uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
he’d heard.
{ ... }
like the softest vines - kihyun’s hold on his body always reminds him of how easy it is for a vampire to hurt a human. he’s little more than fragile glass, easily broken and cracked, but even kihyun’s most restraining hold is still loose, optional. he holds him firm enough for hyungwon to know who he belongs to, who will protect and shield him, but loose enough for the human to slip between cool fingers and escape. kihyun leaves him options. 
sometimes hyungwon wishes he wouldn’t. he spends a second mulling over how to push more buttons when the world turns and burls and he’s on his back, pressed against soft silk with cool fingers pressing into his wrists. his eyes are two blobs of ink as he stares up at the vampire; his hips shift, back arching and he tests the hold on his arms only to feel the always so loose grip impossible to escape. he’s captured - he had been captured for a while, he would never try to leave, not when he’s gone through the trouble of placing his heart on a silver platter and holding it out to the vampire. the whispered words make him momentarily breathless. speechless. goosebumps spread like wildfire, following the trail of kihyun’s eyes. there has never been a time where he found himself ashamed for his own actions, his own desires and needs; kihyun’s obvious implication males him flush a bright red, the blood pumping close just beneath the surface of his pale skin and the reason he fidgets again is embarrassment. “i don’ know what you mean.” his eyes shift, look away from kihyun’s with hardship and focus on anything but his face while his own proceeds to expose his every thought as clearly as glass. “i don’t know what you could be hearing.” surely, his voice had been muffled behind pillows and his own fingers and thick, old doors. surely, the space between them had been a good enough shield to prevent the moans and the name to from being heard. surely - but hyungwon also hopes they weren’t and kihyun had imagined long and hard about what was happening on the other side of that door. what could be waiting for him there. only now that the very reason for those images was in front of him, there was no need to imagine.
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
hyungwon is a soft flower, a gentle blade of graze, bending under his touch and arching his back prettily at kihyun’s fingertips. it’s hard not to touch, hard not to let the pads press against the warmth seeping through the fabric and wonder what the skin underneath would look like. silken, prickled with goosebumps, dipping into the contours of his bones and straining with each breath; each inhale and exhale. something natural, something so utterly human; something fragile. a raw budding nerve of the wider world. kihyun’s fascination rose, knotted deep in his abdomen, as he was filled with the hot viscous liquid; it weighed heavily in his own veins, flushed in blooming reds.
he nearly didn’t hear the beckoning, the calling, brows knitting as his gaze peeked up higher and met hyungwon’s. the retraction of his teeth is immediately, slowly weakening his hold and lifting his focus through the haze. a soft release when hyungwon shifted, pulled away. there was a question lingering on his tongue, mixed with the blood and the hungry and the want; struggling to find it’s way out.
it doesn’t make it. instead, kihyun is being hypnotised, swallowed whole by the wide blacks of the humans eyes and follows quietly, stalks the brush of hyungwons fingers. pale and red and black. pale and red and black. it’s beautiful. hyungwon is. devourable. ravishable. the list silences when he’s asked the question, nodding in small dips of his chip. “you are,” he answers, cool words coming through the thick weight still on his tongue; blood stained on his lips, dripped down the corner of his mouth, smudged. 
there is no expectation for what happens next, but the sight of hyungwon smearing blood on his plush lips, licking it off; pink tongue darting out. it’s hard to look away, hard to ignore the heat burning in his abdomen. the wounds still leaking, dribbling the blood and the scent permeates the air like a smoke, a fog, a warm haze. far too comforting where his skin singes at the touch of hyungwon’s forehead and burns at the kisses.
logic prods the back of his mind, to let hyungwon taste from his own arm and to not say a word. but his hand is already moving, cupping over the curve of hyungwon’s warm cheek, dipping down to his jaw and neck as he guides their mouths together. hot breath, hot blood; mixing and pregnant with lust. the tips of kihyun’s fingers curl, nails dig in softly to keep the other from pulling away.
he sucks the remnants of blood from hyungwon’s pillowed lips, left prickling pink abuse over them and smothered out any words that were on his mouth as he coveted and claimed his mouth. for a whole year, he had restrained himself. a whole year, he had refused to admit his attraction; his want; his lust. for a while year he had twisted himself in his own sheets and tried not to attack hyungwon while he slept in his arms. a whole year of thinking about it, imagining it, folding it over and over until there were a thousand creased of what could be and what he refused.
one kiss. maybe hyungwon would listen to him after this, maybe he would calm down, maybe he would be easier to handle. kihyun resolved in his head, in the middle of the rush, in haste. because he wanted permission to draw him closer and let him taste himself from his lips, the only way that one should taste hyungwon.
his skin sings melodies that kihyun’s fingers create, spin like fragile, golden threads that wind around his heart, his throat, his head, his body. it’s not because he’s a vampire; hyungwon was surrounded by them, hears the purr to their voices, sees the allure in their gaze, but whatever pull they could create is but a momentary distraction when all it takes is a thought of kihyun’s name to get his heart fluttering. it’s because he’s kihyun; his fingers always gentle, his voice butterfly wings dipped in honey. no amount of ice behind his gaze could hide the fact that it was melting, that he cared. the vampire doesn’t want to take but he certainly gives and it goes against everything he’s been taught vampires to be. it’s terrifying to think that should hyungwon offer his heart, kihyun wouldn’t take it. it’s even more terrifying how quickly that fear is forgotten when cool skin brushes his cheek, fingers finding comfort along the slope of his nape. hyungwon blinks through his daze and kihyun’s lips are pressed against his; he thinks it’s a dream, wonders when he fell asleep and closes his eyes to fully embrace it. the coppery tang is still on his tongue, on his mouth and hyungwon drinks it all in. his hands curls and uncurl and reach up to cup kihyun’s face, stroke over the sharp angles of his jaw, thumbs warming the highs of his cheeks and his own greed whispers to him that it’s not enough. his mouth parts to exhale words, but a breathy moans leaves them instead because there’s prickly teeth and the scent of fresh pines after a whole day of heavy rain and this dream feels so real hyungwon doesn’t want to wake up. a part of him realises when he hit a high with venom in his blood, but he can’t ever recall hallucinations haunting his mind - not like this. a pink tongue darts out, licks over the seam of kihyun’s lips only to taste more blood; he shifts higher, onto his knees, brackets the vampire’s thighs with them and twists his long fingers in thick strands of hair. he was being held in place with a single hand, but hyungwon was using his whole body to make kihyun feel trapped, to make it clear that he couldn’t escape. there would be no more running away. hyungwon’s eyes open and all he sees is pale skin and ink black hair. the kiss was his first victory and it would be kihyun’s ultimate downfall. the vampire was his.
