ushihinasimp · 13 days
UshiHina Omegaverse/Soulmate AU
Chapter 3 : Unspoken Bonds
After the intense practice session ended, the gym slowly emptied, and Suga stood near the doorway, watching the others leave. His mind was still occupied with the conversation he had with Hinata earlier. The worry in Hinata's eyes, the confusion, and the emotions he couldn't quite process—it was all weighing heavily on Suga. He needed to share this with someone he trusted, and that someone was Daichi.
Later, as the last of the players trickled out, Suga found Daichi sitting on one of the benches, still packing up. Suga approached him quietly, and Daichi instantly sensed something was on his partner's mind.
"Suga? What’s going on? You seem... troubled," Daichi said, his voice laced with concern.
Suga sighed, leaning against the wall, running a hand through his hair. "It’s about Hinata. He confided in me earlier today, asked me to keep it between us... but, Daichi, I need to share my thoughts with you."
Daichi’s expression immediately shifted, becoming more serious. He knew Suga wouldn’t break a promise lightly unless something important was at stake. "Alright," Daichi said firmly. "I’m listening."
Suga took a deep breath before beginning to recount everything Hinata had told him—about his confusion, his feelings for Kageyama, and the way his body was reacting to Ushijima. Daichi listened quietly, his arms crossed as his sharp mind began piecing things together.
"I think I get it..." Daichi finally said, his brow furrowed in thought. "If this is what I assume it is, then—"
"Yeah," Suga interrupted, nodding slowly. "There’s a real possibility that Hinata and Ushijima are actually... a fated pair."
Daichi let out a long breath, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered the implications. "And Ushijima may have realized that already. It would explain why he’s been so determined to court Hinata, despite everything."
Suga sighed again, pushing off from the wall and pacing a little. "I thought so too. But the problem is, Hinata still likes someone else. He’s been in love with Kageyama for so long that it’s blinding him to the deeper connection with Ushijima. And on top of that, he’s terrified of him."
Daichi leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees, nodding as he processed Suga's words. "Hinata is still innocent about these things. He doesn’t understand what being fated means, or why his body is reacting the way it is. Right now, all he sees is the fear. He’s scared of Ushijima because the guy's intensity is overwhelming."
Suga chuckled lightly, though his expression remained thoughtful. "Yeah... Hinata’s still so innocent. He doesn’t even know what to do with the idea of being courted by someone like Ushijima. Poor kid’s too cute for his own good."
Daichi chuckled in agreement, but then his tone turned more serious. "But from what I’ve seen, Ushijima is serious. He’s not just acting on instinct; he’s made up his mind about Hinata. And if they really are fated, this won’t be something that just goes away."
Suga nodded, his expression softening as he glanced over at Daichi. "I know. And that’s what worries me. If Hinata doesn’t come to terms with this soon, it could hurt both him and Ushijima. But... I don’t think he’s ready. He’s still trying to sort out his feelings for Kageyama."
Daichi frowned, leaning back on the bench. "Hinata needs time. Rushing him into anything could make him push back even harder. But if Ushijima is as serious as we think, he might not want to wait."
The two of them sat in silence for a moment, both thinking about the best way to handle the delicate situation. Neither wanted to see Hinata hurt, but they knew that some things were inevitable—especially when fate was involved.
"We can’t force him," Suga said softly. "Hinata has to make this decision on his own. But maybe... we can guide him. Help him understand what’s happening with Ushijima without overwhelming him."
Daichi gave a small nod of agreement. "Yeah, and we should also keep an eye on Ushijima. If he’s serious about courting Hinata, he needs to understand that this won’t be easy. He can’t scare Hinata off by being too forceful."
Suga smiled at Daichi, grateful for his level-headedness. "You’re right. We’ll support Hinata and give him the time he needs. But we should also keep an eye on Kageyama. If he ever picks up on how Hinata feels about him... things could get even more complicated."
Daichi grinned, though it was a little strained. "Yeah, as if this isn’t complicated enough already."
