从小被大人大声骂,我大了也大声喊骂我孩子, 导致他们也喜欢一天大声喊叫
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I don't enjoy this festival anymore. With Covid-19, it's even worse such that you don't even visit at all.
Relation and conversation are not close with any of the cousins. There's also minimum conversation with the aunties and uncles. So boring, it isn't that close in the past, now as we get older it makes it not any better. Soon in the next generation, it's gonna be themselves only. Extra will be their friends. What we can only do is get close to our own friends and their children can be close to ours. At least there's some companion next time. But whether this last or not, it's definitely the weakest link. Sigh...
What does it have to be this way? I feel I try to talk a bit more, be open to converse but it doesn't go on but stop short.
That's why it makes me more wanting to make more friends to converse to find reliance on when in need. It's tough as well. Sigh...
Otherwise life is all about yourself, your family and the few few friends. Relatives, I doubt so when the current generation is not around. Sigh...
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Long time no see... how are you catching here?
It's also been some time that I have went back there
Anyway, just have my 1st surgery few weeks back 26 Oct 2021. It was the left shoulder, supraspinus tendosis... and SLAP tear, hope I spell correctly. It is a simple Ops, but I went in somehow prepared that it's over.
On the day, went alone for admission then to the day ward room, change up, wait... then 1130am they came to pick me with the whole bed pushed to OT. Saw the anesthesia, talk a bit then here it comes. Pushed into OT 1, Dr was there. I was his 2nd ops of the day. Then I was poked on my right hand, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8... gone
The next time I know, just reached back my room with Ops finished. Amusing right? Shoulder was wrapped with some pain and numb.
Took my phone to continue my dating show and then have my 1st hosp meal. It was surprising nice. Nurse came and I was discharged.
Oh yes, I also write a post on FB. In a way trying to grab attention too la, unfortunately not much people ask of me. Expected la. But surprisingly, SuetY messaged me asking about me. Thought she has disappeared from previous meetup. She also followed up to check the day after surgery. Nice to get that. 😊. Things don't last long... it gets back to the quiet mood again.
Last night saw her changing her FB profile pic from the London one which I took for her. Feel sad but it has been so long. Is there any meaning to change it? 🤔
Yup that's it. Just want to record my first ops and maybe her first text asking about me
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As we grow older, our social circle naturally starts shrinking.
This mostly happens as we start focusing our time and energy on things we prioritise and select relationships that generally align with us.
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Of course, such thoughts can still be found in many people. But are they right or are they wrong? I would bet the difference.
After courtship or even marriage, one should cut off all contacts with friends and/or with people of opposite gender.
There is no friend possible between 2 opposite gender.
I strongly opposed to these thoughts!
It is healthier to have your own life in additional to the new family you have established.
Family will be your main focus but own life own friends are there to support you your well being your own whole. It is not a burden but a support and a separate happiness avenue.
I don't understand what the people on the other camp is thinking. Unfortunately I encounter another unmatch. I really hope that I can change her mindset to reset to support her but it is always hard
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Yet another unhappy dinner
Without eating much, he's done and left. So much dishes in the table. As usual he also buys a lot, since there's so much, what's wrong with keeping till tomorrow. Not happy, he stuffed himself and finished most of the food he buys. As usual cook something much, with so much ingredient. Becomes a stuffing dinner and I'm still so full. Not a happy dinner, especially if it's new year eve
She tells him not to buy so much next Tue, he sure won't be happy. Wanting to celebrate, let you all try this try that but this face that face....
I just have to vet my emotion instead of keeping mute. sure it will tense up the environment. Why must it always be like that. No mood for next few dishes. Hate it!
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She informs that she has again gathered another batch of clothes to give me, which means another chance to meet. It may not means another of the dinner, probably a take and go thingy...
Today saw that she makes some cookies, gave her a message. Again she replied with ??? and disappeared there after... Should I have just praised her instead of the nonsense... Anyway it went cold again
Till next time..............
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Happy 😁
Went out with her today.
Initial she didn't suggest anywhere, anything also okay. As day near, she asks to help her pick up things...she asks to go eat a specific cafe... She asks me to go her sis house when nobody at home... She asks to pick her up early... She's..okay to go container park after cafe... She asks me to join her at supermarket...she also says if I refer to her buying her house near me...
Also these little actions, I would never imagine her to reply and initiate this way, quite surprised! Happy!!
However I still did not manage to ask for a hug with her. Guess just take it slow, at least we are still communicating. Hope to continue this way down our life....
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Not happy!
Everything push push push
Said so much but still nothing has moved
Aggressive is one thing but there's always a limit to how fast you can move
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Hello, long time no see...
This week went to meet her to collect her gal old clothing. A bit surprised that she will message. First during new year, then bakkwa and now old clothes, oh ya and another day when she's nearby doing her dentist. The last one is the most unexpected. Has she become more normal or okay to be closer frd yet? But again we don't talk much or discuss much on anything.
Anyway to love someone you don't need to own her but wish that she's happy. Nothing is easy.
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Yeah, finally I collect my new spec today 🤓 after browsing for months. It's branded man, but I didn't even know it's branded before this 😂
Can't remember where I get my first few spec. Probably the first one from the neighbourhood. If I remember vaguely, I have a oval metal spec, a plastic black frame for the army... ... a half frame "LeeCooper" from Bishan Spex w Er, a thin rectangular "Gap" from harbourF w Er, now 1 round plastic frame with rosy gold "Bolon" fr Bishan w Er... More to go hahaha
I also have a cool hair cut the other day. It's going to be a new comes Monday when I go office hahaha 🤘
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Did you delete the post? There's no reply from my response. Is it so secretive?
In general, is it common for people to keep quiet on which Co they go after leaving the previous one? What's the worry? I also keep mine a secret until a year later. But I don't understand the rationale too.
Those that share outright, I find that they feel proud about it. They want to share. They did well in previous Co and they have nothing to worry, and they want to show people that they make it. To celebrate! On the contrary I still don't understand why the other end of picture...
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Curry udon w dragonfruits, grapes, pineapples, bean curd $8.80 with dessert (promo) 👍
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@Coconut club
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chicken leg set $17.34 with GST. Fragrance rice, tasty chicken and chill. A bit overpriced
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年头的开始就这样结束了,太短了。Rain almost the whole 3 days, didn't get to hang out much before the start of the long long working year... Sigh 为什么???
No more holiday mood to shorten the week, full week ahead even though it's 50-50. All the objectives will start rolling, so sian...
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in order not to finish up my matchmaking loving shows, i continue with another of married celebrity couple. This is the 1st series 《妻子的浪漫旅行》。 It’s also about relationship, about live, what you should or should not do, how do you grow and improve yourself in daily live. 
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Recently addicted to these 2 matchmaking shows《新相亲大会》 & 《我们恋爱吧》 It gives very inspiring thoughts about relationship about human behaviour... Everything is very real, and of course the guys and gals are pretty.
So envy the days when you are courting girls, the ups and downs, the looking forward to.... Through the shows, you can also understand a lot of human nature, their reaction, what you should say you shouldn’t. Very interesting. Loving it soo soo much
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