valcubust-main · 13 hours
Help my family in northern Gaza survive and escape safely from Gaza. 🍉🍉🇵🇸
Dear Humanity,
I am Saba Mohammed. We are a family of 27 members for more than nine months, and we are in war, suffering the most severe hardships. We have been displaced more than ten times in northern Gaza💔 under shelling and fire.
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We still suffer from shelling, displacement, and hunger until this moment. We have miraculously survived several times from shelling and numerous injuries, but thanks to everyone, we are still safe until now.
We hope that I and my family remain safe without losing anyone. Due to severe food shortage, I have developed severe dehydration and increased heart rate, which forced me to go to the hospital despite the lack of hospitals and medical facilities for treatment.
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The endless crying of children out of fear and hunger, 😢💔 their crying makes us adults cry a lot because of their need for food. The fear of children as they move from place to place and from house to house in search of a safe home cannot be described.😢😢
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Their living now amidst destruction is very sad, in addition to the shortage of food and water, and when a vailable, it is unclean and contaminated.
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This is How we prepare food now..
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Therefore, I implore you to help us provide food, water, and a safe place outside of Gaza for me, my children, and the children in my family. Your support for me and my family is the way out of darkness into light, from death to life.
From our family ❤️🇵🇸
Dear Tumblr Community,
I am grateful to be part of this wonderful community and seek your support in Reblog and sharing a post I have created. This message is not just a text but a crucial part of a fundraising effort to assist my family during these difficult times.
I hope for your help so that we can secure at least a small amount of food and a decent living as we once had. I would appreciate it if you could help spread this message to reach a wider audience.
Thank you very much for your support. ❤️🙏
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valcubust-main · 18 hours
by the way this is the procedure to get out of gaza
it costs 5k USD per adult and 2.5k USD per child
if you want to raise this money via GOFUNDME it has to be arranged by someone who is NOT living in Palestine because GFM does not release money to Palestine. GFM also verifies every detail so it has to be accurate so you need someone who is out of Palestine and also familiar with the bureaucracy.
once you raise the money one of your FIRST ORDER RELATIVES have to deposit this money IN CASH and IN PERSON at the Cairo offices of a company called hala. this person cannot be a Palestinian male under 40 because they are not allowed to be Egypt without a permit
once you pay the money you have to WAIT for your names to be published by Egyptian military at the Rafah crossing and the you have 24 hours to get out
it is a very long and convoluted process that is impossible for most Palestinians who do not have contacts in other counties. Please please donate to the GFMs you see floating around because they’ve been verified and this is only the first step in an arduous journey. Once in Cairo, Palestinians aren’t allowed to work so they need money for their support also.
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valcubust-main · 2 days
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Homes are expensive because of landlords hoarding them for profit, not because of regulations.
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valcubust-main · 3 days
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Detective Neve Gallus... Detecting
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valcubust-main · 4 days
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This is regarding an incident where Israel bombed dozens of Lebanese civilians using explosive pagers they slipped into the supply chain. Never let any of the people in this screenshot try to convince you they aren’t thrilled at the death of civilians as long as those civilians are Arabs
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valcubust-main · 5 days
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valcubust-main · 5 days
A PSA about trucks from a truck driver
I and some colleagues were talking about how we wish everyone could see the safety videos that our company was showing us, because I don’t think most people understand how traffic works in a truck. So here’s some things we wish everyone on the road knew.
- we’re not kidding about tailgating. If you’re right behind us on a straight highway? Chances are we have NO IDEA you’re there, which means we can’t anticipate any of your movements. Plus slowing down takes multiple downshifts, so we might start decreasing speed way earlier than you expect.
- We’re not kidding about any of our blind spots. WE CAN’T SEE YOU, GUYS.
- That bit about slowing down taking a while? The same goes for when you’re in front of us. Don’t cut off a truck. Oh god, PLEASE don’t cut off a truck. If you cut me off, I’m not irritated, I’m terrified. For YOU. It can take 7 to 9 seconds for us to stop. DON’T CUT OFF TRUCKS.
- Before you get mad about how slow we’re going on the highway, keep in mind that many companies govern their vehicles so they literally CAN’T go over 60 or 65. This is a good thing, I promise. Because…
- Do you know what happens when a car meets a truck in an accident? The car gets totaled and the truck needs a new coat of paint. You will not win this fight. I know nobody likes getting stuck behind a big dumb truck, but it’s not worth your life.
