upwithlace-blog · 5 years
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upwithlace-blog · 5 years
So I took this picture the other day in my kitchen. They are actually fake, but I love them just sitting there on the window. I believe it gives them a more welcome and calm mood to my kitchen.
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upwithlace-blog · 5 years
My travel bucket list
Below I'm going to leave a list of places I'd like to visit one day.
Bora bora
New York
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upwithlace-blog · 5 years
My top 10 favorite movies
So I decided for this post I'm gonna tell my top 10 favorite movies. I'm just going to leave a list below, and I hope yall enjoy.
50 first dates
How to lose a guy in 10 days
The hunger games
Happy death day
The last song
The help
Final destination
Happy Gilmore
Ace Ventura
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upwithlace-blog · 5 years
Happy Sunday everyone!! Unfortunately I have to work today, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go to work and just work. I'm going to be happy and grateful. I know most people dread to go, (trust me I am one of those) but today is a brand new day and we should all be blessed. I hope everyone has a blessed and thankful Sunday!
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upwithlace-blog · 5 years
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Something I would like to share, not sure if it's good but I'm pretty proud of it.
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upwithlace-blog · 5 years
Now this is a must try
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Strawbrry Panna Cotta
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upwithlace-blog · 5 years
Today was just very stressful and complicated. Nothing really related to work but with other stuff going on. I know that everything will get better, and that everything happens for a reason. One minute it's like perfect, before you know it, it feels like things are just the beginning of something that's going to be stressful the next few days, maybe weeks, etc. I wish there was something I could do myself about this whole situation, unfortunately there's not and it's something that is going to have to just play out. All I have to do is stay focused and pray.
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upwithlace-blog · 5 years
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As you can see this flower is my profile picture. I took this just the other day at my moms house, she has sunflowers like these just popping out of nowhere along with dandelions. I wanted to share this photo and why I took it.
When you see this flower you see that it's a beautiful thing, but what I see is also apart of life, it comes to this earth,it grows and eventually it will die. But nothing is more beautiful than life itself and everyone in it.
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upwithlace-blog · 5 years
This actually looks really good. Definitely something to keep in mind
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Yummy food ! BALANCE ALWAYS❤️💪🏻🥭💚🥑
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upwithlace-blog · 5 years
About me
This post is going to be a little different then what most people expect. Others probably will be like oh an about me page which includes favorites and desires with interests. No, this about me post is not just considered about my favorites and interests, I will though leave down a list of some stuff about me. But let me get started with a little bit of stuff to tell you. I am 22 years old, I am a wife (7months), a mom (2years) and just me. My little boy is my world and I'd do anything for him, his name is Luke and I just adore him. My husband is James, we both work together just different areas.
We are just living life day by day, and seeing what each day holds. Life is stressful at times but when you are surrounded by the ones you love then it's those moments with them that matter the most. Now below are just 10 facts about me that I would share. I hope to share a whole lot more with y'all through my journey of blogging and what goes on during my life .
I am 22, (capricorn)
I have no tattoos (yet)
I absolutely LOVE food
I have a passion for writing and photography
My favorite color is Red
I love to watch Netflix and Hulu
I work in retail (save me from misery)
I LOVE pineapples
I want to have my own business in photography
I work, non stop
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