&&✹☾ — distance
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
he used petnames on practically everyone, especially humans since he found out the effectit had on most of them. it troubled some, pleased others, but most of allgodfrey delighted himself at waiting for their reactions. perhaps was it alsobecause he was so ridiculously older than them. the boy was but a kid in thevampire’s eyes, but it did not mean he wouldn’t dare get a taste of that silkysmooth skin.
theenthusiasm he displayed at the mention of food was a pleasant sight to thetaller man, who let out a quiet, barely audible chuckle. “you make it seemlike you know more than you let on about vampires, so you shouldn’t expect meto know what youngins are into these days.” lips stretched into a grin,eyes shifting along the boy’s body like a predator sizing its next meal. excepthe was over the whole drinking a human’s blood without their consent shenaniganssince a very long time.
too bad.
“you’renot like the other humans i’ve encountered,” godfrey admitted whilerefusing the arm that was offered to him. he did not play along very easily, atleast not in such a blatant way. he had a hard time grasping the sarcasm thattheir kind used so often. vampire humor was… nonexistent, almost, especiallyin his coven. he lost it centuries ago. this might be why he found himselflurking around humans more. he was bored. bored of this endless, alienatinglife. “you will have to tell me which place serves the best pork. i havenot eaten it since long before you or your great-grandparents were evenconceived.”
his arm is refused - unsurprisingly. hyungwon doesn’t mind, isn’t the slightest bit discouraged, seeing how the words that left his mouth could be seen as a compliment. at least, he hoped it was. maybe that’s why kihyun kept him around because he wasn’t like others and he kept the vampire on his toes. though, considering how long the stick is that kihyun has up his ass the human questions if it shouldn’t turn him off, rather than on. “ yeah, i get that sometimes, “ the human instead replies, shrugging with one shoulder. his arm might have been refused but he wasn’t shy enough not to touch and without a second of hesitation loosely curls his fingers around the man’s clothed arm and tug him in the direction of the restaurant he was heading for. “ being a vampire sounds hard if you can’t even have pork on a regular basis. “ his fingers fall away from the vampire’s arm, head tilting back to glance at him and catch his eyes. it was definitely the first time he had seen anyone that tall. “ but if the last time you ate pork was that long ago, how old are you then? i mean, i could already guess that you’re old based on the way you talk and carry yourself, but how old exactly? “
☾ . pretty little thief
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
the book was lazily held in kihyun’s hand, elbow propped on the mattress next to him as he read – or pretend to read. like he did often. his senses prickling with the sound of light footsteps, of the quickened heartbeat, of the stifled breaths. hyungwons approach, coming in a quiet haste and hushing over the carpet as he entered into the room. that’s when he furrowed his brow, pretending to be absorbed in the book; not curious over what the other was doing or worried if he was okay. one hand rising to change page, paper scuffing and fluttering at his fingertips. he refused to look up when the mattress shifted, instead rereading the same first line; over and over again.
kihyun could hear hyungwon’s whine before it had reached his throat; something so common and anticipated that his eyes were already rising up from the book to study the other. but before he could focus on the other, before his eyes could take in those pouted lips and those soft features, hyungwon was crawling up higher and his weight was suddenly upon kihyun. the skin of hyungwons skinny knees peeking on either side of kihyun’s waist, tender flesh of his thighs revealed in the short fabric he was wearing and then nothing. it takes a second for the vampire to absorb the sight of hyungwon dressed in only a tunic, loose around his waist and dipped low on his chest to reveal his collarbone.
“hyungwon–” jumps form the back of kihyun’s throat. he had told the young human, time and time again, to cover himself; to cover his neck, his thighs, everything tempting at a vampires hunger. the other was pressing on his raw nerves, and kihyun swore it was purposeful. like the first button that was undone and the slip of the fabric from his shoulder revealing his left nipple. “please go get dressed.” 
the kiss between them had felt like a victory to hyungwon. after a year of holding back and tip-toeing on eggshells, he had lost his inhibitions and decided to go for it. the look in kihyun's eyes and suppressed desire he could feel blooming between them had finally reached the surface; like a tiny seedling that has sprouted and hyungwon was left harvesting the fruits. the taste of blood was almost sweet as he drank it from the vampire's lips. burning hot. addictive. 
