ussygussymy · 2 years
does anyone else just fucking hate hobin? i wanna beat his ass so badly i hate him so badly ?? like i legitimately despise him i dont know how i keep reading this shitshow of a webcomic (for the other characters prolly)
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ussygussymy · 2 years
Found You || Euntae Lee (IX)
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Referenced Eps: 186-187
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“I’m here for our date-”
The door was slammed in Euntae’s face as soon as the words left his mouth. Jihyun stared blankly at the door before turning around and walking away, the toothbrush running circular motions across her teeth. She looked like a dog with rabies and a frothy mouth to match. Again the knocking rang. Jihyun groaned, deliberating a moment before making the unconscious decision to turn and open the door. This time she didn’t give him the courtesy of stopping brushing her teeth. There he was, standing there.
“Jihyun, we have a date.” It seems her act of slamming the door in his face wasn’t a message enough.
“Dhour cofghhin (you're confusing).” Jihyun managed out. Euntae scrunched his eyebrows together.
“Meet me at [] for it.” Nothing else was said as he ran off somewhere, likely to get ready for the date. Jihyun huffed as she stood at the open door, there was only one thing to do now.
— —
Against her better conscious, she was there, early. Jihyun stopped by bitterly at the restaurant, tongue in cheek despite looking as though she’d put effort into her looks today. ‘If he doesn’t show up in five minutes I’m leaving.’ she simmered silently. Upon entering and stopping at a table she found something curious at her table.
The surprise was enough to make Jihyun drop out of her angry ramblings in her mind and look at the subject before her. It was a baby, she looked like a copy of Mira, but a baby nonetheless. As soon as she approached it, the baby began to reach out for her.
“Oh um, sorry I’m not your mom, uh..”
That didn’t stop the baby from reaching out for her and grabbing hold of her hand. Jihyun was at a general loss for words so she sat down, allowing the baby to rest in her lap. Although it was incredibly awkward, she had no idea how to handle babies.
“Why am I always finding myself in these precarious ass situations..” Jihyun muttered before she heard a voice next to her. There he was, or was that Euntae? Jihyun could not recognize the man in front of her. She had a hard time keeping her jaw from falling off as it sank dramatically.
“Jihyun..it must have been hard. I’ll look after this child as if it were my own..”
Those words snapped Jihyun out of her stupor as she smacked Euntae’s perfect head of hair.
“I’m not a teen mom!”
Jihyun regretted her words as the whole of the restaurant turned to look at the two of them, and then at the suspicious baby. She could feel the burn of a few judgemental stares, as a drop of sweat ran down her forehead.
— —
“You just found her at this table?”
“Yeah and she started grabbing me so I really didn’t have a choice but to watch her, I was worried she’d get taken by someone else.”
“Judging by her clothes, it doesn’t look like she was abandoned..”
“Yeah, but what should we do?”
“We should find her parents immediately, maybe she can use her telepathic senses to find them. That’s how Jace finds me.”
Jihyun sighed deeply, not bothering to ruin his perception of his and Jace’s friendship. “She can’t talk so how about we do something else,” Jihyun spoke, crossing her arms as she stared at the baby now sitting by herself in the stall. The baby was now reaching its arms toward Vasco. Vasco reached a tentative arm out for the baby, appearing afraid of touching it. As he did, the baby smacked his hand, shocking Vasco in the process.
“T..this baby.” Euntae held his finger, staring at the menacing baby.
“Let’s take her to the police.” Jihyun finally decided, smacking her fist into her open palm.
— —
For the first time doing something like this, but Jihyun held the baby awkwardly. To be fairly honest, she sucked at holding babies. She was also incredibly jittery to be holding something so fragile in her arms and it wasn’t like she’d done any research into babies. Jihyun just knew the neck had to be supported, so she’d practically grabbed its entire neck in her grasp. As she struggled to hold her correctly, sweat ran down her forehead as she felt the baby be lifted from her hands.
“You’re too heavy for Jihyuns arms,” Euntae spoke seriously, staring down at the baby, although he quite literally held her in his hand. Just as Jihyun was about to reach her arms to grab the baby, already starting to fuss about neck support, Euntae softened. As soon as the baby was about to start crying, it seemed as though it was instinctual and he held the baby perfectly. It seemed Euntae was surprised at this power as well as he looked down at the baby.
The moment made Jihyun feel something as she saw Euntae holding the baby perfectly, caringly, she felt her heart palpitate. She smacked herself mentally, she needed to focus on the task, but she felt the remnants of heat on her face.
As they walked down the street together, Jihyun observed how they clung to each other, and unconsciously a smile adorned her face. While walking it seemed something became apparent to Euntae, the baby had done something. He stopped in his path looking at Jihyun blankly.
“I think she..”
Before Euntae could finish his words, Jihyun leapt five feet away, she was a bit of a germaphobe. She shielded herself with her hands, staring nervously at the baby.
“Human bacteria is the most dangerous!” she called, not daring to step close to the baby. “D..Do something Euntae!”
Euntae stared down at the baby, holding her out in front of him. “I don’t know what to do either..” He panicked, suddenly forgetting how to hold the baby correctly. As he did, it was as if Jihyun had apparated next to him, as she held her hands for the baby.
“You need to support her neck!” Jihyun fussed, being cautious around the baby. From afar, the two looked like panicked parents. Deciding they needed to get a move on, they continued to make way for the police department, this time Euntae was properly supporting her neck again.
— —
“IT’S CLOSED?” Jihyun yelled, staring at the sign before her. “What kind of police force..” She trailed off, feeling her eye start twitching. Euntae sighed, turning towards Jihyun.
“What do we do now?”
Jihyun thought about it for a while before coming to a conclusion.
“You take the subway and take her to the police and I’ll stay at the cafe and look out for her parents.” Jihyun spoke, readily about to make the turn to leave as Euntae nodded. Just as she was about to leave, Jihyun felt a tiny hand grip her shirt, making her look down at the baby. Jihyun groaned, it was happening again.
— —
The train was silent as the three were forced to stand. Euntae grinned down at the baby, playing with her by dangling his fingers in front of her face as she attempted to grab them. Meanwhile, Jihyun stood there with her arms crossed looking sourfaced, she was doing a lot of things out of her better conscious today, maybe Euntae’s personality was finally starting to rub off on her. She looked down at the baby with a raised eyebrow.
“We should give her a name.” Euntae spoke up, “I think we should call her Dot.”
Jihyun smacked the back off his head at his suggestion, “She’s not a dog!” Jihyun thought about it for a moment before coming up with a name she liked, “Let’s call uhmm, Zami.” Jihyun decided, looking at the baby as she grinned at the suggestion. That made Jihyun grin as well to her surprise, she looked up to find Euntae looking at the two of them. The smile dropped defensively as she quickly looked away.
The baby began sucking on her thumb as the two of them stood there. Once again Jihyun was fretting over it.
“Hey! Take that out your mouth, there’s bacteria on that you’ll get sick..” Jihyun spoke, attempting to separate the babys hands from her mouth. Euntae stepped in grabbing it for her as Jihyun watched anxiously from the side. While doing so, the baby began sucking on the buttons on Euntae’s shirt.
“No that’s a choking hazard, take those out her mouth.” Jihyun worried, making faint attempts to stop her despite her mild germaphobia. Euntae complied, attempting to get the baby off the buttons on his shirt.
“Zami, let go.” Euntae spoke, holding her away from the buttons as the expensive shirt Jay had given him was in relative ruin now. It was gonna happen eventually anyway but he hadn’t precipitated it would happen this way.
“Aww, look at those two taking good care of their baby.” An elderly women called from another seat, watching the two struggle to keep the baby out of danger.
Jihyun raised her eyebrows at the remark, about to make quite the reprimand before she was cut off.
“You should stop holding and let her walk. Looks like she’s old enough to walk.”
Euntae looked to the women with raised brows meanwhile Jihyun felt her anxiety reach a peak. “W..walk? What is she falls? And then she’s fallen on this dirty ground and what about..” Jihyun trailed off as Euntae allowed her to walk on her own. As soon as she was able to, she was walking her way towards the door and out, just as the train started moving away.
Jihyun sputtered before running after her, just as the doors closed on her face. The two found themselves banging on the window like maniacs as they watched Zami get farther and farther away from the back of the train. As soon as it had stopped, they were in separate marathons for who could reach Zami quicker. Jihyun eventually found herself piggyback riding Euntae, she wasn’t as in shape as she’d thought. But that didn’t deter Euntae’s running. People were nothing but obstacles as Jihyun pushed people away while Euntae ran through them like a rhinoceros. Jihyun saw tear roll down Vasco’s cheek as they finally spotted her and she thought she would begin to as well. Once they reach her, the three embraced as if they were a family being reunited after years apart. When they did so, Jihyun felt that missing tear roll down her cheek as well.
