vainlgacy · 3 years
just a reminder this blog is on an indefinite hiatus  .  if you’d like to follow my new blog please like this post or reach out to me  !!
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vainlgacy · 3 years
just a reminder this blog is on an indefinite hiatus  .  if you’d like to follow my new blog please like this post or reach out to me  !!
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vainlgacy · 3 years
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Richard Siken, Crush; from ‘Saying Your Names’
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vainlgacy · 3 years
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@vainlgacy​​ said: kissy kiss kiss [ FIRST THREE IN MY INBOX GET KISSES (1/3)]
But he indulges nonetheless, Severus to lean forward with great big hands. Gentle in the cupping of his dear friend’s face in palms smooth with the slightest callouses of his work impressed upon them. With affection is the press of his lips against her forehead, long lashes to flutter shut.
Soft mummer evoked, “There.”
More than satisfied that the conditions of this request has been fulfilled. Thumbs to graze the lovely swell of her cheeks as he pulled back. Soft smile to grace lips ever so thin, a side of Severus reserved only for those who warrant such a privileged peek to the person he was within.
“Satisfied?” he asked.
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                  '      pleasantly   .   '   narcissa   hummed   when   she   felt   his   hands   on   her   face      &      then   the   feel   of   his   lips   pressing   a   soft   kiss   to   her   forehead   .   it   was   always   nice   to   know   that   she   had   a   dear   friend   who   had   cared   for   her      &      who   she   had   cared   for   as   well   .   lips   curve   into   a   smile   ,   moving   one   of   her   hands   to   press   to   his   wrist   ,   thumb   brushing   over   the   back   of   his   hand   as   she   follows   up   with   a   nod   of   her   head   .   when   he   pulls   away   she   drops   her   hand   from   his   wrist   ,   her   smile   still   prominent   on   her   lips   as   she   attempts   to   go   back   to   the   task   at   hand   ,   what   had   her   attention   before   her   ridiculously   childish   need   to   be   shown   affection   by   the   male   with   her   .   but   then   again   ,   she   was   in   a   bit   of   a   tiff   with   lucius      &      she   had   desired   comfort   .   narcissa   was   happy   that   he   didn't   laugh   at   her   ,   though   it   wasn't   unlike   her   to   desire   touch   ,   even   if   it   was   just   platonic   .
               with   a   soft   bounce   she   turns   on   her   heels   and   moves   back   to   the   table   that   she   had   been   settled   at   earlier   ,   a   potions   book   open   with   the   topic   being   healing   potions   .   it   was   always   her   strongest   subject   but   nerves   were   on   edge      &      she   couldn't   focus   enough   on   it   .   so   she   asked   Severus   to   join   her   .   '   come   on   now   .   you   indulged   me   in   my   ridiculous   need   for   a   kiss   .   '   hand   moved   to   close   the   book   as   she   turned   to   face   him   ,   wanting   to   give   him   her   undivided   attention   ,   even   though   she   had   invited   him   to   study   with   her   .   they   could   do   that   later   .   '   you   look   stunning   ,   Severus   .   how   have   you   been   adjusting   to   being   more   involved   with   everyone   ?   '
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vainlgacy · 3 years
simping softness prompts.
basically i got shippy and now there's these soft little prompts for romantic, platonic, and yearning situations!! use them at your leisure!
" you're shivering. here, take my jacket. "
" you... sorry, you just got a little something on your face... here, let me get it for you. "
" hey, so... i know you haven't been feeling great, so i picked up a few of your favorite snacks, drinks... "
" you stayed? "
" well, of course i stayed. you're here, where else would i be? "
" oh! i found this in the mall, i figured it might be something you'd like! "
" hey, everything's gonna be fine. stay where you are, i'm on my way. "
" wow... you look... you look amazing. "
" we should grab some coffee together, sometime. "
" holy crap, i thought you were dead! never do that to me again! "
" i made some breakfast, if you're hungry? "
" your hands are freezing! let me warm them up... "
" i knew you wouldn't go to sleep willingly, so i brought you some chamomile tea and a blanket. twenty minutes of shut-eye, okay? "
" it's okay. i promise you, i will be here when you wake up. "
" hey! hey, hey, it's alright! it's okay, my darling/friend/love, i'm here, i've got you... "
" i'll walk you home. "
" you need a lift? "
" i... sometimes, i guess i kinda wish you could see yourself through my eyes. "
" i see you still have my shirt! "
" i got starbucks. this is your favorite, isn't it? "
" you look like you could use a hug. "
" okay, quit it with the drinks. i think that's enough, hmm? i'll cover the tab, but for now, let's get you home... "
" i'm not letting you sleep on the couch. come on. get under the blankets. "
" i mean... i-i'm cool with sharing the bed if you are. "
" you were in a really bad way, i wasn't about to abandon you. "
" hey... you've been crying. "
" don't think i won't carry you if i have to! "
" of course i noticed. i notice everything about you. "
" i knew you wouldn't bring a jacket, so i made sure to color co-ordinate with you so you could wear mine on the way home. "
" please, talk to me... it kills me seeing you like this. "
" i got a reservation at that fancy italian place you like. come on. get ready, we can get there in time if we get dressed now! "
" he/she/they were an idiot. you're amazing, and if they can't see that, that's on them. "
" i'd happily go kick their arse, but i don't think that would help you. "
" you don't owe me anything. "
" i wish i could just freeze time. let this moment be forever. "
" i got you some flowers. but, if you have allergies, i also got fake flowers! just in case. "
" you realise you don't need to ask my permission, don't you? "
" what's mine is yours. always. "
" i don't know precisely what i did to earn your presence in my life, but... i'd do it a thousand times over if i knew what it was. "
" yes, these last few years have been a living hell, but... i'd live them a thousand times over if it meant you being safe and happy. "
" i don't care about everyone else! i care about you, [NAME]!"
