uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
"Our house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy." – Author Unknown
Our house should be clean enough to be healthy because cleanliness attracts a sweet fragrance of neatness that always makes you smile...
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Home Cleaning Schedule: Monthly, Bimonthly, Weekly, Biweekly and Daily (except Sundays).
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Schedule: Monday – Saturday.
Our laundry and cleaning service is the best in town. We also do *delivery.
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
"Housekeeping is like being caught in a revolving door." – Marcelene Cox
A revolving door typically consists of three or four doors that hang on a central shaft and rotate around a vertical axis within a cylindrical enclosure. It serves as entrance and exit pass for people... that's also the framework of "housekeeping" – the benefit of cleaning your house on a daily basis makes everything perfect!
• Home/Residential (Window Cleaning, Kitchen Cleaning, Toilet And Bathroom Cleaning, etc.)
• New Apartment Cleaning,
• Office Cleaning,
• School (Primary/Secondary School),
• Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services.
Home Cleaning Schedule: Monthly, Bimonthly, Weekly, Biweekly and Daily (except Sundays).
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Schedule: Monday – Saturday.
Our laundry and cleaning service is the best in town. We also do *delivery.
Call: 09036371734
WhatsApp: 07014091579
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Friday 16th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him: and he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked." – Mark 14:51-52 KJV
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
Even the disciples' desertion occurred so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled. They were acting precisely as Jesus said they would. If they reflected on these things at all, they must have realized that not one disaster had befallen them that He had not previously warned them about. The disciples literally scattered, rather than fleeing as a group. Peter and John secretly followed the mob to the high priest’s house (John 18:15). Nothing is said about where the other disciples went— but they apparently went into hiding. In fairness to them, we should note that they all would indeed have been arrested or worse if they had stayed in the garden. That fact is evident from Jesus’ plea to the arresting officers, recorded in John’s account: “If you seek Me, let these go their way” (John 18:8). Probably when they heard Jesus say those words, they seized the moment and fled without hesitation.
Mark includes a vignette found in none of the other gospels, as we saw from our lead scripture. Who that “certain young man” was is nowhere stated, but it may well have been Mark himself. The “young men” who laid hold of him were no doubt the Roman soldiers. Whoever this unnamed young man was, he had apparently been in bed, or preparing for bed, when the noise of the mob awakened him. Without taking time to dress, he threw on a linen cloth, perhaps a bedsheet, and followed the noise to see what was happening. Jesus was by no means alone. He had earlier told the disciples, “Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me” (John 16:32). The divine work of redemption thus continued on schedule. [Culled from; 'The Murder of Jesus' by John MacArthur (Chapter 5: The Kiss of the Traitor, Pp. 69-81)]
Bible Text: John 18:8,15; John 16:32; Mark 14:48-49.
My Prayer:
Glorious Lord, "everyone dispersed, found their way and forgot You during the time of your arrest, trial and crucifixion..." I, rather choose not to do same but to follow after You no matter the condition I find myself in. For Your grace is sufficient.
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Thursday 15th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"Whoever sheds man’s blood in man, his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God is man made." – Genesis 9:6 JUB
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
“Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus” (John 18:10). Malchus was in all likelihood a high-ranking servant of the high priest, because he was apparently positioned at the front of the mob, an easy target for Peter. Peter was undoubtedly slashing at his neck or literally trying to split his skull, but Malchus flinched and Peter’s blow glanced off the side of his head, severing the ear. The cause of Christ has never been advanced by earthly warfare, though many misguided souls have tried. When such tactics are employed, they invariably hurt our Christian witness rather than helping it. The kingdom of God cannot be enlarged by physical weapons or worldly strategies. During His trial, Jesus told Pilate that His Kingdom was not of the present world (John 18:36).
