utmscans-blog · 7 years
hay, thank you for translating. May I ask you something? May I share to another website? thank you
We prefer that our works are not shared on other sites. We will have our own online reader soon, so please just bear with us a little longer. :)
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utmscans-blog · 7 years
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Some eye candy to catch your attention..  Couple things.. first, we’re looking for a few good (amazing?) people to join us. We need experienced typesetters so that we can get these wonderful books released to you guys and gals. If you have any previous experience, please fill out our recruitment form. Our tests tend to be live tests, so that your time isn’t wasted. :) Next, we’re looking for someone that has experience working with Wordpress and WP themes. We have a theme, just need someone to help us on the back end with graphics, placement, aestheticism, etc. This does not require any scanlation experience, just experience with WP and graphics.
And finally, we’re looking for a project manager. Again, no scanlation experience required. This application is a little tricky, however. You’ll need to email Leha ([email protected]) with a list of things that you would do to improve the group. Now, if you simply send a list of everything you feel is wrong with UTM, it’s not going to get you very far. However, if you send a list with detailed ideas on what you would do to improve those things.. well.. :D  One of the things that holds back a lot of our releases, is that Leha has to wear too many hats. While yes, some things do need to go through her, not all things do. So we’re reaching out to you all, in the hope that we can find some stellar talent to join our ranks. :)
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utmscans-blog · 7 years
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Good Evening my friends! While this comes a bit late.. we seemed to encounter issue after issue when we went to do our release. Including, but not limited to our downloads suddenly not working! Gosh, what a nightmare that was! We've been slowly preparing for a move to a new website, but that definitely lit a fire under our rear ends! That being said.. By Valentine's day, (most likely sooner) expect a whole new world when it comes to UTM. Gone will be the old, outdated website and in it's place will be an easy to navigate (I hope??~!) site with access to an online reader and downloader. We're looking into trying to offer multiple ways to use the reader, but that may not be something we can implement fully until this summer. (Some folks have expressed that they prefer webcomic/scroll style of reader, instead of manga/click style) Please note that we will not be getting rid of downloads. They will still be available, just that they will be offered via the reader. Without further ado.. let me first thank our friends over at AwesomeBoxDJS for letting us scanlate their scans. We're waiting for our huge shipment of books from Comiket91 and the upcoming YOI Only event on the weekend of 1/15. So if you have good scans and our translator is willing, or you know someone who is willing/able to translate/edit/typeset -- do send them our way. Oh the fun we will be having this year with Owari no Seraph, MHA and YOi. http://www.yaoi.land
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
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This has to be one of the most anticipated releases of the year for us and many others. How this fandom escaped notice, is truly beyond me. It's like Yuri on ICE!, just missing the blatant canon. Look forward to season 2 in January folks!! We need to hope, pray, whatever it is you believe in-- that more artists in Japan show this series the love it truly deserves.
Also, if there's anyone out there that loves this series as much as I do.. we have one more (yup, only 2 doujinshi in existence that we can find) doujinshi we can scanlate.. however, we need a translator for the project. We have the other positions, just need someone to give us the words. :) And as always-- we're looking for more experienced editors, typesetters and proofreaders. Please apply on our website here. Now, onto the goodies!
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
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Happy Sunday folks!  First, let me apologize for the lapse in releases. Due to school, the groups anniversary preparations, work, real life, kids-- you know.. stuff.. everything got a little smooshed around. We’ll be doing Sunday releases on SC until the semester is over, though, with the anniversary releases, I’m sure some folks won’t notice too much. :) Otherwise, please visit our tumblr page (http://soul-contract.tumblr.com/) to read it online (Fuzzy should be posting the pages soon) or you can head on over to our website, (http://www.yaoi.land/) and download the pages for your own enjoyment. :) We hope to install our own reader after the holidays, but we’ll see.. do email us your thoughts, feelings, ideas -- we love them all. <3
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
So as many of you probably don’t realize.. this week was our 9 year anniversary. :) We’ve been preparing for it (part of the reason it seems like we’ve been MIA) and between that and finals at school for some folks, and desperately looking for a graphics person to help with inserts-- We’re almost ready. Sadly, it looks like you guys will have to deal with our super old inserts, but we have lots of super new content for you~! Hold on and bare with us, just a little bit longer! (Tonight, SOMETHING will be released.. no matter what.. I just don’t know what yet. :o ) 
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
*bangs on the table repeatedly* BELIEVE IT!! LOLOLOL!!!
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episode 7 got me like
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
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I hope everyone had an amazing Halloween! Sadly, we all passed out and thus, we were unable to get this release out until now. But hey, a treat to read after the day is over? I think that's just as spiffy!
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
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Happy Halloween Folks!! This morning we have our regular release of Soul Contract - ch007! Please head on over to the Soul Contract page and download the chapter, or visit http://soul-contract.tumblr.com to read it online. This evening, we'll be releasing a doujinshi for Halloween, so please visit us again tonight and get some cute Hetalia goodness. USUK is so cute!!
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
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Sorry about the missed release over the weekend. Leha had to format her computer and reinstall all of her programs.. including Photoshop and all the other stuff needed in order to work on releases. But all's well now.  Please enjoy chapter 6! Who is that boob toting wench??! NO BOOBS, ONLY PENII! :3
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
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We actually seem to be on a semi-schedule.. it's just not the days we were originally aiming for. LOL! Without further ado, please head on over to the website and enjoy Soul Contract - Chapter 005! Or, you can also head over to the tumblr reader that one of our fans setup for us until we're able to get the website overhauled. She usually gets the new chapters posted within a couple hours of release. Thanks for all the love and support everyone! We're really having a blast bringing you all this goodness. :)
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
[Release] Soul Contract ch004
A day late, but not a dollar short! Here you go folks! I hope we’re making lots of fujoshi/fudanshi happy with this awesome manhua’s works. :) Soul Contract - Releases (ch004)
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
[Release] Soul Contract ch003
We know, we know, we’re a day late. Don’t be a hater! :P Without further ado~
Soul Contract - ch003
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
[Release] Soul Contract ch002
With our current translation schedule, we’re going to attempt to do 2 chapters a week. Wednesday and Sat/Sun releases. Please check back often or follow us here, on Twitter, Facebook, or other sources of social media. We try our best to get things posted. :) Soul Contract - Releases (ch002)
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
[Release] Soul Contract ch001
As promised, we've begun working on this wonderful story, Soul Contract. While it's not a doujinshi, everyone in the group feels strongly about it and it does fit in with that which we all love.  We all hope you're able to enjoy this story as much as us.   Soul Contract - Chapter 001
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
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Hello my pretties~ So.. one of our members who is in love with this Chinese manhua, convinced me to watch the donghua and I was intrigued. Then I realized, crap, I can't download this stuff.. I'm forced to use these horrible online readers and live-streaming sites. So I went to the source of the donghua and found, they were looking for a person, group, something, to do the manhua. Long story short.. we're gonna do both. :3 Yup, we're going to pick up a series (wtf, a doujinshi scanlation group, doing a series?) AND we're going to take over/pick up the donghua and hardsub it. (wait, wait, wait.. fansubs.. from a scanlation group?! WTF??) So here's some deliciousness to enjoy in the meantime. Get excited folks.. I know we are!
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utmscans-blog · 8 years
Enjoy this doujinshi with us and japan from Hetalia ~ 
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pairing: US/Japan
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