upliftothers · 5 years
It's time for you to start taking the necessary steps to become that version of yourself that you can't stop dreaming about.
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upliftothers · 5 years
get to know me pt 2
78. a candle
79. grey def dominates my wardrobe, it’s my favorite color
80. my appearance is probably lazy, i guess if anything im a soft girl lol
81. my culture is White
82. my current wallpaper on my phone is me and my boyfriend
83. my full (first) name is Alexandra, it comes from Alexander which means “protector of mankind”
84. my greatest strength is probably my attentiveness to detail, I notice things that typically go unnoticed to others
85. my greatest weakness is probably anxiety
86. my guilty pleasure is show tunes or asmr
87. my Hogwarts house (i think) is Hufflepuff. tbh never watched more than one of the movies but i took a test a year or so ago
88. my most expensive piece of clothing is a pair of jeans from American Eagle that was like $70
89. my most heavily used makeup product is mascara/concealer
90. my most used phrase is “oh well” or “ma’am doesn’t your husband have NIPPLES”
91. my most used word is “okay” or “shit”
92. my personality is laid back with a dash of crippling anxiety
93. my personality type for enneagram is 6w7, idk about Myers Briggs it’s been a lil bit
94. my religion is agnostic/myself/love
95. my spirit animal is a cat or a fish
96. my strangest talent is being able to grab my shoulder blades. i can make them pop out and grab them
97. my zodiac sign is pisces 
98. one trend i completely bought into was justice fashion, lokai bracelets, those dumb chunky DC shoes, and mustaches
99. something i can’t do no matter how i hard i try is FUCKING CARTWHEELS. i tried for years, i just cannot do it. 
100. something i hated as a child that i like now is salads
101. the last thing i bought was minecraft for my computer
102. the longest i’ve ever gone w/out sleep is about 2 days i believe 
103. a pet i’ve had that i would like to have again is every pet i’ve ever had (hamster, dogs, cats, goats, leopard gecko, etc)
104. the worst injury i’ve gotten? no idea, probably dislocating my shoulder/messing up my toenail by dropping a huge desk on it/cutting myself while trying to peel an apple 
105. i want to learn japanese so bad
106. i don’t really play video games but i like to play Two Dots and WordScapes and do crossword puzzles when i want to relax
107. the last book i’ve read? i dont remember
108. the last movie i saw was frozen 2
109. i don’t know tbh
110. i use “fucktacular” and “awesome”
111. i currently live in Tennessee
112. my favorite season is autumn
113. my favorite accent is french
114. my favorite childhood book were the minpins and the i spy books 
115. my favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip and strawberry
116. my favorite number is 24
117. my favorite color is grey
118. my favorite swear word is “shit” or “fuck”
119. my favorite songs are “while you count sheep” and “wutup snow?” by jon bellion
120. my favorite drink is lemonade and water
121. my favorite snack is the white cheddar cheeto puffs and strawberries
122. my favorite thing to wear comfort-wise is leggings and a sweatshirt (all from Aerie) or look-wise is a pair of mom jeans and a tshirt (again all from aerie i don’t shop anywhere else lol)
Thanks for reading or not reading, this is for me as much as it is for y’all ahah. 
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upliftothers · 5 years
get to know me post!: (see post below)
1. i’m a cleanish person, i can get messy but i am mainly clean.
2. i’m a coffee person, but i’ll never turn down a good tea
3. i’m not vegan or vegetarian, i am very much an omnivore
4. i’m afraid of heights but i’ll occasionally challenge that
5. i’m allergic to hay and occasionally bullshit
6. i’m definitely a night owl, i hate waking up early unless it’s on my own accord
7. i’m an introvert
8. i’m an innie
9. i’m not really easily embarrassed, but i’m defensive about myself
10. i’m in a relationship! 1.5 years :))
11. i’m right handed
12. i’m definitely a daredevil, but i’m also not stupid
13. i’m scared of the dark alone, with my bub not at all
14. i can be social, but i get easily overwhelmed
15. i’m superstitious to an extent
16. i’m kinda ticklish
17. i can bake
18. i can also cook! sometimes.
19. i can curl my tongue on the sides
20. i absolutely cannot dance no matter how much i wish i could. i look like a fish out of water
21. i can drive!
22. i can’t juggle :(
23. i have no idea if i can play poker
24. i can roll my r’s!
25. i don’t think i can sing but i don’t let people listen to me so who knows?