Jesus severely rebuked Peter: “Put your sword into the sheath” (John 18:11). Matthew says He added, “for all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Matthew 26:52). The words were an echo of Genesis 9:6: “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed.” Jesus was signifying that He regarded Peter’s deed as no legitimate act of self-defense, but rather an unlawful act of attempted murder, worthy of punishment by death. Even though the arrest of Jesus was an unjust, cowardly act, it was being done by the duly established authorities in Jerusalem and therefore was not to be resisted with unlawful force (cf. Romans 13:2). Acts of violence or civil disobedience by an individual against duly constituted governments are always wrong, even if the government itself is unjust. (This is a point that needs to be reemphasized in an era when many Christians feel they are justified in breaking the law to protest government-sanctioned wrongs.) [Culled from; 'The Murder of Jesus' by John MacArthur (Chapter 5: The Kiss of the Traitor, Pp. 69-81)]
Bible Text: Romans 13:2; John 18:10-11; Matthew 26:52.
My Prayer:
Daddy, please give me grace to always be a good citizen of my country, worthy of emulation – obeying the laws of the land that doesn't negate the glory of Christ. Help me to follow the path of righteousness at all times in Jesus name, Amen.
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
WhatsApp: 09036371734
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Essential-Food-111462910551413/
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Wednesday 14th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"Pilate saw that he could do nothing about this, and a riot was starting. So he took some water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. Then he said, “I am not guilty of this man’s death. You are the ones who are causing it!” All the people answered, “We will be responsible. We accept for ourselves and for our children any punishment for his death.” – Matthew 27:24-25 ICB
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
Judas’s facade of faithfulness to Christ makes his treachery particularly heinous. The insidiousness of a close friend who pretended loyalty and love for Christ while betraying Him is far worse than if Christ had been handed over by someone known to be an enemy. Judas’s action is shown to be even more shameful by the fact that he brought a large mob armed with swords and clubs. They were prepared for violence. They were set to do bodily harm to Christ and the disciples, if necessary. And this was not an impromptu mob of citizens, but a hand-selected band of thugs carefully organized by the chief priests and elders. Luke says the mob included members of the temple guard (“captains of the temple”—Luke 22:52). These were security officers who acted as policemen in the temple grounds and also had limited powers (sanctioned even by Rome) to arrest people for violations of the Jewish law (cf. John 7:32).
On at least one prior occasion, the chief priests had ordered the captains of the temple to arrest Jesus, but when they heard Him teach, they were so confounded by the way He spoke with authority that they came back stunned and empty-handed (John 7:45-46). The arrest of Jesus had been orchestrated by the Sanhedrin, they must have been the ones who requested the soldiers to participate in taking Jesus. Obviously they planned to try Him on capital charges, and since only Rome had authority to carry out the death penalty, it was necessary to have a contingent of soldiers involved at the time of the arrest. In order to gain the army’s support in capturing Jesus, the chief priests had probably told the Roman authorities that Jesus was an anti-Roman insurrectionist in preference to the notorious bandit, Barabbas, whom the crowd delivered from being crucified, but dealt more cruelly to the Son of Man. No wonder they were already damned, for they said; “His blood be on us and on our children.” (Matthew 27:25). [Culled from; 'The Murder of Jesus' by John MacArthur (Chapter 5: The Kiss of the Traitor, Pp. 69-81)]
Bible Text: Acts 2:23; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Matthew 27:46(ICB)
My Prayer:
My dear Jesus, "You had one purpose to accomplish while You were on earth, and it wasn't futile. Thank You Lord for dying for me; I'm supposed to be damned, but for my sins, sickness, sorrow, pain, wrath You suffered and paid the debt that I couldn't pay. I worship You."
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
WhatsApp: 09036371734
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Essential-Food-111462910551413/
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Wednesday 14th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"Pilate saw that he could do nothing about this, and a riot was starting. So he took some water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. Then he said, “I am not guilty of this man’s death. You are the ones who are causing it!” All the people answered, “We will be responsible. We accept for ourselves and for our children any punishment for his death.” – Matthew 27:24-25 ICB
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
Judas’s facade of faithfulness to Christ makes his treachery particularly heinous. The insidiousness of a close friend who pretended loyalty and love for Christ while betraying Him is far worse than if Christ had been handed over by someone known to be an enemy. Judas’s action is shown to be even more shameful by the fact that he brought a large mob armed with swords and clubs. They were prepared for violence. They were set to do bodily harm to Christ and the disciples, if necessary. And this was not an impromptu mob of citizens, but a hand-selected band of thugs carefully organized by the chief priests and elders. Luke says the mob included members of the temple guard (“captains of the temple”—Luke 22:52). These were security officers who acted as policemen in the temple grounds and also had limited powers (sanctioned even by Rome) to arrest people for violations of the Jewish law (cf. John 7:32).
