unstcbleempathy · 5 years
[ Oh boy, it’s been a long time. I have a fandom blog, which you can follow here @captalexmanes​ and a brand new RP blog here . I’m slowly setting it up but feel free to message me on either one! I miss the people I have on here. ] 
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
[ Oh boy, it’s been a long time. I have a fandom blog, which you can follow here @captalexmanes​ and a brand new RP blog here . I’m slowly setting it up but feel free to message me on either one! I miss the people I have on here. ] 
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
[ I’ve ran into an issue. My muse for Will has disappeared...I’m SO terribly sorry guys. I’m going to try and find him. I’m heading to college on August 23rd btw. ]
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
[ I promise I am alive! I’ve been very disorganized lately because my schedule has changed but I apologize for not being on as often as I used to be. My birthday is in 3 days (June 19) and then I’m off to Mexico with a few friends of mine. I be reawakening my muse when I get back from the trip! Thank you. ]
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
Abigail felt oddly content as she stood there. When she’d been younger, she’d considered being a nurse. She’d liked being able to help young forest creatures, in particular, but then once her father had started demanding that she kill some of them for sport, the nurturing side of her had suddenly darkened and felt twisted and diseased. How could she possibly care for others when she had to simultaneously end life?
“At least they’re together,” Abigail mumbled. “I would’ve expected them to be put in separate foster homes… I guess one small reprieve is my dad waited until I was legal before getting caught.” She smiled bitterly, shrugging her shoulders. “At least you know you have something waiting for you when you get out.”
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Abigail had nothing. It was a lonely, sinking feeling to see nothing but blackness stretching out over her future.
“When are you due to be released?”
The CHATTER from the nurses and doctors that he was able to identify weren’t much comfort. He was aware of the rumors and various statements that floated around the building, regarding his presence. Mere whispers had been said about Abigail, but they were SILENCED since her arrival. The medical field held hidden motives and it wasn’t uncommon for one to hear about a doctor murdering their patient. The position of being knowledgable in medicine normally gave a sense of higher power. Surgeons had the tendency to believe that they were GOD.
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His fellow companions brought a wavering feeling of excitement whenever he thought about them. However, he felt as if he was missing SOMETHING as if apart of him had been misplaced. Will wet his lips after he spoke of foster homes and his thoughts ventured towards Eva, the ‘mother’ responsible for abducting four boys from their homes. “Even if they had been placed in different homes, the dogs would have found their way back to each other in one way or another.” They were family.
“Hopefully, I’ll be released sometime in the next two weeks, that is if I cooperate with taking my medications and following their instructions.” 
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
The CRISP wind that whisked through his dark hazel fur as he ran only intensified the feeling of freedom. Various scents of the wilderness around him were brought to his attention by his little keen nose. His paws hit the ground with a swiftness as he easily maneuvered through the woods. He could hear the faint commands of the humans behind him fading as he began to outdistance them. His strides grew as he reached a faintly steep slope. Instead of slowing down, the wolf jumped, pushing off against the earth with his powerful hind legs.
He soared and gently landed on all fours a soft thud on the ground, but he continued running. An arrow WHIZZED by his front left shoulder, with the tip skimming his flesh. A low grumble of annoyance and irritation sounded from his maw. The shouting was growing louder and suddenly, a shrill whistle broke through the chaos. It certainly hadn’t originated from the hunters. Black tipped ears perked forward in attention before the distraction was seized by the humans.
Surrounded with several men holding spears and arrows upon him, the wolf only lowered himself to a crouching position. His lips peeled back to reveal a perfect set of white, DAGGER-LIKE teeth, and his blue eyes narrowed into slits. A strident SNARL rang through the atmosphere. 
He jerked himself forward in a false lunge, testing the reflexes of his enemies, who instantly stepped back to avoid the oncoming set of jaws. An agile poke to his right flank with the point of a spear forced him to swirl around to face the threat. Blood trickled down from his wounds, but he paid them no mind. He’d have time to lick his injuries later...if he ESCAPED alive. 
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
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The patientremains silent for a moment to muse. As much as she hated to admit it, this encounter was probably going to be the most fun she’s had all week. There was nothing in this place to keep her entertained. The pills were numbing and etching doodles of demons into the four walls was getting old. The door creaks open and Roxanne side steps, making room for the stranger to enter. “Lemme guess,” she huffs, shuffling towards the bed shoved against the wall. She perches on the corner of the mattress and finally decides to meet his gaze with a cold stare. “So. Lemme guess. You’re one of those, ah, journalists comin’ to interview me about what happened.” The only visitors Roxanne seemed to get was from the news station. When she first finished her trial and got thrown into the institute, reporters flocked to the ivy laced walls to ask the Todd girl all their burning questions. 
