urbcnwiitch-blog Ā· 5 years
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ā€œ dude. ā€ they started as they sat down across from the other, it was a packed summer day in los angeles and everyone was in their local starbucks searching for relief. venti iced tea in hand they took a long slow sip of their drink before launching into their tale,Ā ā€œ this guy asked me to make him am armadillo suit for some show heā€™s putting on. it took me three monthsĀ of constant fittings, going back and forth, metal work and the like to put that suit together for him and today when heā€™s supposed to pay the rest of his invoice and pick up the suit he tells me that he doesnā€™t want it anymore. so now i have a fucking armadillo in the middle of my tiny house just taunting me. ā€ huffing softly they rested their chin in their palm with a grin before looking back at them,Ā ā€œ but how have you been ? ā€
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urbcnwiitch-blog Ā· 5 years
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ā€œwhere are we going again?ā€ zara asked for what felt like the millionth time, anxiety bubbling in her stomach the closer they seemingly got to their destination. she could already tell that she was going to be way out of her comfort zone, but then again, life in general was out of her comfort zone. she followed along behind her company as closely as she could, her shoulders tense as she shoved her hands into the pockets of her favorite hoodie.Ā ā€œi do have other stuff i could be doing, you know,ā€ she lied unconvincingly, assertiveness never having been her strong point.
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ā€œ weā€™re going to a crystal show. ā€ they said for what felt like the thousandth time, as annoying as it was they couldnā€™t blame the girl for being nervous. it was times like these she hated being an empath, the watermelon sized pit that tied knots in her stomach that she just knewĀ didnā€™t belong to her, as much as she wanted to give the feelings back to the girl she hated the idea of making her moreĀ anxious so she held them and gently returned the feelings to the earth. ā€œ itā€™ll be fun !Ā weā€™ll get some stones, iā€™ll introduce you to some of the people iā€™ve met and theyā€™ll probably read your aura and talk to you about your trauma or connect to someone you loved who died. ā€ she said the words that would confuse many others so nonchalantly.Ā 
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urbcnwiitch-blog Ā· 5 years
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Okay so since all of the muses I may potentially bring are connected I feel like I should give yā€™all a bit of backstory on the family and their structure so thereā€™s a little bit about their grandparents and their backstory thatā€™s tied into Keebaā€™s backstory because hers is the most involved. Feel free to like dis and Iā€™ll love you down !
Introducing, AmĆ©lie & Zephyrin Zamora though most people simply refer to them as Maman and Papa. The couple met in Paris in 1948, Maman used to say that she knew right away that Zeph was the man for her. In the summer of 1962 they moved their family to America, Papa had been preaching under his father for years and thought it was finally time that he step out on his own and create a parish all his own. They set up shop in the ninth ward of the city and he quickly went about the business of saving the sinners of the city.Ā 
Maman was saving people too, in her own way. Having studied yoruba her entire life, when she came to the city she naturally blended in with the culture of hoodoo and magic. The way Maman tells the story she used to go to church with papa every sunday but she always knew that papa was a cheater, she just hoped that when they came to America he would finally choose her. That didn't happen and soon enough the women in the congregation began to spread rumors about her. She thought that cutting off her hair would solve the problem but it only amplified the anger around her long beautiful hair they were sure was fake, her green eyes, her witchcraft and refusal to bow down to anyone - not even her husband. The last straw was catching her husband locking lips with someone he swore he was only trying to ā€œsaveā€ while she was pregnant with their last child - Afeni. That day she forced papa to move out of the room they shared into a room with their boys.
Afeni Zamora is Makebaā€™s mother, she was the youngest of the family and the most wild. Maman was determined to teach Afeni everything she knew, she wanted to have an heir to pass the culture down to but she wanted nothing to do with it so at age seventeen she ran away.Ā 
She came back at age eighteen with a six month old baby in arms, she told her mother that she knew she couldnā€™t give her what she needed. That sheā€™d be better off with someone else and before anyone could protest she was gone again, the next they hear from her she was in prison.Ā 
Maman and Keeba were thick as thieves, she felt like she was getting a redo of Afeni and unlike her mother Makeba took to magic like a fish to water. She loved learning her family's history and the story of the Orishas. She loved making gris gris bags, working on spells and foraging for herbs. Of all the children sheā€™s raised Maman is quick to say that Keeba is the only one who could take her place as the next High Priestess of the ward but despite her love of magic all Keeba wants is to hang out with her cousins and have a normal life. She doesnā€™t want the responsibility that comes with being a priestess, so sheā€™ll do tarot readings and occasionally connect with a spirit on the other side but the work she does is only a fraction of all that Maman does.