On at least one prior occasion, the chief priests had ordered the captains of the temple to arrest Jesus, but when they heard Him teach, they were so confounded by the way He spoke with authority that they came back stunned and empty-handed (John 7:45-46). The arrest of Jesus had been orchestrated by the Sanhedrin, they must have been the ones who requested the soldiers to participate in taking Jesus. Obviously they planned to try Him on capital charges, and since only Rome had authority to carry out the death penalty, it was necessary to have a contingent of soldiers involved at the time of the arrest. In order to gain the army’s support in capturing Jesus, the chief priests had probably told the Roman authorities that Jesus was an anti-Roman insurrectionist in preference to the notorious bandit, Barabbas, whom the crowd delivered from being crucified, but dealt more cruelly to the Son of Man. No wonder they were already damned, for they said; “His blood be on us and on our children.” (Matthew 27:25). [Culled from; 'The Murder of Jesus' by John MacArthur (Chapter 5: The Kiss of the Traitor, Pp. 69-81)]
Bible Text: Acts 2:23; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Matthew 27:46(ICB)
My Prayer:
My dear Jesus, "You had one purpose to accomplish while You were on earth, and it wasn't futile. Thank You Lord for dying for me; I'm supposed to be damned, but for my sins, sickness, sorrow, pain, wrath You suffered and paid the debt that I couldn't pay. I worship You."
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
WhatsApp: 09036371734
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Essential-Food-111462910551413/
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Tuesday 13th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage. Instead He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men. And when He had come as a man in His external form," – Philippians 2:6-7 HCSB
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
When Christ prays, “not as I will, but as You will,” we are not to think that there is any disparity between the will of the Father and the will of the Son. Instead, what we see here is the Son consciously, deliberately, voluntarily subjugating all His natural human feelings to the perfect will of the Father. The prayer is the consummate example of how Christ in His humanity always surrendered His will to the will of the Father in all things—precisely so that there would be no conflict between the divine will and His human feelings. There’s a poignant lesson here. Remember that Christ had no sinful appetites, no desires that were perverted by sin, no inclination ever to do wrong. Yet if He needed to submit His appetites and passions to the will of God with such deliberate, purposeful dedication, how much more do we need to be deliberate in surrendering our hearts, our souls, our minds, and our strength to God?
All our infirmities, our desires, our appetites, and our very wills—must be consciously submitted to the will of God if we expect to be able to live our lives to the glory of God. Christ’s prayer was not for the cup to pass at any cost. He asked to be relieved of the cup only if there were some other way to accomplish the plan of God. God’s response to this prayer proves definitively that there was no possible way to achieve the redemption of sinners short of the sacrifice of His own Son. God did not send Christ to die frivolously. If there had been another way, He would have done it. But there was no other way, and that is why the cup did not pass from Christ. It is certain that Christ knew this when He prayed the prayer. [Culled from; 'The Murder of Jesus' by John MacArthur (Chapter 4: The Agony in the Garden, Pp. 55-68)]
Bible Text: Philippians 2:8-9; John 1:1-3; Matthew 26:42.
My Prayer:
Father, let Your will be done in my life – Your good and perfect will that maybe unpleasant to the world but it's of a greater purpose to my life and destiny; o! Lord, let it be done in my life. Abba, take over...
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
WhatsApp: 09036371734
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Essential-Food-111462910551413/
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Monday 12th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"Look at me! Answer me, O Lord my God! Light up my eyes, or else I will die." – Psalms 13:3 GW
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
Jesus had covenanted with God in eternity past to die as an atoning sacrifice for sin. Surely He always knew the cup of God’s wrath was an unavoidable aspect of that atoning work. All of that is true, but in His humanity, Christ had to be feeling the burden in a way He had never felt it before. The man Christ Jesus was approaching His hour. All His normal human feelings would have intensified as the hour approached. The full weight of sorrow and dread was welling up in Him as He stood on the threshold of taking up His cross. The prayer at Gethsemane is an outpouring of those passions. It is proof that He was, after all, fully human in every sense. His prayer in the garden served another divinely ordained purpose. It was an example to Peter and the other apostles.