26. i can spell well, i like to edit my friends texts
27. i can swim! i work at a swim school at the moment actually
28. i don’t think i can wiggle my ears
29. i correct people when they make mistakes if i know them well
30. i have a collection of my yearbooks, not really anything else
31. i don’t have a strong accent, although until i was 13 i had an unfortunately strong southern accent
32. my nicknames are alex, bubba, and bubby
33. i have a LOT of pet peeves: slow walkers, slow drivers, dumb people, dumb questions, bitchy people, too much makeup, children that cry for hours, not having $1B
34. i have my ears pierced (doubles)
35. my strange phobia is escalators. i freak the fuck out
36. i have more no friends lol. jk more girl friends
37. i don’t really have an ego but i have self worth
38. i do judge a book by its cover and i’ve always been correct. there’s a reason it’s a thing.
39. i love a good bubble bath
40. i enjoy classical music yes
41. i hate clowns. i’m not scared of them i just want to fight them.
42. i do like my handwriting! years of practice though lol
43. i hate roller coasters.
44. i love scary movies. not the predictable ones though.
45. i like shopping but i spend easily so its dangerous
46. i like to gossip, it’s interesting
47. i don’t like talking on the phone, i get nervous and my voice gets high pitched
48. i love traveling. i wanna live in a van.
49. i don’t play instruments
50. i sleep with lights off mostly
51. i smile at strangers if they seem decent
52. i do not bite lollipops wtf
53. i talk to myself like i’m a youtuber lol
54. i do hold grudges, not strong ones but i’ll never trust them again
55. i use earbuds
56. i use sarcasm a lot yes
57. i have a ghost tattoo on my wrist, a neck tattoo, my astrological sign. i want a violet on my hip and a sun on my upper arm. i want more but i haven’t planned them out yet
58. i do wear glasses, i’m blind and hate contacts
59. i’ve been on a plane twice on the way to and from los angeles
60. i’ve never been on tv i don’t think
61. i’ve been to the hospital for appendix issues
62. i’ve never crashed a car
63. i’ve gotten pulled over for a light being out and i ran from a sheriff once
64. i’ve had a few rumors spread lol, none true.
65. never had braces thankfully
66. i’ve pulled a few all nighters but i love my sleep
67. i’ve skipped school a lot
68. i have no clue if i’ve started a rumor, probably though
69. i’ve thrown up in the car
70. it takes me 40 minutes to get ready if i have to shower
71. no clue lol the one i’m in is the last one i’ll ever be in and the only one that matters to me. he’s my forever.
72. i was 11 i think when i got my first period. maybe 12.
73. i’m 5’5
74. when i’m outside i’m most likely walking and playing Pokémon go
75. on a friday night i’m probably working or sleeping or watching anime
76. no idea
77. my favorite flowers are morning glories and violets
that’s all for now :)
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upliftothers · 7 years
Prompts for writing, journals, get to know me’s or whatever
About me
Am I a clean or messy person? Am I a tea or coffee person? Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Am I afraid of heights? Am I allergic to anything? Am I an early bird or a night owl? Am I an extrovert or introvert? Am I an innie or an outie? Am I easily embarrassed? Am I in a relationship? Am I left or right handed? Am I much of a daredevil? Am I scared of the dark? Am I social? Am I superstitious? Am I ticklish? Can I bake? Can I cook? Can I curl my tongue? Can I dance? Can I drive? Can I juggle? Can I play poker? Can I roll my r’s? Can I sing? Can I spell well? Can I swim? Can I wiggle my ears? Do I correct people when they make mistakes? Do I have a collection of anything? Do I have a strong accent? Do I have any nicknames? Do I have any pet peeves? Do I have any piercings? Do I have any strange phobias? Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? Do I have much of an ego? Do I judge a book by its cover? Do I like bubble baths? Do I like classical music? Do I like clowns? Do I like my handwriting? Do I like roller-coasters? Do I like scary movies? Do I like shopping? Do I like to gossip? Do I like to talk on the phone? Do I like travelling? Do I play any instruments? Do I sleep with the lights on or off? Do I smile at strangers? Do I suck or bite lollipops? Do I talk to myself? Do I tend to hold grudges? Do I use earphones or headphones? Do I use sarcasm a lot? Do I want any tattoos? Do I wear glasses? Have I ever been on a plane? Have I ever been on tv? Have I ever been to the hospital? Have I ever crashed a car? Have I ever got in trouble with the law? Have I ever had a rumour spread about me? Have I ever had braces? Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? Have I ever skipped school? Have I ever started a rumour? Have I ever thrown up in the car? How long does it take for me to get ready? How many relationships have I ever had? How old was I when I first got my period? How tall am I? What am I most likely to be doing when I am outside? What am I usually doing on a Friday night? What are my favourite bands? What are my favourite flowers? What can I smell in the air? What colours mostly dominate my wardrobe? What is my appearance like? What is my culture? What is my current wallpaper on my phone? What is my full name and why did I get it? What is my greatest strength? What is my greatest weakness? What is my guilty pleasure? What is my Hogwarts house? What is my most expensive piece of clothing? What is my most heavily used makeup product? What is my most used phrase? What is my most used word? What is my personality like? What is my personality type? What is my religion? What is my spirit animal? What is my strangest talent? What is my zodiac sign? What is one trend that I completely bought into? What is something I can’t do no matter how hard I try? What is something I hated as a child that I like now? What is the last thing I bought? What is the longest I’ve ever gone without sleep? What is the pet I would like to have? What is the worst injury I’ve ever gotten? What language do I want to learn? What video games do I play when I want to relax? What was the last book I read? What was the last movie I saw? What word do I always use as an exclamation? What word do I always use to describe something great? Where do I currently live? Which is my favourite season?
