uwu-magni · 4 years
Moulin May Cry A Devil May Cry AU Chapter 1
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May 1 ∼ 1900 Nicoletta G.
There was a boy, he was a very strange and enchanted boy. They had said he’d wandered very far over the land and sea. The boy was a little shy, and real sad of eye, but man was he wise. Well One lucky day he had passed my way, we spoke of many things, and this is what he said to me, 
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”
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The Moulin Rouge. A nightclub, a dance hall, and a bordello ruled over by Dante Sparda. 
A Kingdom of nighttime pleasures where the rich and powerful play with the young and beautiful creatures of the underworld. The most beautiful of all these, was the woman I loved. Y/N. A courtesan, she had sold her love to men. They called her, “The Sparkling Diamond.” And she was the star of The Moulin Rouge.
I first came to Paris one year ago, it was 1899, the summer of love. I had known nothing of The Moulin Rouge, Dante Sparda, or Y/N. The world had been swept up in a Bohemian revolution, and I had travelled from London to be apart of it. On a hill near Paris, was the village of Red Grave. It was not as that pesky bird said,
“A village of sin!” 
But the center of the Bohemian world. Musicians, painters, writers, they were known as The Children of the Revolution. Yes, I had come to live a penniless existence, I had come here to write about truth, beauty, freedom, and that which I believed in above all things: 
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“Always this ridiculous obsession with love!” Griffon, that pesky bird who V had known for as long as he could remember.
“Really Shakespeare, have you ever been in love? You’ve been sittin’ staring at that hunk ‘a metal for hours and not a single word typed. If you’re just gonna bore me to death, at least let a bird stretch its wings will ya? Cramped in here.”
Sitting in this flat for hours on end with the clicks and dings of a typewriter is truly enough to drive one mad, its even more maddening with a bird, a demonic one at that, no bigger than a vulture, prattling about anything and everything.
“Come on V, I’ll be a good birdie, promise! Maybe I can pick us up some dinner, ooh maybe some broads to cure yer uh, writers block eh?” nudging the poet with his wing. 
V gave into the irritant birds wishes to leave his seat and open the window.
“I would be fine without; your absence is all I request.” 
And just as soon as the window swung open Griffon darted right through, though, not leaving his master the last laugh,
“Ya know you wouldn’t be able to last one day without me! A HUGE gust ‘a wind would snap ya right in two, or, or you’d get mugged if I weren’t by your side ya know!”
After no desired response from V, Griffon was ready to take off, what stalled him was some very familiar black particles leaving his masters skin, falling to the poet’s feet, Shadow. 
Shadow being V’s beautiful black panther, loyal, protective, not at all capable of speaking, Snuggled at V’s feet while he resumed his work. 
“Oh ho ho, we’re picking favorites, I see how it is. No dinner for you either then Kitty!” 
someone’s tail feathers had been ruffled, Griffon at last left V to his work.
“My, he just can’t say a simple goodbye without getting under anyone’s skin can he girl?” I asked the half-asleep familiar with a chuckle and gave her soft head a few strokes. 
“Griffon is quite the character.” I will admit they are a great company, but never to that ridiculous bird’s face. 
Aside from my mother these two are the only family I have ever had. 
There is a third, Nightmare we call him, he resides within my hair leaving it black, as strange as it sounds, too large to be summoned in my flat and if summoned elsewhere would bring a mass of unwanted attention, and potential destruction. That is why I only request for Nightmare to show himself in situations he senses to be dire, one less thing to worry about.
Now back to my writing, with Griffon giving me peace I should be able make some progress. All had been well for my five minutes of grace, only then to be put to a stop by big commotion from the folks upstairs, I’ve yet to introduce myself, though that may be coming up sooner than I hoped. 
A young man had come crashing through my roof, he had such distinctive white hair and I could not help but notice the prosthetic arm. Shadow on full guard, I grabbed my cane and approached him with caution.
“N-Nero?” my gaze moved up and my eyes met with a petite red-haired woman, deeply concerned. I really don’t know what to say. 
What is going on?
“HA! Gotcha chickee!” A woman I have yet to see had cheered upstairs. 
What kind of bird at this hour could be causing quite the disturbance?… Oh Christ. 