— —
“When did you have the time to get that?” Jihyun inquired, looking at the contraption in Euntae’s hands.
“Zami needs support, I got a baby carrier.” Euntae explained, holding Zami close to him as though she would go wandering off again. Jihyun found herself grinning unconsciously again.
“No Zami, don’t put your thumb in your mouth.”
Jihyun lightly scolded, reachoing out to move her hand away and wipe her hand with a napkin. “I’ll clean it this time,” as she reached in, her hair fell across her face.
Euntae took notice, “Your hair, let me help you.” Again, she felt her heart palpitate as he moved her hair behind her hair gently. Once again they were locking eyes without so much as blinking. Heat accompanied her face again as Jihyun quickly snapped her gaze downwards and finished cleaning Zami up. “Thanks,” she huffed.
As they continued walking, a pair of middle schoolers walked aways from them, swearing. Immediately Euntae shielded Zami’s ears from those words as he short the duo a glare, “No swearing around babies.” He spoke, causing the two to look back at him in fear and move along.
Again, they walked passed a pair of smokers. This time Euntae covered the babies nose, once again shooting his menacing glare at the smokers. “No smoking around babies.”
Despite Euntae’s relatively menacing appearance, that couldn’t shield them from the judgements of other. This time it was coming from two adults making offhanded comments from afar.
“What in the world.”
“Damn brats. Can’t even control themselves.”
“Kids can’t raise kids!”
“They won’t even take responsibility for them!”
“Guys like that..need their dicks cut off!”
Just as Jihyun was about to send them a flaming remark, she found herself getting cut off by Euntae, to her surprise. She watched with astonishment at his words.
“Our baby is cute isn’t she?” Euntae spoke holding Zami in his arms. “Just because we’re young, doesn’t mean we’re bad parents. So you can’t make judgements about someone you don’t know.”
As he turned to leave, Jihyun felt the warmth of another hand clasp hers firmly. He slowly led her along by the hand, leaving the adults to their shame as they pondered on his words. There it was again, the palpitation in her heart. Jihyun took a moment to bring herself back to reality, clasping the hand herself and walking at Euntae’s pace, a gring adorning her face.
While walking, Jihyun could hear a rumble from Euntae’s stomach. He turned towards Jihyun with pleading eyes, Zami mirroring his.
“Jihyun..could we get something to eat before we give her up.”
Jihyun sighed, before agreeing against her better judgement. She wasn’t ready to give up Zami herself.
— —
“Whee-Whee” Euntae was flailing Zami in his arms in a struggle to keep her entertained so she wouldn’t begin crying in the restaurant they were in.
“I’ll eat quickly!” Jihyun called, scarfing up her food in order to switch places quickly.
That didn’t stop Zami from crying, despite Euntae’s panicked bouncing around.
“Done! Tag out!” Jihyun called, as Euntae passed her Zami like she was a dodgeball. Now it was Jihyuns turn to desperately entertain a crying baby as Euntae scarfed his food down.
They probably looked like dancing clowns from afar to most. Those were the trials of trying to look after a kid, no one ended up being perfect at it. They did look like fools but they were trying their damndest to keep the kid happy.
— —
“You brough her all the way here? How kind! We’ll call you when we find her parents.” The officer before them grinned.
“Alright, thank you.”
Jihyun felt bittersweet about the exchange, she looked to Zami, who was now sleeping in Euntae’s baby carrier. It seemed nap time had come around and the two idiots hadn’t realize that maybe Zami was tired. However, she didn’t realize the day had left Euntae tired as well, the two were sleeping identically.
“Just leave her with us. You know, if I didn’t know any better.. I’d think he was the dad.”
Jihyun grinned at the sight, she gently moved Zami’s bangs from over her eyes. “..Yeah..they do.” she spoke quietly enough so as not to disturb them.
She turned back to the cop, unable to part soon, “Is it ok if we wait with her a little?”
— —
“Make sure she doesn’t wake up that can be unhealthy, and make sure her neck is supported!” Jihyun fretted as she had to give up Zami to the police now.
“Find her parents..please.” Euntae spoke up next to her, similarly watching Zami.
As Jihyun was getting ready to let go, Zami gripped her finger one last time before uttering her first words.
When Zami was finally taken away, Jihyun felt herself crumple before she felt the tears begin to fall.
“UWAAAAAH” She was absolutely inconsolable and Euntae found himself once again panickedly trying to help her. Jihyun sniffled, feeling snot run dow her nose, she stopped when she saw Euntae offer her a handkerchief. She stopped her crying for a moment to take it while holding onto Euntae as he walked them out the office.
“Call me when her parents come!” Jihyun choked through tears. Euntae stopped her before him, attempting to wipe her tears away.
“I think her parents will be happy to find her Jihyun.” he spoke, making attempts to stop her crying, “so don’t cry, be happy as well.” Jihyun looked up at him, before attempting to wise up.
“You’re right, I’m never having one of those after the emotional turmoil she put me through.” Jihyun sniffled, rubbing the remaining tears from her eyes. Euntae wrapped his jacket around her frame, “Lets go home.”
And again, the palpitation.
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ussygussymy · 2 years
park taehoon is a crime upon humanity where is this bitches organs at??
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ussygussymy · 2 years
Found You || Euntae Lee (VIII)
Referenced Episodes: 18, 24, 25, and 26
— —
“Jihyun please come over now”
The call was unexpected. The sun was on its way to setting and established a gentle warm glaze over the land. Jihyun had found herself walking home alone after her ventures at the library with Zack and Mira. Jihyun rolled her eyes when she heard Jace’s voice at the other end.
“Did you forget to bring Vasco a roll of toilet paper again?”
“No Jihyun, I’m serious about this one. Come to the construction site at [N/A]”
Jihyun tensed up, she could hear the urgency in his voice. Turning around, Jihyun uttered “Ok,” before briskly making her way there.
— —
Arriving there, Jihyun found herself overwhelmed by Burn Knuckles members who were also expecting news. Seeing her there seemed to rile them even more. They flocked her on all sides, asking her a series of questions.
“Where’s Vasco?”
“Is he dead?”
“Where is home I am lost???””
“What happened to Vasco??”
Jihyun grit her teeth, attempting to push the swarm away.
“How should I know? I’m not his girlfriend!”
They all seemed to stop, watching her with questioning looks. One of them uttered, “....You aren’t?”
Jihyun looked bewildered as well, “What?! No! You know what, I don't even have time for this!” Jihyun pushed her way through at last before she could get questioned about her status even more and found Jace a little ways ahead. Though the next site proved to surprise her even more.
Out before her, sprawled on the floor was Vasco, unconscious from the looks of it. Questions began to follow, ones that were too fast for even Jihyun to keep up with. Jace acted as her guide at that moment.
“We can’t let Burn Knuckles know about this.” Jace spoke solemnly, turning to Jihyun. Jihyun nodded wordlessly, allowing herself to kneel next to Vasco.
Jihyun tentatively clasped the side of Euntae’s face, turning it. She could not help the wince come over her body, seeing the black eye the boy had gotten.
“What beast could have overpowered him..” Jihyun could only think of a few individuals who might have been able to.
“I watched it happen, and didn’t do anything, again.” Jihyun could hear the guilt in his tone. She got up, approaching Jace and giving him a sympathetic rub to his shoulder.
“Don’t be too hard on yourself, we can still help him now.”
Jace nodded, her words had done little to get through to him but at least he had companionship. “It was Daniel Park,” he continued.
That got an immediate rise out of Jihyun.
“Daniel Park?! The new kid?!”
This was definitely a new development.
“I’m shocked too.”
Jihyun nodded and let it marinate in her brain. Daniel Park was strong enough to defeat both Zack, a former boxer, and Vasco, the leader of a crew, it seemed he was much stronger than he was letting on. It was almost as if a lightbulb went off in Jihyuns head as her eyes brightened. The J High festival would be in a few days, that would be the perfect opportunity to test Daniels' strength. Jihyun cheered to herself silently before turning to the matter at hand.
“Let’s get rid of the body!” Jihyun called in an almost delightful way.
Jace looked at her with horror.
“You don’t have to look so cheerful about it!”
— —
The J High Festival had arrived at last, although Jihyun wasn’t one for festivities, she was excited about this one. Today was the day she’d finally be able to measure Daniels skills, while there was no lab setting, she would be able to make good enough measurements.
Jihyun glanced at the Architecture Depts booth, very mediocre in design. She sighed at their activity, arm wrestling, at least it was making them revenue. Jihyun would probably embezzle that larger anyways, the school didn’t need ALL that money.
