unyixldingwill · 4 years
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it’s been 84 years...
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
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Rebooted Crona Gorgon roleplay blog here! Hoping to maybe get around and maybe back into the swing of things. Like or Reblog if you’d be interested in roleplay with me. Thanks a bunch!
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
Want a random starter?
Send me a symbol…
🎬 for me to use a line from the last movie I watched as a starter 📹 for me to use a line from my favorite movie as a starter 📚 for me to grab the book nearest to me, flip to a random page, and use the first line of dialogue I see as a starter 🎧 for me to shuffle my playlist and use the first line of the next song as a starter 🎶 for me to use my favorite line of the last song I listened to as a starter 📺 for me to use a line from the last TV show I watched as a starter 💻 for me to use a line from my favorite TV show as a starter 🎵for me to shuffle my playlist and use my favorite line of the next song as a starter 😊 for me to make a starter based off the first thing in your wanted plots tag 😉 for me to make a starter based off the first thing in my wanted plots tag 💋 for a shippy starter 😡 for an angsty starter 👊 for an argument/fight starter 🌈 for a random encounter starter 🏩 for a nsfw starter 📫 for a text message starter 💀 for a dark starter 🍬 for a fluffy starter
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
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satsuki kiryuin + suit
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
Kill la Kill as you truly imagined it.
(Thanks to @lazingabout for the audio! https://youtu.be/-Fd4UFoODdo?t=4m25s )
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
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Fear is freedom Subjugation is liberation Short hair Satsuki is obsession
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
Without any sort of warning whatsoever, Satsuki would be turned right around as quick as a flash. Before she could possibly say anything, her mouth would be occupied with Ryuko pressing her lips against hers, holding onto the kiss for a few long seconds before she parted their lips.
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Satsuki blushed lightly as she was turned around and instantly kissed. Only two days into her break from work and already she had been nearly attacked with who she realized to be Ryuko. Though it wasn’t a violent attack, no, it was one from a needy lover who missed her dearly.Kissing the woman back, Satsuki chuckled at her sister, “Couldn’t contain yourself? You always are so eager and needy for attention.” The older woman teased with a smile. 
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
🍬 Is my muse a sub, dom, or switch?
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“ . . . . . . “
Satsuki enjoys being submissive but only to certain people. Sometimes though she will happily take the lead.
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
sex+romance headcanons!
Send me a symbol. Please note that some answers may be NSFW.
🌟 What is my muse’s sexual/romantic orientation? 💦 At what age did my muse lose their virginity? 😘 Would my muse have sex on the first date? 😊 Would my muse ever ask someone on a date? 👍 Does my muse prefer to be asked on a date, or would they rather do the asking? 😉 What are my muse’s fetishes/kinks? 💬 When did my muse go on their first date? 💯 What is my muse’s ideal date? 💗 Has my muse ever been in love? 👠 What was my muse’s last serious relationship like? 👰 Would my muse ever get married? 🌼 Would my muse prefer a big wedding or a small wedding? 🍬 Is my muse a sub, dom, or switch? 🏩 What was my muse’s first time like? 🎆 Is my muse into monogamy? 💕 Would my muse ever be in a polyamorous relationship? 🔥 Would my muse ever be up for a threesome? 👮 Has my muse ever had sex in public? 💔 What was my muse’s first heartbreak? 💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner? 💋 How many people has my muse slept with? 👀 Is my muse the type to sleep around? 👎 Would my muse ever cheat on their partner? 😳 What was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship? 💲Would my muse ever date/marry/sleep with someone because they were rich? 👓 Would my muse ever lie for sex? 👿 Would my muse ever blackmail someone into sex? 🎥 Who is my muse’s celebrity crush? 🎀 Who would my muse sleep with if nobody ever had to know? 💍 Has my muse ever had a one-night stand? 💝 Does my muse like Valentine’s Day? 💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
It's been a while, hasn't it, sweetie? I hope you've been well, considering all the responsibilities on your shoulders. Oh, and do let me know if you need me to come and help you unwind, yes? Pent up lust isn't good for maintaining one's concentration and focus~
Satsuki blushed heavily as she listened to the woman before her. Of course she'd have ignored the more human desires that her body held. Arguably worse since the fibers only made her need release more than most humans. Sighing, Satsuki rubbed her own temples. "I.... Could use some time to relax. I am so tired as of late even with my life fibers. It seems my human body still requires its most basic needs."
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
“Stop looking at me like that, it’s making me hard.”
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“Ryuko, I’m sure if I breathed in your direction you’d get hard. Please do try to keep calm until we are home”
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
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Satsuki continued further, but made sure to give special treatment to each of Ragyo’s breasts. Suckling on her much like a nursing child only with a more sexual nature to it. With one hand still stroking her lengths, she made sure to switch between both of them as to give equal attention, Satsuki continued to tease and push the vibrating egg as far in as she could and then turned the power up a few notches.
Loving to hear and feel the reactions of the woman under her, Satsuki would have to keep herself from the best part she had in store for her mother. Slowly but surely she would make her way away from her breasts and trail down. Placing a kiss upon each of her lengths tips as her hands never stopped working her. “It’s only just begun, mother, are you already at your end?” She teased ever so slightly.
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
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Blushing quite a bit, her nerves of dominating her own mother were settled for now as she seemed to allow this action. Moving herself to gently kiss across her skin, Satsuki started at her mother’s lips before moving down agonizingly slow as her lips pressed against her neck, daring to leave a mark there.
As her lips were busy, her hands moved to grab the very toy Ragyo had teased her with and brought it up to her lengths. Ghost like touches with the vibrator against her lengths she moved it down, past her twin pair of girths to somewhere that had lacked attention for a very long time.