it leaves him with sleepless nights and turning and twisting in his sheets, fingers tracing his own skin in ways he imagined the vampire would do it. moans and whimpers are muffled against the fabric of his pillow as he works his own fingers into himself, kihyun's name falling off his lips like a prayer, rolling over his tongue like sweet salvation, yet he never finds himself satisfied. it's days later that hyungwon decides to try and go for another victory. he had been restlessly laying in bed, staring at the ceiling and wondering what kihyun was doing, what he was thinking, how much he would be able to hear if he stopped muffling his pleading and yearning. bare feet touched the cool floor before hyungwon can consider if it was truly a good idea. he had seduced men in the past, but kihyun wasn't just any man. ( and hyungwon is scared of rejection, he’s anxious of freezing up and being pushed away and finding himself in that isolated space where he’s alone and unloved. ) slim fingers reach to unbutton the top button of his already widely cut tunic before reaching beneath it and simply sliding his underwear off. it’s not needed. bare skin always seemed to rile kihyun up, make his eyes narrow in on the pale flesh and hyungwon loves the hunger he finds lingering behind icy blues, even if he shouldn’t. the kiss before had been a victory; it gave him confidence, made him think kihyun wants him. if he was able to push him out of his bed, his room, with hyungwon looking the way he did, the human would give up. anything else and he would be the one that’s pushing, breaking down all of kihyun’s walls, just to see him unravel. he knows that kihyun had noticed him entering his room, is fully aware that the vampire was busy ignoring him, rather than reading and he took pleasure in the knowledge that it would soon be impossible to ignore him. the soft mattress dips beneath his weight and his knees easily slight over expensive fabric, fingers twisting in the material of his own tunic, just to prevent him from touching the vampire, stop himself from being the first one to give in. hyungwon was there to seduce, to win; he didn’t want to give in first. his lips purse into a pout, knees resting on either side of kihyun’s waist; a whine signals his displeasure at being ignored and it’s all it takes for his vampire to look up and focus on him and he feels like his heart was close to jumping out of his chest. the feeder pulls his shoulders closer to his body, feels the silky material slide down his shoulder, leaving goosebumps in its wake and pulling kihyun’s eyes towards the newly bared skin. the icy blue makes him burn hot. “i feel too hot.” it was a lie and they both knew it; hyungwon wasn’t trying to hide it. not when he shifts on top of kihyun, his hips subtly angling forward, causing the slightest friction in a fashion that could have been seen as an accident and fidgeting, had it not been for the fact that he was almost naked and his pupils blown wide. “your skin is always so cool so i was hoping you could cool me down.” his words are no more than a whisper, but there was no need to speak any louder. he had all of kihyun’s attention and he was drinking it in, flaunting it like peacock’s feathers. the grip on the hem of his tunic tightened and, bit by bit, more skin was exposed. “won’t you help me, hyung?”
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
the night that hyungwon had come to him, kihyun could remember the pain searing through him; fires burning at his fingertips and digging against the wounds that wouldn’t stop spilling blood. thick viscous liquid, seeping between his fingers as he clutched over the wound that had been too close to his heart; a silver slither too close to his death. the hunger was a dull ache in his fangs, one driving him in uneasy steps towards the door and thoughts of getting back to his coven before his death were reported like gossip. his senses shuddering with the weakened state, unable to hear hyungwon’s approach before he was there–standing in front of him–tugging desperately on his hand and begging. he would blame the hunger at first, for accepting hyungwon in; and then the debt, and then the coil of a bond that would lead to the humans end of kihyun was not cautious.
on nights like this one, kihyun drifted far enough into his own wants to blame how beautiful hyungwon was, how his lashes were dark ebony and his lips were sinful pinks, and his blood was the finest rose wine. how breathlessly ill-equipped he had become at parting with things he thought were too quickly discarded and too easily destroyed. kihyun had lost a brother, lost his life, lost his father, lost his lover, lost himself, lost and lost; and that was embedded in his bones. one day he would lose hyungwon too, one day he would search and not find; one day hyungwon would nod in agreement to his request and then he would find the door blown open and a new emptiness to set himself around; one that was growing bigger and bigger as hyungwon made up more of him than anything else. as hyungwon’s blood flooded through him more than anyone elses.
hyungwons gasp prickled against his hearing, the louder thud of his heart increased in his head, and the heat sinking through his body. his eyes flickered shut, feeling the human curl in closer to him, rest into him and against him, and on him. the tightness bound in his shirt, and kihyun is restraining the desire that quivers in the back of his throat to sink his fangs deeper, let the blood flow quicker, hotter, flood out the corner of his lips. a soft muffled groan, bubbling in red and pressed to warm skin. it was difficult to hide what he was like this, how his kind lived for blood and ravished whatever they wanted until they were nothing.
but kihyun tried, piercing deeper and ignoring the droplets that spilled onto his own skin, resting there; letting the wound fill him bit by bit. the hand at hyungwons side slipping up, grazing along his back and curling at the humans nape, thumb and finger stroking to offer comfort, solace, affection. no matter how much hyungwon insisted upon his adulthood, the other was a child in comparison to the nine hundred year old vampire; he was soft and delicate and breakable. kihyun’s fingers teasing over the strands of hair, dipping under the collar of his shirt and trailing their way down. 
he knew the venom was addictive–a drug–and hyungwon was someone who enjoyed the high, who let it roll over him and consume his senses. if there was one thing that kihyun could give him, it would be that; let the venom take over and dull out the pain of the wound. ice blue eyes peeking open, slowly gazing across the room and slipping over the human in his lap. his focus on the drumming of hyungwon’s heart, the sound of his breaths stifled against his skin, the pace of them; waiting for when the high had a hold. the distraction leaving the blood overflowing on his tongue, trickling for escape and droplets splattering over the clothes that kihyun had so desperately wanted to protect.
