v0idbunny · 11 months
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He’s blocked me on tiktok of all places, so we’re like OVER OVER 😔💔
It was a good run while it lasted but I’m deadass committed to never catching feelings again cause the low I experience once things are done are enough to make me kermit sewer slide 🤷🏻‍♀️
Maybe I’ll have little crushes but I think I’m tired of dating cause it’s so taxing on my mental health and I never wanna date someone for longer than a year. Besides it’s not fair to other ppl to do that to them. Like my commitment issues aren’t their problem and I shouldn’t string ppl along if I’m unhappy.
Idk emo boy really fucked with my head so I think I’m just complete avoidant rn.
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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I hate being up every night crying over him. Why does he consume all my thoughts. It’s like everything about him haunts me. I can’t look at any other human being without trying to turn them into him in my head.
It’s like every moment I’m not sleeping I’m running from the thoughts of him and what we could have been.
I’m tired of choking on tears while my heart sinks so far down I can hardly feel it.
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v0idbunny · 1 year
Saw him at the concert. Nothing happened. We didn’t talk. We just looked at eachother. Like strangers who knew eachother at some point. I guess that’s all we really are now.
My dream last night was really heartbreaking but I think I should just move on from him. It aches but he’ll probably never love me again.
My dream was just this conversation:
Me: so do you miss me yet?
Him: yea but mostly our friendship
Me: oh. But you’d miss her right?
Him: I honestly thought about proposing to her
Me: I’m happy for you
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v0idbunny · 1 year
Like all over a fucking insta bio. Why can’t he just fucking communicate with me? Does his dumbass rlly not think that the “love” I have is literally about him. Like?
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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He fucking actually blocked me on everything I’m just so upset rn. Like trying to not think about how fucking distraught I am. Like I love him so fucking much but he just does nothing but hurt me.
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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God I just want the heavy feeling in my chest to go away. It’s just constant every day. Sinking until it’s in the pit of my stomach.
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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I need to just admit it not happy as a person and I can’t handle being single cause it makes me feel like I have 0 worth as a person which are both problems.
But I can’t just stop wanting someone like I’ll just have to wake up one day and not feel it.
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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I can’t tell if this man is subliminally sending me hints through his likes and shit that I can still see on Twitter. Like.. sir I will go insane don’t play mind games with me.
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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If it’s not him I dont want anyone. I want to shut myself in my room forever. If he doesn’t want me then no one can have me.
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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I feel an immeasurable amount of dread and anxiety and it’s making me want to never leave my bed to rot until I die
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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Currently regretting buying a ticket to a show at Emo boy’s workplace. Like I wanna go to the concert but what if seeing him just makes me look stupid. Like what if he gets pissed off im there.
I know I shouldn’t be scared cause I’m a grown ass adult and can go where ever tf I want and spend my money how I want.
But the thought of him rejecting the idea of even looking at me would probably make me wanna die.
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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Maybe I am a little toxic cause I’m gonna go see a concert at emo boy’s workplace 🤭
Really idc that he works there I’m just trying to see this artist live :3
Besides let me be petty and show my ex I really do not gaf who he left me for at the stupid place but I hope she sees me and knows what she’s up against 🙄
Cause she can admit it to herself or not but I know deep down that idiot of a man loves me and only me and if he sees me irl he’s gonna lose his mind.
Not that I’d take him back 💁🏻‍♀️
I just like the idea of stirring up the pot a little 🤭
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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I’m so tired of dreaming about him. It reminds me no matter how much I try not to, I still love him. I think at this point it’s unconditional.
But I’m my dream I went somewhere with him. And instinctually I reach out and grab his hand and hold his arm like I used to.
He laughed and made a comment about me showing him off.
I blushed and backed off completely. Only for him to reach out a pinky and interlock it with mine. It’s an old thing between us. On our late night talks if we wanted no judgement we would pinky promise. It evolved into us holding hands that way. As a reminder we were always there for eachother.
But as happy as I was to just feel his physical warmth again, I wasn’t strong enough to push him away, keeping our pinkies together but putting a little distance between us.
I asked, “don’t you have a girlfriend?”
He laughed again and shrugged and said “yea.”
It made me dread what I fear the most. Letting him back in and having the same stupid shit be done to me.
Who knows how long it’ll take this time. 5 months? A year? It doesn’t matter. I don’t matter. Not to him anyways. Not enough to keep him to myself when he simply just can’t control himself.
He’s a sad, depressed man who needs physical validation. He needs the attention to feel worthy of living.
When he could have been with me and I would have loved him for just existing. He was so bright to me when we simply would just exist.
But no he loves the women and alcohol too much.
More than he’d ever love me.
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v0idbunny · 1 year
*me in total delusion over a Twitter meme he posted*:
Omg he wants me soooooooo bad 🤭
He thinks about breaking up with his gf for me 🫣
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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I feel like if I keep looking for signs hard enough
I’m bound to connect dots
That arent even there
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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Maybe one day, when it’s too late
You’ll realize that you were just that special
And that I don’t do the things I did with you
With everyone else
Maybe then you’ll understand the magnitude of how much I loved you
Or could have loved you
If you had given me the chance
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v0idbunny · 1 year
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I think if he ever wanted me back, I wouldn’t want to have sex with him. I want a genuine real connection with him. For him to enjoy my presence without knowing he’ll get lucky. We might kiss. But he would have to be comfortable knowing I’m untouchable by him. That he would have to earn it back.
But knowing the type of person he is he’d rather go seek other girls so he can keep his dick wet. Fine then I’ll just be something to unobtainable and if he wants me he can spend eternity chasing me. If not I get to move on with my life.
I just regret letting him treat me like a porn category more than he ever treated me like a human being.
Why did I ever let him see my soul. I should have just given him body without ever letting him get to know my soul and maybe this would hurt less.
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