usurpernt · 11 months
i'm going to be active here in the next few days or so, likely next week. been busy with other things but haven't forgotten my boy♡
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usurpernt · 11 months
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basically hw
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usurpernt · 11 months
popping in to let you all know that ghirahim and zant are platonic boyfriends.
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usurpernt · 11 months
i'm going to be here later to do replies ♡
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usurpernt · 1 year
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usurpernt · 1 year
zant is the trio's little guy ( zant is like a whole foot taller than ghirahim. )
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usurpernt · 1 year
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like a dam ready to collapse, his mind shaken by words. the way they coiled around him, every letter being absorbed with such tensity. TRULY he couldn't contain much more of little composure he was barely maintaining. around his god? his almighty master? such words of... care, validation, understanding. [ * i am the chosen one. I AM! ME! HE HAS CHOSEN ME! me, me, me, ME! ] it was about him, his story, and how his god HAD helped him soon rise to power. ambition was dire, an obsession that'll only die if his heart were to cease beating.
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to be bound to such a being, 🇹​🇴​ 🇸​🇭​🇦​🇷​🇪​ 🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇬​🇱​🇴​🇷​🇾​ 🇴​🇫​ 🇭​🇦​🇹​🇪​ 🇦​🇳​🇩​ 🇷​🇦​🇬​🇪​... it was euphoric to simply think about, how the serpent was FINALLY able to be recognized for how he truly saw himself. eyes were wide, as stature now was stiff, straightened, but beneath heavy helm did his face display as if he had just had a revelation of sorts. endlessly would his lord reassure him, and to say that he didn't want to revel in such praise every single time would be a lie. motions were slow, head moving to look at the hand on his shoulder, then steadily back to the king of evil. slender arms remained at his sides this time, form was unmoving for another long, drawn out moment as he'd continuously process each sentence spoken to him. ❝ for so long i've waited, and now i've been granted what i want. for so long i watched, wondering, now to finally be given answers. ❞
that dam, his mind, now with water spurting through the cracks made. shadowed king, doomed by delusions, 𝙳𝙾𝙾𝙼𝙴𝙳 by the beast standing before him now. he will never see a true throne, only eternal servitude. forever to be lead by lies, and false promises. ❝ to have felt forgotten, only to be seen. without my ambitions i would've never had captured your attention. i, truly, am the only right choice, my lord. ❞ head felt light, sanity's mask was waning, 𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚕𝚢. oh, his lord was cruel indeed.
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THE KING-IN-DARK LOOKED DOWN ON HIS SERVANT , HIS PUPPET , HIS PAWN . there were many things he could've called him , all of which , never quite low enough . even through the thickened , deep metal of the man's strange helm , ganondorf could see it . hear it . smell it . no armor could hide what he truly saw . no illusion cast could mask it . the essence of madness , of loathing , was ever inescapable . and always , forever , the king's feast of choice .
his own palace greatly complimented the king's own ambition . an impervious fortress of shadows . eclipsing , ravishing . fortified by the cruelest touch ; the entire palace itself looked as sharp as any blade . and within it , it was boundless . unending , labyrinthine halls . everywhere , lined with weapons ready to run through several hylians with ease . even a temple to the king's own greed , where sat countless gilded baubles and war spoils . and deeper still were sweltering beasts who toiled over burning kitchen-pits, feeding armies of monsters & men alike . traitors , murderers , thieves & zealots , all of them . and even further down , there were lightless dungeons , filled with cries going unheard . and leagues below , some soldiers said , lay a path to the underworld itself .
still , ganondorf strode these halls with his own commanded pride . a place as tumultuous , grand & and enigmatic as he believed himself to be .
he cared little for his company , truly . knowing well what he'd wanted of him . and how easy it was to sway those who's craved power . putting the wine just out of reach . and yet , he'd smiled as he'd looked down to him , ganondorf's weighted hand , a mighty & dreadful touch , upon zant's shoulder . the pauldron , foreign in design as it were , also mattered little . the twili had felt pierced through in a moment , and the king spoke poison into his pointed ear :
" i can feel your own ambitions , zant . it is that very rage which binds us both , such as hatred kindles the wills of evil men . that is why I spoke to you . why I had chosen you . through murder & deception was i forced into your realm .
i am ever indebted to you for your kindness . your admiration .
what fools your court is to not see your worth as i do . " some of it truth , some of it lies . . . not that his servant would ever desire to know any difference .