by the second, his body grows more and more slack. tense muscles relax, aching bones turning to jelly. hyungwon’s lashes flutter against his cheeks and a soft moan is swallowed against the back of his throat. the pleasure that floods his veins shouldn’t be catching him off guard, anymore, but they still do. they make him feel numb and alive at the same time. his vision grows dizzy, body temperature rising as the colours around him shift and melt together and grow more vibrant. he’s high on venom, high on desire and affection and it feels like it chips away at his sanity. kihyun’s serenity makes it worse. he wants him to be as effected as hyungwon was, wants the vampire to feel at least a bit of suffering, but he knows that whatever kihyun could ask from him, hyungwon wouldn’t hesitate a second before giving it to him. the feeder grows almost restless in his sluggishness and had it not been for the fingers that press into his nape, hyungwon’s body would have started to squirm and twist. but kihyun holds him pinned, with the smallest touches and the most gentle of gazes and the human is pathetically powerless. like a doll on a string; kihyun pulls and tugs and hyungwon dances. his back arches as the fingers press downward and along his spine. every single sensation seemed to hit him tenfold. he’s experienced enough at that point to know that it’s the venom, is practiced enough in handling it to know that every single touch, sound, taste, will wash over him like waves during the high tide, drowning out his sense of control and self until only thoughts of kihyun filled him. ( as if that wasn’t the case already. ) “hyung,” touch me. kiss me. hold me tighter. closer. please. but no other sound follows and as always hyungwon’s begging remains inside his head only. his body coils tighter, legs curling closer to his chest before he shifts, moves away from the hidden comforts of kihyun’s shoulder. his pupils are blown wide, two ink black pearls, staring straight at the drinking vampire. his skin is so pale; hyungwon reaches out and brushes the fingers of his free hand over the warm, red blood. the temperature and colour are a stark contrast and he’s completely fascinated by it. “am i tasty?” the words are mostly an exhale, breathed into the silence of the room as he brings his own, bloodied fingers closer to his lips, smears the rich colour over his lip before licking it off. the taste isn’t off-putting, but hyungwon wonders how kihyun is capable of drinking such a big amount of something so coppery and salty. maybe it would taste different from his lips, the human reasons. he leans in, touches his forehead against kihyun’s, lips parted. his arm is heavy lead and laying in kihyun’s hold and hyungwon would never even think of pulling it away, but he wants to kiss him. plush lips brush over the skin of kihyun’s hand, along his fingers and over his knuckles, feathery light and soft. gentle. he exhales. “i also want a taste.”
&&✹☾ — distance
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
yoongi knew that his coven leader would absolutely dread the idea of him bringing one of his cats. but he couldn’t resist, saying to his leader “but i can’t afford to leave earl grey back at the estate.” soon with permission (more like he snuck the carrier but whatever), yoongi was holding his precious grey-white cat in his arms. pleased although the meeting was left away in the back of his mind, he didn’t care about the meeting. 
walking around allowing many other vampires to whip up conversations with him and to pet earl grey, yoongi felt like a celebrity. which does say more about his personality, enjoying the attention even if it’s just all about his cat. the old vampire walks near a clearing of the area, seeing a feeder. he can easily tell by the eyes and the scent.
the feeder approaches and yoongi willingly stops. the cat’s orange eyes glances up at the feeder approaching, unaware that the feeder’s eyes were on him. earl grey shifts with a meow and yoongi coos before glancing up at hyungwon. “sure. his name is earl grey…” trailing off before protesting lightly, “vampires can own cats. you just gotta know how to take care of a cat, that’s all.” 
“earl grey.” hyungwon echoes the name, sinks his fingers into soft fur with the most pleased grin, “how fitting, he’s like a proper earl.” he wasn’t bothered, being surrounded by vampires. he wasn’t scared to approach them either, no matter what kihyun said. ( in the back of his mind, he feels a vague sensation of guilt, knows that he is needlessly worrying the only person that takes care of him and cares for him in the most odd way, but thoughtlessness drives most of his actions. ) curious eyes shift from the cat to his owner; it’s the same ice blue eyes, but the lack he found in kihyun’s was missing. the vampire seemed gentle, though. calm. hyungwon shoots him a smile. “i’m chae hyungwon, i’m part of the golden pride coven. i’m human though,” he laughs briefly, almost shy, almost flustered, “as you can probably tell.” there was no real reason for his introduction aside from the fact that he was trying to be polite. who knew how old the vampire in front of him was. “say, do you know kihyun? are you two on good terms? because if so; do you reckon you could talk to him about cats? i really wanna have one, but he’s quite stubborn he won’t budge.”
&&✹☾ — feline
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
the boy’slack of a reaction left godfrey wondering if perhaps this was not his firstencounter with one of his kind. people usually stepped back at the sight of thevampire’s imposing stature, before even noticing his intense, icy blue orbsstaring deep into their soul. some ran, others stood mesmerized. but this oneacted so casual, throwing a witty reply to his comment. it got the manintrigued, tongue running over his fangs subconsciously at the sight of themilky white skin he accidentally exposed.
heresponded with a sneer when the other showed him the snacks he stole. it wasnot his first time watching poor citizens take desperate measures to soothetheir hunger. he had lived through multiple wars and famines, looked at deathin the eyes and seen it take away entire families. it was hard to believe thatwith the current technology and scientific progress, not everyone had enoughfood to go by. not that vampires usually minded the fate of humans.
he did.
“icare so very little for theft, love,” godfrey said, voice amused, “butthese are rather pitiful looking. won’t do i treat you to better food?” heemphasized the last word, eyes roaming along the boy’s body. he was starting tofeel hungry himself.
hyungwon had offered - he hadn’t expected the vampire to follow through with his suggestion and actually hand him over. if there was one thing he had learnt about vampires during his stay with a coven, it was that they cared little for human laws. he notices, instead, the spark of interest in ice blue eyes, the purr to the vampire’s voice, his words, the accentuation of his carefully picked words. the petname almost strikes him as odd; he wants to ask kihyun why he never gives him any, wonders if it’s just a way too appear more charming and lure in unsuspecting victims a bit easier ( although, he is doubtful about wether the vampire truly needed any assistance in finding victims ). he places the food back inside the jacket, pulls it close. long fingers reach for the fabric around his neck, adjusting it almost absentmindedly, “it’s impossible to refuse such an offer with how hungry i’m feeling right now. do i get to pick the food? i really love marinated pork ribs, can we go have pork?” he wasn’t stupid - no matter if people said it’s debatable, considering his best friend was sungjae - and he wasn’t naive. it was just recklessness, wilfully turning a blind eye so he wouldn’t miss out on any possible experiences. fear was a feeling unbeknown to him; somehow, it’s not all that surprising that kihyun worries a lot. “lead the way, please, sir.” hyungwon curtsies, mockingly, his arm gesturing towards the busy street before he holds it out for the vampire in an invitation to link their arms together. perhaps, the man would feel mocked, but hyungwon was finding too much amusement in playing pretend.