What is my favourite accent? What is my favourite animal? What is my favourite band? What is my favourite childhood book? What is my favourite colour? What is my favourite drink? What is my favourite flavour of ice cream? What is my favourite food to eat on a rainy day? What is my favourite food to eat on a sunny day? What is my favourite number? What is my favourite place on the planet? What is my favourite radio station? What is my favourite sandwich? What is my favourite snack? What is my favourite song? What is my favourite swear word? What is my favourite word? What is my favourite thing to wear?
Do I remember the day I met …? How are my mother and I similar and different? What are the compliments I have given other people? What are the compliments people have given me? What do my best friend and I have in common? What gifts would I like to give everyone? What if I could meet anyone on this planet – who would I choose? Where is my best friend? Which actors & actresses do I trust enough to watch whatever they’re in? Which teachers inspired me the most? Who are my favourite characters? Who are my friends? Who are my parents? Who are my sisters? Who are the new people I met? – their names and where we met Who are the writers I trust enough to read anything they write? Who brings the sunshine on the days I see nothing but a grey sky? Who is my best friend? Who is my celebrity crush? Who is my favourite youtuber? Who is my role model? Who is my secret valentine? Who is someone I admire? Who is someone that saved me? Who is the most intelligent person I know? Who is the most supportive person in my life right now? Who was the last person I texted? Who would I like to go on a midnight adventure with? Who would I love to randomly see this week? Who would I really like to hug? Who would I really like to punch? Why am I grateful for …? Why am I grateful for dad? Why am I grateful for mum?
A playlist for 12-year-old me A playlist for throwback Thursday A playlist for when I’m angry A playlist for when I’m in love A playlist for when I’m in the mood to party A playlist for when I’m sad A playlist of songs that I have on repeat A playlist that makes me want to dance A playlist that makes me want to sing A playlist to inspire me A playlist to listen to on the bus/train A playlist with the classics A song that really speaks to me A song that was stuck in my head today Bands and their logos Song lyrics What are the first 6 songs when I put my playlist on shuffle? What song always brings a smile to my face?
A place where the architecture made me want to wake up and see the city skyline every morning A place where the customer service made me tip £100 A place where the memories were unforgettable A place where the nature made me want to live in the middle of nowhere A place where the people restored my faith in humanity How to get to my favourite place Places I have never been to but want to see. Somewhere I want to go before I die Somewhere I want to go before I turn 20 Somewhere I would rather be right now. What are the popular places in town? What is the worst place I’ve been to? Where is my favourite place to shop? Where was I born?
A list of every single song on the albums released by my fav bands
Every tom and jerry’s ice cream flavour (I want to try).
Places I would like to see.
Sounds I like.
Sounds I dislike.
Sports I like.
Star signs.
The first 5 things I saw on my way home.
The first 5 words that come to mind.
The main roman gods.
The main Greek gods.
Things I don’t own but like.
Things I want to buy.
Top 10 episodes to watch
Top 10 favourite quotes.
Top 10 movies to watch.
Top 10 people I want to meet.
Top 10 places in Manchester.
Top 10 restaurants I love.
What is the sentence on line 13 of page 23 in the book nearest to me?
What movies do I watch when I’m feeling down?
What tv shows do I always recommend?
What were my favourite tv shows as a child?
What words don’t seem real to me?
Wish list
A memory in summer
A memory in winter
A memory with my family.
A memory with my friends.
I’ll never forget the day (a teacher) did this.
Memories from high school
Special moments I want to witness.
The story behind my first kiss
The story behind my last kiss
The stories behind my scars
What are the memories I never want to forget?
What is my saddest memory?
What is the first thing I remember?
