want to make the guard stop yourself. Go ahead and lie my pretty we both know the truth.” He caressed his thumb over the boy’s lip. “Now the question is what do you need my pretty. How do I reward you?” 
He lifted his gaze to meet Kris’, “No, you misunderstand.” he cleared his throat as best he could. “I wanted to, but sometimes in these situations you simply  can’t. One juiced up guard with who knows what powers and two helpless slaves, I think we both know how that would have worked out if you hadn’t come. So I should be the one thanking you.” he said and smiled at the other. Sam let his tongue glide over Kris’ thumb. “I can think of a few things.”
obedience | kris & sam
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unseeliesam · 4 years
Sam, along with the rest of the slaves that lived in the undercroft were usually given an hour or so of courtyard time. Supervised of course, but there were so many of them that they usually lost track of some so it would be easy for the unseelie to slip away among the confusion. He slipped away and made his way to the greenhouse. Sam was a faerie, or half faerie now. Which meant that he had a special connection to the natural elements around him and nature itself. 
As he walked in he couldn’t help but smile. It felt good to be in the presence of  all the greenery, of course he was still collared and couldn’t do any magic but it was a connection he felt deep in his core. Sam managed his way through the forest of plants and flowers until he was in the middle. He stood there for a while and relished in the silence, he closed his eyes and focused on the energies around him but of course with no access to his magic it was useless. 
When he opened his eyes, the smile on his face softened. “Some day.” he said softly as he traced the veins of the leaf in his hand. 
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unseeliesam · 4 years
He chuckled as the guard and the other slave did as told and felt satisfied enough. And even more so when he last remaining job was the fae. He nodded at the boy’s response. “Oh my pretty you can always trust me to do my job.” He caressed the boy’s ass again. “And today I think it’s well within my job title to reward you for a job well done. I imagine staying quiet wasn’t easy for you.”
He didn’t know much about Kris, but he did know that the guards feared him. Or was it respect him? Either way, they did what he said so it would be wise for Sam to have someone like him come around when he did. Feeling the vampire’s firm hand on his ass made him blush a light rose color. “I didn’t really do anything, all I did was stand here.” he humbly replied. “It was all you, but if you insist.” he looked up at Kris and smiled.
obedience | kris & sam
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unseeliesam · 4 years
continued from here...
The unseelie smirked and followed closely as the other led them to his suite. If he were being honest with himself, he kind of had hoped something like this would happen. Raph was there when he had woken up in the infirmary and had shown kindness. If there was anything that Sam had ever asked for it was just that.
Once they got to his suite, he stepped inside and looked around. “Well, I guess each suite is custom to their master...” he said as he looked up and turned around to face the other man. 
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unseeliesam · 4 years
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unseeliesam · 4 years
Kris needed a break from his desk so he decided to walk around the under croft and make sure things were going as they should. And they were for the most part. There were of course guards slacking off and boy’s doing small naughty things they shouldn’t be, but for the most part it was peaceful. Finally he walked into a little nook only to be surprised at an interesting little scene. One of his guards had a boy pinned down and more surprisingly was Sam who sat there almost apologetically. Kris pointed at the guard. “You play on your own time. That’s twenty lashes at the end of your shift and a week in chastity. You can handle that I imagine.” The guard frown but stood and quickly left. Kris then pointed at the boy on the floor. “You go to room 215 I’m sure he’ll be a little gentler. And no point in wasting that.” He smirked as he pointed to the boy’s obvious erection. The boy blushed and scurried off. He then turned his eyes to Sam and smiled. “And look at you being a good boy. Not even a get off him.” He circled the boy patting his ass as he did just to see how he’d react. 
Sam turned his head to the voice coming from behind him, he was glad that Kris was there to break up whatever was about to happen... or did happen. He watched as the guard stood at attention and did as he was told. The slave on the ground seemed like whatever was going on was getting him off, which was a little weird to Sam but to each their own. When Kris turned his attention back to him, his heart began to race a bit. There were few people that instilled that nervousness in him, “Um, I didn’t know if he would actually do something..” he said before he jumped a bit when the other gave his ass a little pat. “Thank you, though.” he said as he blushed a little.
obedience | kris & sam
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unseeliesam · 4 years
😈(from Raph)
“Ask and you shall receive. I mean you could’ve just done so, I like that kind of stuff.”
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unseeliesam · 4 years
obedience | kris & sam
Sam was walking back to his cot in the undercroft when he heard a noise. It was like a loud thud followed by some muffling. The unseelie followed the sound until he walked upon something he probably shouldn’t have found. It seemed like the guard was taking advantage of the slave, a situation like that was something that happened a little too often in Sam’s opinion. But, what was he gonna do about it? The hierarchy in the castle meant that he had no power anyway. 
The fae tried to get away, but instead he made a noise that the guard didn’t quite take to. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you..” he said as he looked back at the slave and then to the guard. A knot formed in his throat as he waited for the other to say something.
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unseeliesam · 5 years
“Perhaps you don’t need to know, not yet.” The angel considered. Had he have been himself, perhaps Etera would have been more inclined to encourage Sam to find out who it was. You couldn’t protect yourself against the enemy nearly as well if you were having to constantly second guess friend or foe. But right now, the Angel was convinced that at least for now, he would be their to provide any necessary protection for Sam.
Etera hadn’t really expected it to work, but it appeared angels lived up to their expectations when it came to leading people onto the path of goodness. He didn’t fail to notice how Sam flinched away from his touch, however. “Good. You should know that I won’t hurt you either.” The angel responded, his voice was firm but someone also gentle and soothing. Etera took a step closer and when Sam turned his face away with embarrassment the angel placed his hand on his cheek to guide it back. “Why do you flinch away from me?”