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vainlgacy · 3 years
what if 🤔 you defeated me in battle 😔 and when you tilted my head up with your blade beneath my chin 🗡️ we accidentally kissed 💋😳
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vainlgacy · 3 years
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High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, 2.11: Showtime
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vainlgacy · 3 years
just a reminder this blog is on an indefinite hiatus  .  if you’d like to follow my new blog please like this post or reach out to me  !!
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vainlgacy · 3 years
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vainlgacy · 3 years
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vainlgacy · 3 years
"u are so quiet" ok so make me moan then
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vainlgacy · 3 years
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Emily Dickinson, from a letter to William Austin Dickinson (Amherst, late March 1851)
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vainlgacy · 3 years
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      Few are lucky as they had been to find love in such an arrangement. Likewise, few have been as misfortunate as they in their loss. He cannot claim to know his father’s mind, only that it lessons day by day despite logic and reason. His iron-clad hold on France, on domination…it slips. He sees a usurper when he looks at his son, the next future king. Makes alliances with the Malfoys. Misery loving company, he takes Narcissa away.
      As much as he can. His hand is warm when pressed to her cheek, a tender kiss accepted that lingers. His other hand folds over hers, uncurls her fingers from the flower and lets the stem fall to the floor. It’s not right that they should have to meet in secret, when once their love was like sun, radiating through the halls of the court. He pulls back, forehead pressed to hers, heart bared for his beloved, “I won’t allow it. It is madness and I won’t allow them to take you from me. Not now or ever.”
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            love      .      what   a   silly   little   word      ,      one   that   she   had   been   told   she   wouldn’t   ever   have   due   to   her   duties      ,      of   who   she   was      &      who   she   was   expected   to   be      .      she   had   been   force-fed   the   idea   that   she   would   find   herself   in   a   loveless   marriage   having   countless   heirs      &      she   would   grow   undesirable   while   her   husband   had   a   new   mistress   in   his   bed   every   night      .      these   things   were   incredibly   prominent   in   her   mind   that   when   she   had   met   Francis      ,      when   she   had   allowed   herself   to   open   up   to   him   there   was   nothing   in   their   arrangement   that   she   was   promised      .      
               it   wasn’t   loveless      ,      it   wasn’t   forced      &      his   gaze   had   never   swayed      .      she   was   his   narcissa      &      he   was   entirely   hers   as   well      .
            the   blonde   never   thought   that   their   love   would   eventually   turn   into   a   secret      ,      that   they   would   have   to   run   around   in   the   shadows   to   be   with   one   another      ,      but   with   the   Kings   change   of   mind      &      her   engagement   being   switched   to   Lucius   instead   of   her   beloved      ,      it   was   necessary      .      the   love   that   she   felt   for   her   true   husband   would   allow   her   to   push   against   his   will   as   much   as   possible      ,      they   both   were      .      his   forehead   was   pressed   to   hers      ,      eyelashes   fluttering   shut   as   she   exhales   softly      ,      hands   moving   to   press   to   his   chest      .      while   everything   seemed   to   display   insanity   she   relished   the   secret   moments   with   him      ,      the   only   time   where   she   felt   like   she   could   breathe      .      
                        ‘      your   father   is   unmoving      ,      Francis      .      he   will   not   change   his   mind   no   matter   how   much   we   try      .      he   worries   that   you   wish   to   take   his   throne      ,      he   wishes   for   you   to   be   miserable      .      i   want   nothing   more   than   to   be   your   wife      ,      but   how   is   it   possible      ?      ‘
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vainlgacy · 3 years
“  no,  no  i  didn’t. ”  which  was  true,  elsie  never  thinks  the  worst  of  people,  she  feels  like  she  can’t.  everyone  has  good  in  them  &  she’s  almost  sure  of  it.  everyone  besides  billy  loomis  who  almost  killed  her.  she’s  hoping  he’s  rotting  in  hell,  where  he  belonged. 