They shared a brief moment of levity before falling back into quiet contemplation. The road ahead for Hinata was going to be tough, and both Suga and Daichi knew they had to be there for him—whether it meant helping him navigate his feelings or protecting him from the intensity of Ushijima’s advances.
"Let’s just take it one step at a time," Daichi finally said. "We’ll keep an eye on things, and when Hinata’s ready, we’ll help him however we can."
Suga nodded in agreement, feeling a bit lighter now that he had shared the burden with Daichi. Together, they would protect Hinata, guiding him through whatever challenges fate had in store.
Suga was startled to see Ushijima Wakatoshi standing in front of Karasuno’s school gate, his towering figure unmistakable against the backdrop of the setting sun.
"Ushijima? What brings you here? Are you looking for Hinata again?"
Ushijima nodded, his eyes steady. "Yes, but it seems he’s already left for the day."
Suga raised an eyebrow, unable to suppress a small chuckle. "You’ve been coming around a lot lately. If you’re not careful, Hinata’s going to think you’re stalking him."
For a brief moment, Ushijima’s face shifted, a flash of unease crossing his usually calm features. "You might be right. I’ve realized that my approach might be scaring him. That’s why I wanted to speak with you… or Sawamura, if possible."
Ushijima asking for advice about something so personal wasn’t something Suga would expected. "Ah, I see… Well, you’re in luck. Daichi’s still around. DAICHIII!"
Daichi appeared from around the corner, his face lighting up when he saw Ushijima with Suga. "Ushijima? Something up?"
Suga grinned. "He wants to talk about a certain someone... and you know who.."
Daichi raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Hinata, huh? Alright, what’s going on?"
Ushijima’s voice remained steady, but there was a hint of tension. "I’ve realized my actions might have made Hinata uncomfortable. I approached him too directly, and now he’s avoiding me. I didn’t intend to scare him."
Daichi’s eyebrows rose, clearly intrigued by Ushijima’s serious demeanor. He motioned toward the gym, glancing at Suga to follow.
"Let’s talk inside. The others have all gone home," Daichi said, his voice calm but curious.
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ushihinasimp · 13 days
UshiHina Omegaverse/Soulmate AU
Chapter 2 : Crossroads of Heart and Instinct
Hinata sat outside the gym, knees pulled to his chest, feeling the weight of his world crashing down on him. The thoughts swirling in his head, the uncertainty that clung to every decision he had to make, it all felt too heavy. He had to talk to someone—someone he could trust, someone who wouldn’t judge.
That’s why he asked Sugawara to meet him after practice.
When Suga arrived, his warm, gentle smile already eased some of the tension building in Hinata’s chest. He sat down beside him, a comfortable silence hanging between them for a few moments before Suga spoke.
"Hinata, what’s going on? You haven’t been yourself lately," Suga said, his voice as soft as ever, yet filled with concern.
Hinata bit his lip, hesitating before finally speaking up. "Suga-senpai, promise this stays between us?"
Suga smiled softly, giving Hinata the reassurance he needed. "Of course, I promise. I’ll keep your secret. What’s bothering you? Is it because of... what Ushijima did?"
Hinata nodded, his shoulders tense as he thought back to that moment—when Ushijima had approached him so boldly, declaring they were soulmates and stating his intention to court him. The memory still sent shivers down his spine.
"I see..." Suga said, his expression softening further. "What Ushijima did wasn’t right. Even if it came from his nature as an alpha, the way he approached you—without considering your feelings—was unacceptable. But from what I’ve seen, it looks like he genuinely regrets what he did."
Hinata sighed, nodding slowly. "I know... He’s apologized to me so many times."
Suga raised an eyebrow, a touch of amusement in his voice. "And he was so honest and straightforward about wanting to court you. I have to admit, I never imagined that Ushijima Wakatoshi—the famous captain of Shiratorizawa—would act like that."
Hinata fidgeted nervously. "It’s just... he’s scary, Suga-san. I’m scared of him."
