untamedangel09 · 9 years
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
"I didn’t know I was looking for anything until I saw you." —Sylvia Day, Reflected in You
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
“You’ll need coffee shops and sunsets and road trips. Airplanes and passports and new songs and old songs, but people more than anything else. You will need other people and you will need to be that other person to someone else, a living breathing screaming invitation to believe better things.” —Jamie Tworkowski
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
I genuinely love hearing other people’s dating stories, especially when they work out, I just like knowing that a part of the world is filled with someone’s cute lil happiness ❤️
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
He stared into her dark brown eyes that reminded him of Belgian chocolates trying to compose himself but his emotions got the better of him and he yelled exasperated “Why didn’t you fight for me dammit? Why did you not ask me to come back to you when I told you I met someone why did you tell me that you hope I’m happy and let me go? We were together for three years and had you asked me to stay.. I would have.” She smiled and then sadly said “I did not fight for you because I could not. It did not feel right to me. You’re the person who knows me best, you’re the one who sees behind my masks and you’re the one who allowed me to take my walls down and let you in therefore you know that when I love.. I love unselfishly. I love with  all my heart and all my soul never expecting anything in return. When I love… I love fiercely.. and I love till the day they decide they stop loving me and they move on.. and even then for a very long time after.. I still love them.. and that’s why I could not fight for you. When I love someone, I make a promise to myself that I will only be in their lives as long as they need me and the minute they move on or find someone who makes them happier then I will let them go no matter how painful it may be because all I could ever want for someone I love is peace, joy and happiness. So when you told me you met her and you were meeting her that night… yes.. it crushed me.. it broke my heart.. and I spent endless nights wondering why I was not good enough for you. Then somewhere along the line.. I let you go for all I wanted was for you to be happy even if it meant I was not the one who was making you happy. I think you know me well enough to understand that I am someone who will give up what makes her happy for the sake of someone she loves and in this case… I gave you up.. for your own sake. But for now you will remain the only man I’ve ever loved who still has my respect. You will remain the only man I’ve loved who still has a place in my heart. For now, you are the only man I’ve ever loved who I would probably love again. For now.. I hope that’s enough for you.”
~Excerpts from the book I’ll never write #248
3:00 am
(via littleteenagethings)
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
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untamedangel09 · 9 years
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