uphirgeneralsurgeon · 11 years
I remember this.. 
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Reaver sighed as he wandered the abandoned halls of Collindale castle, nestled deep in the hidden parts of Romania. He’d never tell anyone about his life here…
It was during the years he had no idea who Lovell was, after Shakespeare. The new fallen had come here, running from the Angels though he new not why. He settled here in Romania, his homeland he couldn’t remember… 
He spent a few years, hiding in poverty, until the princess of the land he had chosen as home Discovered him as a painter. She thought he was handsome and Her father saw his skill with a brush, hiring him to paint the royal portrait. Over the years the Princess called Reaver to her to paint menial things, slowly falling in love with the mysterious stranger. 
Soon she told her father she wanted to marry the male and the king denied, Reaver wasn’t a prince. -However the clever angel knew the safest place for him to be hidden was in the castle, where the guards would try to protect him, or at least cause enough of a distraction so Reaver could spread his wings and fly away. He cared for the humans, but he wouldn’t think twice about bolting in favor of his own life.- So the Raven haired painter drew up some ancient looking documents showing he was royalty. 
Soon enough there was a wedding and Reaver was proclaimed king, he renamed the castle Collindale castle and presided over for a few years, until surprisingly his queen produced a daughter. This made him surprisingly happy, this human life he had acquired. They had a family portrait made, Reaver insisted on painting it himself, painting first his Queen and Daughter, then adding himself in later. 
Sadness took him when his daughter died of medical problems not a month after the portrait was finished, his angel blood didn’t mix well with her human mother’s half. That however was only the beginning… Soon Gideon and his angels found Reaver again and he had to flee, leaving behind his life to find a new one. Perhaps in Russia this time. 
Reaver smoothed his hand over the old painting on the wall, it had kept up surprisingly well over the centuries. He was sure it would have been looted but it was saved. Thinking back, he didn’t love the princess, and now felt guilty for using her and her family for protection. He wished he could go back and make things right, but all he could do was place flowers at the base of the portrait every year on the anniversary of his daughter’s death. 
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
(This is based on Madonna’s Material Girl video! Also up on the site!)
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
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he’ll take you for a magic carpet ride ;)
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
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無題 by 万
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
"I hold no hope to keep my fiancee's attention after 9 notes."
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0 notes
uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
"I have no family.. Its just me.. I mean, there's the hospital.. but that's it." he shrugs a bit. "that sounds nice.. something small. I'll have to talk to Reaver.. he just went through the whole wedding thing. Maybe he can help."
Paris blushed brightly at the mention of a wedding and ended up getting taken out by a horde. He and Darren had talked about a wedding before but never actually thought it would happen. “I.. I uh.. don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it.” Paris swallowed softly and looked up at Darren. “How big would you want one?”
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
Paris blushed brightly at the mention of a wedding and ended up getting taken out by a horde. He and Darren had talked about a wedding before but never actually thought it would happen. "I.. I uh.. don't know. I haven't really thought about it." Paris swallowed softly and looked up at Darren. "How big would you want one?"
Paris smiles a bit and shakes his head. “Nah… I was amusing myself. I had started playing chess when Reaver found me. And besides.. I like cars.. if there were any really nice ones, I might not have been able to resist touching.” Paris smiles and leans on his lover slightly. “Its cool either way. I’m just glad you’re off. I’ve missed you lately.”
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
Paris smiles a bit and shakes his head. "Nah... I was amusing myself. I had started playing chess when Reaver found me. And besides.. I like cars.. if there were any really nice ones, I might not have been able to resist touching." Paris smiles and leans on his lover slightly. "Its cool either way. I'm just glad you're off. I've missed you lately."
Paris looked up smiling softly. “Yeah go for it. Press A and you’ll sign in.” he hands a controller over to his fiancee and scoots over on the leather couch. “I was waiting for you outside your work.. but Reaver said it would be warmer here. I was starting to get cold so I kinda had to agree.” 