When Keeba was seventeen Dionne got into college, she was moving from their hometown in New Orleans to California and there was no way that Makeba was going to be left behind. She begged Maman to let her go but she refused, so in the middle of the night Makeba stole five thousand dollars from her grandfatherā€™s church, retaliation for cheating on Maman she called it, and followed Dee to CaliforniaĀ 
The two used to money to get an apartment and keep them afloat while they tried to figure out how to be adults. Makeba tried to get back into school but was faced with the reality that she might be sent back to New Orleans so she got her GED and started working, sheā€™s been a dog walker, pizza maker, set designer, hair stylist, wig maker, makeup artist, following dionneā€™s lead she made a youtube channel where she does monthly tarot forecastsĀ and at the moment sheā€™s working on a movie as a makeup artist and set designer.Ā 
The person who makes most of their money though is Dionne, though Keeba says that she paid it back when she built the two of them a tiny house ā€œwith her own two hands.ā€ Their house is parked on an acre of land that belongs to a friend of theirs.
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urbcnwiitch-blog Ā· 5 years
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phew hey girl es me tink, your local carefee black girl !Ā iā€™m twenty two and kickin it in pst and this is my looovvee dionne. thereā€™s more info about her under the cut if you wanna plot hit me up or like this and iā€™ll come to you ! but i might be a wee bit slow bc now i gotta write keebas intro annnd make dinner.Ā 
Dionne Boodram may have grown up without knowing her mother and father but that didnā€™t mean she was ever lacking for love. Her mother was a drug addict and was constantly in and out of her life but luckily she was raised by her grandparents, whom she calls her maman and daddy.
Including their six children Maman and Daddy raised multiple children that werenā€™t their own, all of whom were sired by their own children including three of Dionneā€™s favorite people in the world Makeba, Emie and Quest.Ā 
While all people are naturally sexual beings you could say that Dionne has always been a hypersexual person, she watched her first porn when she was three, she started masterbating when she was only four and by the time she was fifteen sheā€™d lost her virginity, to a random stranger in fact she just wanted to know what sex was like and so while she was away at a track meet she decided to hook up with a guy she knew sheā€™d never see again. However all of her sexual experiences havenā€™t been pleasant, from the time she was five til she was eight she was molested by one of her older cousins and when she was sixteen she was assaulted by her boyfriend who was very controlling and manipulative she tried to leave then but ended up staying with him until she was nineteen.
At 17 she wrote her first book Laid: A young adults guide to sex in an easy access cultureĀ and at age eighteen she had it published. The book was relatively well received and it is what sent her down the path of sexual education but her grandfather wasnā€™t too keen on the idea of telling his congregation that his child was a sex therapist and surprisingly maman took his side so she put that on the backburner and switched gear to media - she figured she had the perfect face for serious news.Ā 
Though her relationship with her highschool sweetheart who was for all intents and purposes a fuckboy and treated her like shit, he always encouraged her go back to school to go back to her passion. Heā€™s the reason she ended up going back to school to get her masters degree !
She started a youtube channel when she was nineteen for a school project, she had to record video diaries every week and just really loved it and decided to keep them going. She started out as a vlogger which she still does a lot of but for the most part her channel revolves around sex & relationships. Five years ago she started a podcast where she gives a lot of advice & breaks down myths about sexuality. Ā 
Sheā€™s spent the past ten years of her life getting educated, she has a BA in Multi Media, a sexologist certificate, a masters degree from the Advanced Institue for Human Sexuaity and a masters degree in psychology and sociology. So trust when I say sis is very sensitive when people try and say she doesnā€™t know her shit or that she got where she is just because sheā€™s cute.Ā 
She made her money after publishing her first best selling book, Come As You Are: The Surprising New Sexual Science that will Change Your LifeĀ from there she started making TV appearances on shows like Ellen, The View, Steve Harvey etc, sheā€™s even created her own mini series with Netflix called Dionne is your Perfect DateĀ where she uses science and the psychology of seduction to see if she can make anyone fall in love with her over a single date - she also has a Facebook Live show called Makeup or Breakup where a couple in crisis asks the Facebook community whether or not they should stay together.
Sheā€™s a bit of a cynic now when it comes to relationships, because all of hers have been so disastrous, sheā€™s really nervous to put herself out there again and be open to anyone. However if youā€™re someone Dionne cares about sheā€™d go to the ends of the world for you, sheā€™s kind and nurturing. Sheā€™s open minded and trusting, sheā€™s a bit of a natural empath sheā€™s always had an innate ability to pick up on the feelings of those around her and because of that sheā€™s very very selective about the people she lets into her life and will hold most people at a distance so that sheā€™s not constantly absorbing the feelings of the entire world. If youā€™re lucky enough to be one of the people she trusts then youā€™re in for constantly being taught about something new in random, listening to an unlimited amount of r&b, ratchet rap music and studio ghibli soundtracks, asking a million questions about your sexual experiences and her probably falling in a lk platonic love with you that she will display in a slightly less than platonic way bc she a hoeā€¦a hoe for love.
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urbcnwiitch-blog Ā· 6 years
tag duuump !!
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