Suga hummed thoughtfully. "If he’s making you uncomfortable, then maybe it’s better to reject him outright."
Hinata went quiet for a moment, as if he was sinking deeper into his own thoughts. His lips parted slightly, like he was struggling with what to say next. He finally glanced up at Suga, his eyes filled with uncertainty.
"Suga-san... you know that I like Kageyama, right?"
Suga’s smile grew wide, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Haha, yeah! We all know that! We’ve been waiting for you to finally confess to him!"
Hinata slumped, feeling dejected. "I like Kageyama a lot... I think he’s my first love."
Suga’s teasing smile faded into something softer, gentler, as he listened to the shift in Hinata’s voice.
"I like Kageyama," Hinata continued, his voice quieter now, more vulnerable. "But... ever since my first encounter with Ushijima-san... that day, when we played Shiratorizawa... my first heat happened."
Suga’s eyes widened slightly, and he leaned in closer, giving Hinata his full attention.
Hinata hesitated, his voice trembling as he spoke again. "Every time I meet Ushijima-san, my body... it reacts. I don’t know why..."
Suddenly, small tears began to fall from Hinata’s eyes. His cheeks reddened as he struggled to contain his emotions.
"I’m so confused, Suga-san," Hinata sobbed softly, wiping at his tears with the back of his hand. "I love Kageyama... I’ve loved him for so long. I thought maybe, one day, he would feel the same and accept me. But then—then my body starts reacting to Ushijima-san, and I feel terrible! What’s wrong with me?"
Suga’s heart ached for Hinata, seeing his kouhai so torn and confused. He gently wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, releasing calming pheromones to soothe Hinata’s distress.
"Shh, it’s okay, Hinata," Suga whispered, holding him close. "Right now, take a deep breath and calm yourself, so you can think clearly."
Hinata hiccupped, slowly relaxing in Suga’s embrace as his senpai’s comforting presence began to work. After a moment, Hinata pulled back slightly, looking up at Suga with watery eyes.
"Suga-san... Why is this happening to me? Is it because I’m an omega?"
Suga gave him a kind smile, his hand brushing through Hinata’s bright orange hair. "It might be, Hinata. As an omega, your body is more sensitive to alphas, especially during heats. But that doesn’t mean your feelings for Kageyama are any less real."
Hinata’s eyes shimmered with confusion and fear, his lips trembling as he spoke. "Then what should I do, Suga-san? I don’t want to hurt Kageyama... but I don’t understand why my body reacts like this to Ushijima-san."
Suga sighed softly, wiping the tears from Hinata’s cheeks with his thumb. "Hinata, you need to follow your heart. Feelings are complicated, and instincts can sometimes lead us in directions we’re not ready for. But it’s your heart that should guide you, not just your body’s reactions."
Hinata’s brow furrowed, deep in thought.
Suga continued, his voice as gentle as ever. "And as for Ushijima, when you’re ready, talk to him. Either accept his courtship or reject it, but do it on your terms. From what I’ve seen, Ushijima isn’t a bad person—he’s just... intense. What he did was driven by his instincts as an alpha, not out of malice."
Hinata sniffled, his voice barely above a whisper. "Suga-san, do you think Ushijima is serious? About courting me?"
Suga smiled softly. "It seems like he is. And if he’s serious, would you consider it?"
Hinata’s cheeks flushed crimson at the thought. He still couldn’t quite wrap his mind around the idea that someone like Ushijima Wakatoshi would even be interested in him, let alone be his fated soulmate. His mind was filled with so many questions. Was it because of the mark? Was it because of their instincts? Did Ushijima genuinely like him?
Suga ruffled Hinata’s hair playfully, pulling him out of his spiral of thoughts. "Don’t think about it too much right now. Focus on the present, Hinata. Daichi’s been getting restless seeing you so distracted lately, you know."
Hinata giggled softly, feeling a little lighter. "Okay, Suga-senpai. And... thank you. I really appreciate your advice."
