valaric1980 · 3 years
Who said stats are boring!?
Who said stats are boring!?
Sometimes the trouble with writing a blog is not find something good to write, but having too many ideas for one! Then finding the time to sit down and attempt to coherently place that idea in words. I have ideas from inconsiderate people to writing up my events if done in the past. But I finally settled on something – statistics! How boring you might say! But I’m fascinated by them. As runners…
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valaric1980 · 3 years
Being led my my feet
Being led my my feet
Its been a while since I last got up early for a run. I was in two minds the night before about this. But my mind was made up for me when I woke up around 5:30am and decided to go for it. It wasn’t the best of starts, as my running tshirt and shorts were still slightly damp on the radiator, but this wasn’t going to deter me – after all I’ve spent plenty of time running in the rain and this…
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valaric1980 · 4 years
Halstead Marathon 2017
I thought it was about time I wrote a new post for this blog. Been a real struggle to get motivated again, but last 3 or so weeks its been going well. I’ve been using heart rate training to guide my ‘long runs’ (basically you use heart rate monitor – HRM -to train at a certain effort level). So in the course of doing a little research for this blog post on my previous runs using my HRM I stumbled…
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valaric1980 · 4 years
Signposts and wooden bridges
Signposts and wooden bridges
Ove the years I’ve stopped and started running a few times – sometimes intentional and others due to factors outside my control.  Now don’t get me wrong I LOVE running, but for anyone who has something they love, there can be times when you fall out of love with it. Ive fallen out of love with running.  Ive made many attempts over the last few months to get back out and rekindle that spark but…
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valaric1980 · 4 years
Long Grass and Cow Fields
Long Grass and Cow Fields
Ive been out running regularly for a couple weeks now, nothing heavy. Short and slow. I certainly won’t be setting any P.Bs anytime soon, but I’m happy to just be out running again. My leg feels good for the first time since last November – which is a massive bonus! Ive kept it quite local for my last few runs, nothing too long, just threw in a few hills and that’s as exciting as its been!  
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valaric1980 · 4 years
Feet, bikes and trains
Feet, bikes and trains
For the handful (Im being optimistic) of people who have actually read my blog over the last year might of noticed I haven’t written anything for a few months now. A combination of being injured and lockdown have played a part.
I have been carrying an injury since last November. I feel its my right hamstring that’s the cause of my issues, but its now affected my whole right let, hip…
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valaric1980 · 5 years
A tale of 8 Bridges
A tale of 8 Bridges
New week, new run. So this week I was joined by another friend (forever to be known as V from here on out) for my weekly long run. I didn’t go out last week as i’m still attempting to get over my dodgy hamstring and wanted to rest it. I received a message from V couple days back asking if I was planning my usual Wednesday trail run. Being pleased for the company I agreed and set upon on my ritual…
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valaric1980 · 5 years
This Weeks Guest..
For the second week in a row I’ve had someone run with me on a Wednesday. I arranged to run with a friend of mine couple months back, so happens to be a the week after I ran with someone else, just like buses i guess! I have run with ‘M’ (all names, locations, dates, trainer makes and shoe sizes etc have been changed due to national security OR its just a privacy thing, i’ll let you decided which…
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valaric1980 · 5 years
Running with a friend
Running with a friend
Running means something different to different people. Strange concept I’m sure, especially to anyone who isn’t a runner. Let me explain, some people run to get fitter, faster, to break PB’s, some people do it solely for their wellbeing, for others they have done it for so long its just who they are. I mostly run on my own, partly because I enjoy the solitude, but over the last few years I have…
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valaric1980 · 5 years
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Wednesday long run completed! Extra muddy, almost stacked it head first into a stream. Obligatory leg picture. Feel free to check out my blog: https://m.facebook.com/Notanotherrunningblog/ #essexway #runningcolchester #trainfor100 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7D09ntnaUeZK67_4ff77jRQ01WYx--8CtKRw80/?igshid=4qlaa1rkp3vb
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valaric1980 · 5 years
New Years Day
I know i’m a little late, but happy new year! For three of the four last New Years day I have gone for a long run, its become a tradition – and maybe another excuse to go for a run. So a few days before 1st Jan I sat down and plotted a route, one easily within my comfort zone. I cant quite remember the day but I noticed what a wonderful sunrise there was, you know the normal red sky etc, and I…
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valaric1980 · 5 years
Been a While
Forgive me running Gods and Goddesses its been a while since my last blog
Well to be precise, its been 37 days. I have no excuse. I’ve been lazy, I’ve neglected my running. Its not like I stopped running completely, I have been running just nothing consistent and on top of that when I have gone for a ‘longer run’ it really hasn’t been long.
Start to go on…
So I decided to draw a line…
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valaric1980 · 5 years
October Stats Review
My running Stats review for October 2016 - 2019 - Thrilling (if you like running and numbers, boring if you don't!)
So this post will be a little boring for those of you who don’t enjoy numbers and stats! I thought I would give a brief overview of each month and comparing it to previous years, you know that boring stats thing. So I have been busy over the last week creating a spreadsheet ( I know I mentioned this in a previous blog post but its only this last week that its taken shape after various…
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valaric1980 · 5 years
The one with a spreadsheet
The one with a spreadsheet
I had a weekend of no running, mostly brought about by the children being ill all week so getting very little sleep. I thought It would be a good opportunity to let mt body recover from the increasing mileage over the last week weeks. I planned as usual to have my long run on Wednesday (today) but due to having an appointment at the hospital I thought I would break my long run up running to…
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valaric1980 · 5 years
How to get stuck
How to get stuck
Been a good week, running wise. So last Wednesday (16th Oct) I nudged my distance up a kilometre, and today was similar increasing my distance by another kilometre. Seems I’ve put my niggles and injury concerns behind me and my running has felt good. Where in the past I’ve always ran a different route for my long one,for the time being I’m running the same route and increasing my distance by…
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valaric1980 · 5 years
The one that is quite boring
The one that is quite boring
My training has continued nicely, although I don’t tend to run big miles over the weekend which traditionally most runners do, I tend to keep my weekends for shorter distances. I went out Friday and Sunday, both around 4 km, but I pushed the pace a little. It felt really good to be running quicker again, and it meant that my weekly mileage was the highest its been nice May. I always go for a run…
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valaric1980 · 5 years
The one where I can't count
The one where I can't count!
In my original post, I explained all about my planned adventure, the route and the distance – about 100 miles. Sounds quite an intimidating distance, and to cover that distance in one go, within 24 hours, without any support does sound quite crazy. When I talk to people about my plan for next year I always get a similar response, that it is a crazy thing to do and I must be very fit – but I seem…
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