uppity-up · 4 years
Ox Foundation Solutions Scholarship Contest 2020
One of the most critical home maintenance steps you can take to preserve the dignity of your house is, in my opinion, tile grout.
I know what you’re thinking. People have died from asbestos in attics and lead paint. While I definitely agree with checking for those in your home, the removal of asbestos and lead paint is a one-time ordeal. Grout (especially if you are prone to taking steamy, messy showers) needs to be attended to often.
My family personally has suffered from this predicament. Seemingly overnight, the paint on the side opposite of the shower tile on the room dividing wall was bubbling. Though it was only paint bubbles, the image of the long, textured, repulsive section on the wall chills me to this very day.
For a few weeks we could not decipher what was wrong with the paint, so we could not take preventative measures. However, one morning after my mother had taken a shower, she yelped “The grout!” She had noticed the bubble had gotten bigger after the shower and made the connection.
We had never considered that the increasingly porous grout between tiles would be allowing water to seep into the wall and bubble the paint on the other side, but—lo and behold! When new grout was freshly applied and taken care of, the bubble stopped growing.
This is why it is important to pay close attention to the seemingly smaller details—such as tile grout—in your home. Had the bubble kept growing, the drywall could have been wrecked and would have cost hundreds to replace.
Homeowners, remember—maintaining the seemingly “smaller” parts of your home has the potential to save you thousands over the years. Every project adds up, and prevention is the best cure!
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