v3xyko4l4-blog · 7 years
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This is my first contribution to this fandom and I am actually very proud of it. I haven’t really drawn in a while, and Tokoyami is one of my favorites~. I love this precious bird boy with so much of my being! I hope you enjoy~~!
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 7 years
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Hey @princeofmints, I know that you lobe Doggos, and I was hoping maybe these pictures of my Doggo Stormy and Puppo Arya would brighten your day at least a little!!
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 7 years
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Hey @princeofmints, I know that you lobe Doggos, and I was hoping maybe these pictures of my Doggo Stormy and Puppo Arya would brighten your day at least a little!!
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 7 years
Every time I go downstairs to the laundry room, this pigeon tries to seduce me.
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 7 years
Ok Kaiba is way more dramatic than Yugi
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 7 years
Press Play
Dave: terrachained
Editing: alexissam
Art: synnesai
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 8 years
how to cosplay
spend obscene amounts of money at the craft store
pray to the cosplay goddess for redemption
bleed on costume
cry some more
woolah you are now a cosplayer
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 8 years
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I present to you.. 
The Irish Dab
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 8 years
Shall we not talk about the face grab though?
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Let’s talk about the face grab.
Because on so many occasions in anime, the face grab is used in a sensual/sexual context.
But not in this scene.
Hell, we’ve even seen it used in a sensual context in this particular anime
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See the difference though? The thing is that in the scene with Yuuri, it’s gentle and careful and romantic.
With Yurio, it’s not.
And most importantly: it’s not meant to be.
Because, believe it or not, Victor is angry.
He doesn’t show it the way Yuuri or Yurio would, but he’s pretty pissed.
We know this through a few things, first of all, the fact that he replies to Yurio’s taunt, something which he, the mature adult, wouldn’t usually do.
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You can even see it in his stance. He’s literally and metaphorically stooping to Yurio’s level. He’s lowering his back, leaning close with those half-lidded eyes and that sarcastic smile. In a way, he is mocking, belittling Yurio. And it’s something we’ve never seen him purposefully do with the intention of hurting someone.
And, well, he doesn’t intend to hurt Yurio. It’s his defense mechanism. More than anything, it’s a sign of how upset he is.
The face grab is the culmination of this
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I think we all know how rarely Victor touches other people without their permission.
Which means he must be absolutely livid here.
Yurio may be just a kid but he’s tired of his shit.
It’s a way to remind him of his standing.
It’s a way of saying “Know your place, brat.”
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“You don’t know the first thing about me. Who gave you the right to speak?”
And I’m not sure whether this is a thing in Russian, but in my language (Polish, which has Slavic origins, just like Russian), we have a phrase 'Nie pyskuj’ which translates as ‘don’t talk back’, but literally means something like ‘don’t muzzle off’. Essentially, ‘don’t run your mouth’.
So, in a way, you could interpret this as Victor literally closing and holding his mouth so that he stops yapping.
And if you think about it, this is the most violent behavior we’ve seen from Victor. He’s literally never acted like that. He’s never been that affected by anything to act like that.
But now, he’s pissed, and he can hardly control himself. And you could interpret the source of his anger as multiple things, but I’ll personally stick with the idea that he hates how Yurio is insulting Yuuri. I doubt that Victor cares how Yurio bad-mouths him personally, he can deal with being insulted himself. But the kid doesn’t get to talk that way about his fiance.
And the next we see of him is this smile
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And I’m sure some people would like to consider it ‘flirty’ (especially when taken out of context), but more than anything, it’s a challenging smile. It’s sarcastic. He’s still mocking Yurio, and doing so just with his expression. He’s sneering at him. He’s showing that in every single way he’s above him and his petty insults (even though it’s clear that he’s also falling for them).
It’s interesting to see how Victor handles his anger because we’ve never seen him like that before. He’s never truly been angry.
This is a glimpse into the Victor we don’t know and it’s a curious one.
What’s even more curious is how quickly he gets over it and thinks this:
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He quickly finds something positive about the situation. Because not even Yurio and his stupid insults can keep him down for long, not when he’s reminiscing about Hasetsu, feeling the ring on his finger and thinking of Yuuri.
