unumfatalis · 9 years
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I know I just came back like, last week, but I’ve been having trouble writing. Or rather, motivating myself to write. I keep wanting to but every time I look at my drafts my brain just goes “nah I’ll do it later” and it’s making things difficult and the only muse that is working for me is Sheik (if you want the URL feel free to ask). I promise I will do the drafts I owe I just - I dunno I can’t seem to get myself to right now.
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unumfatalis · 9 years
          Having seemingly cheated death, Neji was in no hurry to get back into battles - not that the Hokage would let him anyway. He understood, that he had to take it easy but that did not necessarily mean he wanted to. Being impaired was frustrating at best; he could only imagine how someone as hyperactive as Gai had to feel with the amount of hospitalization he had. The students could, in theory, go into doing low rank missions again soon but Neji did not wish to drag them down.
          Of course he was still very much capable in respects outside of his Byakugan, but his whole comprehension of vision was damaged, and the chances of it getting restored were unknown. It was not as if Branch members came back alive every day, or at all. From what he learned when he came home, Branch members that had been brought back during the war had their curse seals activated, but Neji had avoided such. That at least, was something to be grateful for even if he knew Hinata, or Hanabi would never use it.
          With the time that they had, either to wait for Gai’s growing recovery or for the recreation of the village, Neji knew that he could begin training his eyes again, to strengthen them - he had his own hospital visits to go to. They had to make the best of it, even if Neji’s best was taking it slow and steady. He wanted to be able to see better, but presently everything felt like it was lacking; but that was to be expected. The war was still on their backs, and death could leave the Hyuga shaken.
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          “I think the whole village does,” there was a hint of jest in his tone, one he knew Tenten would recognize. It was a rare instance, but not unheard of. “And even if he doesn’t recover... We can look forward to watching Lee try to figure out how fast he can go pushing Gai in his wheelchair, and making a training regime out of it.”
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“He’s recovering too.”
A part of her couldn’t help but wonder if they would ever be the same, if she would ever stand in a battlefield with her team again. The life of a shinobi- it was something she was sure stayed at the back of all of their minds, the future more uncertain now than it had been when war and death were definite and not just possibilities. 
But peace offered nothing else if not time, time to consider the new world they had carved out for themselves, time to sit back and mend properly without the threat of battles and missions hanging so closely over them. It was difficult (and she had no plans to give up her blades), but not entirely unwelcome. 
“Kakashi-sensei probably appreciates the break.”
And so did she, truthfully, the chance to relax and enjoy each others company, to process the things that had happened to them. Lee still tended to keep his previous schedule, up with the sun because he had to train, in his words, enough for all of them. But Tenten- she reveled in these new quiet moments, in sitting on the warm wooden porches of the Hyuuga compound indulging in small talk and aromatic tea with her teammate. 
He would have probably told her it was an inefficient use of their time, before.
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unumfatalis · 9 years
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          Training was the core thing that they used to do together during down time from missions, but with his slow recovery Neji did not believe that would be a possibility for some time. Things were slowly settling around them anyway, and Neji wondered if there would be a point to whether or not to train more in the first place. Not that he said it out loud; it would cause more strain between them and that was the last thing he wanted. “Have you been to see Gai lately?” he asked, diverting away from his train of thought altogether. “Each time I have been to see him he has been asleep. It’s almost strange to see him being so still.”
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unumfatalis · 9 years
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unumfatalis · 9 years
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          She was one to keep an eye on. That was what Neji had thought, given the known circumstances about her. As an Uchiha, even... But he would not set up that stigma for her. He wondered how much Sakura chose to tell her. It was no business of his really, but he supposed it was nice to see someone else having to wear glasses - even if he only had to wear his own when his eyes were strained. Adjusting them, he glanced toward her, perching his brow.
          “What’s on your mind there, Sarada?”
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unumfatalis · 9 years
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unumfatalis · 9 years
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          The room was still spinning when he started to come to. He did not know how many times he had woken, only to immediately fall back into slumber by now. He vaguely remembered speaking once or twice, but it was irrelevant. Feeling more awake this time, he squinted and tried to make out his surroundings only to be drawn by the familiar being by his side.
          “Hinata-sama... How long have you been here?” his voice was meek, however he highly doubted that was what she would be paying attention to presently.
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unumfatalis · 9 years
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unumfatalis · 9 years
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Blog is mostly updated layout wise - Still need to make a overlay that I like but I will work on that later. Taking a break now to do cosplay things.
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unumfatalis · 9 years
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いのり by 96mdr
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unumfatalis · 9 years
yessss keep your neji going, I think neji is the muse you are best at.
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Thank you. I haven’t RP’d him in a year though so if he was the one I am “best” at he probably isn’t anymore. Still - hope I don’t disappoint.
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unumfatalis · 9 years
Gives into temptation and will probably bring this boy back from the dead (Pun entirely intended.) Blame Kyna for promising me love. All their fault.
Anyway - Going to be remaking theme, icons, and the blog altogether really.
Not sure I will be able to really with the rest of the week because I have to get ready for the con this weekend but! Will probably start getting things together in the morning before my friend gets here but - yeah.
Just an update I suppose??????
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unumfatalis · 10 years
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          "Can you be any louder?
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unumfatalis · 10 years
Juliet Marillier, Wildwood Dancing
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unumfatalis · 10 years
pity not the dead for they have no use of your tears pity the living for they must endure and need your tears to survive
—the necessity of tears
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unumfatalis · 10 years
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unumfatalis · 10 years
Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie
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