What is the funniest thing I remember?
What was my most embarrassing moment?
What was the happiest day of my life?
What was the last concert I went to?
What was the most amazing thing I’ve ever witnessed?
What was the most disappointing thing in my life?
What was the most nervous I’ve ever been?
What was the saddest day of my life?
When was I last scared for my life?
A note to my favourite teachers.
Dear _____, I would like to tell you.
Dear 5-year-old me.
Dear 10-year-old me.
Dear 13-year-old me.
Dear 15-year-old me.
Dear 16-year-old me.
Dear 18-year-old me.
Dear 21-year-old me.
Dear 25-year-old me.
Dear all the boys I’ve liked.
Dear someone I need to forgive.
Letters to my future children.
Questions to answer
A wise person learns from the mistakes of others – do I agree?
Advice to any if the new kids at sf.
Am I a bad loser?
Am I a good liar?
Am I a writer?
Am I an artist?
Am I good at giving advice?
Am I happy with myself?
Am I happy with the person I’ve become?
Am I the kind of friend I would like to have as a friend?
Books I always reread
Can insanity bring on more creativity?
Do I admit when I’m wrong?
Do I believe that people are capable of change?
Do I belong here?
Do I hold grudges?
Do I have trust issues?
Do I like confrontation?
Do I live or do I just exist?
Do I prefer to be on camera or behind it?
Do I really want a cat?
Do I trust easily?
Have I ever been bullied?
Have I ever been on a date?
Have I ever felt like I wasn’t enough?
Have I ever felt rejected by my friends/family?
Have I ever had a friend turn into an enemy?
Have I ever had a paranormal experience?
Have I ever had a public perception of me change from good to bad?
Have I ever had a song or poem written about me?
Have I ever hopelessly failed a test?
Have I learnt from my mistakes?
How am I feeling?
How do I find comfort when I’m sad?
How do I vent my anger?
How do I want to be remembered?
How could I avoid getting hurt?
How does a (any appliance around the home) work?
How I think will determine how I live – agree or not?
How would I define my sense of humour?
What am I like when I’m angry?
What am I most afraid of?
What are some things that stand between me and complete happiness?
What did I like about being a kid?
What did I want to be when I was younger?
What do I admire most in others?
What do I hate about sf?
What do I hate most about myself?
What do I love most about myself?
What do I notice first when I see someone?
What do I think about selfies?
What do I think about the most?
What do I think could be improved in the educational system?
What do I think people think of me?
What do I touch first when I stick my arms out?
What do I wish I didn’t miss?
What do I wish for every night?
What does a rainbow mean to me?
What fictional character do I wish was real?
What fictional universe would I like to be a part of?
What is an experience that has made me stronger?
What is an item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without?
What is my biggest dream and how do I plan on making it become a reality?
What is my biggest what if?
What is my greatest achievement?
What is my greatest failure?
What is my secret weapon to get someone to like me?
What is one aspect of myself that I feel confident about?
What is one thing I am interested in learning more about?
What is something that makes me feel vulnerable?
What is the best gift I’ve ever received?
What is the first thing I think of when I hear the word ‘heart’?
What is the hardest lesson I have had to learn in life?
What is the ideal age to be and why?
What is the most scandalous situation I’ve ever been involved in?
What is the nicest thing about a person?
What is the single best decision I’ve made in my life so far?
What is the single worst decision I’ve made in my life so far?
What makes a great relationship?
What makes me smile?
What motivates me to succeed?
What part of my life would I relive if I could?
What part of my life would I remove if I could?
What question am I afraid to tell the truth to?
What questions would I ask to get to know someone better?
What was I doing at 12am last night?
What was I like as a child and how did my personality change as I got older?
What was my favourite subject in school?What was the last lie I told?
What was the most ridiculous thing that made me cry?
What will I do in university?
What would I change about my sf?
What would I change about my life if you knew I would never die?
What would I change about the world?
What would I like to change this year?
What would I do differently if you knew that no one was judging me?
What would I do in the event of an apocalypse?
What would I have to see to cry tears of joy?
What would I want written on my tombstone?
When did I experience stage fright or nervousness in front of a crowd?
When do I feel most at peace?
When did I last send a handwritten letter to someone?
When did I not speak up, when I know I really should have?
When did I witness something controversial and had to keep it a secret?
When was the last time I cried?
Where do I see myself in 10 years’ time?
Where do I want to live?
Where is the best place to get pizza?
Where would I go if I got a plane ticket to anywhere?
Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty?
Who do I get on with better, girls or boys?
Who do I miss the most?
Who do I need the most?