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
Paris looked up smiling softly. "Yeah go for it. Press A and you'll sign in." he hands a controller over to his fiancee and scoots over on the leather couch. "I was waiting for you outside your work.. but Reaver said it would be warmer here. I was starting to get cold so I kinda had to agree." 
“Mm. Down the hall under the balcony, last room on the left.” Reaver mumbles and returns to changing the bandages on his wing. 
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
Just that bored||
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Paris sighed as he stared at the chess board, it was late at night, and he was sitting in a park near his work, thankfully there was a street lamp near by which offered enough light to see the board.. He had been playing the game with himself for over two hours and whats worse, he was losing. The black pieces had completely overtaken the white and had him backed into a corner. "How the fuck do I lose to myself." the male grumbled and glared at the pieces.  "You see Darren... this is what happens when you're not around. I'm reduced to fucking around and playing chess with myself." Paris mumbles to no one. "I swear to god you owe me fucking big time." 
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
Paris squealed when he got caught. He didn't expect Darren to be waiting in the kitchen for him, but he was excited at the same time. He tugged Darren against him and groaned. "As hard as you can. I don't want to be able to walk for days." he purred and groped his lover's crotch gently. He could have slipped away and bolted again, but he didn't want to. He just wanted to succumb.
Paris let out a moan and slipped into the bathroom to hide and catch his breath. He hadn’t had to run in so long he was a little winded. As quietly as possible he slipped out and ran down the hall to the back staircase. He couldn’t wait to get caught, but he still had to put up a good fight. “As long as you promise not to be gentle this time! I haven’t had you in so fucking long I almost want to let you catch me.” he laughs loudly and heads down the back stairs to the kitchen. “But that wouldn’t be as much fun now would it?”
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
Paris let out a moan and slipped into the bathroom to hide and catch his breath. He hadn't had to run in so long he was a little winded. As quietly as possible he slipped out and ran down the hall to the back staircase. He couldn't wait to get caught, but he still had to put up a good fight. "As long as you promise not to be gentle this time! I haven't had you in so fucking long I almost want to let you catch me." he laughs loudly and heads down the back stairs to the kitchen. "But that wouldn't be as much fun now would it?"
Paris let out a small squeal of excitement and took off running. the thrill of the chase had his heart pounding, but the thrill of what would happen when he got caught had him smiling brightly. He skid on the floor, grabbing one of the pillars in the house as leverage, turning and bolting upstairs. “I’m faster than you Darren! You’re not gonna get me that easy!”
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
Paris let out a small squeal of excitement and took off running. the thrill of the chase had his heart pounding, but the thrill of what would happen when he got caught had him smiling brightly. He skid on the floor, grabbing one of the pillars in the house as leverage, turning and bolting upstairs. "I'm faster than you Darren! You're not gonna get me that easy!"
Paris backed away gently, smirking playfully. “Well. that all depends on If you can catch me.” he licks his lips and eyes Darren hungrily. “How about if you catch me, then I’ll let you do whatever your devious little heart desires.”
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
Paris backed away gently, smirking playfully. "Well. that all depends on If you can catch me." he licks his lips and eyes Darren hungrily. "How about if you catch me, then I'll let you do whatever your devious little heart desires."
Paris let out a soft moan and kissed his lover deeply. “Mmm. Whoever said I wouldn’t make it challenging.” He smirked and slipped out of his lover’s arms, dancing away with a teasing smile. “I did say come and get me didn’t I?”
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
Paris let out a soft moan and kissed his lover deeply. "Mmm. Whoever said I wouldn't make it challenging." He smirked and slipped out of his lover's arms, dancing away with a teasing smile. "I did say come and get me didn't I?"
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“come and get me.”
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uphirgeneralsurgeon · 12 years
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"come and get me."
melodyofamadman replied to your post: melodyofamadman replied to…
true facts!
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Cause Darren wants his baby. And he’ll get him.
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