usamijuli · 4 years
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usamijuli · 4 years
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200103 • Music Bank
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usamijuli · 4 years
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usamijuli · 4 years
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(200102) Jooe ✮ Thumbs Up
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usamijuli · 4 years
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I’m sick and tired of checking my feeds, counting likes is meaningless. My phone keeps ringing, won’t stop ringing. All day, all night goes beep beep beep beep. — Thumbs Up (2019)
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usamijuli · 5 years
as if leia wouldn’t tell her about palpatine in those few years she trained her 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ she was trained by the last skywalker woman, as if leia wouldn’t tell her the entire skywalker story plss lmfao
Rey grew up on a backwater sand planet I DOUBT she knows the name of the weird emperor dude that got shivved a while back, PLUS she’s the resistances golden girl I doubt she’d be comfortable asking who tf palpatine is, she’d be too embarrassed. She probably doesn’t even remember his name. And it’s a weird sounding word so
Ben: ur a palpatine
Rey: bless u?
I rest my case
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usamijuli · 5 years
I cannot believe that Darth Vader got a funeral and even a force ghost scene at the end while Ben Solo got nothing and was never to be seen again.
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usamijuli · 5 years
Lemme just say how beautiful it is that Rey is totally the one who moves in for the kiss. From his body language in the seconds before she did, I don’t think Ben was expecting anything or planning to move in for a kiss. He was simply elated and relieved that he’d done it, she was really alive. It’s only once she makes the move that he completely reciprocates and you can see his arm wrap tightly around her.
Kylo “I can take whatever I want” Ren is gone and that’s 100% pure Ben Solo. 😭😭😭
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usamijuli · 5 years
some of you didn’t spend four years waiting for ben solo’s redemption arc and for him and rey to realise their feelings for each other only to have him die straight after and it shows.
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usamijuli · 5 years
Spoilers for The Rise of Skywalker ahead!
On Ben Solo‘s death:
Leia to Han: Bring him back. Bring our son back.
Luke to Leia: No one’s ever truly gone.
Kylo/Ben to Rey: You’re not alone.
Rey: Neither are you.
Kylo/ Ben: Rey, wherever you are, you are hard to find.
Rey: You’re hard to get rid of.
*Leia gives up her training*
Luke to Rey: Leia sensed her son’s death at the end of her Jedi path.
Han to Ben: No, Kylo Ren is dead. My son is alive.
Palpatine to Ben: The last Skywalker will FALL like I have before! (oh look, THE FRICKIN’ TITLE COULD HAVE MADE SENSE!!!!)
Ben: *dies*
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usamijuli · 5 years
Okay but how was is it possible that redeemed Ben is hotter than Kylo Ren? Not only is he hotter... but he is almost unrecognizable compared to Kylo’s mannerisms in previous movies. In one scene jump, Kylo has fully transformed into Ben Solo. Two completely different characters! Adam Driver is unmatched in his acting skills. They did him so dirty.
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usamijuli · 5 years
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First of all, I’d like to thank the creators in our fandom for every word written and every piece of art drawn. You’ve helped us heal and you’ve inspired us to dream of a better, kinder world for our beloved characters. 
Without further ado, here are (some) Fix-It Fics to help soothe the burn left by TROS. This list is a work in progress, so feel free to send in or reply with your recommendations. Happy reading!
Keep reading
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usamijuli · 5 years
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the solo boys ,,like father like son
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usamijuli · 5 years
Rise Of Clownery. 🤡
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usamijuli · 5 years
no...every jedi in star wars fades...luke did too
😭😭😭 just go ahead and kill me.
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usamijuli · 5 years
Rey and Kylo on his ship
Kylo asks for her hand once again
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Link to video
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usamijuli · 5 years
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twt: usamijane
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