When Jesus brought Peter, James, and John with Him into the garden, He asked them to wait nearby and watch with Him. Knowing that Satan was preparing to sift them like wheat, Jesus’ prayer was a model for them. They could have learned a lot from listening to Him pray. Perhaps that is why His pleas to the Father are interspersed with entreaties for the disciples to stay awake. No wonder he made that remarkable statement in Matthew 26:41. At that very moment, Jesus Himself was battling the infirmities of His own humanity. Again, these were not sinful infirmities, but normal human passions, appetites, and feelings which, if not subjugated to the divine will, can lead to sin. Peter sinned because he slept, not just an ordinary sleep, but the sleep of death. It’s normally no sin to sleep, but at that moment, Christ had given him work to do. He was supposed to be awake and watching and praying with Christ. Peter’s fatigue, combined with his great sorrow that evening, made him seek refuge in sleep. Do not sleep the sleep of death – weigh it down with prayer. [Culled from; 'The Murder of Jesus' by John MacArthur (Chapter 4: The Agony in the Garden, Pp. 55-68)]
Bible Text: Psalm 13:3(KJV); Matthew 26:41; Luke 22:31-34.
My Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the enlightened word of Your grace that brings understanding. Now I know that 'the sleep of death' is of the evil one, I won't succumb to his dictates and beguilement, instead of me to sorrow, I choose to seek HIS face. Hallelujah!
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
WhatsApp: 09036371734
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Essential-Food-111462910551413/
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Sunday 11th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"For we haue not an hie Priest, which can not be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all things tempted in like sort, yet without sinne." – Hebrews 4:15 GNV
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
Several times, at the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ prayed that the cup should pass from Him. Didn’t He realize that there was no way the cup could pass from him? Of course He did. So why did He pray like this in the garden? Because this was an honest expression of the dread He was feeling at the moment. He was not actually hoping to be released from the role of sin-bearer. And that is made clear in Matthew 26:39. As the intensity of the agony increases, so does the sense of His determination to do the will of His Father. Christ’s prayer is simply an honest expression of human passion. And what is revealed in the prayer is the systematic surrender of those human passions to the divine will. When Christ took on human flesh, he also took on Himself all the natural weaknesses of humanity—except for those that are inherently sinful.
Christ experienced every infirmity of human nature except for sin. He grew weary; He felt hunger; He suffered pain. And here in the garden, He experienced the deepest kind of sorrow, and dread, and troubling of His soul—even to the point of death. His prayer simply is an outpouring of those very human feelings. It shows us the humanity of Christ as clearly as anything in Scripture. What motivates Christ’s praying here is not a sinful weakness, but normal human infirmity—no different from his hunger, thirst, or fatigue. Christ certainly had no masochistic love of suffering. There would be something inhuman about Him if He did not look forward to the cross with a deep uneasiness and dread of what was to come. But this is not a craven fear; it is the same horror and foreboding any of us would feel if we knew we were about to undergo something extremely painful. In Jesus’ case, however, the agony is infinitely magnified, because of the nature of what He faced. [Culled from; 'The Murder of Jesus' by John MacArthur (Chapter 4: The Agony in the Garden, Pp. 55-68)]
Bible Text: Hebrews 4:14-16; Matthew 26:39; John 14:30.
My Prayer:
Dear Son of Man, dear Son of righteousness, be thou glorified, be thou magnified, be thou exalted. You humbled yourself and you came in the form of man to die for my sin. And you died, resurrected and ascended to heaven, there at God's right hand, you keep on interceding for me - praying for me. Thank you Jesus!
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
WhatsApp: 09036371734
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Essential-Food-111462910551413/
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Saturday 10th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"We are often troubled, but not crushed; sometimes in doubt, but never in despair; there are many enemies, but we are never without a friend; and though badly hurt at times, we are not destroyed." – 2 Corinthians 4:8‭-‬9 GNTD
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
John MacArthur, author of 'The Murder of Jesus' scripted the following in his book; "while writing this book I was teaching in a pastors’ conference in Fort Worth, Texas, on a Wednesday night. Just a few miles from the church hosting our conference was Wedgwood Baptist Church. On that same evening Wedgwood was sponsoring a student prayer meeting with hundreds of students in attendance. A fanatically anti-Christian man bent on violence walked into that prayer meeting with automatic weapons and began spraying bullets around the auditorium, killing eight people and injuring many more. In the midst of the shooting one young man, Jeremiah Neitz (who himself had been recently converted to Christ from a life of crime and street gangs), stood and challenged the gunman, telling him of his need for Christ. The gunman, apparently baffled by the youth’s boldness and refusal to cower in the face of death, put his gun to his own head and committed suicide."