Jihyun watched all the men leaving the chair defeated after losing to Vasco at arm wrestling. Grinning to herself, Jihyun sat down in the chair opposite of Vasco.
“I’d like to earn some money.”
Vasco looked incredulously at her, “I can’t, it’s against the rules.”
Jihyun sighed, as if to deflate, “You’re no fun.”
Once again, the long line of customers approached, Jihyun could spot a dribble make its way down Vasco’s stoic face. It seems Jace immediately took notice and found a solution before Jihyun could speak.
“Vasco! Let’s do something else! Like something we can do with girls!”
“I’m a girl too!” Jihyun spoke up annoyed, her remark went unnoticed.
Vasco looked back at Jace with his happy face, a glow on his cheeks. Jihyun threaded her brows together, scoffing.
They all went and got aligned for being waterbombed, seeing as it was a chance to interact with women and get money. Yet contrarily, Vasco’s vicious face scared away all the girls interested in water bombing.
Jihyun stepped up, flinging water bombs at their faces with vigor. “Go to hell!” In the end, they ended up getting five dollars for the five times Jihyun opted to throw water bombs at their faces.
— —
After the first modeling event, the charity date auction came around. Jihyun was just barely interested in that, the entire event had her wanting to sleep but she managed. After all the bids had come up, Vasco finally came up. The crows around her got to talking.
“Wow, look at that body.”
“He’s getting red-”
“His shoulders are broad.”
Presumably the comments made him tense up and get nervous, resulting in his nervous face once more. Most of the bidders were scared off after that. Unbeknownst to her, Jihyun grinned, knowing Vasco had no bids, but upon seeing a tear dribble down his face, she rolled her eyes and pulled up her own stick.
“One dollar,” she muttered.
“What was that ma’am?” The announcer called.
“One dollar!” Jihyun yelled, entirely too loud as the crowds around her now began to look at her.
Vasco deflated even more, “It doesn’t matter, she's my friend.”
Jihyun, getting angry, threw the stick at Vasco’s face, just barely missing. “I want my one dollar back then!”
The other contestants continued to follow. Jihyun only seemed to start to notice when she saw Gun with another girl at the event. The girl called out “five thousand,” before successfully bidding on Daniel. Jihyun watched them leave before slinking away from the event and finding herself in the school's parking lot. Daniel approached the two who were about to head away in their car.
“Ah um. Thank you,” Spoke Daniel. “That other girl almost won but..” Daniel continued.
“Hey, you. What is wrong with her? You think you’re so hot? I think you’re deluded. You think I bought you because I like you?!” Spoke the girl, nonchalant to Daniel's appearance.
It seems the next part was more for Gun than for Daniel, “Why the hell does he want me to keep an eye on him?” She continued, speaking to Daniel this time, “Do not look down on others just because you're handsome.”
Finally she turned for the last time, “Let’s go.” she spoke getting in the car.
Daniel panicked, before reaching his arm out, “Just a sec!”
Gun was quick to catch his hand, “That’s enough. Who do you think you’re going to touch?”
Jihyun felt her eyes widen as Daniel flicked Gun's hand away like nothing. The moment had caught Gun off guard as well, he looked shocked someone was able to do that.
“Let..Let go.” Daniel spoke.
“This punk..” Gun got agitated, before attempting a kick on Daniel. Just before he could dodge, he changed his angle of approach. “Good eye. You’re a fun guy.”
“Hmm.. Personally I’d like to let you go but..I have to listen to the person who’s paying me..Your eyes are good. Or have I slowed down? Don’t think so..You have talent.” Gun continued, assessing Daniel. Jiyun watched, making note of all he was saying.
“Just.. Just a sec! Gun! He said to just keep watch. You don’t need to.. You received that instruction!” The girl argued.
“I was told..To make sure that no one touches you. And if someone tries to do so, I have to crush him.”
Suddenly a new voice rung, Vasco! Without knowing why, Jihyun was anxious. For once she took her eyes off Daniel to let them settle on Euntae.
“Hey glasses. What..do you think you’re doing? I saw everything you punk.” In Vasco’s hand was a carton of chocolate milk, Jihyun felt tempted to stop him but was afraid of revealing her position.
“Who are you? His friend?” Gun spoke, looking over.
“Yeah. His friend.” That was an unexpected development, apparently Jihyun hadn’t been paying close enough attention.
“...So, don’t mess with him or you mess with me.” Euntae spoke in a threatening manner.
Before he got the chance to speak again, Gun threw a punch in his direction, correlating directly with his face.
“Mess with you? Don’t mind if I do.”
“..Your glasses. Take them off.” Once again Gun was thrown off guard by the fact Vasco was able to take the punch so well.
“Hah, I’m surprised again. Didn’t that hurt? This school really is fun.” Gun spoke, taking his glasses off.
“Okay. Here it comes.” Vasco spoke, getting into his Hero Man stance. Before he could strike, the girl stepped in.
“Wait! He didn’t lay a finger on me! Shall I tell him you’ve been fighting again? Shall I ask him to send you back to your original place? If you go back, Goo will really like that!” She interjected, attempting to stop a conflict from occurring.
“I lost my reason. Since I haven’t fought for ages..You can put your arms down now..I gotta tone it down now. I have to take the GED test.” Gun spoke, calming down.
The girl spoke up again, “Don’t worry about the bid money. It’s not my money and that's going to be donated anyway. Next time you see me say hi. Oh..and..sorry that he kicked you.” They left wordlessly, without ever knowing Jihyun had seen them, finally judging this was as good a time as any, Jihyun emerged from the shadows.
“Vasco! There you are!” Jihyun called, feigning surprise as she watched him sink down. Beside her, Daniel was worried.
“Va..Vasco!! Are you okay?”
Jihyun knelt down beside Vasco, seeing the blood drop from his nose.
“Who was that in the glasses?” Vasco inquired, turning his head towards Daniel.
“I..I don’t know!!”
“I can beat you if we fight again..But..I can’t defeat that guy.”
“What guy in glasses?” Jihyuns question went unanswered, it was cautionary anyway. Jihyun knew Euntae wouldn’t be able to defeat him but she still empathized with him.
“..I’m still..too weak Jihyun” Vasco looked downcast, squeezing his fist.
Jihyun sighed, she hated seeing her friend this way. Wordlessly she took his palm in her hand, beside them, Daniel spoke up.
“..Vasco. Thanks for helping me out.”
Vasco held out a carton of chocolate milk to Daniel, a signal of his friendship. Jihyun looked at the two beside her, this might make her task a little easier.
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ussygussymy · 2 years
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204 notes · View notes
ussygussymy · 2 years
can i hear yalls theorys ab the lookism parents cuz like half of these mfs are victims of severe neglect
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ussygussymy · 2 years
Found You || Euntae Lee (VII)
There she was, walking through the halls, arms clad with books, so much so she could not see through them. From an outsider's perspective, she looked like an accident waiting to happen. From Jihyuns perspective, she looked like the perfect target. She’d found herself grinning wolfishly at the girl, and around the hallways the other students avoided Jihyun, becoming frightened by the ambitious look in her eyes.
“Why is she staring at Mira?”
“Isn’t that the girl from the architecture department?”
“She’s so weird”
“Meta npc reference”
Jihyun took strides towards her, making a beeline straight for her frame. Then the inevitable happened, like the assisination of archduke Franz Ferdinand, the chaos began. Books were up in the air, traffic stopped momentarily, and Jihyun got a scratch on her forehead. But her plan was in motion.
“Omygosh, I am so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going! And I’m always doing things like this! Hey, do you need health insurance? I’m sorry about the mess I created..”
The girl continued to ramble, once again giving an oscar worthy performance. ‘You can check off my emotional intelligence too.’ Jihyun thought slickly. From what could be seen, Mira, getting overwhelmed by the onslaught of words, simply shook her head and held up her hands.
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Really.”
Finding that moment of sympathy, Jihyun cast her hook. With sparkling eyes, she began.
“Really? Thank you so much! This is the first time I’ve actually ever spoken to a girl at this school haha, you guys are so nice. I just hate that the architecture department is filled with men.”
Line and sinker, the deflated look in Jihyuns face after the last line was enough to finish the job.
“Oh right, you’re the girl from the architecture department. Umm..if you don’t mind I’m going to the library to study tomorrow. Would you like to join?”
“Really? Of course I’d love to! My name is Jihyun by the way, what's yours?”
Just like that, Jihyun had gotten her, it was only a matter of time before she’d be infiltrating J High’s fashion department.
— —
“Hey Jihyun! You don’t mind if Zack joins us do you?”