Wincing at the thought of who may be the culprit. My door just busted right open, oh what a night. 
“This thing here happen to be yours? He sure ain’t a L’amour regular, I got a steel pot all ready if ya don’t claim him!” 
A woman, where do you begin to describe this one, curly hair, glasses, attire of a nun, a lit cigarette in her left and my familiar Griffon in her right, stood in my doorway anticipating a response.
“Ugh, to anyone’s concern… I’m not dead.” The young man pushed himself to sit up, brushing the debris off his… Swiss attire?
“Holy crap! That’s one big house cat!” Griffon who wasn’t paying too much attention, got dropped on the head, her curiosity now shifted to Shadow. 
“Man, you bringin’ a circus to Paris?!” 
Before things would get anymore out of hand, I commanded both Shadow and Griffon to return to me. I suppose they deserve an explanation, and so do I.
“Am I seeing things?” the young man just couldn’t believe his eyes, the mad woman couldn’t either but was very enthused and looked to pick and probe me for answers. 
“Woah! Alright there Mr. Magician, you’re gonna be a part of our show, No if ands or buts about it! Kyrie lets get this rehearsal back in action!” 
Before I could do anything, I had been drug up to their flat, a studio actually. There was a wooden set depicting a lush green field, the backdrop having mountains and a bright blue sky. There was an overwhelming stench of cigarettes and perfume that I believe tried its best to mask that horrid smell, an effort with no desired outcome. Racks of assorted costumes, powders and makeups cascaded on tabletops.
Oh Griffon, what have you gotten me into this time?
“So, them things pop right outta yer tatts and do whatever you tell em too? Pretty sweet if you ask me. Not so sweet when they knock this bozo right through My floor.” 
From my arm I presented the group with Griffon, oh was that bird shameless. 
“Alright well keep that damn thing on a leash or somethin’, that rat with wings nearly swallowed this week’s supper whole, anyways I’m Nicoletta Goldstein, feel free to call me Nico. 
Goldstein now don’t that sound familiar? Well since ya asked, m- “ 
“-Could you stop running your big mouth, let the guy take a breather. 
Hey, V, right? Names Nero, and this beautiful lady here is Kyrie. If it isn’t too obvious, our crew here has been working on a little show for the past few months and tomorrow we’re gonna go pitch it to an old friend of mine, hopefully he likes what we’ve got.” 
“And may I ask what this show is about? If the woman insists I take part in this, I would like to know.” 
I was quite intrigued, I always had been one for a good performance, being given the chance to take part in it would be a bigger project than any I’ve had before. Though being in one was not my forté. 
“Well I’m calling it, Spectacular Spectacular!” from behind Nero, the kind woman named Kyrie seemed to light up at my question, 
I’m assuming she is the productions writer. 
“It’s set in Switzerland! It’s about Love, overcoming all obstacles for love, our charming goatherder falls into a forbidden love with the adventurous nun who wonders what’s beyond the walls! Here wait a second and I’ll get you a copy of the script!” 
Kyrie was definitely very passionate about her work, how she could work in such a hectic environment I’ll never know. 
“Perfect!” Nico boomed in my direction; she came out of nowhere plunging a hat onto my head.
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to fan the stench of tobacco away. 
“Yes, get him that script Kyrie. We got ourselves a new and improved Mr. Goatherder!” that woman manhandled me out of my seat to shove me onto their makeshift set. 
“You V, are the young, sensitive, Swiss poet goatherder! Nero! How bout ya’ll swap outfits.” 
She demanded that Nero and I switch places, this is exactly what I had feared, and she definitely knew it. This is one of the most humiliating nights of my life. 
“Hey! I didn’t agree to this, he’s just gonna embarrass himself- “ 
“Exactly! He let that little birdie break My floor, to be a little easy on him I think this is a suitable payment. You know how hard I worked my ass off to get this studio.” The woman lit another cigarette and directed Nero to where he should change.
“Everything alright in there V?” 
I was pushed into a supply closet with the costume in my arms, this was their “dressing room” if you will, I looked back at my reflection. 
I look like a fool, the costume was twice my size, petrified to walk out that door to a waiting audience and a bird who will never let me forget this very moment.