Most of us think from time to time about what we might do in such a situation. Few of us really expect to encounter such a severe trial, but we want to believe that we have the courage to die for Christ. And we pray that if we’re ever put in such a situation, God will give us grace to be faithful. But the sad truth is that most of us have too often denied the Lord in less-than life-threatening situations. We know from experience that we are woefully weak. We often remain silent when we have opportunities to speak for Christ. We tolerate unrighteousness when we ought to stand against it. We are timid when we ought to be bold. We do nothing when we ought to act. We are silent when we ought to speak out. Left to ourselves, apart from divine grace, we all lack the strength and fortitude to stand up for Christ in the face of hostility. [Culled from; 'The Murder of Jesus' by John MacArthur (Chapter 3: A Warning against OverConfidence, Pp. 44-54)]
Bible Text: Acts 7:56-60; Acts 12:1-4; Acts 16:19-26.
My Prayer:
Abba Father, thank you for today's study; I pray that please help me to always defend my love for you even in the face of opposition. Strengthen and embolden me always to loud the gospel of Christ in every circumstance, Amen.
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
WhatsApp: 09036371734
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Essential-Food-111462910551413/
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Friday 9th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"The Lord Almighty says, “Wake up, sword, and attack the shepherd who works for me! Kill him, and the sheep will be scattered. I will attack my people." – Zechariah 13:7 GNT
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
Jesus' disciples were not accustomed to seeing Him in such a gloomy frame of mind. The Passover was a festive occasion, and yet so much of what Jesus had said to them that evening had disturbing and ominous overtones. Either somewhere along the way, or just as they reached the garden, Jesus had still more disturbing words for the remaining disciples as seen in Matthew 26:31-35. Jesus said to them, "...‘I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’" Is there a true believer in Christ who has never thought about what he or she might do if confronted with the choice of denying Him or being killed? Occasionally we read about modest, everyday believers who pay the ultimate price for their faith.
As at the date of his manuscripts' detailing, John MacArthur made reference, thus; "recent headlines have featured several examples, such as Cassie Bernall and Rachel Scott, students at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. When fellow students on a rampage held automatic weapons to their heads and asked, “Do you believe in God?” both answered yes, and both were instantly shot and killed. A host of similar violent incidents have targeted student prayer meetings. A short time before the Columbine incident, a gunman attacked a student prayer meeting in a Paducah, Kentucky, school and killed several students who had gathered around the school’s flagpole for a prayer meeting." These two example boils down to the fact that if you are faced with such similar situation or near to it that won't even make you to get killed, will you deny the Christ? [Culled from; 'The Murder of Jesus' by John MacArthur (Chapter 3: A Warning against OverConfidence, Pp. 44-54)]
Bible Text: Matthew 26:31-32; John 12:32; 2 Corinthians 3:5.
My Prayer:
I'm not a superhuman. I'm just a feeble and frail human who'll at all times depend, rely and trust in my Maker, that He will always help me, aid me and be my sufficiency. Jesus, you're my God, even if the whole world forsake you, I can't, I won't. Amen!
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
WhatsApp: 09036371734
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Essential-Food-111462910551413/
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Thursday 8th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"We despised him and rejected him; he endured suffering and pain. No one would even look at him — we ignored him as if he were nothing." – Isaiah 53:3 GNBDK
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
Jesus and his disciples left the Upper Room to go pray in solitude in the Garden of Gethsemane. Their route would have taken them out of the city, past the southern end of the temple mount, down into the Kidron Valley, and pathway up the slope of the Mount of Olives. It was normally a half-hour’s walk —no more than three-quarters of a mile. On this occasion, however, the streets and pathways would be clogged with pilgrims who had just eaten their Passover meals in borrowed rooms, as well as local citizens, most of whom would still be preparing for their Passover celebration on the following evening. Gethsemane was a garden planted with olive trees. The name comes from an Aramaic word meaning “olive press,” suggesting that it was a place where olives were harvested and made into oil.
