uroxe · 14 hours
Squats 120kg 12 reps, feels like i could go for 160kg one rep max. Haven’t even been bulking for a month. Going to squat 180 by Christmas for sure 😎
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uroxe · 1 day
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uroxe · 2 days
Niggas saying “you’re young, you have time” are lying to you bro, whip them with your belt buckle. You need to hurry the fuck up and get what you want. Blink and two years have passed by
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uroxe · 3 days
Opened instagram explore page for the first time in forever and its all indian gym motivation reels 🤨
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uroxe · 3 days
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uroxe · 4 days
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uroxe · 4 days
How am i supposed to get any work done when the mongoloid zoomers with crippling social anxiety “borrow” my equipment without asking first smh
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uroxe · 6 days
Honestly impressive that mossad could get pagers rigged with explosives to hundreds of hezbollah members and detonate them all simultaneously. I wonder what else they have made explode
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uroxe · 7 days
Called to a work seminar called “neurodiversity and well-being”
Guess HR thinks I am autistic
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uroxe · 9 days
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uroxe · 9 days
Remember, when you think you’re alone out there, i am watching from the trees 🐯
Hiked around in the forest and started hearing people approaching, heavy steps and speech. Decided to avoid them and initiated tiger stalking mode. Right on the other side of a thick grown line of trees, maybe 10 meters from me, they walked past, ignorant of my presence. But i knew exactly where they were.
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uroxe · 9 days
Hiked around in the forest and started hearing people approaching, heavy steps and speech. Decided to avoid them and initiated tiger stalking mode. Right on the other side of a thick grown line of trees, maybe 10 meters from me, they walked past, ignorant of my presence. But i knew exactly where they were.
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uroxe · 9 days
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uroxe · 10 days
Studying natural sciences is a form of religious worship superior to any esoteric cult bullshit. The universe exists because God or gods willed it into being, everything that exists is a result of the will of a supernatural power. Our physical senses limit us to the material world, locks us out of the immaterial, but the laws that govern the universe must exist by the will of the creator. Studying nature provides a window into the immaterial and into the mind of God.
You have the freedom to eat cyanide, but this behavior is punished by the law as it kills you. Simple example, bad action leads to bad outcome. But everything works like this, some actions are harder to judge as they have more obscured outcomes, or it might be unclear how this leads to that. Fighting against the law is futile, with time it sets everything right again.
Wiping out a whole species will sure get rid of that form of life, but it leaves a niche in the natural order that will be filled by the process of evolution, all according to gods law. Mixing all human races into one and eradicating all differences between social classes and whatever to make everyone equal can be done. But given time new groups will form and distinguish themselves from the others, slowly their genetics drift apart again and we are back where it started. The world is beautifully ordered. It will remain so no matter what arrogant people who think they can change it do. Fighting against natural laws, the will of God, is futile.
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uroxe · 10 days
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uroxe · 11 days
When you’re too lazy to put gloves on when you box with the bag, half miss and swipe that mf with your knuckles, skinning them. Embarrassing retard moment
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uroxe · 11 days
It is that time of the year again.
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