Empathy in workplace
All of us know the meaning of empathy but what we don’t know is its application in our everyday life. I recently read an article on Smart Business magazine by DeLores Pressley; The importance of empathy in work place. Empathy means to step into another’s shoes and feel what they feel or try to relate to it. According to DeLores empathy can be shown in the workplace by respecting your colleagues. Some of us might wonder, why does it matter for us to understand the needs of others? ‘When we understand others, we developed a closer relationship’ says DeLores, when we try to understand others, we build a relationship of trust which is very important in an organisation. DeLores also explained what are the traits that are required to empathise. According to her empathetic people are good listeners, they listen to what a person is saying and try to understand, they are very attentive and do not get distracted easily. Empathy plays a major role in workplace; it helps us to get over our failures and focus on our work as no one is going to blame us for them. It helps leaders to get to the root of bad performance, understand and support struggling employees. It helps to maintain good relations within the organisation both personally as well as professionally. Empathy in work place leads to better results and a positive environment in work place.
REFERENCE: https://www.sbnonline.com/article/the-importance-of-empathy-in-the-workplace/
So why aren’t we being more empathetic at work? DeLores feels showing empathy takes time and effort. Humans are complex and everyone is different, understanding a person, to who you are only related professionally can be extremely difficult. Trying to empathise means putting others needs before yours which can be difficult in today’s competitive world. DeLores also feels today organisations are work oriented and make their employees strive for better results neglecting what they feel, employees are the greatest asset of an organisation and should be treated well and understood.
- Utkarshini EduTech
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Why Internships?
The very first question arises in our mind is that “Why one must do an internship?” The best explanation in simple words is “An internship is a gateway between academics and corporate world.” Internships brings you out from the college and enables you to put everything you’ve learned into action. It provides immense experience & exposure.
Internships have a very vital role while applying for jobs. They instantly uplifts your resume & profile. Companies are more keen in hiring candidates who have prior experiences. Like obviously as an employer, you would also hire someone having experience in hand rather than a fresher.
Internship are of great value not only from companies point of view but also from candidate’s perception. While doing them, students get to know the practical application of theories they have learnt. The best part about internships is its flexible time duration, usually few months instead of long yearly bonds.
Employers always try to get the most out of employees as compared to what they are paying them which often leads of loads of work & work pressure. But in internships, as the stipend is not very much, the employers are quite flexible with interns. The main focus of interns is on learning only as Earning Comes Only After Learning.
My personal favorite advantage of internships which is often not talked about is sometimes people want to change career a little late in life. But after a particular age, they are not very comfortable in going colleges of their interested field.
Here comes the role of internships. They are very suitable option for these people. They can work under experts & gain knowledge & experience and follow their desired career & excel in whatever field they want to.
I think that’s enough of convincing. No doubtedly, internships are great opportunities to learn & grow and take your career to new heights. So its time to stop reading about its importance and start looking for one.
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Ways to learn Java!
Is it possible to learn Java fast and in effective way? The answer is yes but it needs lots of base
work and practice. First we have to learn Java terminology, practice simple java programs in
general we will encounter some simple concepts like variables and functions, but there are also
more abstract, complex ones like objects, bringing inheritance, and polymorphism that can be
difficult to understand. Java also changes on a regular basis, with new features being added
from time to time.In general to master any language we generally have to opt three things
● Practice known algorithms and Data structures.
● Look and observe others code on online platforms like github etc..,
● Participate in competitive programming
● Repeated practice. (the more you practice the more you discover)
● Sites to practice:
Stack Overflow
coursera etc..,
● Code everyday (make coding a daily habit)
● Try your hand at building at least one web and one desktop application.
● Online courses, such as the Learn Java 101 course.
Coming to Java applications we use in Desktop GUI Applications, Mobile Applications,
Embedded Systems, Web Applications, Web Servers and Application Servers, Enterprise Applications.
- Utkarshini EduTech
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Why is Python trending?
• Python is an interpreted, object oriented, high level programming language with dynamic semantics.
Why is Python Trending?
• Compact coding- Programs can be easily written in Python as there are fewer lines to code compared to other programming languages. The fewer lines not just saves time but also effort of a programmer. For example - If you write a piece of code in 3 hours but with python it takes only half an hour then you will choose python as your programming language.
• Rich set of libraries and frameworks - When we are working on bigger projects, libraries can be of great use as it helps us save time and cut down on the initial development cycle. Python has an excellent set of libraries, From NumPy and SciPy for scientific computing to frameworks like Django for web development. Scikit-learn for machine learning applications and nltk for natural language processing.
• Cross-Platform programming language - Python program written on a Macintosh computer will run on a Linux system and inversely. Python programs can run on a Windows computer, as long as the Windows machine has the Python interpreter installed , most other operating systems come with Python pre-installed say Macintosh.
• Increased productivity - Python helps developers produce an algorithm and execute it faster than any other programming language.The integration feature combined with unit testing framework Python improves the speed and performance of a program thus increasing its agility and productivity.
• Interpretable and Efficient - When we are dealing with real world problems Python comes handy as we can easily find solutions to our problems using algorithms in lesser time. We can easily modify our solution as it is interpretable and efficient.