Why couldn’t I get out of bed this morning?
Why couldn’t I sleep last night?
Why do I hate insects?
Why do dogs hate me and I hate them?
Will you lend me a hand – how do I think this idiom got started?
Would I ever spread gossip?
Would people consider me a diva?
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upliftothers · 8 years
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If you feel like bad feelings hang heavy in your home, one solution is a little friend who will soak up that negativity. This squidgy buddy will absorb bad energy like a sponge absorbs water. Make sure to focus on your intent as you make it, and don’t leave it to suck up negativity for too long, or it might start expelling it! 
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upliftothers · 8 years
Protection and Security Charm for a friend
You will need: - beads and thread (or an existing bead bracelet) - a bowl of water (charged water is good but tap is fine too) - something that represents the friend you want to protect. Make sure it’s ok to get it wet. (Just their full name written down is fine too)
Put the thing that represents your friend into the bowl of water. If it’s their name written down, write it on dissolvable paper if possible although regular paper is fine.
Take one of your beads. (If it’s a readymade bracelet just hold a bead) Visualise a silver light radiating from the water, as you dip the bead into it. As you take the bead out, imagine this light clinging to the bead and becoming part of it. This bead represents protection. Thread the bead onto the bracelet.
Take another bead and repeat the process with a dark blue light. This represents security.
Now do it one last time with pink light. This represents comfort.
Finish the bracelet off with some extra beads, if you’re making it yourself. Giving this bracelet to your friend would be ideal, if not just keep it with you and get it out and think of them, when you can.
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upliftothers · 8 years
School Success & Motivation Sachet
a sachet bag.
Do your usual pre-spell preparations and rituals. Citrine does not need to be cleansed, it cannot retain negative energy. Just charge it, and cleanse the rosemary, place them both into the sachet and seal it. 
You can add extra ingredients that you feel would help it along, and state the intention. 
Best of luck this semester!
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upliftothers · 8 years
Beginning Witchy Traditions
I can say pretty confidently that a lot, if not most, of the witches that follow my blog come from families that do not practice witchcraft. Some of you may want to be a parent someday, and even if you don’t, you can still create your own witchy traditions to pass onto other witchlings in your life!
Start a Family Grimoire So I know I’m all about DIY grimoires and refusing that “every grimoire must be fancy!!11″ idea. But imagine how neat it would be to have a family tome, full of your best and most reliable spells so that anyone you pass it down to can be ready for whatever comes their way? Fill it with the essentials when it comes to things you use in your practice! Start saving your pennies and taking note of your best hits.
Make Your Own Heirlooms Whether it’s wood burning an herb box, turning your favorite crystal into a necklace, or keeping pressings of flowers. Anyone you give them to will think “man, my ancestors were hella rad”. Leave something tangible behind to remind your loved ones of your practice and what it meant to you. If you aren’t feeling creative, you can always hold onto your favorite found objects to pass on to another witch!
Create A Family Sigil Almost like a family crest, but charged with intentions of unity, love, clear communication, etc. Use the heck out of it!
Keep A Record of Magical Places Is there a special lake you like sitting by to reflect? Or maybe a particular neck of the woods that makes you hum with magic? Write these places down, photograph them, take your loved ones there. Let them experience it too!
Even if you don’t plan on passing on the craft to someone, I hope these ideas can also enrich your own practice! I’m sure many of you have other ideas on how to create witchcraft traditions and I would absolutely love to hear them (: 
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upliftothers · 8 years
Can you describe some of the basic wards and/or protections to use before/during/after spellcasting? Thanks! ♡
Basic af wards: 
Incense - take a stick of incense, light it, walk around your room 3 times in a clockwise motion - once you’re back to where you started, “draw” a symbol of protection with the incense smoke (I use the rune Algiz or a pentacle)
Spray - make an herbal spray (mine consists of lemon for cleansing and lime for protection) and spray around the room in a clockwise motion - spray your door and with your finger, draw a protective symbol. 
Talisman - enchant a specific piece of jewelry to be worn on your person before doing spell work; alternately you can hang a protective talisman above your door. 
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upliftothers · 8 years
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The Ingredients for Courage
Whether you have a test, or a job interview, or you’re asking someone out, these are some things you can try to counteract your fear.
Garlic: Although humble, garlic has a good place in witchcraft. It is easily accessible and often it is already in the home when you find a magickal need for it. Because of the smell, I’d recommend that garlic shouldn’t be carried with you, as some may suggest. Putting it under your pillow the night before the event that frightens you may help, or alternatively you could carry a picture of some garlic. You could try eating foods containing garlic, but make sure you freshen your breath afterward, particularly for a job interview.