☾ . pretty little thief
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
the deep voice calling out his name used to make his heart pound. hyungwon recalls the lines of his face, eyes that would twinkle when he smiled and the honeyed quality of his voice, close to his ear. it’s fond memories that he links with him and it’s warm summer nights and sweat sticking to cooling skin. it’s hushed whispers and stollen kisses. it became promises that hyungwon couldn’t keep up and it became one final night where he is stolen away and never looks back. it’s been a year. hyungwon turns, catches changkyun’s eyes almost immediately and he doesn’t even have it in him to try and hide. there is a fondness that still pulls at his chest as he’s seeing a relic of his past life right in front of him. usually, he tried to avoid them - this time he’s walking closer. there’s a ghost of a smile on his lips; he’s deathly pale now, his neck is hidden and he knows what changkyun must have heard from the other hunters, knows what conclusions he must be coming to in that moment. " changkyun-ah, " it’s with a bravery and casualty he shouldn’t be having that he comes close enough to wrap his arms around changkyun’s shoulders, pulling him into a hug, " long time no see. "
that old feeling.
  :・゚▬  && ( STARTER X HYUNGWON )   ITS FOOLISH TO START … @uwxhyungwon
dark eyes follow the movement of seoul’s nightlife, one hand tucked into his coat pocket while the other fingers the handle of the danger strapped to his side. the cold silver of the blade soothes the warm skin beneath - feeling sweat prick the nape of his neck. changkyun suddenly wishes he had dressed more lightly. the coziness his jacket provided suddenly felt smothering in the warm night air.
the hunter lingered on the streets of seoul, eyes monitoring the area just as he had done many nights before. darkness had fully settled over the city and his job had officially begun. but once watchful eyes fell upon the tall frame of another, the boots clanking against the concrete were suddenly too heavy for him to move.
past memories tell him to approach the familiar boy but his legs protest - pride weighting his feet and rooting him to his spot. his body protests but his voice betrays him, rising above the noise of seoul’s nightlife in attempt to pull the other’s gaze his way. “hyungwon!” 
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
being stared at was normal for kihyun, whether he happened to be out in the neon lights of the night, or stepping forward to defend his coven; a dangerous allure, something unnatural. hyungwon’s was neither, the gentle pressure of his gaze was more of curious adoration. a child. it was difficult to reconcile the notion when his lithe form stood tall, when he wandered around in the rooms dressed in only a sweater and when he dressed up with ribbons tied around his neck. an adult in body, one who didn’t know the danger he were in tempting his fate every time he slipped closer to the vampire or when his weight sunk down into kihyun’s lap. the warm skin radiating a heat that his cold temperature prickled on contact with; as if he’d stepped from freezing waters into the burning heat.
hyungwon settled into his place without further request, like he were trained or too comfortable. ( but kihyun was the one who was mentally assigning his lap as something for the human to claim as his own. ) a thought he shook off as best he could, ignored like the book he had been reading or the rules he had made up when he had accepted hyungwon into his place. the first one he had made and broken, being that he would not feed on his blood again. instead he inhaled the sweet flowery scent, the delicate palate of whatever decided to bud and bloom between the layers of hyungwon’s skin. the momentary lose of restrain daring him to dip his head forward, closer, nose brushing against the soft brown strands and retracting as his arm secured around the skinny form.
“very,” he confesses without hesitation, far too at ease with his words and thoughts the longer hyungwon remained at his side. everyone in the coven were looking to him as a leader, as someone who was to protect and make decisions for them; a place that made him uneasy with expressing his internal swell of doubts. they needed to trust in him, not worry whether he was going to flinch in fear at doing what he had to do. but hyungwon so easily coils his tongue around the soft words, made and designed to latch into kihyun’s mind, as his fingers do with his shirt and as the vampires fangs would soon do to his wrist.
his eyes drift back to the neat folds he was making with hyungwon’s sleeve, peeling back petals to bare the sweet honey on the inside. the fabric pressed along the crease of the youngers elbow, thumb grazing and securing it away; hoping to avoid getting any blood stains. 
“if the meeting does not go well, as i imagine it won’t – vampires aren’t know for being clear headed when they’re angry and the heads of the other covens.. have had hundreds of years on me of learning how to be vindictive and vengeful,” kihyun explains slowly, icy blue gaze lifting and meeting hyungwon’s for once–a rare thing–trailing over the curve of his nose and the plush shape of his lips. it was if he had something everyone would want in his lap, something that they would want to steal from him, something that they would dirty and tarnish and destroy, out of anger or jealousy or want, and kihyun couldn’t amount the physical weight of hyungwon–far less than he appeared–with the burden of it on his heart if they managed to do something. hyungwon was his; more so as something like the first edition of a book than of love. it was his affection for collecting. kihyun was convinced of that. not a pure affection of human love. “please don’t go wandering far while this is going on.”
it was a request he doubted that hyungwon would heed, but he hoped.