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usurpernt · 1 year
i just went on a softblock spree, like i said in my rules: i'm going to be very picky with who i follow here. i've already seen things in this fandom that make me wildly uncomfortable.
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usurpernt · 1 year
two emojis that best describe zant: 🎭 & 🌪️
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usurpernt · 1 year
𝖠𝖭𝖲𝖶𝖤𝖱𝖤𝖣 ↳ [ @lordghira ] “ where have you been? ”
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when it came to their lord, everything was to be done in a timely manner ; where has he been? ⸻ to sit idle by would certainly mean death, a punishment often used as a threat, and not an empty one at that.
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tall, willowy form sauntered forward, eyes unblinking as the serpent approached with ease. sentient blade questioned his whereabouts, and the desire to respond was obscured. eyes peering downward, though features remained unfazed. blink. he decided to lean a bit closer. BLINK blink. perhaps now, too much drawn out silence ... ⸻ ❝ i could ask you... that very same thing. ❞ neck was long, nearly tilting his head. clearly, there was a lacking of seriousness to his words.
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usurpernt · 1 year
promote me. i'm a zant blog.
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usurpernt · 1 year
my boy might be unhinged but he's also genuinely a genius. people write him off as just silly or weird, even creepy. but the fact of the matter is that zant is extremely intelligent, beyond the average. however, his downfall is his hatred, anger, and eagerness to pounce at any opportunity for power, which this hinders him greatly. zant is extremely calculated, and very analytical. he has a whole examined profile of everyone in the room, and has more patience than one might think. his helmet is also a huge advantage for this because you cannot see who he's looking at, who he's analyzing / watching. even without it his poker face is extraordinary and you'll NEVER know what he's thinking. it's in those rare moments that the façade cracks and he becomes overly emotional ( which is another downfall for him. ) he's actually an extremely emotional character, but hides it SO well. ganon, though, is one of the only ones to so successfully manipulate zant because he knows exactly what he wants, and very fluently plays on his hatred and lust for power. hence why zant's all ability to really contain his madness around ganon is difficult. the worst part is that ganon knows he's consumed with madness and feeds into zant's delusions, encourages them and heavily validates them. thusly, it only makes zant WORSE in his madness.
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usurpernt · 1 year
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Ibis 模索中
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usurpernt · 1 year
I am so very late to seeing this but... Since you asked for feedback.
NEL!!! I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOU AND YOUR ZANT!! What I've already seen is spot on, and captures all that perfect weirdness and eccentricity that makes Zant, well, Zant. Plus I've been having a lot of fun plotting our dynamic behind the scenes with Ghirahim. Really, we've always vibed well and forged impactful, memorable dynamics together and so far our stuff with Ghira and Zant is just as stellar as always. I love you and am excited to see what else you do with Zant 🥰
FIONA, MY LOVE! you warm my heart 😳 thank you so much! i'm so glad i can call you my roleplay partner AND close friend. we really do always come up with wonderful dynamics, no matter the muse ♡ ♡ i'm so glad i'm doing my boy justice, i cannot wait for shenanigans between him and ghira ♡
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usurpernt · 1 year
nobody is ready for the dynamic fiona and i have cooking up for zant & ghirahim.
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usurpernt · 1 year
//I love a writer that can catch the mood/vibe of a character with the narration in addition to the dialogue and you do this in an absolutely astounding way. Your writing has a discordant poetry to it that captures exactly where Zant is at mentally and also amplifies the words that actually come out of his mouth. The disconnect between what he says and what he's thinking perfectly conveys the character you're delivering to the dash!!
PLEASE, this is so kind ♡ thank you so much ! i only wish to do my child right, in all his unhinged glory ♡ ♡
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usurpernt · 1 year
「   ASK MEME :   HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL?   」  * send anonymously or not. feedback is appreciated!
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