Suga grinned, standing up and offering Hinata a hand to pull him to his feet. "You can always talk to me, anytime. Now, come on—let’s get back to training before Daichi scolds both of us."
Hinata smiled, feeling grateful for Suga’s support. "Right! Let’s go!"
As they walked back toward the gym, Hinata felt a small flicker of hope amidst all his confusion. He still didn’t know what the future held, or how he would deal with the complicated feelings he had for Kageyama and Ushijima, but at least he wasn’t alone. With Suga’s advice, he could face whatever came next—on his own terms.
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ushihinasimp · 13 days
UshiHina Omegaverse/Soulmate AU
Chapter 1 : Marked by Destiny
In a world where soulmates existed, people often spent their whole lives searching for the one person who would complete them. Each person was born with a mark on their skin—a design that would appear more vividly once they met their soulmate. For some, it was a small symbol on their wrist or ankle, for others, it was an intricate pattern across their back or chest. No one knew when or where their mark would activate, but when it did, it was undeniable.
For Ushijima Wakatoshi, the idea of soulmates had always seemed secondary to volleyball. His focus had always been on becoming the best, on rising to the top. If a soulmate was meant to enter his life, they would—he wouldn’t waste time searching for them.
But then there was Hinata Shoyo—small, bright, and full of unrelenting energy. The first time they met, it was on the volleyball court, and at the time, neither of them realized what had just happened.
It was after that match against Karasuno, after Hinata’s quicks and seemingly impossible jumps, that Ushijima noticed something strange. The dull mark that had always rested just below his collarbone, barely visible, had suddenly darkened, becoming more vivid with each passing day. It was a swirling design, almost like a burst of flames, reaching across his chest.
Soulmate marks only darkened or lightened once you encountered your soulmate, but Ushijima, in his focused mind, didn’t dwell on it. He had a career to build, and thinking about destined pair and soulmates wasn’t part of his routine.
But the mark wouldn’t let him forget.
Months later, after a series of encounters with Hinata in tournaments and seeing him grow as a player, Ushijima began to realize that there was something more happening. His mark always tingled when he saw Hinata on the court, like it was trying to remind him of something. It wasn't just admiration for Hinata’s skills—it was a pull, an unexplainable connection.
The mark on Ushijima Wakatoshi’s chest was proof of what he already knew. Hinata Shoyo was his fated pair, his soulmate.
Ushijima had always been someone who believed in facts, in things that were real and tangible. So when the mark appeared, vivid and unmistakable after their last match, it made perfect sense to him. He didn’t question it. Fate had chosen Hinata, and to Ushijima, that was a fact he couldn’t ignore.
So when he saw Hinata at the national training camp, practicing with his usual energy and intensity, Ushijima didn’t hesitate. The thought of being with Hinata seemed as natural as the rising sun. To him, it was a simple, straightforward matter—he had found his soulmate, and now he would let Hinata know.
He approached Hinata directly, just as he approached everything else in life.
“Hinata,” Ushijima said, his deep voice cutting through the noise of the gym as he stood before the smaller boy, “I’ve realized something important.”
Hinata, panting slightly from his drills, looked up, blinking in confusion. “Ushiwaka? What’s up?”
Ushijima didn’t bother with preamble. He believed in getting to the point, and to him, there was no need for hesitation. “We are soulmates.”
The words were delivered with the same confidence Ushijima had when spiking a ball, with no room for doubt or uncertainty. But instead of the reaction he expected—something like surprise or curiosity—Hinata froze, his eyes wide in shock.
“S-soulmates?” Hinata stammered, taking a step back. “What do you mean?”
Ushijima pulled at the collar of his shirt, revealing the mark that had burned itself into his skin—the undeniable proof that they were connected by fate. “This appeared after we played each other. It’s clear that we are meant to be together, we are fated pair.”
Hinata’s heart pounded in his chest, and not in a good way. His mind raced as he processed what Ushijima was saying. It wasn’t the confession itself that scared him, but the way it was said. There was no softness in Ushijima’s words, no hesitation. It sounded more like a command than a declaration of affection.
