unsolicitedart · 2 years
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July 26, 2022
Estiro Mis Manos.
Trying to reach what has eluded the embrace of my mind,
As death looms closer
mi aliento se convierte más frio
La Pieza Que Falta!
Thousand of pieces, miles de horas y en mis momentos ante Dios, and that's when you reveal to me?!?
¿Por qué el destino es tan barbaro? Fate has never been so.
La experiencia humana acuna el experimento de la vida sin sentido,
Absurdity keeps calling
I'm almost there!
Dios mio, ya casi estoy alli.
las sombras don't care about my sight, but choose now to care about my life!? what changed?
Who allowed these seres trastornados to dictate my fate?
a question of my faith?
¿la respuesta?
Es lo que me duele. My suffering.
I've lived a life of privilege and authority
constantly evading authority,
si así es como debe ser,
No hay Dios
He is satisfied with my submission and defeat
Mientras las lágrimas corren por mis ojos,
There is no God,
Seguramete, No hay Dios.
Él está aquí.
Esitro Mi Manos.
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unsolicitedart · 2 years
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July 25, 2022
You can never go too far
where you can't come home again
That's why you need
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