uuwahhh · 4 years
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Charles Hilgenhurst, East Cambridge Savings Bank (1979) via
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uuwahhh · 4 years
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One year since I played this amazing game. So glad to see it brought so many people together along with helping me meet some awesome people. It also reignited my art drive along with giving me the awesome following I have now. Here’s to the Phantom Thieves.
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uuwahhh · 4 years
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Goro Akechi on his day off
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uuwahhh · 4 years
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say your fucking prayers nanako
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uuwahhh · 4 years
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Happy (late) Valentine! Here’s my poly protags propaganda!
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uuwahhh · 4 years
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uuwahhh · 4 years
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uuwahhh · 4 years
P5R: Akechi Confidant Dialogue Choices guide
🎇 HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🎇 I give you this long guide! This information comes from my P5R Guidebook!
This guide will help you know which dialogue choices are the best choices when doing Akechi’s confidant. I will bold the dialogue choice that has the most Confidant Points.
I am aware that there are ways to boost Confidant Points but these are the initial results without the boosts
英語の翻訳は間違いがあったら、直してくださいね! 🙏 (If there are any mistakes in my English Translations please correct me!)
NOTE: There are some dialogue choices where ALL of the choices give out the same result so I will SKIP those because those choices don’t matter.
+0 Confidant Points = no music notes
+5 Confidant Points = ♪
+10 Confidant Points = ♪♪
+15 Confidant Points = ♪♪♪
Rank 2
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Akechi: ちょっと時間空いちゃってさ、相手が欲しかったんだ。(I have some free time, and I wanted an opponent)
★ 忙しそうだけど (You seem busy) [ ♪ ]
- 友達がいない?(You don’t have any friends?)
Akechi: 右手も箸が持てるぐらいには使えるし、まさかそこを見抜かれるなんて。(I also use my right hand when holding chopsticks, but I’m surprised you saw right through me)
- 探偵になれる?(Am I able to become a detective?) [ ♪ ]
- 次は真剣勝負で (Next time, we’ll have a serious game) [ ♪ ]
★ 視力は良いほうだ (I have keen eyesight) [ ♪♪ ]
Phone Convo
Akechi: 君からはいい刺激を受けられそうだ。よければ、また付き合ってくれないかな?(It seems that I’ll have an invigorating time with you. Do you want to get together again if that’s okay?)
- いいだろう (Sure thing)
- 考えておく (I’ll think about it)
★ ライバルとして?(As a rival?) [ ♪ ]
Rank 3
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Akechi: あ、見つかっちゃったか。(Ah, they found me.)
★ さすがだな (Not surprising) [ ♪♪ ]
- 大変だな (That must be tough) [ ♪ ]
- 追い払おうか?(Should I get rid of them?)
Phone Convo
Akechi: 君の前で、迂闊なことを言ったらどうなるか、身をもって知ったよ。(I’ll know what will happen if I ever speak carelessly in front of you.)
- 迂闊なこと?(You were being careless?)
★ 面白かっただろ (But it was funny) [ ♪ ]
- また変装しょう (Let’s do another disguise)
Rank 4
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Akechi: ただのジャズクラブだよ、いい演奏が聴ける。(It’s just a Jazz Club. They do good musical performances in there.)
- コーヒーもある?(Do they serve coffee too?) [ ♪ ]
- 未成年だ (But I’m not old enough to drink)
★ 楽しみだ (I’m looking forward to it) [ ♪♪ ]  
Akechi: それじゃ、何か飲もうか。(So, what should we drink?)
★ おすすめは?(What do you recommend?) [ ♪♪ ]
- なんでもいい (Anything’s fine) [ ♪ ]
- とりあえず生 (I’ll have alcohol for the time being)
Akechi: フゥ、落ち着くね。やっぱり僕は好きだな。(*sigh* Calming isn’t it? I really like this kind of music.)
★ いい店だ (This is a nice place) [ ♪ ]
- 緊張する (I’m feeling nervous)
Akechi: そう言えば、君って料理とかするの? (Come to think of it, do you cook or anything?)
- かなりする (I cook quite often) [ ♪♪ ]
★ レンジは使える (I can use the stove) [ ♪♪♪ ]
- カレーがあればいい (As long as there’s curry, I’m good) [ ♪ ]
Phone Convo
Akechi: *gets all nerdy explaining about Jazz music*
- なにを言ってるんだ?(What are you talking about?)
★ 分かる気がする (I think I understand) [ ♪ ]
- 楽しそうだな (That sounds fun)
Rank 5
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Akechi: ふぅ、指が疲れたよ。よく出来たゲームだよ。(*sigh* My fingers are tired. This is a good game)
★ 撃ち慣れてる?(Are you used to shooting with a gun?) [ ♪ ]
- 目つきが違った (The look in your eyes was different when you were playing)
Akechi: それでヒーローごっこしてたのを思い出したよ。(I recall those days when I pretended to be a hero)
★ ヒーローに憧れた?(Did you want to be a hero while growing up?) [ ♪♪ ]
- 興味深い (That’s really interesting) [ ♪ ]
- 想像できない (I can’t imagine that)
Rank 6
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Akechi: ああ、気持ちいいね… 久しぶりだ。(Aah, this feels good… it’s been a long time)
- いい湯だ (The hot water is nice) [ ♪ ]
- 似合わない (It doesn’t suit you)
★ 久しぶり?(It’s been a long time?) [ ♪♪ ]
Akechi: 水商売の母が男性を家にあげる時は、たいてい僕を銭湯に行かせてたよ。(I usually go to the bathhouse whenever my mother brings home a man from the nightlife business)
- ひどい話だ (That’s terrible)
★ 苦労したな (You must have been through a lot) [ ♪ ]
Akechi: というか、のぼせてない?大丈夫? (Aren’t you getting dizzy? Are you okay?)