his attention drawn back to the pulse that was resting under his thumb, the throbbing of hot blood, the smooth skin on the inside of hyungwon’s wrist and the damage that marred it. his tongue slipping out over his lips, wetting them, as he guided the skin to them and pressed a kiss, at first, against the healing wounds – not offering a verbal warning before he parted them and sunk his fangs nearly in the same place, piercing through the scar tissue, until the hot viscous liquid began to fill his mouth and flood over his sense. his hand open, fingers pressing to the thin wrist closer and holding it to his lips–a restrained strength in the tips–and his eyes sinking shut. 
their dynamic is that of prey and predator. it’s what hyungwon had been taught, the words that had been shoved down his throat, along with mental images and warnings and encouragement to pick up a weapon and learn how to use it. the boy had refused then, repeatedly. brushed any advice and warning off with a playful smile and a promise to be back later. he never worried. hyungwon lived in his own world and his parents’ bloodied path had never belonged anywhere in it. now, he thinks of it again. their dynamic is that of prey and predator and hyungwon was the one who chose to get caught, lean into the vampire even as an arm wraps around his waist, securing him in a gentle hold. he thinks of the night they met; kihyun didn’t hesitate back then when hyungwon ran to him, begging and crying and gripping onto his hand - he had put his own safety on the line for a stranger, a kid he didn’t know. it’s that memory alone that makes his affection for the vampire grow like a well-kept flower and he often wonders what it was that kihyun thought in that moment, what it was that he saw in him. why did he help? the soft cotton of his sleeve is pushed back to reveal a pale arm, near translucent, thin skin that did nothing to conceal the veins pumping blood just beneath the surface. a pale and fading mark was right along the inside of his wrist and hyungwon’s lips part wordlessly; he often wanted to ask if it would stay there forever. the bows and collars and fabric covering his neck promised little change. disappointment doesn’t have time to settle before kihyun starts explaining and hyungwon’s attention is on him. what he doesn’t expect is kihyun’s eyes to meet his. what he doesn’t expect is for pale eyes to shift along his face in an almost feathery caress before settling on his lips. kihyun was worried and hyungwon is being warned - it reminds him of the many warnings he had received in the past - but all the feeder could think of was leaning in to kiss him. tomorrow he could be dead; it’s not a foreign thought and with the potential danger that surrounds the meeting, it feels all the more real. since he can remember, hyungwon had tried to live in the moment and experience anything without regrets, yet he catches himself regretting more and more when he’s around kihyun. he regrets not kissing him, regrets not pressing closer late at night when he’s in his bed, regrets not voicing his thoughts and questions and needs. he regrets that moment, too, because before he could move kihyun looks away again and hyungwon is left responding with a brief nod. it feels even more unfair and regrettable when kihyun’s cool lips press against the inside of his wrist and leave it burning, allow the fire to spread over his skin and make it prickle with anticipation. it’s been a year but kihyun’s fangs piercing his skin still make him gasp, an audible exhale as the venom starts to flood his body, pumping through his blood and pushing him to familiar highs. that was the point where his body curls and coils tighter, where his fingers twist further in the material of kihyun’s shirt. he withholds his thoughts and his questions and kisses and touches, but in moments like those hyungwon is powerless and his desire laid bare. it grows in the pit of his stomach, fills his head with thoughts of kihyun’s fingers unbuttoning the very shirt he was wearing, letting it slide down his shoulders, pressing those cold lips against his heated skin and making him grow hotter. he’s afraid kihyun can taste it, smell it, notices the shift in him and his thoughts and how they seem to get worse every time; it’s a hardship to rip his attention from kihyun’s face, but he turns away, presses his forehead against kihyun’s shoulder and suppresses a shiver. in his past life no one refused him and hyungwon never needed to train himself in self control. pleasures came to him easily, kisses did too when he needed to do little more than smile and get close and curl his fingers around a boy’s neck. those days were over and he thinks this has to be karma - it’s the reason he’s made to suffer, now. the vampire keeps him at arm’s length; it’s a careful dynamic between prey and predator where one can’t take more than the other is ready to offer, but hyungwon kept trying to take too much and kihyun simply didn’t want to offer more.
&&✹☾ — distance
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
⟪outgoing message⟫→ he’s a goofy goober (yeah) 🥜 >> u didn’t need those 3 anyway 😎😎😎😎😎 >> …..,,,,idk u got me there goobs gj at doing ur job u didnt ask for but got anyway >> iM EXPRESSING MYSELF LET ME LIVE      <sent with confetti effect!> >> do u know how uncomfortable it is to have ur foot stuck in a toilet for 3 hours >> nO DIDNT THINK SO !!! >> istg it was like it being stuck in a toilet paper tube but larger and wet >> i dID HEAR THEM !!! >> U SHOWED ME THE VIDEOS!!!! >> MANY TIMES !!!!!! >> yw >> im glad i can be a source of the finest entertainment 4 u ✨ >> why not??? >> the Lord™ helps all  >> if u need to be classy just get some rose petals and jump on his dick >> isnt that how it works or is that being frisky i confuse the two a lot >> o btw am i ever going to meet this kihyun boy
✉︎ outgoing text ▹ no, this is patrick ⭐️ ‣ sungjae i have no idea what u just wrote  ‣ so i’ll just pretend i didn’t read it either ‣ how flamboyant i like it  ‣ and no i quite frankly can’t imagine now would i want to know tyvm ‣ ok but listen what if i hadn’t filmed it? that moment would have been lost to humanity forever and you would have never gotten to see it either ‣ JUMPING ON HIS DICK IS HARDLY CLASSY ROSE PETALS OR NOT  ‣ and i don’t even know if he’s into me that way ‣ honestly i almost don’t think so ‣ i mean you know me, you know that i can easily charm my way into guys’ pants and i have my charms and lots of aces up my sleeve but ‣ nothing worked ‣ you’re an idiot ‣ and don’t call him ‘boy’ he’s not a ‘boy’ he’s more ‣ you know ‣ ‘daddy’ ‣ icb i just wrote this 
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