Inwardly smirking she pressed the vibrator up to the set of her lower lips. One hand pressing the toy into her and the other gently stroking one of her lengths. Satsuki knew it was a huge risk to do this, but she hopped her mother may appreciate both sexes of her’s being toyed with for once.
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
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After thirty minutes did Ragyo eventually appear in her own bed chambers when she comes across Satsuki making a very elaborate setup in her room. This only made her more than amused when she gazed upon what was set up here. Even the dim lights and candles were lit to particular effect. She admits that her daughter certainly loves to decorate. Not that she minded of course.
“Sugoi, Satsuki-chan. I can see that you’ve been busy hm?”
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Satsuki grinned, while she was a bit aroused from he toy that Ragyo used, it would take much more to have her writhe in pleasure. In fact, Satsuki would move and grab her mother’s arm, hopefully using the fact that Ragyo’s guard would be down to then pull and nearly toss her onto the bed so she was laying on her back. Smirking at her mother she pinned her down, knowing Ragyo could break free if she wanted to.
“Did you really think that I would sit idly by? You wanted something special, and I will give it to you.” Satsuki moved to give a small quick kiss to her mother’s cheek. “Tonight, you will be the one receiving pleasure when I give it to you.”
Soft hands traveled down Ragyo’s pale skin. Caressing and rubbing ever so gently to tease as she continued feeling every inch of her mother’s perfect skin. It was sensual to say the least, and with a smile up at Ragyo, Satsuki had more ideas to come. While Ragyo always was to take the initiative, tonight she would. 
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
dirty talk .
“If we weren’t at this party and these people weren’t around, I would jump you right now…”
“What would you say if I asked you to go down on me right now?”
“It might sound greedy, but I need your cock so bad right now…”
“I wish I could control myself better around you, but when I see you, all I want to do is rip your clothes off and fuck you.”
“I need to feel you inside me.”
“Nobody has ever fucked me like you do.”
“Even when you’re in a bad mood, I want to fuck you.”
“I’m going to mark you as mine tonight.”
“When we get home, I’m going to make you orgasm so hard.”
“Knowing that you can completely overpower me makes me so crazy horny.“
“What would you prefer I wear tonight, a thong or panties or nothing at all?”
“Would you discipline me if I was acting bratty?”
“If these people weren’t here, I would be on my knees with your cock in my mouth.”
“I can barely concentrate; I just keep thinking about you grabbing me and taking me.”
“I’ve got a sexy surprise for you later…”
"I wish we could just stay in bed and have sex all day long…”
“I love it when you wear tight clothes.”
“Guess what color my panties are?”
“We need to meet after work; this horniness is killing me.”
“I just want to wrap my pussy around your cock.”
“I just want to wrap my ass around your cock.”
“You look so fucking hot in the morning.”
“I wore these panties just for you.”
“I feel so horny and helpless when you dominate me.”
“Tonight is going to be a lot of fun…”
“If you play your cards right, you’ve got some pleasure/fun coming your way.”
“Stop looking at me like that, it’s making me wet.”
“Stop looking at me like that, it’s making me hard.”
“Tonight we’re going to do what I want to do. But don’t worry, it’s going to be a lot of fun!”
“I’m going to make you scream and shout tonight!”
“It’s a pity we’re not in bed right now because all I can think of is feeling your body on mine.”
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
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“Well lately its because of you two that made me more willing to jump into such points. Apparently longer speeches are frowned upon.” Ragyo joked before she continued. “As for those two, well I wouldn’t be surprised if those two are aiming for each other before they go for me. But now that you are available..” Ragyo grinned at the others’ reaction when she stood up as well rather than leaning against the chair.
Nodding towards her daughter did she merely shrugged. She’ll humor the girl and allow her this as she crosses her arms. 
“As you wish. Luckily for you, I do have a fine bottle of wine to down beforehand. It helps take some of the wanton need off for a bit.” Ragyo joked. Probably.
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Satsuki sighed and nodded laughing a bit to herself as how impatient her two siblings seemed to be as she didn’t mind talking with her mother. Perhaps it was because she was older she enjoyed conversation with her lovers but either way, she headed to Ragyo’s room and started to get things ready.
Satsuki would set up the room nicely and light a few candles, while she wasn’t quite sure if Ragyo enjoyed it, Satsuki loved the dimmed light and found it more romantic in a sense. Treating her mother more like a lover than anything tonight.
Undressing herself she set the bed so the sheets wouldn’t get tangled up in their love making but also close enough to pull over after. Laying on the bed she waited for Ragyo to enter as the time was nearly up after setting those things up. Of course she’d also pull out a small elegant box of Ragyo’s favorite toys and tools they kept in her bedroom in case she wanted to use them. 
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unyixldingwill · 5 years
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“You just need something to occupy your time. That is why I am here and since this is mother’s day. I think you know exactly what I want hm? I mean that is primary purpose in this family after all. Not just being the heiress of REVOCS as you may have guessed. But considering you are not tired. Its only fair that you tend to me now but where are my manners? I am sure you want something in return, yes?” 
Ragyo chuckled while keeping Satsuki in her arms, Adoring the others’ acceptance.
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“Always one to jump to the point. I had thought that Ryuko and Nui had swept you away for more... motherly things seeing as Ryuko has many mother’s days to catch up on; but if you insist.” Satsuki stood up from her chair and looked at her mother with a slight grin.
“Do give me some time to prepare something for you, I will need roughly thirty minutes to arrange something for you in your bedroom. So do stay away as I am getting things ready.”
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