A part of him was flabbergasted that she ALLOWED him in. He steadily followed, not rushing into her personal space. His hands were held lightly at his sides. Will took note of how Roxanne distanced herself and his eyes slightly wandered around the room before settling briefly on her hardened gaze. He had his glasses stashed into the inside pocket of his coat, but he didn’t dare to resort to that SAFETY. Just as she did to him, he would have to let her in too. No barriers, no fortifiable defenses.  
“No, I’m not a journalist.” If he had to name the one thing on Earth that was a TERRIBLE nuisance, it would reporters and BLOODTHIRSTY journalists. “I work for the FBI as a special agent.” Graham exhaled softly. “It seems like we’re both accustomed to unwanted public attention.” 
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There wasn’t much to do in one’s isolation in an institute. Entertainment was limited and contact with the outside world was normally cut off. This was all too familiar.
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
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    Oh, there was fear. There would always remain at least a little fear – fear of the Dragon, for the Dragon is most divine and it is folly to anger a god. Francis has no such intentions, though he was certain his failure had angered the Dragon. He would feel it, he would know it. This would not go unpunished. It never did, no matter how scarce Dolarhyde’s failures. 
    He had expected for the othe to walk away, to not give Francis any of his attention (it would not be anything new). But now that he had chosen not to do so, it gave Dolarhyde all the much pleasure. Though it was a dangerous game to play, it was one he was willing to play. After all, how would a coward and a fool be worthy of his Becoming?
    “What did you feel – truly?” Francis asked in return. There was a vague idea of what Graham was capable of, and so Dolarhyde knew it was dangerous to leave this man a glance into his mind. It could be lethal, and definite. It could take from him all he had become and all he would need to achieve in order to Become. If Graham wished to read into the Dragon’s cards, he would need to try harder.
They were two of the most VALUABLE pieces on a chessboard. They could set off a chain reaction that would further VIOLENT events down the line, or they could simply dance around the idea that Hannibal Lecter was basically the tie that binding them together. Will had a chance to back away from the life of burrowing inside the deranged minds of killers, yet he didn’t ESCAPE. He’s paying the price for his actions, one that he had FEARED. 
This confrontation was inevitable and turning away would have only delayed this meeting further. Each of them had a hand to play and Will had to choose his cards with precision. False moves had consequences that he didn’t wish to UNCOVER. 
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Will’s eyes shifted slightly at the inquiry. The gears in his mind were working. “I felt,” he started slowly, collecting his words as he went along. “an obscene amount of DREAD and GUILT, but then, came the INFERNO of rage at the man who had sent you after my family.” Like a fucking bloodhound, sent after souls that needed collection. He paused, collecting his emotions. “Why did you chose them? You had the options of following through with Lecter’s implied set of information, but why did you act on it? Are you that desperate to please him?”
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
Servants gathered by the Prince, bowing before him, paying their RESPECTS to his HONOR and contribution. As he passed his reins down to them, they welcomed the beast under their command. The healthy animal was then led to the stables where she would be pampered with brushes, food, fresh water, and other necessities. Love was given especially to the crest detailing familial correspondence. It was a crest they’d witnessed flutter on flags.
A King never lacked vanity, from a handsome man it meant more than from a measly peasant. To be admired by his equal tickled his nervous system, clamored him with grace and elated him beyond this world. They disappeared behind the heavy doors, the doorknockers slamming behind them as his footsteps echoed in the massive hall. Two great fires stood on each side of the grand staircase; a rolled out red carpet with GOLDEN STRIPS at each side. Others preferred ravaging lions but his love laid with the stag, an otherwise nightmarish creature.
Up the stairs there were diverging paths, King Lecter swung his coat to the right and led Prince Will to the room where many life-changing discussions were planted and had bloomed. “With deep personality, I have studied your letters. Do not think at once that I have not pondered the caliber of such changes. I have been awaiting your arrival, it is expected as your tone grew with heat even at the palm of your hands. I could see the ink was forced out DEMANDINGLY in certain words.”
“I ask you now, what purpose does this visit have?”
The presence he radiated was much gentler than his father’s. Will tipped his head slightly in a sign of respect towards the servants who escorted his horse. As much as he wanted to be with his mare, there was an issue at hand that DEMANDED his attention. The ground was soft beneath his footwear and his steps were light as he walked. His observant gaze took in the sight of his surroundings, with no details going UNCHECKED. 
He avoided the eyes of people, turning his glance away before they could even make contact with him. He was sheltered and reserved, pulled back from the world by choice. The grand interior of the colossal hall spoke of scenes that only they had witnessed. The walls told a tale of their own, the best-kept SECRETS in the kingdom. No one knew what they’ve heard. Possibilities floated around in his headspace, jarring his thoughts on about various situations that might unfold. The sword that rested in its sheath tapped lightly against his thigh with each step he took. 