there there stifling nights and restless moments that kept hyungwon up all night, made it impossibly hard to sleep and find any rest in his bed. kihyun was off somewhere; the feeder liked to pretend he wasn’t lonely and he barely noticed and the emptiness that the vampire’s presence left behind didn’t weight heavy on his chest, but he had only ever been half as good at lying to himself as he was with lying to others. he is stubborn, makes a point out of putting on one of kihyun’s jackets before sneaking out of the house, out of the territory and towards the familiar lights and high buildings that were seoul city. boredom didn’t sit well with him, nor did the bitterness that loneliness left behind, almost like a heavy stone in the pit of his stomach ( though a soft rumble made it clear that that perhaps wasn’t the reason for said stone in his stomach ). and boredom really didn’t sit well with hyungwon because his fingers turn faster and slippery and as soon as he left the grocery store, he was already leaving it, a bag of chips and bar of chocolate hidden inside the jacket’s inner pockets. the plan had been to pick a lock and cling the staircase of a building to the rooftop, open up his snacks and eat there while enjoying the breeze and the skyline of seoul at night. such had been the plan, but as hyungwon turns dimly lit and tiny alleys, a shadow falls over him, tall and threatening and the feeder knows what he’s going to come across even before he turns. it’s the voice that ultimately pulled his attention and made him halt, look over his shoulder before his body followed the motion and turned to face the vampire. blue eyes, wide shoulders; he seemed to be as tall as a tree. the vampire didn’t seem to mean any harm, didn’t appear threatening to him, at all, instead simply as calm and curious as his husky voice. ( hyungwon ignores the way it had sent a shiver down his spine. ) “ for a beggar, yes, but not for a thief. “ full lips curl at the corners and into a kittenish grin. hyungwon had been told before that he was too direct, too brash and too sincere - it will get you into trouble, they said. trouble, however, was what he tended to chase after. “ i don’t have any money on me and i’m hungry. “ he lets the jacket slide of one of his shoulders, exposing more of his covered neck as he picks the snacks out of his pocket and holds it out to the vampire. “ but if you plan to tell the store manager that i stole, i’d rather just return the snacks and be left off the hook this time. ”
☾ . pretty little thief
featuring @uwxhyungwon
the main onyx kamon headquarters were the place he spent most of his time and also the only thing he possessed that was remotely close to a home or a family. he did buy a loft in the city decades ago, redecorating to fit current trends. it was his hideout, a place where he sometimes brought the few people he shared a bed with. no one was allowed in that wasn’t first welcomed by him and only a few trusted vampires new the exact location. he did not spend a lot of time there, merely a couple days each month. he enjoyed the idea of its existence nonetheless. he even found himself buying food to fill the fridge sometimes, if a human would be coming over. this was the closest to a normal life he could ever feel, although his condition would never be considered as such. he wondered just how much longer he could bear the monotony of an immortal life.
and yet there were instances like this very one, where he met someone who turned his perfectly ordered life upside down. unpredictable and fascinating humans, those who still believed in the shortness and preciousness of a life on this earth. his eyes fell onto a frail looking young man, enhanced vision able to catch him from the other side of the large glass. he stuffed things into his jacket, shooting glances around him.
godfrey kept track of him from a dark corner of the sidewalk, away from prying eyes. he followed the thief into the alley, his rather large shadow giving away his presence under the dim streetlights. he sometimes forgot how he towered over everyone. “you are well-dressed for a beggar.” his low, raspy voice filled the void left by their silence.
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
⟪outgoing message⟫→ he’s a goofy goober (yeah) 🥜 >> good! im exercising ur brain with my typos u r v welc >> aglwoituwoiu why u gotta @ me like this >> AAAaaAaAAAAAaA       <sent with loud effect !> >> that was the most tragic 3 hours of my life >> orrible  >> dreadful >> idk what i wouldve done if u didn’t come over unannounced >> probably make like scary movie 4 and saw off my ankle with…………….smt >> i sTILL FEEL LIKE I NEED TO WASH MY FOOT IN BLEACH AGAIN IT STILL DOESNT FEEL CLEAN ITS BEEN SUBMERGED IN POOP WATER FOR TOO LONG >> wait >> isnt holy water a cleaner??? >> should i try that instead?? >> u should make those noises ur ringtone 😎
✉︎ outgoing text ▹ no, this is patrick ⭐️ ‣ idk i feel like i just lost 3 braincells they like disconnected and withered and died or smth ‣ if i, your best friend, don’t @ you who will? it’s like my job  ‣ jfc sungjae wtf was that for ‣ it was one of the best 3 hours of my life ngl ‣ there was nothing funnier around i was laughing almost non stop for those 3 hours ‣ and your face!!!  ‣ you should have heard your panicked wailing and then when you got out, that look on your face ‣ honestly, i’m glad we became friends if only for that incident alone ‣ idk if holy water helps against toilet bacteria though ‣ ew no thanks kihyun hyung will judge me and i’m trying to impress him, not scare him away ‣ i need to be classy 
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
✉︎ outgoing text ▹ no, this is patrick ⭐️ ‣ “a boat” it took me like 2 mins to decipher wtf you were trying to say sungjae ‣ you’re making questionable choices 24/7 tho so, i mean-  ‣ omg i remember !!!! ‣ remember when you got your foot stuck in the toilet, tho? i think about that almost every day ‣ like whenever i feel sad or i’m having a bad day i think of that ‣ and it makes me laugh without fail ‣ the sounds you made while you were struggling to get out alone were just great 10/10 rec 
⟪ @uwxhyungwon​ ⟫
⟪outgoing message⟫→ he’s a goofy goober (yeah) 🥜 >> tbh the best part a boat u rn now >> at this v moment  >> is that ur already awake when im making questionable choices at 4:19am lmfAO >> o shiP 4:20 >> 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥  B🔥L🔥A🔥Z🔥E I🔥T 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 >> wanyway remember when i used only my head to crack open a watermelon for the talent show in high school >> i think about that at least twice a week
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
&&✹☾ — feline
