uygurvural · 4 years
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12.December 2020, Saturday, Paris
« Une fois que vous entrez dans l’espace du rituel, vous devez accepter tout ce qui arrive « (Marina Abramovic)
Les rituels traditionnels se retrouvent partout sur terre et nous ramènent aux racines profondes de l’humanité. Ils ne sont généralement pas définis comme «artistiques» et font partie intégrante de la vie sociale dans leurs aspects magiques, spectaculaires, imaginaires, thérapeutiques… Le rituel d’une part prescrit un ordre conscient et d’autre part contient toutes possibilités. Le Punk Puppet Ritual, plus qu’une performance, est un rituel incluant musique, danse, lumières, théâtre, performance et improvisations.
Anna Adensamer : Danse Elena Waclawiczek : Danse Uygur Vural : Violoncelle Yoram Rosilio : Contrebasse Denny Voch : Lumières
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uygurvural · 4 years
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Dear All, Corona Break for a while. Hope to meet you all after the Corona restrictions finished.  Cheers
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uygurvural · 4 years
The Discoveries/KürversMengersenPiersantiVuralLin
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31October 2020 Saturday, 20:30
Kühlspot Social Club
The DiscoveriesKlaus Kürvers - Bass Ulf Mengersen - Bass Davide Piersanti - Trombone Uygur Vural - Cello Hui-Chun Lin - Cello
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uygurvural · 4 years
Merhaba III by Mahan Mirarab & Uygur Vural
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27 Şubat 2020 Perşembe, 20:00
Mahan Mirarab (Guitar) Uygur Vural (Cello)Mahan and Uygur inviting you to join their musical conversation in the nice stage of Tati Goes Underground Berlin. Their musical collaboration started 4 years ago in Berlin and it is getting stronger every day. They have been playing together in many different band combinations and this is a special duo gathering with many surprises, improvisations and live arrangements on stage of them.They play their own compositions and known melodies from their roots with many improvisations and surprises!
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uygurvural · 4 years
Odd wednesday: Bauer Piersanti // Lanfredini Maddalena Vural
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11 Mart 2020 Çarşamba, 18:30
Elisabetta Lanfredini - voice, electronics Roberta Maddalena Bireau - voice, electronics Uygur Vural - cello Elisabetta and Roberta started their musical collaboration in 2019. The performance they make together is a walk into the noise of dreams, memories, rituals and stories. A space of unconventional perceptions. The duo explores music collaborations with different musicians. The eclectic cellist Uygur Vural will join them in this performance.
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uygurvural · 4 years
Klangwelten . ad. hoc
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20 December 2019 Friday, 20:00 
mit Philipp Caspari (Stimme), Reinhard Gagel (Klavier), Thomas Gerwin (Präp. Banjo, Elektronik, Objekte), Klaus Janek (Kontrabaß, Elektronik), Dietrich Petzold (Violone, Viola, Klistierophon), Ruth Pulgram (Live-Malerei), Matthias Schwabe (Flöte, Viola, Objekte), Uygur Vural (Violoncello)
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uygurvural · 4 years
Merhaba II by Mahan Mirarab & Uygur Vural
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2 November 2019 Monday, 21:30
Mahan Mirarab (Guitar) Uygur Vural (Cello)
Mahan and Uygur inviting you to join their musical conversation in a keller of “The Bar” at Kreuzberg Berlin. Their musical collaboration started 3 years ago in Berlin and it is getting stronger every day. They already played together in many different band combinations and this night is the first duo gathering on stage of them.They play their on compositions and known melodies from their roots with many improvisations and surprises!
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uygurvural · 4 years
Punk Puppet Ritual - Yoram Rosilio & Guests
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6 November 2019 Saturday, 18:30 
Anis Gras le lieu de l'autre
Distribution :Anna Adensamer (Danse) ; Elena Waclawizcek (Danse) ; Yoram Rosilio (Contrebasse & objets) ; Uygur Vural (Violoncelle ; Objets) – Fondeur de son
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uygurvural · 4 years
Improvised & Experimental #67 (Tuesday!)