Jihyun stared at the two before her, the girl clad in regular comfortable studying clothes, and from the looks of it, the boy clad in his most expensive gear. The boy for the most part was ignoring her, focusing his attention instead on Mira, in fact he looked disappointed that Jihyun was here. Jihyun had heard his name circling the schools a few times actually, mostly rumors that he was a former pro boxer. Yet, she had gotten more suspicious ever since she heard the story that Daniel had beaten him in a fight once. Snapping out of her thoughts, Jihyun shook her head and grinned.
“Nah, I don’t care. I barely talk to anyone outside the architecture department anyway.”
“Anyways, let's head in.” Mira grinned.
— —
Thankfully the studying rooms were separated. Jihyun found the chance to speak with Mira.
“Thanks for inviting me by the way. I’m still new so I don’t have many friends yet.”
This sparked Mira’s attention, she glanced at Jihyun questioningly.
“I thought you were friends with those guys in the architecture department.. Who are their names..” Mira trailed off to think for a second before snapping a finger. “Jace and Vasco!”
Jihyun was slightly shocked that anyone had even paid enough attention to realize they were her friends. She huffed under her breath slightly, that meant she was doing a bad job at staying unnoticeable.
“Uh yeah, I talk to them occasionally.” Jihyun answered dismissively, hoping to change the subject.
Thankfully it did change, “Did you finish all your homework already? We just got here.” Mira pointed out, astonished by how she was able to finish her work so quickly.
“I got light work this weekend, plus the architecture department teacher only gives out elementary level school work to ensure the entire class passes.” Jihyun snickered. She knew half the idiots in that class would not be passing if they had a higher level of coursework. “Honestly they’re not that good at building either, what the hell do we do all that day in that class?” Jihyun continued, questioning the entire existence of J High and the students motives. “Does Zack even pay attention to fashion? I mean isn’t he a former pro boxer? Half the students in this school aren’t even interested in the thing they’re going to school for. None of this is realistic it’s like we’re in a webt-”
Jihyun got cut off by the meta forces and continued to have a regular conversation with Mira.
Mira laughed at her answer, “I think Zack just followed me to the fashion district, half the people at our school don’t know what they’re doing.” She said a bit snarkily.
Jihyun gave a grin at her response, maybe she’d find a genuine friend in Mira too. “Do you need help with that problem?”
— —
Jihyun and Mira had come back downstairs eventually for a snack break with Zack. Mira had gone off to speak with Zack, he looked like he was fuming, and Jiyhun had decided to go buy herself some snacks.
‘I think we're close enough now that I can visit her class everyday now.’ Jihyun thought, ordering herself a bag of chips. So far the plan had worked smoothly, and she’d gained a new friend from it. Turning back around, Jihyun sighed at the sight, she knew it was getting too quiet for her liking. Before her, there was a group of delinquents disputing with Zack and Mira. The cause, currently unknown. The big bald one that looked like any out of shape Mr. Clean put an arm around Mira’s shoulder.
“Okay? Anyways, aren’t J High Chicks all sluts anyways?” he spoke, reaching way too far down Mira’s chest. Before Jihyun could start beating him, Zack jabbed him in the face, causing a few teeth to fly out his mouth. The entire library had stopped, watching the entire thing go down.
“Hey, leave those souvenirs for me!” Jihyun called, turning towards the other delinquents and getting into her fighting stance.
“Sorry, Mira. I don’t think I can keep my promise.” Zack apologized to Mira without looking back at her. Jihyun stood defiantly next to Zack as the crowd started to murmur.
“Hey worm.. That was a cheap shot.” The delinquents called, getting ready to fight as well.
“That’s Zack Lee!”
“You know him?”
“He was an ace boxer.”
Jihyun heard from the crowd, confirming the rumors she’d dug up herself.
“You shouldn’t..have touched Mira..” Zack began to crack his knuckles.
Jihyun grinned, “He’s really gonna fuck you guys up now, and so am I.”
Zack began to throw punches at one of them, probably leaving the other to Jihyun. The girl in question began to run up to the other before circling around him.
“Huh? What the fuck is this chick doing?” He questioned, wondering if she’d just run away.
Jihyun grabbed at the back of his shoulders before hoisting herself up and slamming her feet into the backs of his knees, effectively sending him falling down. Quickly jumping away, Jihyun used all of her body's momentum to send a kick swinging to his face.
“Mass times acceleration equals force motherfucker!” Jihyun grinned, relishing in absolutely battering his face.
By the end of the fight, the three had left the library, probably in big trouble because of Mira’s extremely pacifist views. Zack turned towards Jihyun as the three were walking back home, “Hey, thanks for helping me out back there, and protecting Mira. I owe you for that.”
Jihyun shook her head, “It’s alright, we can both protect Mira from now on.” Jihyun smiled.
It seemed that line got Zack to smile too, she could tell he really loved Mira. Jihyun hoped Vasco would do the same for her. The thought was sent out before Jihyun registered what she meant by that and started slapping her head. The pair looked at Jihyun from the side with raised eyebrows.
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ussygussymy · 2 years
all lookism fandom know is steal meme, thirst over the worst men, ant lie.
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ussygussymy · 2 years
ngl samuel seo gives abysmal fatherless child behviour
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ussygussymy · 2 years
Found You || Euntae Lee (VI)
“Jihyun please help me, I'm failing math!!”
Another eventful afternoon of doing absolutely nothing, Jihyun was in the middle of plotting different ways to ambush Mira tomorrow. In the middle of her swiveling she’d found a banging knock at her door, the likes of which had shattered part of her glass figurine collection. Fed up with the knocking of what seemed to be an abhorrent giant, Jihyun got up to find what was the entirety of the Burn Knuckles. So, now they were all crouching on Jihyuns floor in her tiny apartment.
“Please Jihyun! I tried teaching him but I can’t get through to his head!” Jace pleaded beside Vasco.
Eyeing Jace, Jihyun turned to Vasco.
“Fine, I’ll try to help you, but I want the Burn Knuckles out of my house.”
Solemnly, Vasco turned to the Burn Knuckles. As if they had telepathy, they understood it was time to leave.
“Actually I think I have to leave too, I left my stove on.” Jace spoke abruptly , sending a wink towards Vasco. The effort went unnoticed by Vasco who hadn’t grasped the meaning behind the wink, only looking back with a confused expression. And then it was just two.
Jihyun raised her brows at Jace’s strange actions, she didn’t understand either. Turning back to the boy before her, Jihyun grabbed the paper Vasco was reportedly confused about. She placed the paper down on her coffee table before taking a glance at it.
“..Vasco…this is basic algebra..”
The problem before her simply said:
x - 2 = 12
“Please help me Jihyun!! I can’t keep failing that class!”
‘You're a grown man, if I don’t whoop your ass or something..’ Jihyun thought, getting irritated by how goddamn stupid this man was. (ughh hes so fucking stupid i womt him)
“..Vasco, all you have to do is add two to twelve to find x..”
— —
As the afternoon went on, Jihyun managed to actually teach Vasco a decent amount of algebra.
“A reciprocal is basically the fraction but switched around, you multiply by that to cancel out fractions in an equation.”
Vasco nodded, for once it seemed the information was getting through to him. Looking down at his paper he focused on doing the problem himself before looking back up at Jihyun.
“Like this?”
This time it felt like he was an artist looking through the frame of a painting. Past the glass, he was staring straight into Jihyuns soul. This time he’d leaned in, so that Jihyun could get a picturesque view of his face and memorize all the lines and curves of his features. Jihyun could feel the cool touch of his breath fanning onto her open collarbone, a shiver running down her back. For a moment, she could hear her heartbeat in her ears and then that moment died.
“Don’t get so close to my face.” Jihyun scoffed, swatting at Vasco’s shoulder. “And yeah, the answer is right.
Vasco grinned, he would pass Algebra i after all.
Yet, the moment left Jihyun uneasy, it hadn’t been something conjured from her memory, because her pulse was still racing.
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ussygussymy · 2 years
Found You || Euntae Lee (V)
“I don’t understand.”
Jihyun brushed her eyebrows back with her thumb and middle finger in exasperation for the third time that afternoon. It was a Sunday, there was school tomorrow, and Daniel Park would be transferring soon. In the midst of all these sappy reunions, Jihyun had an actual job she was supposed to be doing, watch Daniel Park. Gun out right refused to tell her why, she supposed Daniel must have been one of the experiments. Yet, she couldn’t crack why she was being asked to carry out the job, perhaps they were testing her abilities.
Looking back at Vasco, Jihyun attempted to explain again. “I can’t join the Burn Knuckles because I want to get into a good university.” Nevermind the fact that Jihyun had already completed the University aspect and had been in the course of getting her masters when this monitoring business started. Jihyun had to lay low and joining a gang was not ideal to her already notable position as the only girl in the architecture department.