“You don’t have to worry,” Ushijima continued, as if the matter was already settled. “I will court you properly. I understand how this works.”
“C-court me?” Hinata repeated, his voice trembling. He felt cornered, like the walls were closing in on him. Ushijima was standing there, towering over him with that same intense gaze he always had on the court, but now it wasn’t just about volleyball—it was about them. “Wait, hold on! I—I don’t—”
But Ushijima, ever direct and confident in his approach, misunderstood the panic in Hinata’s voice as surprise rather than fear. “I’ll make sure to take care of you. There’s no need to be nervous.”
Nervous? Hinata’s chest tightened. Ushijima didn’t get it. He wasn’t nervous—he was scared. It wasn’t that Hinata didn’t believe in soulmates or didn’t want to consider the possibility, but the way Ushijima was going about it felt like he didn’t have a choice. It felt like fate was being forced upon him, and that terrified him.
“I… I need to go,” Hinata muttered, backing away quickly, his eyes darting around as if looking for an escape.
Ushijima frowned, his brow furrowing. “Hinata, wait—”
But Hinata didn’t wait. He spun on his heels and bolted from the gym, leaving Ushijima standing there, confused and unsure of what had just happened.
For the next few days, Hinata avoided Ushijima at all costs. If Ushijima was practicing on one side of the court, Hinata made sure to be on the other. If they crossed paths in the hallways, Hinata would quickly turn around or duck into another room before Ushijima could approach him. Every time Ushijima looked his way, Hinata’s heart would race with anxiety, not affection.
To Hinata, it felt like Ushijima was trying to trap him in something he wasn’t ready for. The idea of soulmates or fated pair was already overwhelming, but Ushijima’s blunt approach made it feel suffocating. The more Ushijima tried to talk to him, the more Hinata ran.
Ushijima, for his part, didn’t understand what he was doing wrong. He had been certain that once Hinata understood the connection between them, things would fall into place. But instead, Hinata seemed to be avoiding him, treating him like some kind of threat.
The confusion gnawed at Ushijima. He wasn’t used to dealing with emotions or relationships, but he thought he had been clear. He had told Hinata what the mark meant, had offered to court him properly, to take care of him—so why was Hinata running away?
One evening, after another day of being avoided, Ushijima found himself sitting alone in the training room, staring at the mark on his chest. The silence weighed heavily on him, his usual calm demeanor replaced with a rare sense of uncertainty.
Did I come on too strong? he wondered. But this is how I’ve always approached things—with clarity and conviction. I don’t understand.
The door to the room creaked open, and Tendou, his bestfriend, walked in. Noticing Ushijima’s troubled expression, Tendou raised an eyebrow.
“Wakatoshi, you look like you’re deep in thought. That’s rare.”
Ushijima glanced at him, frowning slightly. “Hinata has been avoiding me.”
Tendou chuckled, leaning against the wall. “Yeah, I’ve noticed. You’re not exactly subtle when you’re trying to talk to him.”
“I don’t understand why he’s avoiding me,” Ushijima said, his voice low and serious. “I’ve told him we’re soulmates. I’ve made it clear I want to court him.”
Tendou blinked, a look of surprise crossing his face. “You told him like that?”
“Yes,” Ushijima replied. “I thought it was the most direct way.”
The red-haired shook his head, sighing. “Oh, Wakatoshi… You might be great at volleyball, but you’ve got a lot to learn about relationships.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you can’t just drop a bomb like ‘we’re soulmates’ on someone and expect them to be on the same page immediately. Especially someone like Hinata. He’s probably freaked out because you made it sound like he doesn’t have a choice.”
Ushijima stared at him, processing the words. “But he is my fated pair.”
Tendou shrugged. “Maybe he is. But that doesn’t mean he’s ready to accept it just like that. You need to give him time, Wakatoshi. You can’t force him into anything. It’s not about fate—it’s about what he wants, too.”