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Sam could feel the corruption deep inside of him begin to seep to the surface as he felt the angel’s touch. He didn’t want to hurt Etera, the former vampire was nice to him when needed it. The unseelie could count on his one hand how many people were, it wasn’t uncommon in a place like the castle though it did make quite the impression on him. Sam could feel the other being getting closer to him, “Please Etera.” he said under his breath. His head followed the other man’s motion, “I don’t want to hurt you..” he said softly as he heard the corruption in his mind scream at him to snuff out the light. 
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unseeliesam · 5 years
Kris was having a good time he really was, but he always had half an eye on work. Which meant he was always ready to punish if he had to, but it also meant he was equally ready to reward a boy who had done well. And to judge others when it was somewhere in the middle. He thought as he saw the boy in the suit with his fancy little ice accesories. The other was beautiful, but the suit was a little too much for Kris’s tastes. “Mmm so close and yet so far.” He hummed as he approached the boy and the bar the bartender giving him a nervous look as Kris had punished him not too long ago for attending as a penguin. Kris had paddled his ass thoroughly which was very clear since he was wearing nothing but a fig leaf that did nothing to hide his cock. “Where on earth did you get this suit? It covers so much. Really my pretty you did such a good job with the accessories could’t you have been a bit more daring? Perhaps an ice thong or something like that. Even a nice form fitting body suit.” He nodded at the bartender who quickly made a drink. It was red and literally smoking and liberally laced with a potion meant to make the boy horny. 
Sam looked over to the other man and couldn’t help but blush a little. He waited for the other to finish his statement to speak, “I conjured it,” he said as he grabbed the glass from the bartender and knocked back the fire liquid. Sam glanced over at the stranger and caught the look he gave the bartender before completely focusing his attention at the guard. “I can change it? If you’d like?” he asked nervously. “I just need you to take this off for a second.” he offered a smile. He knew that it was a lot to ask of someone he just met, but if he wanted something sexier the only way he thought he could change it was by magic. “I mean I could have just came naked, but I like to look nice when I can.” he said with a small shrug. His eyes traced the bar top and lifted when he saw the drink that the guard had ordered. It looked far from normal, but he was intrigued. “Ooh, what’s that?” he asked as he got closer to the class to inhale the fumes of the potion.
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unseeliesam · 5 years
“Spirit actually.” Not that there was much of a difference “But I prefer not to test out powers I know nothing about.” For fear of murdering someone he liked, or perhaps blowing something up, who knew. It would be cool to try, but he would rather this ordeal be over, the sooner, the better.
Listening to the slave, Corbyn smirked “Yet you impressed me, so to say you were in bad shape, I have to say well done, not many manage to do that.” he replied with a small chuckle, wishing he could touch the slave just to tease him.
“Angry is part of who I am, the Alpha in me always feels some sort of rage, though most of the time it’s mild it’s dying to get out.” he said with a small shrug of his translucent shoulders. He rose his brow as the other man said it was a light touch, a little surprised, till Sam said he couldn’t feel it and his hopes of sexually frustrating the slave and himself, were dashed.
“There’s nothing wrong with that, I like a little darkness.” he said, winking to the unseelie.
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He gave a small shrug, “Powers are fun to play with, at least when you’ve already had some to begin with.” he smiled at the other man. Sam brought a skeletal hand up and created a bluish flame. “I guess it makes sense that I can command fire.” he said as he looked into the ball of hot light. He moved his hand closer to the other man and met his gaze. “Too bad you can’t feel anything.” he said as he collapsed his hand and extinguished the fire. 
“You only say that because you saw me without my shirt for a moment.” he flashed Corbyn a smile. He didn’t mind it though, Corbyn was a rather handsome master and he hadn’t done anything that made him wary just yet. So in his book he was good. 
He nodded, “I understand that. I can kind of relate to that, not with anger of course.” he added. “Being born in the fae realm, we’re taught that the light is a part of us and we a part of it.” he gave a small shrug. “I never knew that creatures of light would do something so dark to one of their own, to me.” he said probably confusing the master in the process. “Anyway, I no longer feel that light. There’s only darkness, no corruption.” he said as he could feel his dark magic course through him.
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broken glamour | open
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unseeliesam · 5 years
Corbyn wasn’t about to promise the moon, in fact he rarely made promises. He didn’t trust people, so he didn’t expect them to trust him either. What you saw was usually what you got with Corbyn, he acted like a snake, was a snake.
“For now, nothing.” he said and smirked “Maybe next time.” He would come to claim it whenever he wanted, and he always preferred other people weren’t expecting it when he caim to collect his favours. “Call it a favour owed.” he winked and smiled to the other man. He would happily wreck this slave and yet he was aware that the slave was just out of a coma, perhaps strenuous activities could wait.
“They won’t say no to me, don’t worry.” And if they did, he’d just ask Heinrich to work his magic as a councilman. “Come on! Or do you want to stay in this place all night?” he asked, already turning to leave, expecting the slave to follow.
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He nodded and furrowed his eyebrows a bit, Sam was concerned that the other would take his favor owed and ask for something he couldn’t give. Or worse, something he didn’t want to give. But, for now he thought it useless to worry about something that he had no control over. “Got it.” he nodded once and smiled up at the other. 
“Um,” he shook his head and grabbed his stuff. He walked towards the door and held it open for the other, “Age before beauty.” he mused. “I’m sorry, I like to say that, but I’m usually the old one in the situation. I’m sorry.” he apologized quickly and began to walk behind the other man. 
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awakened | open starter
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