Once again confused, “But we protect, we are not bad.”
“But you guys are a crew regardless, I can’t have that on my record.” Jihyun argued, hoping to end the conversation.
“Does that mean I won’t get into a good school?”
The question caught Jihyun off guard, ‘Vasco I worry about your chances of getting into university without factoring in the Burn Knuckles.’ she thought. Mustering up the most convincing smile she could, Jihyun spoke, “No, you still have a chance.” As sweat dripped down her temple, Jihyun reasoned in her head, ‘Might as well give you hope Vasco.’
A relieved smile appeared on Vasco’s face upon hearing the lie. “Thank you Jihyun.”
— —
Entering the cafeteria that day, Jihyun had one goal in mind, find Daniel Park. Rumors had already begun to start circulating about him around school, mostly about his fighting abilities. With that, it was time to start paying close attention, he had the potential to be one of her rivals.
Yet something strange occurred, walking by next to Vasco and Jace, Daniel called out, “H…Hey!!” From what Jihyun could observe he was calling out to Vasco with a starry eyed look on his face. This began a series of questions in Jihyuns head as to how the two even got introduced to each other. Yet, what was even stranger was that Vasco himself did not recognize the kid. Jihyun narrowed her eyes at the interaction, where could he, what she assumed was an average Daniel Park, had gotten information on Vasco so abruptly. Perhaps he was another genius like Jihyun after all.
“That’s the new guy. Maybe he’s picking a fight.” Jace whispered next to Vasco. While she didn’t necessarily think he was picking a fight, Jihyun was interested to see where this interaction could potentially lead, allowing her to further assess Daniel Park's abilities.
“Ah..hey..” Daniel Park greeted again, this time starting to sweat. Maybe they had met and Vasco had simply forgotten, Jihyun reasoned seeing his reaction.
“Who are you? You know me?” Vasco questioned with a menacing aura. Continuing his myriad of questions, “You. You’ve never been taken down, huh?” Placing the death grip upon Daniels shoulder, “Even if you’re good-looking and strong..Don’t screw around.”
Yet, something strange happened when Daniel Park was afflicted by the squeeze of death. Daniel calmy gripped Vasco’s tattood wrist and moved it, a feat in and of itself. “S..sorry..” Daniel uttered.
“Sorry if I bothered you. I thought you were someone else.” Daniel continued. Jihyun sharpened her gaze, either he was an excellent actor or he did not fully understand how much strength his body contained and both were unfortunately as equally likely conclusions. Having seen enough to come to a decision, Jihyun decided it was time to intervene. Exchanging a glance and a nod with Jace, she stepped up to the bat.
Putting on an oscar worthy performance, Jihyun acted her ass off de-escalating the situation. “You thought he was someone else? Haha, he does look pretty generic doesn’t he.” Jihyun grinned.
“Uh, yeah sorry.” Daniel spoke, looking relieved that he was no longer having to deal with the awkward confusion.
“It happens! Your name's Daniel right? What if I offered you a tour around school for the trouble.” Jihyun grinned maniacally behind her facade. Perfect! She’d killed two birds with one stone.
Reluctantly Daniel agreed. From behind, Jihyun could feel Vasco’s stare singing her flesh, ‘Sorry Vasco, but I have to handle my job now.’
Vasco looked back to Jiho, “Hey little guy.. Don’t surrender to guys like that. Believe in yourself.” From beside him Jace called, “Hey, shut up and let's go eat.” “Ok. What's the menu?”
With the architecture department gone, Jihyun began to lead Daniel down the halls, albeit getting a few stares from the school.
— —
“So Danny..Can I call you that? Is Danny fine?” Jihyun barely looked back to Daniel for confirmation before continuing.
“Where’d you move from?” The question was innocent enough, it was the mark of only a mildly nosy student, a completely average question.
“Oh.. I come from a little ways around here.” Daniel answered absentmindedly, taking a look at the gymnasium.
Jihyun noted his response, he answered with the swiftness of someone hoping to evade questions into his identity. Her eyes lit up making that connection.
“Why’d you move here?” Again, an innocent question from an innocent student.
This time around, Jihyun couldn’t help but grin at Daniel's response. She scrutinized every action, the stammer in his voice to gap in conversation as Daniel produced a lie.
“..Uh.. uhm.. I really enjoy fashion so I wanted to join a tech school and this was the only one around.”
“Is that so? Same here, really passionate about architecture.”
Just before Daniel could respond, the bell wrung, signaling it was time to get back to class. From the look on Daniels face, it seemed he was relieved to be out of it. As he walked back, Jihyun kept her eyes on him, perhaps her assignment also included uncovering whatever unholy secret Daniel was very obviously hiding.
— —
“Huh? A chocolate milk? Thanks Vasco.” Jihyun took the carton being handed to her whilst she was walking back home from school with Jace and Vasco.
“I got it off the street.” he uttered. Jihyun spit the chocolate milk she’d already drunk out her mouth.
“Why would you get me spoiled milk?! Do you even know how long it was left out there?!”
Upon looking at the sad expression on Vasco’s face, she begrudgingly drank the rest of the chocolate milk.
With curiosity, Jace asked, “Jihyun, why’d you give Daniel a tour?”
“As a sorry mostly, he's not a bad kid.” Jihyun answered relatively quickly, she couldn’t reveal the truth. Seemingly able to accept the answer, Jace dropped it.
Sighing inwardly, Jihyun continued to sip on her chocolate milk. Directly questioning Daniel was cutting it too close and raised too much suspicion, she’d need another scapegoat into the fashion departments world and she’d already locked her eyes on who it was. Starting tomorrow, she’d be targeting Mira.
— —
Blurb time
“..Jihyun..” a voice whispered beside her, yet the plea was ignored. Jihyun was too immersed in mining bitcoin or whatever it is smart people do.
“...Jihyun..” again it was the incessant voice of Vasco.
“What!” Jihyun snap whispered back, “I was hacking webkinz pages to scam children out of money!”
“How do you spell orange?”
A single tear rolled down Jihyuns cheek.
— —
This was so avante garde slay of me
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ussygussymy · 2 years
Found You || Euntae Lee (IV)
“Jihyun, who are those people following us?”
Vasco had leaned over to whisper the words, there was a suspicious look in his eyes. Jihyun took a glance behind her, the group had been following them for the past ten minutes, she was surprised it took Vasco until now to notice them.
“They’re the Burn Knuckles.”
Vasco seemed to get even more suspicious, “Who are they? Are they bad guys?”
Jihyun crushed her brows together, it amazed her how Euntae had survived this long. She supposed he did always have Jace.
“You beat them all up last time. Don’t you remember?”
Vasco shook his head, an emptiness behind his suspicious eyes.
“Like you put them all in your shoulder grab and they named you leader? It happened like three days ago? Vasco, am I getting through to you?!” This time Jihyun was shaking Vasco’s shoulders, flailing him around like one of those balloon guys at the front of a car dealership.
This time Vasco attempted to think, it took a moment before his eyes lit up. “You mean the smokers? But I beat them up, why are they following us?”
Vasco’s face got more serious, before he pushed Jihyun behind him, “They must be here to fight, get behind me Jihyun.” Right as Vasco got into his fighting stance, Jihyun grabbed his wrist.
“No, I think they want you to lead them.” Looking back at the group, it seemed they were expecting Vasco to say something to them.
Taking a glance at them, Vasco maintained a stern face, “If you want to join me there are two rules. One, no smoking. And two, only fight to protect.”
Judging by the expressions on their faces, they were in awe of Vasco. The collective yelled different expressions of approval for Vasco. Through the shouting, Jihyun could only study Vasco’s face.
Things had changed in those years, but his moral code had been continuous, it was a quality Jihyun really appreciated about Vasco. Yet, there was always something new she learned about him, she’d never had time to assess his leadership qualities until seeing them before her. It's always been there, but it had never been spelled out quite like this. “A natural born leader.” Jihyun found herself muttering under her lips, the phenomena was exciting to watch, the way human relationships and qualities could be innate.
Vasco caught her as she was observing, “Is there something on my face?” This time their eyes made contact and Jihyun felt reluctant to pull away this time. Something happened and she couldn’t quite decipher what it was, a skip of the heart. Shaking her head absently, she spoke, “No.”
Vasco looked at her questioningly before turning back, “Do you guys wanna go eat bone broth? He called excitedly, it seems he was more joyful about the aspect of having new friends than he was about his new role as a leader.
— —
In unison, the Burn Knuckles, with the added company of Jihyun, enjoyed their broth and also took down the bourgeoisie, that's right folks Euntae Lee is a leader of the people, a proletariat party if you must! Have you guys ever read Karl Marx? You should get int-
Tbh I actually do headcanon Euntae Lee as a socialist (he doesn’t know what that word means) but like if u told him what capitalism is he would fight elon musk
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ussygussymy · 2 years
Found You || Euntae Lee (III)
“So your parents threw you out?”
