Whoever sent the anon message to this account please message me privately off anon. You are safe
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just hella fucking depressed so i’m going to cry myself to sleep  i’ll be on discord if anyone wants me idk
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i’m the same way all the time – it’s like when we were kids, the very idea of taking a nap sounded like the worst thing ever, but now that we’re adults they’re such a blessing? i’ve recently realized that i’m an eighty year old man in a twenty-five year old body and i’m okay with that! i’m glad to hear that you had such a good time at disney – and a bit jealous that you live so close to the one in california, i think if i lived close to that one i’d be there a lot! and it’s always great when you get to connect with friends while you’re on vacation, and also a plus when you reconnect with someone that’s very dear to you as well! tessa is a blue staffy and she’s pretty much a queen! bogart and pennylane sound adorable though – how long have you had them? and i’d love for her to come with me while i travel for promos, but it’s just not good for her, so thankfully my family takes good care of her while i’m gone!
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Naps are awesome. If you wake up not knowing your own name or what planet you’re on you know you had a good nap. I’m turning 35 soon and I’m just so old so I sympathize. Oh like a Staffordshire terrier? Is she an English Staffordshire bull terrier or an American Staffy? Not that it matters they’re both adorable. Big ol’ goofballs with their gorgeous faces. I love dogs so much. I’ve had them both from puppies! Bogart’ll be 14 in June and Penny 13 in November this year. They are my babies. I bet you get all the love when you get back, though huh?
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Chat with Brendon
Jordan: You mean you can't Charlie Puth that shit and just know it's your favorite human immediately?? hahahaha
Jordan: so cute! Maybe not the one panda though she was a little terrifying!
Jordan: YES!! When they called me up about it I freaked out, I was so excited!
Brendon: My brain was just fixated on the panda, honestly. All I knew was Panda.
Brendon: Yeah Mama panda not so much. The Aunties reminded me a little of koʻu mau ʻanakē though! My ʻanakē Jan used to always pinch my cheeks. So did Aunt Di.
Brendon: Dude I know the feeling? When I got the call about Frozen I did not hesitate. It was an immediate yes.
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📱 ⇝ brendon.
lily-rose: why would i want you to do that? it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all, don't be silly.
lily-rose: i'm glad that you've found someone so sweet and treats you the way you should be treated! he better keep putting smiles on your face, or he'll have to deal with me!
lily-rose: oh i have been, and we're close to leaving rome soon and i'm kind of sad about it. kind of want my honeymoon to go on forever, but i know that's not possible. i'll be visiting trevi fountain before we leave and i'll throw in a coin on your behalf!
brendon: just checking.
brendon: i'm sure there's no danger of that. but i'll tell him anyway, just in case. you're actually the first person to say anything like that.
brendon: it's always sad when a vacation ends, i can't imagine how you must feel. please do! i'd love to go back one day.
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grandpadisco posted a new photo
March 19th 2018 in a pop up gig in Cleveland, Nicole played her first show with us. Four years later she’s still being a badass. Happy Panic!versary, bass extraordinaire.
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grandpadisco posted a new reel
My son 🥺🖤🖤 @YUNGBLUD
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“we wouldn’t want that would we?” ryan replied, “maybe you should dress up as tinkerbell next time a trip like the disney one happens.” he smiled a bit at the thought though he was focusing on giving both dogs the proper amount of attention. his hand rubbing at bogart’s belly while the other was playing tug of war with pennylane.
“what are you making?’ he asked when he heard brendon pulling out ingredients, “do you need help? don’t want you thinking that i’m a slacker just laying around with the dogs.”
Brendon watched the way Bogart was with Ryan, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that he remembered him, he would’ve been a puppy - he wasn’t sure if Ryan ever saw his first birthday. “You tryin’a get me in a skimpy green dress?” he asked mischievously, playfully nudging Ryan’s arm with his toes.    He shook his head gently, “I don’t mind you laying around with the dogs, I said I was gonna make you dinner. You can help me by telling me I’m pretty.” he joked, smiling as he brought his beer bottle to his lips again. “It’s, uh - well it will be - tofu, that I’ve had marinating in sesame oil and agave nectar... uh roasted pineapple,” he put his hand on a fresh pineapple, “roasted bell peppers, red onions... what are the coconut flakes for Grandma Nell?” he muttered to himself, pressing his finger to his lips. He started to go through the whole recipe in his head, muttering half in English, half in Hawaiian, making half-gestures with his hands as if he was miming what he was about to cook. “Oh. Okay. Sure. Yeah so that, in a light sweet and sour sauce, with rice and I also made - uh - Hawaiian butter mochi, if you wanted dessert, and do you remember those orange rolls my Mom used to send us on tour with? I somehow managed to get her to send me the recipe for those, so I made those too. The mochi is just in case the orange rolls suck.”
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📱 🌞 → 🌙
ryan: point proven
ryan: what else could it have been, brendon? don't answer that actually.
ryan: you are ridiculous, but you're also adorable.
brendon: i won't answer that my babes.
brendon: my mind must be a leaf because it's in the gutter
brendon: oh. well. thank you. i'll take it.
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imsg: bden
hayley: lol no it's not causing problems beyond not being able to walk properly sometimes
hayley: i miss your hugs already :( but i'll see you tonight right?
hayley: also ... uh something happened
brendon: you'll see me tonight. i stupidly just shoved enough mcdonalds to feed two people down my gullet though so i'm a little unwell right now
brendon: it's not real food though so i'll be fine later
brendon: what happened? are you okay?
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grandpadisco: I've eaten too much and I feel nauseous. Absolutely worth it.
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highesthopesfoundation shared a new story
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Dude, she’s literally the most amazing woman ever. Like I can’t imagine going through what she is and she just handles it all like an absolute champ. See! that’s how I knew, it sounded like someone was smitten! and as much as we call each other sexy, I didn’t think it was me. That’s awesome though, man! I love that for you. 
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She really is. You guys are a good team though, both of you. Well... He might’ve serenaded me in front of everyone just to ask me if I wanted to get back together with him again. Obviously I did. He lives here in LA so we’ve been spending as much time together as our schedules allow, we have a lot of time to make up for. He’s just so incredibly special to me, he’s the first man I ever loved so he’s seared onto my heart forever. I’m so happy I have him back and so grateful he came along when my world was dark.
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Hunter 📲 Brendon
Hunter: You mean to tell me you don't still pack him lunchable and a caprisun?? That's peak romance at any age.
Hunter: Hahaha, I really wish sometimes. Not full Hitchcock but close enough. ~
Hunter: I know you're right. Again. Haha. Luckily I've got *way* more to be happy about, and while it doesn't make it hurt any less, having the positive to focus on is what's important. I am not going to disrespect myself or the people I love by letting this pull me under! I've got a dang wedding to plan anyway.
Brendon: I would if he lived with me and needed a lunch. I'd make him a little bento box because shut up I make the best lunches.
Brendon: I know it doesn't make it hurt any less angel. But if people aren't going to give you the love you deserve then you should've give them the energy.
Brendon: Focus on your mawwage.
Brendon: You've got your prince, you've got your girls, you've always got me.
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