★ 余裕だ (I’m fine) [ ♪♪♪ ]
- とことん付き合う (I’ll leave when you leave) [ ♪♪ ]
- そっちこそ平気 (What about you?) [ ♪ ]
Akechi: っと、少しクラクラするかな。(Ugh, I’m probably a little dizzy)
★ 同じく (Same here) [ ♪♪ ]
- 余裕だ (I’m still fine)
- 勝ったな (Then that means I won) [ ♪ ]
Akechi: 君も僕も、大人の理不尽で人生を狂わされた被害者だ。(You and I are both victims of disgusting adults who has tampered with our lives.)
★ そうかも (Yeah true) [ ♪♪ ]
- どうだろう (I wonder)
- 服を着させて (Let me put on my clothes) [ ♪ ]
Phone Convo
Akechi: 今日の僕の姿を見たら、一部の人間は探偵王子らしくないって言うかもしれないな。(If they were to see how I was today, they wouldn’t think that I am being the “detective prince”)
- そうだな (I guess so)
- 逆にそれがいい (It’s fine to be like that)
★ 悪かったな (Sorry to hear that) [ ♪ ]
Rank 7
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Akechi: 狙った球を落とすのに、直接は撞けなくて、わざわざ手球をぶつけて落とさなきゃいけない。(Even when you target a ball, you can’t directly strike it. That’s because you have to strike the cue ball for it to hit and move the targeted ball.)
- めんどくさい (It’s such a bother) [ ♪ ]
★ それがいい (And that is what’s great about it) [ ♪♪ ]
Akechi: 右手とは言え、僕に勝つなんて、大した成長だよ。(You beaten me even though I was using my right hand. That was a great development from you)
- 明智のおかげだ (It’s thanks to you) [ ♪ ]
★ 負けられないと思った (I thought that I couldn’t lose) [ ♪♪ ]
Akechi: どうかな (How about it? Will you stay with me and leave your friends?)
- 考えておく (I’ll think about it)
- それは無理だ (I won’t do that)
★ 明智は好敵手だ (But you’ll make a good rival) **This dialogue choice is the 1ST Condition to make Akechi obtain Hereward**
Phone Convo
Akechi: ねえ、君がそこまで僕との勝負���こだわるの故かな (Hey, I wonder why you’re so fixated in competing against me)
- 別に (No reason in particular)
- わからない (I don’t know)
★ ライバルだから (It’s because we’re rivals) [ ♪ ]
Rank 8
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Akechi: …ちなみに、さっきの戦いだけど。最後までやったら、僕に勝つ自信ある?(…By the way, that fight we had a while ago… are you confidant that you’ll win against me if we had fought to the death?)
★ 負けない (I won’t lose) [ ♪♪ ]
- わからない (I don’t know) [ ♪ ]
- たぶん勝つ (I’ll probably win)
Akechi: 僕は、君にだけは負けたくないんだ。(I… don’t want to lose against you)
★ お互い様だ (I feel the same way in that regard) [ ♪♪ ]
- 負けず嫌いだな (I hate to lose) [ ♪ ]
Akechi: 相手が手袋を受け取れば、決闘は成立だ。(If the opponent accepts the glove, then the duel has been made)
★ 受けてたつ (I’ll accept your challenge) **This dialogue choice is the 2ND Condition to make Akechi obtain Hereward**
- 考えさせて (Let me think about it)
After Rank 10
**IMPORTANT** While Ren is laying in bed, thinking about Akechi’s promise, choosing to FULFILL that promise (★ 約束を果たしたい) is the 3RD (and final) Condition to make Akechi obtain Hereward
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uuwahhh · 4 years
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2 MORE DAYS till Persona 5 Royal!!!!!
Previous Countdown Art: Kasumi (Day 3)
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uuwahhh · 4 years
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this is the only way he can cause chaos in this game
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uuwahhh · 4 years
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Heart Conduction Rerecording -WALTZ-
Circle: キミグルイ Artist: ヒノノヒラキ Parody: Persona 5 Pairing: Akechi X Hero [PG]
Available at: N/A Pages: 164
Heart Conduction
Heart Conduction 2
Heart Conduction 3
Recommended using the mobile app to read for best quality!! Click on the image and scroll through. This way you can also zoom in :)
For Web Browsers  [READ HERE]
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uuwahhh · 4 years
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He said MakoHaru rights
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uuwahhh · 5 years
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When the cat does the thing.
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uuwahhh · 5 years
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Juice break.
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uuwahhh · 5 years
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uuwahhh · 5 years
Akiren texts the phantom thieves, “I want a baby.”
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uuwahhh · 5 years
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