The words struck a chord in Ushijima, and for the first time, he realized where he had gone wrong. He had approached Hinata with the same certainty he applied to everything in his life, but relationships weren’t the same as volleyball matches. He couldn’t just declare something and expect it to happen.
“I see,” Ushijima said quietly, his expression thoughtful. “I need to apologize.”
His bestfriend grinned. “Now you’re getting it. Go easy on him, though. Hinata’s a little ball of energy, but he’s still got a lot of feelings wrapped up in that small body of his.”
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ushihinasimp · 18 days
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Uh.. yeah.. that was definitely a sexual tension Ushiwaka 🤤
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ushihinasimp · 18 days
Years had passed since their first awkward, heartfelt confession. Now, both Ushijima Wakatoshi and Hinata Shoyo had matured—not only as volleyball players but as individuals. They stood at different points in their careers: Ushijima as a professional player in Japan’s top league, and Hinata, fresh from a few years of playing beach volleyball abroad, newly returned to play indoor volleyball in Japan.
Their apartment overlooked a bustling cityscape. The setting sun painted the horizon with a soft orange glow, a color that always reminded Ushijima of Hinata.
Hinata flopped onto the couch, still in his workout gear, his hair sticking up in every direction as usual. “Practice was tough today. Coach had us running drills nonstop,” he groaned, tossing his head back.
Ushijima entered the living room quietly, holding two cups of tea. “I’m sure you can handle it,” he said, his deep voice steady, but there was something gentle in his tone, a softness that only Hinata ever saw.
Hinata grinned, his eyes lighting up in that way that never failed to make Ushijima’s chest tighten. “Yeah, but it’s still tough. You know how it is.”
Ushijima handed Hinata a cup before sitting beside him. He watched as Hinata blew on the tea to cool it down, his mind drifting back to the past. Hinata had grown so much since their early encounters—more confident, more resilient. But what stayed the same was that spark, the relentless energy that had always drawn Ushijima to him.
Hinata took a sip, then leaned back against Ushijima, resting his head on his shoulder. It was a simple gesture, one that had become second nature over the years. Ushijima, in turn, wrapped an arm around him, pulling him closer.
“Wakatoshi,” Hinata murmured, his voice a little quieter now, “do you ever think about how we got here? Like, how did this even happen?”
Ushijima looked down at him, his expression thoughtful. “You mean us?”
“Yeah. You and me. I mean, who would’ve thought, right? The big, serious Ushiwaka and the crazy, jumping freak—together.”
Ushijima chuckled, a rare sound, but one that Hinata loved. “It wasn’t something I expected either. But it feels… right.”
Hinata’s grin softened, and he turned to look at Ushijima, his brown eyes warm and full of affection. “Yeah, it does. We’re pretty great together, aren’t we?”
“We are,” Ushijima said, his voice calm but firm. “Your existence… it’s always been important to me. More than volleyball, more than anything else.”
Hinata’s eyes widened at that, his heart skipping a beat. “You really mean that?”
Ushijima nodded, his expression sincere. “I do.”
Hinata sighed, content, resting his head against Ushijima’s chest. The steady beat of his heart was a sound Hinata had come to love, a rhythm that grounded him even on his toughest days.
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ushihinasimp · 1 month
Hina : Toshi
Ushi : Yes Sho?
Hina : you’ve done meeting?
Ushi : Yes. What do you need, honey?
Hina : You meet with Kageyama? Is he there?
Ushi : Yes we just finished meeting with the whole team including Kageyama. What do you need from him?
Hina : Oh i see. Okay!
Ushi : Why are you looking for him?
Ushi : What business do you have with Kageyama?
Ushi : Why you don’t want to tell me? Is it really important? What are you going to do with him?
Hina : Atsumu is looking for him
Ushi : hmm
Ushi : Why am i like what?
Hina : That! You are waayy tooo possesive!!
Ushi : I was just asking?
Hina : …….