Following Lecter into a room, he ( rather humbly ) kept his hands clasped behind him. The quarters they were in, was one of importance and it was best for him to watch his manners ( or so, that was what his father would have said ). “My original mission was to discuss a possible alliance between our kingdoms,” he said as he starting to steadily pace, failing to meet the set of visuals that were firmly planted. “But those are my father’s plans and not my own.”
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
The students were arranged in neat little rows, overlooking him as he gave the presentation. He could tell that their attentions were WAVERING and the back of his mind, he couldn’t blame them. After all, he probably WASN’T their favorite professor. Will Graham often came across as aloof and DISTANT. In truth, he didn’t want anyone crawling around inside his headspace, it wasn’t welcoming and he absorbed habits easily from others.
It had only been nearly nine months since his adjustment into the Academy and was still subjected to the occasional phantom pains in his right shoulder. His last occupation in the New Orleans Police Department had left him wounded with a slightly DAMAGED rotator cuff. Could he be considered as unfortunate or just UNLUCKY? Or maybe even perhaps, both? ( he doesn’t know and he doesn’t really care either ). He’s never believed in luck. 
He concluded the lecture with the simple word, “Dismissed” and a gentle wave of his hand. Graham didn’t turn around to see the students as they filed out. The sounds of supplies being gathered and hustling footsteps rang in his ears as he maneuvered himself to the chair that sat behind his desk. A headache was growing and he could feel the discomfort in his skull starting to arrive with a vengeance. The day was completed and he was anxious to get back home to see his four-legged companions. When he was away, they missed him just as much as he YEARNED for their comfort. 
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As he set his gaze on the empty seats, a voice grabbed his attention. Twin blue eyes came to momentarily rest on the student. Alertness was briefly present only to fade within a few seconds. Shock steadily wore away and curiosity GNAWED at his being. No one ever stayed past his lecture to ask questions, but there was a first time for everything. 
“Yes?” He lightly pressed, shifting his glance to the neatly placed materials on his desk. “What is it?” 
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
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           Do you normally do this? It’s enough that his step falters, just for a beat, nothing noticeable; it’s been a long time since someone asked about the less questionable things he did, and it pulls a bemused smile across his features when he turns to glance at Will.
“Yeah,” he says, and his voice is a thousand miles away for an instant, remembering a whole lotta kids ushered into warm kitchens and onto bunk beds under his sister-in-law’s eye, the tired thank-yous of his compatriots too exhausted to travel after their heists. Storm. Laura. It’s - a lot of people, actually. More than he’d noticed. “Guess I kinda do. Don’t tell nobody, neh? Really ruin m’reputation if word gets out.”
Cheeks dimple deep, and he shrugs, half-awkward for a second as he leads Will around a corner and onto a better-trafficked street. “I got adopted by t’guy who caught me pickin’ his pocket. Figure there’s worse things in the world than cookin’ a little extra and loanin’ out empty beds, t’sais? ’Course, I been told by a lotta folk I’m outta my mind, but y’know. All relative.”
Curiosity tugged at his gut like the PESKY need to scratch an irritating misquote bite. During the rare instances in which his intrigue was PROVOKED, it was often difficult to satisfy. His strong interests fueled branches of possibilities that were waiting to be created.
Thieves OPERATED on their own set of laws. In terms of the laws of society, they chose the ones to rightfully OBEY to fit in with the rest of the world. Unlike psychopaths, anonymity was normally crucial. Remy has a heart and the selfish ( or the cautious )  never went around offering their place to stay to wanderers on the streets. Perhaps this world still had the capacity to surprise him. A slight chuckle arose from Will, “I promise, my lips are sealed. After all, anyone would be wary if I told them anything. In most fields, I’m currently not the most reliable source.”
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Graham kept his eyes slightly lowered as he took in his surroundings as he followed Remy. Everyone was going about their business and the privacy he was presently able to maintain was more than refreshing ( with a few side glances from people ). Will’s pace increased slightly and he found himself walking side-by-side with the other man. “I’ve been told several times that I’ve tipped over the edge of possible SANITY.” He paused. “I don’t think it’s absurd to offering housing to those who appear to need it. People are concerned about letting in the WRONG individual.” 
A set of a woman’s shifting eyes momentarily caught his gaze and he took note of how her pupils visibly WIDENED. A shocked gasp followed from her. Panic threatened to swell within him, but he carried on, ignoring her barely audible sentences that were stuttered and incoherent. 
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
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Hannibal Rewatch - “Potage”
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
When the sun sets we’re both the same, half in the shadows, half burned in flames
Tamer “Beautiful Crime”
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unstcbleempathy · 5 years
[ So Avengers: Endgame fucking WRECKED ME; I cried 6 times and I’m still an emotional mess. Oops. But I’m pretty busy now and I’m hoping to answer some drafts over the course of the next few weeks. I deeply apologize for being so distant from this place. ]
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