In all likelihood it was a private garden owned by someone friendly to Christ who permitted Him to retreat there with His close disciples, in order to get away from the activity of city life for times of private prayer and instruction. The events of that final Passover evening must have seemed baffling to the disciples. Jesus was clearly troubled in His spirit by what lay ahead (cf. John 12:27; 13:21). It was a sombre situation that the Christ deemed to deal with; not just reluctantly or in an anyhow way but with all alacrity of intentionality. There in Gethsemane He groaned in the Spirit till He was satisfied that God's will was already made perfect. Dear reader, it's paramount that you should know the will of the Father concerning your destiny – foreknowledge of this will certainly make you to do things with ease! [Culled from; 'The Murder of Jesus' by John MacArthur (Chapter 3: A Warning against OverConfidence, Pp. 44-54)]
Bible Text: John 12:27; Isaiah 53:5(GNBDK); Romans 8:26.
My Prayer:
The pain was too much for You, but it was worth it. The agony that you went through rose to the climax of severe emotional trauma just because of me! How can I love you more, Lord Jesus? How can I stop rejecting 'the sun of righteousness'. Help me to focus my attention on you, Amen.
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
WhatsApp: 09036371734
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Essential-Food-111462910551413/
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Wednesday 7th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"The life of every living thing is in the blood, and that is why the LORD has commanded that all blood be poured out on the altar to take away the people's sins. Blood, which is life, takes away sins." – Leviticus 17:11 GNBDC
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
Historical records of Jesus' time indicate that as many as a quarter million lambs were slain in a typical Passover season, requiring hundreds of priests to carry out the task. Since all the lambs were killed during a two-hour period just before twilight on 14 Nisan (Exodus 12:6), it would have required about six hundred priests killing an average of four lambs per minute, to accomplish the task in a single evening. Tradition permitted no more than two men to bring a lamb to the temple for sacrifice, and after each lamb was slain, it was immediately taken home and roasted. Even so, the temple mount would have been densly crowded while the lambs were being slain, with as many as half a million people moving through the area in a two hour span.
Still, the amount of blood resulting from all those sacrifices was enormous. The blood was permitted to flow off the steep eastern slope of the temple mount and into the Kidron Valley, where it turned the Brook bright crimson for a period of several days. It was a graphic reminder of the awful price of sin. Of course, all that blood and all those animals could not actually atone for sin. "For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins" (Hebrews 10:4). The lambs only symbolized a more perfect sacrifice that God Himself would provide to take away sins. That is why John the Baptist looks beyond those animal sacrifices and pointed the true "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). [Culled from; 'The Murder of Jesus' by John MacArthur (Chapter 2: The Last Supper, Pp. 29, 30)]
Bible Text: Exodus 12:6; Hebrews 10:6; John 1:29.
My Prayer:
Jesus, thank You for Your shed blood. It healed my infirmity, it washed away my sin, by Your blood I crush principalities. Your blood speaks deliverance from any form of captivity. You are worthy, O! Lamb of God to receive glory, honour and adoration.
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
WhatsApp: 09036371734
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Essential-Food-111462910551413/
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Tuesday 6th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"Yet some of you do not believe.” (Jesus knew from the very beginning who were the ones that would not believe and which one would betray him.)" – John 6:64 GNB
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
Jesus had the multitudes who always went about with Him in search of truth and for the benefit of signs! He also had His imminent work force, the seventy (70) disciples whose mission was to spread the gospel of salvation with signs following (see; Luke 10:1-24). Then he had the twelve disciples who were very close to Him, they benefited in His teachings of eternal life. In modern day pastoring, they were known as "associate pastors". In different ways, these apostles, most especially the 12 helped their master in different ways; they occupied executive positions. Philip and Andrew chair headed the protocol unit (John 6:4-9; 12:20-22); while Judas Iscariot was the treasurer (John 12:6). They all had roles to play. But not all of them dedicated their passion to the work and ministry of Christ.