Thyme: Because thyme is pleasant-smelling, there are more options than with garlic. You could carry around fresh or dried herbs or flowers, or you could wash your hands and face in diluted thyme oil. If you have a race, you could wash your feet. Drinking thyme tea is a good way to get it into your system too.
Green Zoisite: Zoisite is said to help you release fears. It is a slow-acting crystal, meaning that it can be worn for extended periods of time, while studying or searching for a job, etc. While I realise that it is not as easy or cheap to obtain as the herbs, it will last a lot longer and isn’t as noticeable to carry with you.
Sigil: This particular sigil is one that I crafted myself, from the phrase ‘I am not afraid’. If you would like a digital copy, just send me an ask and I will transfer it over for you.
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upliftothers · 8 years
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Magick Hours of the Day
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upliftothers · 8 years
Witch Tip
Draw sigils on your skin and charge them with the blood pumping through your vains. Draw sigils on your phone case and charge them when you charge your phone. Draw sigils on everything and charge them with the power in that object. Go wild.
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upliftothers · 8 years
8. Put coins above your front door to bring prosperity into your home.
9. Cook Black eyed peas on New Years Day for Good Luck.
10. Itching palms are a sign of coming money.
11. Don’t put your purse on the floor or you’ll stay broke.
12. Fish dreams mean someones pregnant.
13. Splitting the pole brings bad luck.
14. Ringing in the ear/ jumping in the eye means someones talking about you
via mama & Grandma
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upliftothers · 8 years
Fortifying the Fleeting Mind
First Notes
This has been posted in my Hall, The Dark and Light, privately as well as on Alfadraumar. 
I practice altered states of consciousness very often and I find one technique very useful when I cannot get into a deep trance for one reason or another; fortifying the fleeting mind. This is a technique that uses visions and other sensations much like any other spiritual practice, except that you are visualizing yourself writing this down for later to remember key points of an experience. I find this most useful for people who are forgetful (a la me), need to sort their thoughts (a la me), have trouble entering trance, or have trouble remembering their dreams. Typical meditation has one clearing their mind, but this technique actually uses that barrage of thoughts that just will not seem to go away and collects them in a manner useful for later.
The Technique
Begin with starting a mundane task that is automatic for you that does not require your full attention (for safety reasons); this can be clearing clutter, washing or rinsing the dishes, folding laundry, sorting books, or anything else you do that is a “mindless task” such as rearranging pencils in front of you. The point is to be engaged while letting your mind wander instead of imposing strict focus on it.
As the thoughts come in, think about whatever you want or let your mind do its own thing. When you think of something you want to keep because of its profoundness or it is something you can build on later, picture yourself writing this idea down. See yourself holding a writing utensil and inscribing the thought on paper. Let the visual of the inscribed thought sink in for a moment and then continue as you were, letting the thoughts swirl and take shape in your mind. Repeat this process until your task is done or until you feel that the thought should be recorded physically. Go over each time that you inscribed a thought and let each one flow back to your mind until you remember all or most of them (don’t feel badly if you don’t right away. I didn’t at first).
You can save this memory for later if you cannot physically record your inscriptions right away or you can get onto recording them right away (this is advised if you are just beginning this practice and wish to develop it before).
How It Works
Fleeting thoughts come and go really fast and often times, we cannot latch onto them because we are in an altered state such as trance or hypnogogia/hypnopompia (falling asleep and waking up, respectively) or we are too distracted and busy with mundane tasks to solidify our thoughts (this actually happens on a daily basis for me). When we have profound experiences, they stand out in our subconscious; coupled with repetitive visualization, we are more likely to remember the thoughts we inscribed on our mental notepads because these catch the attention of our subconscious. I have seen the subconscious described as a two year old that needs something bright, or melodic, or loud, or jingly to keep their attention and I actually find this true. When we work with rituals, it catches the attention of our subconscious, which tends to make them more profound for us because the subconscious is what houses our feelings, instincts, and other concepts that are abstract to the conscious mind.
When you remember these mental notes, often you will remember the surrounding thoughts that are typically more fleeting, such as remembering a sweet scent and warm feeling when you recall the image of a cozy house (whereas that scent and feeling would not have been brought to the forefront of your mind otherwise). It is through this that you are slowly building up these fleeting thoughts to be more profound and solidified in your mind by stringing them together with thoughts that are already profound for you.
Using this technique can be practiced at first while in waking consciousness and then later in a state of waking up to help build memory for dreams. It can also be used in other, deeper altered states of consciousness to recall events from trance (they can be spiritual or psychological in nature. We just have to know the difference between something purely mundane and something spiritual as well as mundane and often times, that distinction is made with recognition of the latter as well as paying attention to instincts and base feelings while a thought is occurring).
