That ends our Mental Health Calendar for the month of August. Thank you for participating!
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aug 31 | mon
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It’s Meditation Monday! Recall your fears. Manifest the ability of overcoming that fear, create a phrase that states your capabilities of prevailing, and let this be your mantra.
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aug 30 | sun
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It’s Self-Care Sunday! Fix your room or declutter your clothes. Sometimes our environment impacts our state of mind so it is important to keep it neat and tidy. A messy room = a messy mind, a clean room = a clear mind!
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aug 29 | sat
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It’s Socialize Saturday! If possible interact with people who has same interests as you. It is always a pleasure to talk about a certain topic or interest.
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aug 28 | fri
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It’s Healthy Food Friday! Explore a variety of nutritious food. We should eat nutritious food especially during this pandemic to increase our immune system.
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aug 27 | thurs
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It’s Thankful Thursday! Read a bible verse on gratitude. We must say thanks to our creator every once in a while, since he is the one that guides us whenever we have problems.
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aug 26 | wed
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It’s Workout Wednesday! Do a quick 7-min HIIT exercise. Stay fit and healthy by doing a 7 minute HIT exercise!
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aug 25 | tue
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It’s Take-Up Tuesday! Create your own DIY by knitting, scrapbooking, etc. 
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aug 24 | mon
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It’s Meditation Monday. Visualize your current thoughts. Release any form of anger or judgement, and allow positivity to thrive. If we let our negative thoughts stay within us, we won’t be able to live our lives to the fullest. Set them free and allow positivity to reign. 
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aug 23 | sun
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It’s Self-Care Sunday! Read books that you’re interested in. Reading various types of books can widen one’s knowledge.
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aug 22 | sat
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It’s Socialize Saturday! Meet new people online. Theres nothing wrong in trying to socialize or look for new friends but because of this pandemic we can’t go out so therefore we can only socialize virtually
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aug 21 | fri
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It’s Healthy Food Friday! Set aside processed foods and beverages. As the saying goes, health is wealth which is why we must eat foods good for our body.
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aug 20 | thurs
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It’s Thankful Thursday. Our parents have sacrificed a lot for us and its nice to show affection and gratitude towards them. Also, doing so will surely make their day!
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aug 19 | wed
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It’s Workout Wednesday! Do yoga for 15 mins. 
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aug 18 | tue
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It’s Take-Up Tuesday! Learn how to play an instrument. Playing an instrument is good for the brain as it can enhance verbal memory, spatial reasoning and literacy skills.
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aug 17 | mon
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It’s Meditation Monday! Think of your current standing. Be mindful of your surroundings, and allow yourself to be grateful for the existence of things. Unwinding and having a sense of gratitude helps one appreciate the smallest matters in life and all the things created by God.
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aug 16 | sun
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It’s Self-Care Sunday! Write a journal. Writing journals this can help pass time especially under quarantine, help you express your emotions, and at the same time this can help improve our writing skills. 
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