Hina : Toshi baby, please tell Kageyama to check his phone? 🙃 i’m just delivering the message from ATSUMU MIYA, HIS BOYFRIEND
Ushi : Okay, will do
Hina : Thank you!
Ushi : …..
Ushi : 😚 Love u too, baby
*Meanwhile Atsumu reading the chat : Wtf is your fiance thinking Shoyo-kun?? LOL
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ushihinasimp · 1 month
Ushijima Wakatoshi had always been calm under pressure. Years of volleyball matches had trained him well. But today, as he stepped off the plane in Brazil, his heart raced in a way he hadn't experienced before. This wasn't a game. This was life. And the stakes had never been higher.
He had been in Poland for the last few years, while Shoyo had stayed in Brazil. Their long-distance relationship had been difficult, more challenging than either of them had anticipated. Shoyo had nearly given up during the first year they were apart, overwhelmed by the loneliness that came with it. But they persevered, taking turns visiting each other whenever they could, making it work despite the odds. Now, it was Wakatoshi's turn to visit, and he had a plan—a plan that made him more nervous than he'd ever been in his life.
As he made his way to Shoyo’s apartment, Tendou’s words echoed in his mind. “Just be yourself, Wakatoshi. And don’t forget, go down on one knee! You got this.”
When Shoyo opened the door, his face lit up, and Wakatoshi felt all his nerves melt away, replaced with the warmth of seeing the person he loved most in the world.
"Toshi!" Shoyo exclaimed, throwing his arms around him in a tight hug. Wakatoshi wrapped his arms around Shoyo, holding him close, breathing in the familiar scent of his lover.
"It's good to see you, Sho," Wakatoshi said softly, his voice filled with affection.
Later that evening, they decided to take a walk on the beach. Shoyo loved the ocean, and it had become something of a tradition for them to stroll along the shore whenever Wakatoshi visited.
As they walked side by side, their hands intertwined, Wakatoshi found himself watching Shoyo more than the sunset. The way his hair caught the evening light, the brightness in his eyes, the joy in his smile—it made Wakatoshi’s heart swell with love.
Wakatoshi paused mid-step, his eyes locked on Shoyo, who was walking ahead, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. The world seemed to slow around him as he took in the sight—Shoyo’s bright orange hair catching the light, his carefree laughter carried by the wind, and the way he moved with such grace and energy.
In that moment, Wakatoshi felt his heart swell with an overwhelming sense of love. It wasn’t just the affection he’d always known—it was deeper, more profound. His love for Shoyo had grown, expanding with every moment they shared, every challenge they overcame together.
He stood there, captivated, thinking how Shoyo was more than just beautiful. He was the brightest part of Wakatoshi’s life, the one who had taught him how to feel and live more fully.
“Toshi?” Shoyo asked suddenly, stopping to look back at him. Wakatoshi had fallen a few steps behind, lost in his thoughts.
The tall man smiled, closing the distance between them. He reached out, gently caressing Shoyo’s cheek. "I love you, Sho," he whispered, the words simple but filled with depth.
Shoyo blushed, just like he always did when Wakatoshi said those three words. "And I love you too, Toshi," he replied, taking Wakatoshi’s large hand and pressing a kiss to his palm.
Wakatoshi’s heart pounded in his chest.
Now is the time.
He could feel the small velvet box in his pocket, hidden away but weighing heavily on his mind.
Then Ushijima Wakatoshi knelt on one knee, his usually composed demeanor softened by the vulnerability in his eyes.
Wakatoshi opened the box, revealing the simple but elegant ring inside, a symbol of all the love and commitment he’d been carrying inside him for so long.
And Shoyo gasped, his hands flying to his mouth as tears start to swelled up in his eyes.
"Shoyo," he began, his voice steady, even as his heart raced with emotions he rarely let show. "It's scary when I imagine a future without you. I can’t live without you anymore. I promise I’ll work hard to make you happy, to take care of you. I’ll give you my life. So…" He paused, taking a deep breath as he summoned all his courage. "Hinata Shoyo, will you marry me?"