“If yer havin’ trouble changin’ I can lend you a hand. I’m curious to see how far that ink goes~ 
Ha! I’m kiddin’, get yer skinny ass out here. Hours are being eaten away, you better do this, so you don’t gotta spend a pretty penny on fixin’ my floor.” 
Alright then, may as well accept this bargain. Twisting the door open slowly, shielding my face out of embarrassment, not far behind me was the expected cackles from Griffon and Nico.
“Hoo-Wee, welp looks like we gotta take that in a little bit.” She had looked at me once more from head to toe, patted me on the shoulder and her eyes now on their director Kyrie. 
“Now V if you could wait up there on the ladder? Make believe that’s a mountain your anchored too, after Nico’s number that will be your cue to read. Remember, romanticize the land all around you, not only through your words but your expressions too! I know you got this.” 
She makes this sound simple enough, let’s just hope the ladder is more stable than the floor.
🎶“The hills animate, 
with the euphonious symphonies of descant-a-ha-ha-haa!”🎶 
who insisted this woman should sing? 
“Nico, you’re supposed to be playing a nun, not a dying street cat.”
I’ve gotten used to the way Nero and Nico would banter between each other, but with having this melody driven into my head countless times for the past hour boggles me, the words just don’t seem to fit. They haven’t seemed to have a solution either, the hills, what could they be? 
Are the hills vital? 
Do they quake and shake? 
Would they be symphonic melodies? 
🎶The hills are alive…  with the sound of music!🎶
the whole room stopped with eyes wide on me. 
“The hills are alive with the sound of music… I love it!” Kyrie was delighted. 
🎶With songs they have sung, 
for a thousand years!🎶
My face grew hot, I couldn’t help but smile at their praise, it was something so uncommon for me to receive, being a poet you don’t usually get to witness the impressions you leave on your readers, this was definitely an experience I never knew I needed.
“Incandiferous! Ooh V, you gotta write the show with Kyrie, that birdie don’t call ya Shakespeare for nothin!” Nico, rabid woman came shaking the ladder. 
“You are the voice of the Children of the Revolution!!” 
“Nico, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I’m not sure that I’d be well experienced for this job. I’m not even sure if I am a true Bohemian Revolutionary – “
“I’m callin’ bullshit. 
Do you believe in Beauty?”
“Yes – “ 
“Of course, I – “ 
“Love? Love… Above all things, I believe in love. 
Love is like oxygen; love is a many-splendored thing. 
Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love!” 
“Then there you have it, you are the voice of the Children of the Revolution! Ain’t no fooling me Mr. Poetry.”
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Had I not let Griffon free to cause a ruckus, I’m afraid I’d never have an opportunity like this again in my life. My dream of becoming a writer had been set even quicker into motion, I have these people and even Griffon to thank, to show them my gratitude I’ll make this the greatest show they could ever dream of. 
This was their plan; they would dress me in Nero’s best suit to pass me off as a famous English writer. Then once Y/N heard my modern poetry, she would be astounded and insist to Dante that Kyrie and I write Spectacular Spectacular.
Tomorrow evening is when I will step foot into the Moulin Rouge for the very first time, nervous yes. Having to speak to a woman I have never met, a woman who is adored by all of Paris, who am I to speak to her, I could be someone not worth her time. 
But I must see this through.
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An Authors Hello: 
My first time ever writing anything for the world to see! I’ve been sitting on this idea forever, why not mix My Favorite game with My Favorite film? 
The Devil May Cry community has inspired me so much, I love all of you so much, so many talented and funny individuals. So I thought I’d give back to this wonderful community! And as I have been writing this I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to watch the film (Luckily I haven’t grown tired of it), read through multiple scripts, and contemplated everything but here is a first bite at what I’ve got! 
I’d also like to thank a totally awesome friend of mine @uwu-magni​ for reading over things,helping me out, and being my cheerleader, you are the best girl! 
Also if you could read this on desktop it looks soo much nicer.
Chapter 2: The Sparkling Diamond (That’s you~) coming 7/13 
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uwu-magni · 5 years
My eyes have been blessed ♡
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uwu-magni · 5 years
the difference between ‘i’m 17’ and 'i was born in 2002’ is night and day my dude bc if u tell me 'i’m 17’ i’m fine but if u tell me you’re from 2002 then shouldn’t ya be wearing diapers rn
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