The Master said that there are some of them who didn't believe or subscribe to his teaching. The Apostle John related, thus; "...For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who would betray Him (John 6:64)." That means, He knew their thoughts, mindset and motivating factor. It was after the resurrection of Christ that Thomas's faith spurred; he said, after that he'd reached forth his finger into the print of the nails, "My Lord and my God!" (See; John 20:24-29). What about Judas Iscariot? The Lord knew every of his hypocrisy, for He said in verse 70 of John chapter 6 that one of the twelve was already bedeviled by the deceitfulness of riches. John chapter twelve verse six recorded that this man was a thief, he used his 'position' as treasurer to amass wealth for his gain; and that was why he was damned–he succumbed to satan's enticing temptation of vain riches. So many believers are like Judas, they live in hypocrisy; that secret sin have been eating them up and they are still living with it. Jesus is calling you this day to genuinely repent and turn from your evil way, tell Him all you've done and ask for His forgiveness; He'll forgive and abundantly pardon.
Bible Text: Matthew 26:14-16; Mark 14:10-11; John 13:2, 26-30.
My Prayer:
Those little foxes that spoil this vine, which the Holy Spirit resides in, Daddy kill them. Take away every filth I've been picking back. I won't go back to my vomit–it's been drained by the blood of Jesus. Indeed I'm free from the deceitfulness of the devil in Jesus name Amen.
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
WhatsApp: 09036371734
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Essential-Food-111462910551413/
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Monday 5th April, 2021
Verse of the Day:
"According to ceremonial law, almost everything is made clean with blood, and without shedding blood nothing is made ritually free from the stain of sin." – Hebrews 9:22 FBV
Thoughts on Today's Verse:
Passover is a major Jewish holiday that occurs in the spring on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan. One of the biblically ordained Three Pilgrimage Festivals, Passover is traditionally celebrated in the Land of Israel for seven days and for eight days among many Jews in the Diaspora. It is often celebrated with great pomp and ceremony, especially on the first night, when a special family meal called the seder is held. At the seder, foods of symbolic significance commemorating the Hebrews’ liberation from Egyptian's enslavement of 430 years are eaten, and prayers and traditional recitations are performed. The word "Passover" comes from a Biblical story about the ten plagues God inflicted on Egypt for enslaving the Israelites. The story of Passover is told in the Bible in Chapter 12 of the Book of Exodus. During one plague, God killed every Egyptian first-born male but passed over the homes of the Israelites. Passover is also sometimes called the Festival of Unleavened Bread.
Jesus Christ also observed this great event with his eleven disciples, the other being Judas was bent on selling his master to the religious leaders, reason he couldn't stay till the end (see; John 13:26-30). Jesus' observance of this ceremony was symbolic of the fact that he didn't need to acclaim a "roasted sacrificial lamb with bitter herbs" as the sole redemption price for the sin of many Jews; but He was that Lamb that will soon be gruesomely murdered. It happened that the Christ was killed because "they hated Him without a cause (Psalm 69:4)", but just as the mosaic law made it possible for lambs, goats and calves to be used as an offering for atonement of sins, the new covenant made it an eternal possibility for Christ's blood to be used as an offering for the remission of sin! Only the latter can save you from sin that leads to eternal damnation. So make Jesus to come in and take away all sins' stain in your life.
Bible Text: Exodus 24:8; Matthew 26:28; Exodus 12:8-11.
My Prayer:
Jesus, I thank you for the price you paid as the "Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29). Thank you for instituting the new covenant of everlasting life. I'm free from the yoke of sin – every daunting addiction is nailed on that old rugged cross. Hallelujah!
Instagram: uzochukwumadu
Twitter: madu_uzochukwu
Facebook: Uzochukwu Gift Madu
WhatsApp: 09036371734
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Daily-Essential-Food-111462910551413/
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
Happy Easter, Everyone!
This April, we put all our eggs in Jesus' basket, we know we have nothing to lose.
Top-Notch Cleaning Services wishes You the best of Heaven's goodies, abundance, joy and salvation.
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uzochukwugiftmadu · 3 years
"I think homes that are too tidy, neat and sparse look like nothing interesting is going on." – Shelley Malec Vitale
Funny! But very true. When your home is in order, there will be an unimaginable fragrance.
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