when word reached him that there would be a meeting held in another coven’s territory, hyungwon was excited. the ribbon tiger coven wasn’t easily reached and even harder to invade and they would just get to walk straight into it. the promise of adventure and exploration were unspoken, but the feeder could swear it was there, hidden somewhere between kihyun’s worried words and requests to please, just stay in one place and don’t cause trouble. hyungwon liked to think kihyun didn’t have a reason to be so afraid, enemy territory or not, and while he surely liked the feeling of being protected and cared for, he had the hardest time following the request. it didn’t take long for the feeder to grow bored and even less time for him to start pacing. there were lots of vampires and other humans he could be holding a conversation with, rather than just him sitting around, and the more time passed the more tempting the promise became. kihyun would understand, hyungwon told himself - a rather pitiful lie - and left the place he promised he would wait at. he wasn’t worried and he wasn’t scared and he was quite certain that kihyun would be able to find him again. his attention remained on the thought on how to explain his disappearance for half a minute, before the sight of a fluffy cat took all of it. the vampire who was holding it became an easily ignored detail - the feeder didn’t spend a moment to think about how he could have been potentially dangerous - and approached, hyungwon’s hand already reaching for the cat before he spared a proper glance for the person holding it. “ can i pet her? him? i didn’t think vampires even held pets. kihyun hyung always insists i can’t pick up any strays again if i see them. “ &&✹☾ — @uwyoongi
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
&&✹☾ — reunion
over a year had passed and hyungwon continues to think he left his old life behind. there was pain that he associated with it; not just because of the way it ended and was turned upside down but also because of the way he was forced to lead it before. his parents had disapproved of him and the hunter society had never seemed very inviting to him. it is true that there were people who he liked and ended up befriending but there were few and far between. it had been over a year and hyungwon thinks they must have forgotten about him. they must have thought he either died, killed by the same vampire as his parents, or become said vampire’s pet ( the last assumption wasn’t even that far off ). he doesn’t reckon anyone tried to look for him, just how no one ended up helping him the night of the attack and he certainly doesn’t expect to end up running into any of them while he’s walking the streets of seoul and looking for the next pocket to pick. it takes hyungwon about three seconds to recognise barom’s face and another five to duck behind another guy, who he happened to be walking behind, but he was pretty sure that the damage had already been done and he had been spotted. he looks little different than before, but the expensive clothes and pale skin were a dead giveaway to a schooled eye. &&✹☾ — @uwbarom
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
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uwxhyungwon-blog · 7 years
hyungwon honestly wasn’t sure how he ended up at the boarders of the ribbon tiger territory. he distinctly remembered repeatedly telling baekyun no, but he had no idea when his no had so easily been melted and moulded into a yes. from one moment to another, baekyun had stopped speaking and was grinning, instead, and hyungwon was being lead along towards dangerous territory. he wonders if it was possible for any human to refuse a vampire or if it was simply part of their powers to convince and lure humans so easily. it would make sense, he reckons, if he took into consideration how important it was for them to easily lure in humans. the thought makes him question how he would have ended up if kihyun hadn’t found him that night and if the vampire who had killed his parents would have turned him into a feeder, as well. he uncomfortable feeling that settles in his stomach makes him sober up slightly, eyes blinking at baekhyun as he did his best to tempt fate and pull him into it. quite literally. “ what do you mean ready to die? “ his heart jumps at the idea, beating wildly against his chest as a very rational part of his brain urges him to remove the arm from around his shoulders and get his neck further away, covered or not. “ i thought you promised to protect me. “ there was a frown tugging between his brows, hidden by tousled hair. “ i think- i’m pretty sure that you said you would make sure i don’t die. wasn’t that plan of the deal? “ though, if baekhyun wasn’t going to stick to his promise, hyungwon would need a weapon. where to get a baseball bat now, though? “ or do you have something with you i can defend myself with? like a sword, or something? “
「 echoes in darkness.  」
for ( @uwxhyungwon ) — june 5th, 2017 / ribbon tiger territory borders
          it goes without saying that this was going to be one of the worst ideas that he would ever commit. there’s a definite lack of security around him, the head of a coven ( the most important role a vampire could have in a coven ), and he decides to stick around a human as if they were able to save themselves if a problem arises. yet here they were, the vampire determined to not turn back as he eyed their surroundings carefully. it’s better to walk in undetected, and they wouldn’t be able to do that if anyone was nearby. 
          he’s gathered enough intel to know the basics of their border patrol rotation, so he’s not worried.
          he never really was to begin with.
          he can’t speak for hyungwon, however. to be fair, it’s not like baekhyun was forcing him to cross over by force. it was more like they both joined forces in creating a stupid idea, and they were even more idiotic for going through with it. he’s not new to being in another covens territory, he’s done it multiple times before undetected, but it was different now— he had a human with him and if his information was correct, they don’t exactly treat humans, feeders and potential feeders too kindly. usually, baekhyun wouldn’t care for a human’s life unless they were a part of his coven, but hyungwon was different.
          he was the golden pride coven leaders feeder, and if something happened to him under baekhyun’s watch, the flying serpent coven head would make a new enemy that isn’t at all necessary.
          it’s only an hour past sunset, so there’s a chance that the soldiers of ribbon tiger are still asleep. he turns to the other with an unsettling grin, already walking them closer without warning. “before we go in, i should probably ask you something important,” he begins, wrapping an arm around hyungwon’s shoulders, “not to scare you, but security will be on us eventually. usually it’s easier to walk in as a vampire, but you’re human, so… are you ready to die?”
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