Because ultimately Victor doesn’t hold grudges the way Yurio does. He lets things go easily.
But Yuuri is the one thing he doesn’t want to let go of anytime soon.
It’s on his behalf that he gets angry in the first place, but it’s Victor’s own nature to shrug and forget the conflict in the end.
And I think that says a lot.
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 8 years
Reblog if you're LGBTQA+ and watch Yuri!!! On Ice
Just wondering
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 8 years
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For all of my LGBTQIAP+ siblings out there, right now.. Please don’t give up. We will be heard. I love you all, please stay safe. Please.
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 8 years
Bill Clinton cheats on his wife. Impeach him. Trump proudly brags about sexual assault (and has cheated on his wives). Elect him.
Hillary oversaw the department of state while 4 people died in an embassy attack. Put her in jail. 2 Republicans were in office while over 200 people died in embassy attacks. No problem.
Immigrants don’t pay taxes. Round them up and kick them out. Trump doesn’t pay taxes. He’s a business genius.
Hillary’s foundation only spent 87% of their donations helping people. She’s a crook. Trumps foundation paid off his debts, bought sculptures of him, and made political donations to avoid investigations while using less than 5% of funds for charity (and he got shut down by NY State). So savvy… Put him in the white house.
Trump made 4 billion dollars in 40 years, when an index fund started at the same time with the same “small loans” he received would be worth $12 billion today… without a trail of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits and burned small business owners. He’s a real business whiz. Hillary took a loss of $700k. She’s a criminal.
Trump is the first candidate in the modern era not to release his tax returns, and took a billion dollar loss in 1 year. Genius.
Hillary takes responsibility for private email servers and apologizes. Not credible. Trump denies saying things (on the record) he actually said (on the record), he’s just telling it like it is.
Your arguments are thin. Your ignorance of reality is shocking. Your double-standards are offensive, and your willingness to blindly support him and recycle the rhetoric is absurd. Your opinion is not fact. Your memes are not news articles. And your hypocrisy is not a platform.
- Alex Schiller
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 8 years
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Check It Out Guys! Paps matter for trans men, regardless of who we have sex with, how we have sex, or where we’re at in transition. If you have a cervix, you need a Pap. This site, developed by and for trans men and our healthcare providers, is here to provide more information about why you may need a Pap, and how to make the experience of getting one better. http://checkitoutguys.ca/
Coinciding with Cervical Health Awareness Month, ROBERT EADS DAY on January 17 honors the memory of Robert Eads and raises awareness for preventative care and early detection of cancer and HPV in trans men.
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 8 years
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sexy daddies 
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adorable talking polar bear 
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attractive ladies
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Handsome phoenix/Ananas idk
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Cute flamingo brothers
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Bodybuilder Dumbledore 
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 8 years
“i’m sad and idk how to feel better”
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“i don’t know what to draw”
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“i always mess up”
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 8 years
Hey. My group was the south Parks~! I see you didn't get our Henrietta or our Raven in your photos though lol.
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So much dabbing from the Instincts.
Also ran into some South Park Goths; they were cool peeps.
Going through the #midoricon
I did find @acerotiburon (The mega Absol gijinka in the middle photos), so if you see yourself, just ask and I’ll tag you whenever. 
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v3xyko4l4-blog · 8 years
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OBS: - i do NOT offer sketch commissions since my sketches are a mess. - i ONLY offer white, transparent or simple backgrounds (for now) - to draw a hand drawn portrait i NEED a good reference image - a digital copy of the portrait will not cost extra, but getting the actual  physical version will require you to pay the additional shipping cost.
I cant think of anything in particular that i will not draw: - i might add something to this list if feel the need to but otherwise hit me, im not particularly sensitive
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED - please contact me on : [email protected] - you are also welcome to write me on tumblr (but we all know how reliable the message system is so if i dont respond shoot me a mail..)
For more examples of my art, check out my art tag: http://erotic-yoddeling.tumblr.com/tagged/my%20art
I recently lost my job, so i would REALLY appriciate it if you would reblog this even if you do not intend to buy anything, just to help spread the word :)
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