vaeyticc · 24 days
liking an unpopular character sucks ofc but liking a popular character is its own special kind of hell like Yes there's a million fics and a billion drawings No i cant look at them
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vaeyticc · 25 days
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Hey everyone guess what's back?
To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the remaster, we (the fine folks over at the Baten Kaitos fan Discord) are bringing back Spiriter Week! And now it's bigger than ever: we're going multi-platform!
So mark you calendars for September 15th-21st!!!
Wait, what's this now? Back in ye olde golden age of Tumblr, we used to have an annual thing we called Spiriter Week, a week-long celebration of our favorite card-game RPGs.
What do you mean, "multiplatform"? Due to fandom no longer being fully (or even mostly) within the confines of one website, we figured it'd be a good idea to have folks participate wherever they want to. Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, or wherever. Still have a Pillowfort? Go crazy there too.
Ok, how do I participate? It's super easy- just post something Baten Kaitos related every day. Could be a fic, art, videos, whatever. Wherever you're posting it, use the tag #Spiriter Week I am not blessed with creative prowess Neither am I we're all just bullshitting Doesn't have to be anything skillful like art or writing. Could be fan theories, a personal anecdote, ranking your favorite xyz or even a haiku. Like this example I stole borrowed from No's original post:
Holoholo bird All my apples are rotten Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
This sounds great but I'm super busy there's no way I can post every day. Again, same here friend. No worries, even just one or two during the week is fine. Let's face it, we've all aged a number of years since these were last a thing and life has a way of stockpiling responsibilities.
On what authority are you organizing this? Alright ya got me I'm just some rando with a Gibari pfp. But come on, why not have some fun and build some hype around these games we love?
That's a nice banner where'd you get it? Damn right! Credit goes to No, who still had the old banner and managed to change some digits :D
How can we follow for updates? Here on Tumblr, I (and of course anyone else who wants to say something on the topic) will be posting in the #Spiriter Week tag. Some major updates might also be posted in the baten kaitos tag but I don't wanna spam it too much.
But yeah, that should cover most of the major stuff, feel free to reach out with any questions!
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vaeyticc · 1 month
So I thought this was commonly known internet navigation (but apparently it might just be those of us who have been using the internet since the 90’s who still know it). Or so it seems based on… a grumpy comment I got.
When you see an arrow like this:
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It means you click it to expand out a hidden section.
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It’s an accordion section/menu! It’s useful in web design to hide information that may be overwhelming under specific headers so people can only see what they need.
Here I’m using it for people who need the content warnings to be able to check, but for those who don’t need them and don’t want to be spoiled to just move right past without accidentally reading anything.
It’s still the user’s responsibility to click the arrow and read things as they need! But it is all warned. (And, yes, the all encompassing issues are already a tag on the fic, I’m just providing additonal warnings per chapter.)
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vaeyticc · 2 months
I might just be extremely in my thirties now but I simply cannot take any sort of fandom discourse anymore. I barely could before but I am at maximum capacity. just... just watch the thing and enjoy it or whatever, be nice to each other, isn't life hard enough
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vaeyticc · 3 months
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Global 4th anniversary artbook
01 / 02 / 03
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vaeyticc · 3 months
man I don't mean to be a bitch, and people can write what they want, but when I ship characters who have tension between them, resentment/bitterness or rough history or even just giving each other a hard time, that's part of the ship for me and it sucks when people make that go away as soon as they get together. like, cozy domesticity years later with vague reference to old issues fading is one thing, but when McCoy stops sniping at Spock or whatever the moment they kiss and suddenly they're calling each other pet names and being super saccharine... my first thought is always, why did you ruin it?
(this also applies to, and given some of my ships overlaps with, reconciliation stories, which are real common in Genshin because a couple fan-favorites have tensions around past incidents/arguments. whether platonic or romantic, the dynamic doesn't change instantly when one character says "I love you and I'm sorry"--it changes slowly over time as they (both, ideally) demonstrate that, and work out who they are in the aftermath, and that's the only way in which taking that tension out is interesting to me. if it's a shortcut to healthy well-adjusted schmoopy kisses and/or snuggles then you have once again Ruined It for me)
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vaeyticc · 3 months
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Soggy my sweet boy- and /looks at scribbled writing Callus
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vaeyticc · 3 months
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baten kaitos quick doodle
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vaeyticc · 3 months
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Baten Kaitos's official X/Twitter page has shared new art!
日暮 央さん描き下ろし記念イラスト STEAM(R)版発売を記念し、キャラクターデザインをご担当された日暮 央さんから記念イラストが到着! サギとカラス、そして間から覗いているミーマイがお祝いしてくれている賑やかなイラストです Commemorative illustration by Hiroshi Higurashi To celebrate the release of the STEAM (R) version, a commemorative illustration has arrived from character designer Hiroshi Higurashi! It is a lively illustration of a heron, a crow, and Meemai peeking in between to congratulate you
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vaeyticc · 3 months
Someone already made a mod to add the English dubs back into Baten Kaitos I & II HD!
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vaeyticc · 3 months
it's really funny going from lyude's silent hill 2-esk ghost airship manifestation of his guilt and regrets to gibari's sidequest where you do a short walk to the river and fight a big fish
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vaeyticc · 3 months
the vivid experience of being 12 years old and booting up baten kaitos in my basement to fight a giant titty tentacle monster while my younger sister watched judgementally from the steps only to hit the most heartwrenching plot twist I had ever experienced and start sobbing so she ran for my mom
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vaeyticc · 3 months
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Path of Life stickers 1/2
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vaeyticc · 3 months
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Mornings are always tough for me. Waking up with anxiety is not fun. I’m glad I found ways to calm down. It just takes a while to remember that 😞. Anyway good morning everyone! Today I bring you my calico, Skeem, as a greythorne. I was cracking up the entire time drawing this. I showed it to my brother and he named this creation : Skeem mai 🤣! Very creative 👏🏽. (Please play baten kaitos to get the joke). Anyway I’m not making this up my cat is always angry. She thinks any slight pet is an attack and she has resting bitch face to prove it too. I love her 🌸🌸🌸
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vaeyticc · 3 months
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can we talk about her- ?
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vaeyticc · 3 months
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Some jinhsi x sanhua inspired by sapphicbutterfly’s new fic… (its NSFW, be warned)
You should come hang out with us on our discord and talk about gay people with us…
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vaeyticc · 3 months
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little jinhsi fanart for wuthering waves' release! ♡
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