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Hosek Contemporary is pleased to host two improvised experimental sound installations, the first one with Elisabetta Lanfredini & Uygur Vural the second one with Elisabetta Lanfredini, AnnaMarie Ignarro, Irene De Matteis & Marco Papa.
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uygurvural · 4 years
Inselkonzert # 9 - DuoSubRosa
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19 July 2019 Friday, 19:00
DuoSubRosa ist ein gemeinsames Projekt der beiden vielseitigen Musiker / Künstler Elisabetta Lanfredini (Vokalistin und Performerin) und Uygur Vural (Cellist, Komponist und Performer). Das Duo wurde 2013 im Umfeld experimenteller und improvisierter Musik in Istanbul gegründet und hat heute seinen Schwerpunkt in Berlin.Der unterschiedliche Background der beiden Musiker und ihre Erfahrung in unterschiedlichen künstlerischen Disziplinen wie Experimentaltheater, Literatur, traditionelle Musik und Bildende Kunst verschmelzen in diesem dynamischen Projekt.Elisabetta Lanfredini - Stimme Uygur Vural - Cello
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uygurvural · 4 years
Merhaba by Mahan Mirarab & Uygur Vural
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24 June 2019 Monday, 21:30
Mahan Mirarab (Guitar) Uygur Vural (Cello)
Mahan and Uygur inviting you to join their musical conversation in a keller of "The Bar" at Kreuzberg Berlin. Their musical collaboration started 3 years ago in Berlin and it is getting stronger every day. They already played together in many different band combinations and this night is the first duo gathering on stage of them.They play their on compositions and known melodies from their roots with many improvisations and surprises!
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uygurvural · 4 years
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8 July 2019  
10º MIA Música Improvisada de Atouguia da Baleia, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Elisabetta Lanfredini – voz e direcção
Maria do Mar - violino
Uygur Vural – violoncelo
Luís Guerreiro - trompete
Marco Scarassatti – esculturas sonoras
Erwin Toul – percussão
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uygurvural · 4 years
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1. Nov. 2018 at Villa Elisabeth in Berlin. 
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uygurvural · 4 years
15. Internationales Klangkunstfest Berlin
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6 September 2018, 18:30
Bibliothek am Luisenbad, Badstr.39, 13357 Berlin-Wedding
Internationales Klangkunstfest Berlin 6. - 9. September 2018 Festival aktueller klingender Kunst M o m e n t.
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uygurvural · 4 years
Soundance Festival 2018,Unforeseen Circumstances / Quartet
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28 July 2018 Thusday 19:00
Soundance Festival Berlin,
Unforseen Circumstances/ Quartett Tanz/ Sprache: Lea Barletti (IT), Anni Lattunen (FI) Musik: Hui-Chun Lin (TW)- Cello/ Stimme, Uygur Vural (TR)- Cello
SOUNDANCE Festival Berlin ist ein Projekt von b.arts.u - berlin arts united in Kooperation mit DOCK11 und wird gefördert durch den Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
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uygurvural · 4 years
DouSubRosa - Improstories
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9 June 2018 Saturday, 19:00 
World in a Room, 
DuoSubRosa is a collaboration of two eclectic musicians/ artists, Elisabetta Lanfredini, vocalist, performer and researcher (Italy) and Uygur Vural, cellist, composer and performer (Turkey) born in the environment of experimental and improvised music of Istanbul in 2013 and now based in Berlin. The different backgrounds of the two musicians and their experiences in different artistic fields, like experimental theatre, literature, poetry and writing, folk traditional music and visual arts melted together in a very dynamic project.
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uygurvural · 4 years
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2 June 2018 Saturday, 19:00 
Kühlspot Social Club
19.00-19.20  Lea Barletti - Dance/Poem Anni Lattunen - Dance Uygur Vural - Cello Hui-Chun Lin - Cello
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