• Easy Integration - When we are developing web services by adding COM or COBRA components Python integration is done easily. This way, Python scripting language not just processes XML as well as the other markup languages but can call other programming languages such as C, C++ and Java. With this integration capability, Python makes sure it can run on modern operating systems with ease.
• Easy to learn - If you know Java, C or C++, Python becomes easy to learn for you. It has removed the need for unnecessary codes that were a part of the other three languages. It is simple and can be predicted in many ways. The style is interpretable, thus making it easy to learn for the developers.
• Populates world’s best website - World’s best websites are built on this framework. Google, DropBox, Instagram and Spotify are all backed by Python, and we often use them in our day to day life because of their performance and the ease they offer. Even Disney and NASA have incorporated Python to their core. Many other industries have been using Python too.
But given the above mention reasons too Python is slower in execution so there comes another programming language which might replace Python soon that is “Julia”. So what is Julia?
• Julia is a high level, high-performance, dynamic programming language which can be used to write any application.From the start Julia was designed for scientific and numerical computation. Key advantages of using Julia over Python are - faster compared to Python, has automatic memory management, has math-friendly syntax, etc
- Utkarshini EduTech
References - https://www.kdnuggets.com/2017/07/6-reasons-python-suddenly-super-popular.html , https://www.atlantic.net/cloud-hosting/what-is-python-intro-cross-platform-programming-language/ , https://www.infoworld.com/article/3241107/julia-vs-python-which-is-best-for-data-science.html , https://www.netguru.com/blog/why-python-is-growing-so-quickly-future-trends
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How to speak so that people want to listen?
Human voice is a very powerful instrument it’s the one that can start the war, that can make people hate or make them fall in love. The way you speak reflects the clarity of thoughts running in your mind. Still there might be a possibility that you have better things in your mind but you express it better not vocally but only inside your head. How to come out of that dilemma ? How to take people inside your aura and make them imagine what you are speaking? That’s the purpose. THAT’S THE GOAL. Now I’m not going to talk about something like hand movements or facial expressions.
The problem is that we have stopped valuing oral communication. It is not taught very much and we don’t think about it very much. Most of the modern communication protocols being invented also are for eyes like emailing, texting, tweeting. So I will give you some of the simple tricks, not at all tedious and will help you if you don’t take it lightly.
First of all speak with a mindset that PEOPLE ARE WILLING TO HEAR WHAT YOU SAY. People would love to listen to you and that you can make a difference. Which basically means have YOUR SELF WORTH and of your speech. Actually its wrong to call it a speech, it sounds boring. Its more like speaking your heart out. Making your listeners feel your mind, your thoughts. And trust me its not difficult if only first you decide it inside your mind. Have a feel of it.
Hunting for big words, trying and manipulating your speech to fit those jargons…. A really bad approach. Understand, words do have synonyms but also they have SHADES OF MEANINGS. With each correct usage of a word you understand the meaning of a particular word a little better. Tell people the meaning if you are using a jargon or better don’t use it.
You are constantly RADIATING ENERY while you are speaking. Make sure that energy is POSITIVE. Have a smile on your face while speaking as if you are happy to address them. Have a happiness that you are here to say something valuable. FEEEEEEEEL THAT HAPPINEES. Trust me it is reflected in the speech.
Shoulders back. No hunched position. This way you are more grounded, more open. Its reflects a WELCOMING attitude, both ways conversation as if you are not here to only speak but also to listen. Key rule- ‘a good speaker is a better listener.’ Also, everyone new you meet knows something that you don’t. Also, keep your neck straight. Voice modulation is better done when its straight.
Breathe…. Since it is the fuel for the voice. You might have heard that you must take long breathe before a speech especially when you are nervous. It works, it actually works. Not only before the speech but also during your speech. Take your time. Your audience can wait for a second or two to let you breathe. Take it easyyy.
Silence…. Create silence in the room. It’s a powerful tool to grab the attention of the audience and also to let them align the thoughts of what you are speaking. Provided, you use it wisely.
Vocal registers…. Some people speak from nose, some from their throat. Neither of it is preferred. The one who speaks from chest, his/her voice is soothing to the ears. Research says that almost all the politicians speak from their chest.
- Utkarshini EduTech
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Ola or Uber or owning a car, what is more beneficial?
In the recent times, the effects of new technology and ideas that ease our life have reached new levels. We are dependent on the internet from our basic groceries to booking a trip abroad. The world indeed is on our fingertips. Keeping this in mind there is a rising issue that is slowing down the automobile sector, the advent of hiring cabs online to take us to the ends of the city. From attending a wedding in the city to going on a vacation within the country, we can hire a cab by just sitting at our houses and scrolling through apps. Now that we are so dependent on this, people argue the hiring of an OLA or UBER against actually owning a car.
So let us compare the cost of actually buying a WagonR costing Rs 6.5 lakhs over a span of 5 years considering an average trip of 1000 kms per month. The various costs included are as follows:
Putting all this together, this works out to be Rs 18.3 per km if a driver’s salary is not included and Rs 33.3 per km is it is included. Now according to a survey of 25 rides in the city of Mumbai spread over peak and non peak hours, short and long hours, gives us an average of Rs 20 per km.
Now it really depends on the frequency of taking rides, the cost of car, fuel costs etc. which should be considered before taking a decision. But because of this, the automobile industry has faced a major slowdown.
- Utkarshini Edutech
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