“Yeah.” Jihyun responded calmly to Jace’s inquiries, she was still slightly pissed off at him after all those years. The look of his averting eyes still stung, she was surprised to find that Vasco was by his side even after all these years. Focusing again on the task at hand, she was cutting onions, a tear dribbled down her cheek.
“But they give you a monthly allowance? I don’t remember your parents being that shitty.”
“Jihyun please make it stop.”
If Jihyon had a trickle coming out her eyes, Vasco’s had a lake’s full. Vasco was desperately gripping his eyes as if to make a dam for the flood of tears.
“Stop standing there you idiot, you’ll ruin the onions!” Jihyun scolded, swatting at his shoulders.
“Stop.. I can’t see.”
“But why did you transfer to the architecture department?” Jihyun stopped dead in her tracks, she could feel the intensity of Jace’s gaze on her, he was analyzing her purpose for being here. Jihyuns skin began to crease under the force of her bringing her brows together in order to find a solution. What Jihyun thought would be a small white lie was turning into something entirely too big.
Jihyun abruptly turned towards Jace, giving him a wide grin, “Jace how long has it been since you’ve seen me?”
“Years.” Jace answered in a deadpan voice.
“Exactly, I’m a multidimensional person just like you.” Jihyun reached for Jace’s ears, pulling them around.
“Your ears have gotten even bigger since the last time I saw you.” Jihyun laughed, attempting to switch the subject. Jace, seemingly accepting her answer for now, smacked Jihyuns hands away.
“They’re sensitive!”
— —
After they’d eaten and left Vasco’s house, Jace found himself alone with Jihyun. He’d found the confidence to confront Jihyun without the interference of Vasco. Even after all these years, the two had rekindled their bond, as if they’d never been separated. Stopping in his tracks, Jace turned to Jihyun. It seemed she had expected this, judging by her downcast eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
The apology caught Jihyun off guard , she looked up at him, eyes slightly wider. The moment lasted only for a second. Jace was torn away from the scene by a stinging sensation on his cheek, he held a hand up to his face. Jihyun put her hand down, the slap was unwarranted but maybe it was a little deserved.
It was Jace’s turn to be caught off guard when Jihyun pulled Jace into a hug after slapping him.
“I’m glad I have a friend again. If Vasco trusts you, so can I.”
With that, their bond rekindled, the trio was back.
— —
“What do you mean you guys got tattoos when you were 12?? Are you crazy??” Jihyun scoffed, slapping the back of Jace’s head softly.
“Ow! It had sentimental value!” Jace argued.
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ussygussymy · 2 years
Found You || Euntae Lee (II)
Note: Jihyun is the same age as Vasco, she is just a genius, Thank you.
— —
"Tell me again why you're sending me to J High"
Disdain was written in her voice as she spoke the words. Jihyun attached her eyes to the moving scenery outside her vehicle, her body turnt and arms crossed. It was something to be working on your college thesis, but it was something else to be taken out and put back into highschool. Jihyun cringed at the thought of having to be put back with miscreants and kids who didn't know the difference between their, they're, and there.
"The higher ups have tasked you with monitoring Daniel Park, you will be transferred to the architecture department and you will stay low. Understood?"
Gun's voice called, driving the sleek black vehicle they were in. The response he gave pissed Jihyun off, always talking about higher ups and being a part of a project but never explicitly telling her what her purpose was.
"Piss off, all you talk about are higher ups." Jihyun rolled her eyes, scowling at the window. After being transferred to an academy for young geniuses and soaring to the top of her class, she'd been recognized by a sponsor. If only she knew just how deep this project was. They paid entirely for her tuition and lifestyle, and to do what? Be a genius? All she current;y knew was that there were ten others, and now she'd been finally given a task after years of cultivation.
Gun grinned at her response, "You'll be given an apartment and a monthly allowance. Now sit your ass down and do this one very simple task."
— —
Looking into the room, a wafting smell of smoke was emanating through the door, it looked like the very birth of evil. The hairs on Jihyuns back stood up, she cursed Gun under her breath. Jihyun put her hood up over her head, it was a good thing the architecture department uniforms only had a male version. Walking into the classroom, she immediately sat down, not daring to make eye contact with anyone. The job was to stay low, and she would do exactly that.
Taking a peek around her surroundings, she cringed at all the sleazy beings around her. Jihyun scoffed when two neanderthals started poking around each other to start a fight, it seemed as long as she stayed quiet and didn't appear too weak she could get away with remaining unknown.
"Jace, I'm so happy we're in the same class."
The sound piqued Jihyun's interest, it sounded so familiar. She bit on her thumb, where had she heard that voice?
"..Vasco we applied for the same department." a deadpan voice followed, again, another familiar voice.
Looking up, Jihyuns breath hitched. There they were, the missing parts. Immediately she averted her gaze, looking down as sweat dripped down her forehead. 'Shit! This is gonna be harder than I thought..'
As soon as he came in, Vasco's face hardened, witnessing the debauchery before him. It seems the other freshman noticed him as well and had been expecting him.
"We've heard about you punk, we burn knuckles, challenge you!"
The group of freshman stood defiantly, it seems the group of delinquents have come to J High School in hopes of having a chance to brawl with Vasco. Jihyun scrunched her brows together, 'What the hell kind of messed up school is this?'
As if Vasco hadn't heard them, he uttered, "No smoking on school premises." Jihyun couldn't help but smile, Euntae had never changed his ways.
The one speaking laughed before throwing a cigarette in Vasco's direction, "You wanna fight huh?" The group continued to take steps towards Vasco, before something unexpected happened. Taking both hands, Vasco squeezed the shoulders of two delinquents, Jihyun watched with wide eyes as they collapsed to the floor. "No smoking on school premises." he repeated.
Allowing the two to effectively crumble to the floor, Vasco shrugged off the blue school vest he was wearing. Jihyun assumed he'd mixed up the uniforms.
Underneath there was nothing but pure muscle and tattoos, it seems his outward appearance had scared off some of the delinquents into submission already.
Jihyun heard whispers beside her.
"What the hell? Is he a gangster?"
"I think he is."
"I heard he ate a duck live before."
"I heard he spent a year in jail."
Jihyun herself couldn't quite get over the shock herself. The last she'd seen Vasco, he'd been a scrawny and bullied middle schooler with horrific cuts along his skin. She could barely recognize him without the vest. Jihyun rubbed at her eyes before glancing at Vasco again, 'That can't be him! It's impossible.' Now he had muscle fortress around his body and tattoos to adorn it, what the hell happened since they'd separated.
Vasco was now making the rounds 'disciplining' the rest of the delinquents and by the end of the period, he was crowned automatically, leader of the burn knuckles.
"Jace, get me down!" Vasco yelled as three persistent burn knuckle members lifted Vasco off the floor.
"Ho ho, only the best chariot for our leader Vasco!"
Like that he was carried out the classroom.
Jihyun deeply sighed, it seems she'd need to present as a male for the rest of the year if she wanted to lay low.
— —
Jihyun slammed her bag on the floor as she entered the empty room, her subject had yet to even transfer to school so what was the purpose of showing up. Sighing at the stupidity of the plan, Jihyun lied on her bed for a while before deciding she wouldn't be completely chained down by her assignment. Putting some on some running clothes, Jihyun decided she may as well keep her body in shape.
As she ran through different parts of the town, her mind wandered. Unbeknownst to her, the sun had started to set and she was irrevocably lost. Jihyun was only brought back to the present when she heard a voice call out to her, "Yo chick! Come over here!"
Glancing over, it was just one of Seol's many delinquent groups, sitting against a playground smoking. Jihyun scoffed, "Don't you think it's pathetic to be smoking cigarettes at a playground in the middle of the night. It seems that got them riled, "Who the fuck do you think you are bitch? Come over here and sit with us."
Ignoring them, Jihyun continued to jog, before she felt a grip on her rest halt her. "What? You think you're better than me or something? Running away when I'm trying to talk to you? WHo do you think you are?" Looking at him, it seemed he was fairly muscular and tall. The lackeys behind him snickered, if Jihyun didn't do something they were gonna do something.
Narrowing her eyes, Jihyun sent a punch to his face before slamming her elbow on the arm gripping her wrist, effectively causing him to drop it. Jumping back, she got into her fighting stance. After she'd been accepted into the program by her sponsors, alongside her academic training she was also trained in martial arts, a collaboration mostly. Jihyun was entirely technique and no strength, she had the strongest software in the world but the weakest hardware.