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upliftothers · 8 years
To Remove A Curse From Yourself
You will need the following items for this spell:
1 pink candle
1 green candle
1 black candle
bowl of water
3 drops green dye (food coloring works)
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Be sure that nobody else can see you (close all curtains, doors, windows, etc.) Light all three candles.  Now, get a bowl full of water and put 3 drops of green dye in it. Now that you’ve done that, slowly tip the bowl over each candle allowing them to be extinguished while at the same time saying:
“Juina Shelt Fonsed.”
You must do this very slowly and imagine the spell being lifted from your body and all the good luck and fortune that will soon come to you and the evil that will go to the person that placed the hex/curse upon you.
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upliftothers · 8 years
 This is my most favorite season. I am feeling giddy as I type this. There’s so much to enjoy during this time of year! 
🌰 this is the season for acorns! As you might have noticed the ground around some oak trees are already sprinkled with them. You can collect acorns for runes or make acorn bell charms or make floating tea lights with the caps. I love collecting acorns for spells, especially wealth spells. I hold one and bless it, then visualize my spell as if it is already happening, then kiss or blow a kiss at it to seal it (it’s been on the ground so sometimes it safer to blow a kiss to it lol) then tuck it in the earth.  
🍁 Collecting leaves! Fall leaves are great for banishing spells especially since they are something that was shed away. You can write on them what things you want to come to an end and burn or bury them. You can also use them to make leaf lanterns or decorate fairy lights with.  
🍎 It’s also Apple season! You can go apple picking and use their deliciousness in cooking or dry them in an oven or fruit dehydrator for snacks or teas! Making apple tea is perfect for autumn and also makes a nice gift. Apples are also highly used in spells often for gratitude, offerings or fertility. You can leave out sliced apples as an offering to spirits if you work with them or bury them for spells. If you celebrate the equinox they can make great tea lights and decorations.  
🍂 This is also a great time to start preserving. Start to pickle things for winter when a lot less stuff grows. Make extracts from fresh herbs. Gather a clean jar, hard white liquor like vodka and cheese cloth for straining and top your harvested fruit or herbs with vodka and let it sit for a week or two. Shake it daily if you want. You can even keep the ingredients in there for all of winter if you wish. I know you can buy most extracts of anything but I always find it far more powerful when I craft my own. Also infused liquor with fruits and sugar can make fantastic Christmas gifts!  
🍳 This is definitely the season for kitchen witches! So much is in season and there are so many gatherings that will happen! Perfect your pie making skills and eat the gifts of the harvest. A lot of spices makes its way into my food in this season to combat colds and also for hotter spices to warm the body up. One spice I associate with warmth as it has actual warming qualities is cinnamon and we know this is cinnamon season. Use it in teas, cooking, baking; you can put the oil in lotions and body creams but be careful to not put it on any sensitive areas or it will BURN. For a more savory version you can cook with black pepper. Black pepper paired with allspice makes a good autumn savory combo. I also love adding maple syrup to some dishes but very discreet amounts. For autumn equinox gatherings I bake BBQ chicken with a BBQ sauce that tastes smokey from a bit of bourbon I sneak in that goes well with its spiciness and the maple syrup goes well with the sweetness of the sauce. Maple syrup in savory-sweet dishes might sound weird at first but if you pair it right with sauces like Japanese eel sauce (and make baked glazed eggplants with that) or BBQ sauce, it will come out great. The trick is to add very little by little and taste as you go.  
🍭 Also as Halloween is coming up its the time for candy! There’s so many cool ways to make your own treats from Halloween bark, to fudge (2), to caramel, pretzels, gummies and it will be even more magical if you make it for your friends! (Better to make these for private parties cause it can get suspicious handing it out to trick or treaters). It’s also the season for candy coated apples. For the fall equinox each year I make caramel coated apples. I feel like candy coated is better suited for Halloween cause it’s glazed and more dramatic appearing. Making a chocolate covered apple can be a great substitute for candy since many people complain that candy covering is hard to bite through. Also chocolate is easy to color and flavor. I love to decorate with colorful fall sprinkles and crushed nuts (if no one is allergic of course) like peanuts and almonds if it’s a caramel apple.  
