useurglutes-blog1 · 9 years
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useurglutes-blog1 · 9 years
This is one if my favorite vines
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useurglutes-blog1 · 9 years
OMG. So I was walking back to my apartment and I heard some footsteps and I turned around and there was this guy running straight for me. I started panicking thinking he wanted to wear my skin as a dress. He gets closer and sees me, looking startled. And then he goes, “OMG I DIDN’T SEE YOU I’M SO SORRY. I WAS RUNNING BECAUSE I’M SCARED OF THE DARK.”
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useurglutes-blog1 · 9 years
and blurryface fuckin’ HIT on the charts like
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useurglutes-blog1 · 9 years
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Every CobraCam Ever- 1x02- Gabe’s Surgery
Patrick gets a phone call
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useurglutes-blog1 · 10 years
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Something I forgot to post awhile back, I should do more animated pictures 
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useurglutes-blog1 · 10 years
If zombies ever attack just go to Costco… they have concrete walls… years of foods and supplies… and best of all the zombies can’t get in without a Costco membership card
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useurglutes-blog1 · 10 years
1. Don’t date a boy who cancels plans last minute. Especially if he’s canceling for someone else. You are not a second choice. You are not a third choice. You are a first choice or you are nothing to him. Do you understand me, baby? You are worth so much more than that, don’t let him push you around. 2. If he’s rude to you, drop him. I don’t care how many times he says “just kidding” or “baby, I didn’t mean it” you keep your head up, your shoulders straight, your chin high and you demand to be treated as the goddess you are. 3. If he doesn’t hold your hand in front of his friends or wrap his arms around you when you’re with his family then he isn’t worth it. Date someone who can’t keep their hands off of you. Date someone who aches with the need to feel your skin on theirs. 4. Make sure he has goals, aspirations, dreams. Make sure he has a plan of some sort. If he doesn’t have any of those what are you guys supposed to talk about? What are your 2 AM conversations going to look like? 5. Find out his hobbies and interests and make sure they’re similar to yours. If you want to travel, date someone who will drop what they’re doing just to take you on a random adventure. You don’t want to be stuck with someone who’s idea of a good night is sitting on his futon with cheesy Dorito fingers while you watch him play video games. 6. If your brother doesn’t like him or if he rubs your sister the wrong way, trust their instinct. There’s probably a reason. I can guarantee you, darling, if you bring him home and we can see in his eyes that you light up his entire world than we will love him just as much as you do.  7. Baby, if he ever lays a finger on you, you fucking leave him. Don’t think twice, don’t look back and don’t you dare accept his apology two days later.  8. If you can’t trust him you shouldn’t be dating him. If you have to go through his phone to sleep better at night he’s not the one for you. 9. You’re going to fight, you’re going to argue, that is all part of a relationship. But baby, if he is contradicting everything you say solely for the sake of an argument, just walk away. 10. I’ve seen anger and rage in your grandfather’s eyes. I saw it everyday for 17 years, baby. If losing a football game makes him so mad as to not want to speak to you, than you are giving yourself to the wrong boy. He’s going to grow, and he’s going to get meaner, and he’s going to hurt you. Leave now.   11. If his laugh doesn’t claw it’s way into your memory and his smile doesn’t make you feel like the entire universe is right in front of you than you are wasting your time.
11 Dating Tips I Wish My Mother Would Have Told Me  (via ashtoons)
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useurglutes-blog1 · 10 years
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don’t you know that the kids aren’t alright?
the kids aren’t alright | fall out boy
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useurglutes-blog1 · 10 years
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useurglutes-blog1 · 10 years
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Skeleton Clique starter pack 
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useurglutes-blog1 · 10 years
This is a line. And this line is mine.
You will kindly find my feet and my spine are perfectly aligned.
You will also find that on either side there’s a plus and a minus sign. 
Right now I’m on this line. Minus this, now I’m online.
This is a line and this line is mine. 
You will kindly find that my feet and spine are on the plus sign.
Now I’d like to assign and also define what one might find on this side of the line.
I will not pretend that there are no consequences of saying something offensive online, no matter what my ignorant friend says. 
Cause words are all I have and yeah I know it’s sad, we hide behind the mask of the latest social networking fad.
So there’s respect in my status whether through Mark Zuckerburg or Tom and I’ll treat you the same in person and
Yeah, I’ll accept your friend request mom.
This is a line and this line is mine.
You will kindly find my feet and my spine on on the minus sign.
Now, I’d like to assign and also define what one might find on this side of the line.
Now, I might seem unassuming but if you only knew what I was doing.
Brewing, spewing, spitting, venom, when I’m at that screen I ruin.. 
Reputations I will splatter. Typing faster I get madder. 
All the insults I will gather. You’re so lucky it’s only Satur….Day.
You have one day. Oh yes, Sunday, for my words to die away.
And on that one day, oh I must say you’re gonna wish you had a different name.
But then it’s Monday and at school I’ll remind them all of what I said.
Then it’s Tuesday. Then it’s Wednesday and then we’ll all find out…. you’re dead.
This is a line and this line is mine 
And now that I’ve assigned what one might find on either side you will kindly find that my feet and my spine are on the plus sign.
And I’m not moving
Where are you?
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useurglutes-blog1 · 10 years
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it hurt when I stumbled across her. she was like broken glass all along the floor. but it was beautiful and my curiosity got the best of me. I remember looking at her and all I could see was pain. she had this insane look of desperation; you could almost feel it. and yet her eyes were still hollow; like the life had been sucked out of her. I wanted to pick up her pieces. I wanted to put her back together. and so I tried. I really did. I got a little cut along the way. the more I tried to fix her the more fragile I became myself but I didn’t care. I wanted to see her happy. every time I made her laugh I thought about how I wanted to make her laugh forever. she was getting better. eventually she was put together enough to get up and walk away. but she didn’t take me with her. and I’ve been stuck sitting here where I first found her. wondering if the pieces left on the floor are hers or mine. I should probably get the fuck up.
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useurglutes-blog1 · 10 years
how the academic year generally progresses
september: i got this
october: OH FUC K
november: I DO NoT GOT THIS
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useurglutes-blog1 · 10 years
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I don’t know why they always seem so dismal Thunderstorms, clouds, snow, and a slight drizzle Whether it’s the weather or the letters by my bed Sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head
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useurglutes-blog1 · 10 years
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useurglutes-blog1 · 10 years
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