"Hey stop." a voice called behind her, Jihyun stiffened, dropping her stance momentarily, allowing them the chance to nab a punch to her face. This caused her to fall to the ground, she felt the taste of blood dripping down from her nose.
"Don't hit girls, that's bad." Vasco called, getting into his fighting stance. The delinquents began to laugh.
"Fuck, who does this guy think he is?"
"Why does he talk like that?"
It wasn't long after that Vasco began to beat them, "If you hit girls," he said, throwing a punch, "you are a bad guy," throwing another punch at a different delinquent, "and bad guys need to be beat." Vasco threw his final punch straight towards the leader, effectively knocking them out.
At last, Vasco turned, for the first time since she'd met him she could see the gears turning in his head. A flash of realization lit his eyes before he spoke.
— —
"Thanks for taking me home." Vasco nodded beside her.
"You're my friend, of course I'll help you." The ends of Jihyuns mouth quirked up at the answer.
"You stuck to your promise, you came back." Suddenly the older memory played in Jihyuns head. She had promised she'd come back, and in a way she did.
Grinning, she spoke, "Yeah, I guess I did."
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ussygussymy · 2 years
Found You || Euntae Lee (I)
Every bend and curve of a letter elicited the screech of chalk to accompany it. The woman put the chalk before clapping her hands and that was it for Jihyun.
There was a stagnant irritation she felt watching the woman spell out every word, and it at last came to life.
"So children, as you can see the-"
"Ma'am that isn't correct"
It wasn't the outburst but the lack of hesitation in Jihyuns voice, complete confidence unsettling for a child. The teacher watched the student with disbelief, that a child could be so uncouth.
"The correct spelling is p-o-r-r-i-d-g-e."
Every letter pronounced correctly, the teacher had begun to become irritated by the child. The woman kneaded her eyebrows together. 
"And pray tell, how would you know that?"
"I read it in a book, I read lots of books."
Again it was that confidence, the teacher had had enough.
"Jihyun, go to the office."
— —
"I'm Hero Man, standing for justice!" So you dare to bully the weak!"
Jace got into Hero Mans iconic fighting stance, the beaming red cape flowing behind him.
"Bring it on! I will never back down."
Jihyun overheard the conversation from the swing she was sitting on, away from the rest of the children on the playground. She'd found that she never really was one for playing with other children, finding them too childish for her standards. At least that's what she told her mother in lieu of telling them the other children that she was an annoying know-it-all, to be fair she kinda was. Yet, these were two new faces on the playground, which is why her interest was piqued.
"...Jace. Is it wrong if Hero Man doesn't help others?" What if the villain is too strong? Why does he fight for others?"
Jihyun felt her eyes begin to sparkle, the kid surely had an unique personality. So, she really could not help herself to intervene.
"Morally speaking, it would not be wrong if Hero Man were to not help others out. However, it would be contradictory of his character, since he is meant to be good and therefore by our society's defining features of goodness, help others out. Hero Man wouldn't be much of a hero if he couldn't fight for other people, that'd make him a bad character."
Visible confusion was on the faces of the boys, a flood of questions swimming in their heads. Jihyun had begun to feel awkward as the silence permeated, it would happen alot where she would accidentally join a conversation without knowing if she belonged there or not. Right before she was gonna turn to run away and never look back, the boy with the red cape smiled at her.
"Exactly, what she said."
He turned back to the other boy before throwing punches at him.
"Dummy! What kind of superhero thinks that way! Take this super punch!"
"Don't it hurts"
Jihyun smiled at the duo, this was the first time she ever felt like she belonged.
Afterwards the newly formed trio got some candy to nom on.
"By the way, what's your name?
"I'm Euntae."
"Nice to meet you."
Jihyun grinned to herself, here were her first friends.
Jace looked back and forth between the two, he couldn't place it but there was a tingling feeling in the back of his conscience that the two would know each other for a very long time.
— —
"It's great we're all in the same class, even you Jihyun, you crazy genius. You guys are happy right." Jace inquired, the trio were sitting side by side. Ever since that fated day they had remained inseparable.
Jihyun merely gave a nod, she was too busy taking a look at the syllabus for the year.
"Yeah. Of Course." uttered Euntae, next to her.
"Guys.. Have you played phone games?" Jihyun glanced at the boy beside her, he really hadn't changed, even now. At times it was quality that irritated her and at times it was a quality she really liked."
Jace, always the Euntae whisperer, knew what to say, "Um.. so Euntae. How about we play too?" Euntae's face lit up, "Yeah. Sounds good." Jihyun couldn't help but smile, his change of expression was little but she knew it was a lot by Euntae standards.
Now the trio was distracted, the boys engrossed by the phone game in their hands and Jihyun caught up reading to the teaching plans in May. They didn't notice the clashing trio who'd come up to them.
"Hey big ears."
The presumable leader had spoken, before the entire flock spoke.
"What elementary school you from?"
"He wants to be friends with you."
"Your ears are huge. Wow."
"You guys wanna go to the snack shop?"
Jace looked at the two of them with pleading eyes. Jihyun could already sense it, a shift in their dynamic, she sighed but agreed begrudgingly. Jace grinned before turning back.
"Hm? Oh yeah. Euntae, Jihyun, why don't you come to."
Vasco merely replied, "Sure. Buy me chocolate milk."
— —
Jihyun found herself going up and getting chocolate milk herself, the chatting from the new trio had begun to irritate her. There was a small panging feeling of worry within her, something had changed in Jace the second they got to middle school. She was fortunate that Euntae was still there at least.
As she made her way back to their table, a third trio had shown up to the snack shop. Jihyun felt a feeling of dread climbing along her back, 'What the hell is up with all these trios,' she thought. Watching them move through the crowd, she could only knead her eyebrows in annoyance. It was another group of gangster wannabes.
"Move the line!" one the lackeys called as the leader moved smugly behind them.
"Ah! If there are no dumplings, you're dead!" the other lackey called.
Jihyun moved her eyes to the other trio, she could see their eyes light up, here they saw opportunity. "Hey, say hello to the scariest senior." One of them whispered, referring to the middle schooler with badly side swept hair. It seems their stares caught their attention as the trio came up to the group of freshmans.
"You guys have smokes? Got 'em or not?" one of the lackeys hassled them. 'This guy definitely breathes through his mouth.' Jihyun thought to herself, cringing slightly when his breath wafted into her face.
"Oh sure! Here!" the leader of the freshmans said immediately. Jihyun rolled her eyes, the desperate attempts to appear tough were causing her enough cringe for the day. Jace looked visibly surprised by the omission.
"Do you have a lighter? Oh you've got sense. Follow us. Let's light up."
"Yes okay!"
That response did not surprise Jihyun too much, but Jace's actions did.
"Let's go! Jace, do you smoke?"
"If we get close with them, it's like hitting the jackpot."
The freshmen looked back at Jace with the hungry eyes of greed, looking to get some status.
"Umm.. yeah, sure I smoke."
The answer got Jihyun off guard, she knew it, they were doomed from the start of entering middle school. All good people are lost to power.
"Don't go, Jace." reasoned Euntae. Jihyun glanced back at Euntae sadly, he'd yet to see that Jace was changing.
"Mom said smoking was bad. She said don't even touch it. She also said that smokers were losers."
Euntae's words had stung the seniors. They were evidently pissed at him and his self righteous attitude.
"Hey, who's this dick? Is he stupid or something?"
One of the lackeys began to laugh before smacking Euntae in the face.
"Fucking arrogant."
That was enough to get Jihyun fuming, she stood between the two, "Who the fuck do you think you are?"
The senior turned his eyes from Vasco to Jihyun, before he started chuckling, "Who the fuck is this chick? Get out of the way bitch." One of the lackeys stepped in to push Jihyun away, blocking her from getting to Vasco. Jihyun felt her insides start to boil over, soon enough there'd be steam coming out her ears. Yet, in this moment she felt helpless to do anything.
The lackey who'd slapped Vasco stepped back up, "This punk! Not moving?" he accused.
"If you are rude to your seniors, you have to say you're sorry." the senior waited a moment, hearing only Vasco's deafening silence.
"Huh? You won't" Thud, the senior began to kick Vasco.
"Euntae! Stop! You're hurting him!" Jihyun yelled, trying to force her way through to stop the brutal assault. Instead she got knocked back, "Stay put bitch."
"You won't? You won't? You won't? You won't?" With every repetition of the word, the senior kicked Vasco, the force behind the kicks growing greater after every time.
"This ass doesn't even make a sound! Wanna challenge me?" the senior laughed, taking glee in assaulting a freshman.