The world seemed to hold its breath for a moment, the sound of the ocean and the distant call of seagulls the only noise breaking the silence. Shoyo’s eyes filled with tears, his hands trembling as they covered his mouth. And then, with a voice filled with pure, uncontainable joy, Shoyo cried out, "Yes! Yes, I will! I love you so much, Toshi!"
Relief washed over Wakatoshi, and a genuine, broad smile spread across his face as he slipped the ring onto Shoyo’s finger. They stood up together, and Wakatoshi pulled Shoyo into a tight embrace, their lips meeting in a deep, passionate kiss.
"I love you," Shoyo whispered between kisses, his voice filled with emotion. "I love you so much, Toshi."
"I love you too, Sho," Wakatoshi murmured back, holding him close, never wanting to let go.
As they stood there on the beach, wrapped up in each other, Ushijima Wakatoshi realized that this was the moment he had been waiting for all his life. The distance, the struggles, all of it had been worth it for this—for the future they would build together, side by side.
“Let’s go back,” Shoyo whispered, his voice soft and filled with warmth as he reached for Wakatoshi’s hand. Their fingers intertwined naturally, as if they were made to fit together. With every step, their hearts seemed to beat in perfect rhythm, matching the gentle lull of the ocean beside them. The sky was darkening, but neither of them paid it much attention—they had each other, and that was all that mattered.
As they walked back to the apartment, the world seemed quieter, softer. The connection between them felt deeper than ever before. Once inside, the door closed quietly behind them, sealing them in their own little world.
That night, they shared their love in the most intimate way, their bodies moving together as naturally as their hearts had. Every touch, every kiss, was a promise—one of forever, of devotion, of a future where they would never have to be apart again.
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ushihinasimp · 2 months
Shoyo awakens slowly and feels a familiar fingers brush over his cheek. With his eyes half closed, Shoyo smiles drowsily. "Ohayou.."
“Ohayou.” Wakatoshi responds, his hand continuing to stroke the other person's face while wearing a gentle smile. "Your skin feels really soft, I enjoy touching it." Ushijima admiring his sweetheart's little and slim form.
Rather than waking up, Shoyo leaned in closer to the older male, curled up on his broad chest and feeling very comfortable.
"Shou, don't you feel like having breakfast?"
"It's okay, I just want to feel your warmth for a little while longer."
Wakatoshi, smiling broadly, embraces Shoyo more tightly, and enjoying the intimacy. Living together with him is a natural feelings of happiness indeed.
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ushihinasimp · 4 months
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ushihinasimp · 5 months
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They’ve been dating for months but Hinata is still hysterical
COMMISSION for @ushihina​
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ushihinasimp · 5 months
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got ‘im good hinata
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commission for @ushihina
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ushihinasimp · 5 months
Oh I read that as "ushihina takes a sausage"
hinata tells ushijima he’s practicing his technique. “what technique?” “my dick sucking technique” “i. your what” “i used a kielbasa for size”
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ushihinasimp · 5 months
hinata and ushi have an elf on a shelf in their apartment. Of course hinata thinks its real and is scared half to death when it moves from one place to another lol
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december 26th hinata burns it using a pine scented candle
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ushihinasimp · 5 months
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havent drawn anythin in a while so have this ushihina doodle i did a while back
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ushihinasimp · 5 months
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Proud boyfriends ;)
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ushihinasimp · 5 months
There were nights where Ushijima Wakatoshi imagined Hinata Shoyo all messed up. In those dreams the older male embraced the undeniably cute boy. His voice, his sweat, even his slight shivering excites Ushijima to higher extent. And somehow Wakatoshi’s rationality doesn’t work properly anymore.
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ushihinasimp · 5 months
If you go over a pixiv(?) there's a good handfuls of ushihina content! There's a name for their ship but I'll look into it and find it!
believe me anon i. i have visited pixiv. and twitter. and tora. and auctions. and surugaya
ive seen it all ;_;*the tag is 牛日, as a bonus in kr it’s 히나우시 and 우시히나
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