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“  yes,  you  get  it !  smaller  places  with  the  right  stuff  can  be  perfect,  too.  i  don’t  have  enough  things  to  fill  a  big  room  with  anyhow. ”
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         there   are   a   lot   of   questions   that   she   wants   to   ask      ,      some   of   them   just   dancing   on   the   tip   of   her   tongue   but   she   isn’t   sure   how   she   would   ask   or   if   it   would   even   be   appropriate      .      of   course   she   wants   to   know   where   she   came   from         ----------      why   she   was   there      &      most   importantly   what   had   caused   her   to   show   up      ?      unless   she   had   been   a   resident   for   a   while      &      she   just   never   took   notice   before      .      the   blonde   wasn’t   suspicious   of   her      ,      there   was   no   worry   in   her   that   she   would   try   to      HURT   HER      like   she   had   been   in   the   past      .      but   she   is   curious      .      
            ‘      do   you   move   around   a   lot      ?      ‘      head   turns   to   look   at   the   brunette      ,      brow   raised   slightly   with   an   inquisitive   expression   before   she   turns   back   to   the   place   around   them      .      it   wasn’t   a   bad   spot      ,      but   it   definitely   wasn’t   her   family   home      .      not   that   she’s   been   there   in   years   anyways      .      ‘         ----------      don’t   mind   me   asking      ,      i’m   just   curious   by   nature      .      you   can   never   be   too   careful   with   who   you   befriend   anymore      .      ‘
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vainlgacy · 3 years
“ i’m not afraid to die, just wish i could live a little first. ”  /  @nrcssablack​​
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insensitive    ,    cold    ,    mean    ,    heartless.    all    words    that    have    been    used    to    describe    kara    o’connell    time    and    time    again.    people    have    spat    at    her    feet,    turned    their    nose    at    her,    cursed    her    to    hell    and    worse    but    her    heart,    she    assures    it,    is    boiling    with    all    her    rage    and    all    her    fire.    it’s    not    cold    nor    dead               it    beats    to    the    rhythm    of    its    own    song,    unconventional    and    unwanted    ,    but    it    does    beat    and    it    is    warm.    the    thing    is,    in    her    life    kara    has    learned    that    people    take    advantage    of    kindness,    that    one    can    never    be    too    safe    when    protecting    themselves    from    the    proverbial    blades    so    often    pushed    through    one’s    back.    she    knows    better    than    to    trust    and,    had    it    not    been    for    eli,    kara    might    have    been    just    fine    with    being    alone    for    all    her    life.    so,    when    narcissa    speaks    of    her    feelings,    kara    can’t    help    but    recoil    within    herself,    biting    down    on    her    lower    lip    as    if    to    swallow    poison    and    consider    the    girl    just    might    be    genuine.     “    then    live.   “    she-wolf    responds,    dark    eyes    looking    at    the    other.     “    stop    acting    like    you    have    something    to    prove,    and    just    live.   “
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            her   words   catch   narcissa   off   guard      ,      not   because   of   how   pointed                        how   much   of   a   bite   there   is   in   them      ,      but   her   thinking   that   she   could   just   live      .      that   narcissa   needed   to   stop   acting   like   she   had   something   to   prove      &      she   wants   to   bite   back      .      she   wants   to   spit   venom   at   her   about   how   it’s   easier   said   than   done      .      how   it’s   much   easier   to   say   live   for   yourself   than   actually   doing   it      .      at   least   with   her   situation      ,      her   life   wasn’t   her   own                        no      ,      it   was   her   families      &      she   had   to   do   whatever   they   had   chosen   for   her      ,      narcissa   was   a   puppet                        a   marionette   doll      .
         ‘      you   say   that   as   if   it   is   as   simple   as   flipping   a   switch      .      maybe   it   is   for   you      ,      maybe   you   can   go   through   life   making   your   own   choices                              but   don’t   assume   that   I   have   the   same   capabilities      .      that   I   am   so   easily   able   to   detach      .      ‘      the   blonde   could   only   imagine   what   would   happen   if   she   had   left   her   family      ,      if   she   had   turned   her   back   on   them      &      had   gotten   rid   of   one   of   their   only   lifelines   to   keep   their   legacy   alive      .      worry   had   her   thinking   that   she   was   sure   that   they   would   rather   her   dead   than   to   see   another   tainted   smear   to   their   legacy      .      ‘      my   entire   life   is   based   on   living   for   other   people      ,      for   proving   to   someone   that   I   am   good   enough      .      i   have   never   lived   a   day   of   my   life   where   I   wasn’t   expected   to   please   someone   on   some   level      .      ‘
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vainlgacy · 3 years
just a reminder this blog is on an indefinite hiatus  .  if you’d like to follow my new blog please like this post or reach out to me  !!
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vainlgacy · 3 years
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