Jihyun looked on in horror, partly because Euntae was getting viciously beaten before her but also because Jace had done nothing to stop it. With pleading eyes she looked towards her only other friend for some aid, and in them she saw cowardice. Jihyun scrunched her nose up in disbelief as he averted her gaze.
"He's a fucking joke, I will beat you till you talk." the lackey laughed, allowing their leader to step through.
"You embarrassed me in front of everyone, you fucking little punk..From today we're gonna spend some time together."
— —
Euntae walked into the classroom with bloodstains marking his pristine white shirt. Jihyun knew exactly who she'd gotten it from, and she'd had enough of it. Today she would confront them about it. He always disappeared around lunch time, that was when she'd follow him.
As the clock turned, the class turned in for lunch, subsequently Euntae got up to leave as well. Glancing at her surroundings, Jihyun got up as well, stalking behind Euntae. Suddenly, he made a turn around a corner, Jihyun sped up her pace in order to catch up with him. However it wasn't long before he turned again, Jihyun found herself running to catch up before she headbutted right into Euntae.
Jihyun backed up, red stained her cheeks feeling embarrassed that he'd caught her in the act of spying on him. "Hey Vasco, I didn't see you there. I was just heading to the bathrooms."
Vasco stared back at her blankly, "This hallway leads to the boiler room." Jihyun started to feel sweat dripping down her forehead, she was caught, "there uh, a special bathroom in the boiler room." Euntae's eyes lit up with intrigue, "Really, I didn't know there was one."
Jihyun sighed with relief, Euntae sucked at detecting lying. "Right yeah, I'll be going then."
Vasco continued to move and Jihyun continued to follow. She'd followed them all the way to an abandoned part of the playground, from ahead she could see the group of seniors as well as a boy wearing glasses attached to the pole.
The leader grinned when he saw Vasco approaching, "The other cicada has come to play." He approached him before jabbing him straight in the stomach. This made Vasco keel over, yet he remained as stoic as ever. "Fuck took you so long? Huh?" Just as he was about to land a kick on Vasco's head, Jihyun emerged from the bushes.
"Stop, I caught everything on video. Have fun smoking when your ass is expelled." Jihyun spoke, holding the evidence in her hand. The phone was quickly snatched away by one of the lackeys, "It's this bitch again."
The leader came up to her, evidently finding the situation amusing. "Are you his girlfriend or something?" He came close enough to feel his breath fanning against her face, Jihyun stood with a hard expression, refusing to back down. "Actually she's kinda cute, you don't mind if I steal her do you?" The senior inquired, looking back at Vasco.
Before Jihyun could make a snappy comeback or the senior could reach for her face, Vasco stood between. "Don't touch her." The senior snickered at his words, before smacking his face hard enough to send him falling.
"Vasco!" Once again the lackeys were holding Jihyun back, she felt tears welling up in her eyes this time from the frustration she'd begun to feel. Once again, Vasco refused to make any noise or provide any reaction. He stared defiantly up at the senior, this served to only piss him off more.
Sending a kick flying right into Vasco's stomach, the senior yelled, "Who the fuck do you think you are? Huh?" The senior continued kicking at Vasco's stomach as Jihyun struggled to fight out of the arms of the two lackeys.
After thoroughly beating Vasco, the senior turned, making hungry eyes towards Jihyun. She felt her eyes widen, a new sense of fear began to envelop her. Just before he could take his first step, Vasco managed to croak out, "..Do whatever you want to me, just don't touch her."
That sent the senior over the edge, "What the fuck did I tell you about talking back? Are you disobeying me?" From his pocket, the senior brought out a box cutter, approaching Vasco with it. "I'll teach you about disobeying."
Jihyun watched in horror as the senior brought the boxcutter down against Vasco's skin before red beads of blood stained the metal. In this moment, Jihyun felt both the most helpless and the most shameful, because she could not break out. So, she stood there and watched as her friend got mutilated by a boxcutter.
Even through that, Vasco did not allow them the pleasure of his screams. "Fuck, whats up with this ass! Think's he's so tough!" The senior huffed, writing out grotesque images on Vasco's skin. After finishing he sneered at them with his friend, "Let's get out of her, I'm hungry."
Just like that they left, as if Vasco's life was worth just as much as a stuffed animal or object. As soon as the lackeys released Jihyun, she ran to Vasco, "Vasco! Are you okay?" She questioned, looking at the bleeding wounds on his chest. Vasco grit his teeth, "Jihyun.. Please don't let my mom see these."
Jihyun looked towards Vasco hesitantly before nodding and helping him get home.
— —
It wasn't the first time Jihyun was in Vasco's room, but it was the first time without Jace by their side. Jihyun took the warm wet cloth before placing it against the wounds Vasco had acquired. Vasco made an attempt to sit up before Jihyun pushed him down. "You need rest, I'm not gonna bother you with questions right now but you better believe I'm gonna talk to Jace."
"No, Jace doesn't need to know." Jihyun scrunched her face in frustration. "Vasco, why do you insist on going through things like this alone? You don't have to, you have us!" Vasco stared at Jihyun with widened eyes, she'd had outbursts in the past before but none as passionate as that. "What are you even trying to prove by not telling anyone?" Jihyun spoke, lowering her voice as she felt bad for yelling at him.
Vasco looked up at her with pained eyes, like he knew exactly what to say but couldn't muster up the strength to say it. "Jihyun, promise you won't leave." Jihyun was taken aback, this was completely out of left field. "What?"
"Jihyun." He paused, allowing the silence to take hold of the moment, "Promise you won't leave." Jihyun stopped, staring down at Vasco, before opening her mouth to speak.
"I promise."
Vasco mustered up a grin, "good."
— —
The next day, Jihyun came to class fuming. The second she entered the classroom she sent a slap across Jace's face that was deafening before sitting back down. Jace held his face, yet his face conveyed that he knew the reason behind the slap. Looking ashamed he sat back in his seat, Jihyun spent the rest of the period glaring at him.
As the school day neared its ending, the classroom emptied quickly, just as Jihyun turned to leave as well the gang of three seniors stopped her in her tracks. They ignored her this time, it seems they were here for Jace. Yet some panging in Jihyuns heart stopped her from running out the classroom, she stayed back watching the trio.
"You're fucking joking, we told you to bring him, not to decide yourself."
"Say it again."
"What did you just say?"
Jihyun looked with intrigue now at Jace's quivering frame, "Euntae is really hurt...So you should stop and.." Before Jace finished his sentence, a punch came flying at his face. Jihyun was up on her feet as she witnessed it.
Jihyun came running towards the lackey, using both force and time to create momentum, she slammed her body against the lackey to get him away from Jace. The leader looked on, pissed off. "This fucker again? Hey you guys keep watch in the hall" The senior called towards the other freshman.
Turning back, the senior began to approach Jihyun, "Hey, your stupid boyfriend stopped my yesterday so today you're gonna play with me."
Even the lackeys looking on with terror as the senior brandished a tatoo gun, "This is for eyebrow tatoos. But it works well on belly buttons as well." Just as the needle was about to prick Jihyuns skin, a presence made them turn.
"..Stop." Vasco.
"I'm here" The lackeys began to laugh at his entrance.
"'I'm here?'"
"How arrogant."
"I see he hasn't changed."
"Your friend is a really bad dick."
"He promised to bring you here."
The senior grinned, "If you report to me or something annoys me...your friends are going to get drawn on too."
His actions surprised Jihyun, Vasco stood in front of Jace and Jihyun in that iconic pose, heroman. The pose made Jihyun remember that fateful day, Vasco was her Hero Man.
"It's natural to help the weak. Those..are my friends."
The senior sent a kick to Vasco's head, throwing him off balance. Despite this he got up and continued to make weak attempts to fight, always getting thrown down, one way or another. Yet, his will to protect never changed. As long as there was someone to protect, he did not stop, no matter how battered he was. Blood was dripping down his nose and mouth now and his eye was squinted.
Jace got down on his knees to plead for mercy from the senior while Jihyun made her own attempts to fight the lackeys. The big one pushed her into a wall instead, bashing her head against the hard concrete. Vasco stopped momentarily to look at her with concern.
At this point, all three of them were getting their asses beat, bad. Seemingly out of nowhere, one of the lackeys was thrown into the air and Jihyun got a glimpse of blonde hair before the dark circles in her vision began to get bigger and bigger. Jihyun found her body getting heavier before she submitted to the darkness and gave way to the floor. With a thump, she was on the ground, sustained head injury.
— —
Waking up, Jihyun found she was in a completely different place in a completely different school. After her parents found out about the situation, they moved her out of the district and sent her off to a gifted school for young geniuses. There she was the top of her class, but she never did forget about Vasco, and she would find her way back.
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ussygussymy · 4 years
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ussygussymy · 4 years
ussy pussy my big fat pussy mwah
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