🍺 Along with preserving, this is also brewing season!! Making cider might be a challenge for some but it’s incredibly rewarding if you go through with it. Look at your local breweries for equipment and advice. If you’re uninterested in doing all the work, supporting their fall brews is just as good! Plus breweries produce some DELICIOUS stuff during the fall. My friends and I have a favorite craft beer store we especially harass during fall. You can also make liquors and liqueurs from harvested fruits. You can either put chopped up fruits and berries with a stick of cinnamon or spices in a jar and top with dark rum, whiskey or vodka depending on how you want to influence the flavor and make an infusion. If you want something sweeter (and quicker to make), get a pan to make simple syrup (1/2cup water to 1cup sugar) and instead of water replace with something like apple cider and as it simmers add cinnamon. You can add the apple spiced syrup to a clean bottle and top with dark rum. The next morning shake it and you will have an apple spice liqueur! I like to make simple syrup with things in season this time of year such as juiced apples or crushed harvested berries and make a berry liqueur with it. It’s delicious and can make wonderful hot toddy drinks that taste like pie!!
 ☕️ Its also spiced tea season! Brewing spiced teas to help cold, plus I was told my spiced teas taste like seasonal candles lol. I love making an orange spice tea and an apple tea with dried apple slices. The orange spice is simple. In a pot of simmering water combine orange slices or peeks, cinnamon sticks and star anise and let simmer for a while. You can add brown sugar to the pot of sweeten it in your cup after. For the apple tea I like to put roobois in a pot and let steep or simmer with apple slices and cinnamon. Another popular tea I drink especially the closer to winter we get is ginger spice. In a simmering pot add slices of ginger, cloves and honey. My dad spikes this with Haitian rum if we feel under the weather. It helps sweat out the cold.  
🍂  Crockpot recipes!! Get familiar with the modern cauldron lol!! There’s this wonderful post for crockpot recipes for the colder seasons. Stew season is upon us and there’s nothing better than coming home on a cold autumn evening to a rich stew of squash and pumpkins and oxtail.  
Spirit Activity 
👻 if you want you could contact spirits easily since spirit activity will heighten. Maybe talk to ancestors since they could be less scary if you want a place to start. If you do NOT want or like spirit activity this would be a great time to set up wards!  
🍁 Fall is also a time of gratitude and reflection. As you go harvesting make sure to leave offerings or give thanks to the trees and plants you harvest from! Even a moment of sending a boost of positive thoughts their way can work. Apparently plants can read and communicate through vibrations and are very sensitive so you saying thanks or sending love and gratefulness can make some plants happy lol.  
🍂 While you change your wardrobe from warm weather to cold weather bless your sweaters and socks to keep you warm. If you have more time and need a boost put your stored away sweaters in the dryer for a few minutes with a very sealed cloth sack of herbs like cinnamon sticks (not powder) or anything you associate with warmth and comfort before exchanging them with your summer clothes in the drawers. 
💄 Also the witchiest season is upon us and if you are into make up and glamours you know this means darker richer lipsticks and richer colors. Enchant your dark lipsticks and make up to make you feel witchier and more powerful! It’s the one time of the year you can wear dark burgundy, chocolate Browns and blacks and no one will ask you about it. (Unless if you’re an all year round goth 👍🏽) 
🎃 Pumpkin season is here! A wonderful charm for your home is this pumpkin incense lantern. It’s beautifully festive and will make your space smell like pie!
 🎃 Also for pumpkin carving you can use magic to make them into wards. Jack-o-lanterns were created to ward away bad spirits. You can take the ancient tradition and make your Jack-o-lanterns ward away negativity, unwanted visitors and unwanted spirits. Some people like black candles for protection so filling them with black tea lights might look extra halloweeny and help with your ward!  
🌑 Also charcoal is good for absorbing negative energy. If these holiday family seasons make you uncomfortable you can make sigils of protection inside of your Jack o lantern or carved incense pumpkin to help with negative tension in the household once family is over or use charcoal and sea salt to make black salt and hide it somewhere in the living room where people congregate or make it into a pretty centerpiece like a candle votive. You can add black glitter or stick in fake plants to make it look like some interesting modern art furniture piece when really it’s black salt to help your uncles, aunts and extended cousins to simmer the fuck down. 
🍂  Along with gratitude fall is a time of reflection. Reflect on past issues you faced in the year and how to improve them. Reflect on your craft and how you can improve it and what’s not working. Whatever is not good not working in your life right now it’s a good time for banishing magic. Once again you can use fall leaves because those leaves are something that’s been shed and you can imagine yourself shedding away those things too. Remember to be grateful of those things that are working. You can show gratitude to yourself by blessing acorns and planting them in the earth to grow as a gift back to the earth but also symbolic of those good things to grow. 
Longer post than usual but this is my favorite season and I do a lot during it! Of course feel free to add if you have any other ideas or recipes!
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