vacuousninny Ā· 5 years
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Unpopular opinion. Maybe Iā€™m just not very sensitive to this sort of thing, but even as a female, I donā€™t see that big of an issue with Morriganā€™s clothing choices. There also seems to be a double standard in the fandom. Bull walking around without a shirt/chest armor most of the time supposedly isnā€™t sexist but Morriganā€™s outfit, with at least something on her upper torso, is. Like yeah, some of the concept art would have been cool to see in-game, but Bioware is usually pretty good for female armor being functional, modest and pretty similar if not identical to the male version. Just let the Swamp Wife and her ancient-ass mama do their thing.
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vacuousninny Ā· 5 years
This could not be more awesome! I love the headpiece! šŸ˜»šŸ˜»šŸ˜»
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ā€œI am Cersei of House Lannister, a lion of the Rock, the rightful queen of these Seven Kingdoms, trueborn daughter of Tywin Lannister. And hair grows back.ā€ -Cersei Lannister, A Dance With Dragons
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vacuousninny Ā· 5 years
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We are put on this earth to suffer.Ā 
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vacuousninny Ā· 5 years
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Irritating Stray Cat Refuses to Leave Until You Have Satisfied All Its Unreasonable Demands
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vacuousninny Ā· 5 years
Dragon Age, Again!
So, Iā€™ve got the itch to play Inquisition again!Ā  Which brings up all the agonizing questions.Ā  Do I want to be a human or an elf?Ā  Do I want to be faithful or not?Ā  Who do I romance?!
Should I go with everyoneā€™s favorite ex-templar?
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Or everyoneā€™s favorite broody Warden?
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And most importantly, can I actually bring myself to make different decisions this time?!Ā 
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vacuousninny Ā· 6 years
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Comparing my favourite free roam horsey games.
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vacuousninny Ā· 6 years
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ā€œI know itā€™s foolish...but I was worried for you tonight.ā€
Just finished Wicked Eyes Wicked Hearts (again), and I thought this moment was very sweet.Ā  Finally got to wear a dress thanks to this mod.Ā  I went with Gaspard this time.
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vacuousninny Ā· 6 years
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I really hope for DA4 that they give female PCā€™s more feminine sitting and standing animations/postures. Nothing more awkward to watch F!Hawke or Fem Inquisitor sit down and man-spread everywhere.
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vacuousninny Ā· 6 years
I knew I couldnā€™t the the only one that wanted a romanceable Samson! I know itā€™s crazy, but I do! šŸ˜ŗ
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ā€œSamson should be romanceable in the next game. I need him to get a redemption arc or a recovery arc of sort. In my canon playthrough I made him work for the Inquisition with Cullen supervising, and I really wish heā€™d come out ready for a recovery arc then, as a romanceable character, just so that I can personally be in charge of his happiness. I canā€™t let him always just be a broken addict with a failing body, I absolutely wish to see him happy.ā€
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vacuousninny Ā· 6 years
I love this!Ā  <3Ā Ā 
This dialogue cut from the game stayed in my brain and I wanted to write a little something about Cullen talking in his sleep:
A voice cuts through the darkness, startling the Inquisitor awake.
Cullen: What?
*Inquisitor twists on her side to find Cullen with one arm draped over his face.*
Cullen: Who cares if there are more gardenias than tulips?
Cullen: He shouldnā€™t have antagonized the nuggalope in the first place.
*Smiling, she draws her fingers softly over his hair, trying to not wake him*
Cullen: Damn it, dwarf!
Inquisitor *whispering*: He must mean Varric.
Cullen: How many bees? Is that all? Put on a helmet and get in there!
*Inquisitor chuckles remembering far too well that Satinalia*
Cullen: Of course heā€™s a mage. He carries a staff everywhere. Iā€™m not an idiot.
Cullen *growls*: Do not test me, mage.
*Inquisitor sits up holding her breath*
Cullen: No. Please. Not again.
Cullen *grows more agitated*: I canā€™tā€¦ You swore to come back. You promised meā€¦
Inquisitor: Cullenā€¦ *She rises on her stump, trying to pry away the sweat-soaked curls from his forehead*
Cullen: Stay. Donā€™t go. Donā€™t leave. Return. Swear you will.
Inquisitor *brushing her lips over his forehead*: I wonā€™t go. I never will again. Iā€™m here with you. *She locks her remaining fingers in his* Always.
*Cullen quiets, his brow unfurrowing*
*Inquisitor curls up around him, her head nestled against his strong heart*
Cullen *whispers*: Good.
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vacuousninny Ā· 6 years
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My First Gif!Ā  All this trouble, and I accidentally left Rock Armor on >.<.
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