We are trying our best to protect you from our 80,000 pound death machines. Please help us out.
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valcubust-main · 6 days
Do you ever write a sentence and then realize “Nah, that’s too self aware for you” and backspace a bunch of times.
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valcubust-main · 7 days
It’s actually disgusting me that people are choosing to forget about Palestine not even a full year into this ongoing genocide. Nothing is better. Nothing has slowed down. It’s just underreported. It’s just that western media outlets aren’t pretending to care. The iof is still targeting aid distribution centers, it’s still killing hundreds of Palestinians a day, it’s still preventing medical aid from entering North Gaza. So many diseases are robbing families of their loved ones. It is worse than it has ever been. Less people are talking about it now because they no longer want to be bothered to care
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valcubust-main · 9 days
Help Khalid Sisters in Gaza not to be Homeless
Hello Dear,
We, (Najwa, Jana, Farah, and Maryam), are the sisters of Shaheed Khalid Saed Ash-Shawwah, who was martyred on 07/31/24 along with Al Jazeera correspondent Ismail Al-Ghoul and his colleague, photographer Rami Al-Rifi . Khalid was our older and only brother and he was a great support for us and others. As you may heard Khalid’s story in the news, he was bombed while he was riding his bicycle coming back from delivering food to our old and injured neighbors.
Before the IDF forces killed our brother Khalid, they forced us to evacuate our house and left everything behind. They then destroyed our house and our father’s restaurant. We had to move at least 10 times since every new area we seek refuge to gets bombed.
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Currently, the 4 of us and our parents, are living devastating and sad life in a bombed room in Gaza. It is extremely difficult for us to get the basic needs of food, water, and shelter.
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We sincerely hope you can empathize with our dire situation and consider supporting us. We are raising funds in order to be able to pay the rising cost of basic necessities in north Gaza. Our family is large and the cost of survival in north Gaza is astronomical. If you have anything you can spare, we implore you to support us. From where you are right now, you personally can help save our lives in north Gaza.
Please donate and/or replog 🥺🙏🇵🇸
Please reblog our post, follow us @khalid-Sisters and boost our posts, and repost the link to our campaign across all your social media.
Your generosity has the power to make a significant difference, and will give us hope that there will a better future waiting for us once the war stops.
We ask God to bless you and your families and to protect you all from all calamities and to never make you feel or go through what we are going through.
Vetted By: @olagaza @tahseenkhazen, @determinate-negation @northgazaupdates
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valcubust-main · 22 days
this is a list of the palestinian survivors and their families who've reached out to me lately — please donate if it's within your means to do so, and REBLOG TO BOOST. thank you!
eman zaqout, vetted by 90-ghost, $23,597/$40,000
aya alanquar, vetted by 90-ghost, $10,282/$15,000
amal and family, vetted by 90-ghost, €8,185/€50,000
eman and family, can't find if this is vetted yet, $255/$50,000 (VERY LOW ON FUNDS)
mohammed and family, vetted by 90-ghost, €19,120/€35,000
musab, vetted by 90-ghost, £5,395/£8,000
mahmoud alkhaldi, vetted by 90-ghost, $12,820/$50,000
ayaa and family, vetted by 90-ghost, $3,435/$20,000
wafa and family, vetted by 90-ghost, $6,489/$50,000
ahmed and family, vetted by apollos-olives, €2,764/€30,000
yousef hilles, vetted by el-shab-hussein, €15,181/€23,000
muhammad atalla, vetted by 90-ghost, €14,075/€82,000
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valcubust-main · 22 days
genuinely starting to resent the popular tumblr userbase in the recent couple of months, just seeing what posts (and who) gets reblogs and what doesn't. everyone's blog could be a case study.
in this past day one of my joke posts from a year ago gained almost 2k notes. my posts about my friend Hazem's family (verified family #281 on evacuation spreadsheet) has gotten less than 100. they've only raised less than €500 in this entire day and there hasn't been a donation in 3 hours.
if everyone who reblogged the joke post in the past 24 hours donated just €10, Hazem's family would not only have the funds to not go hungry but also be evacuated. this is how dire it is.
the parents are facing a real, terrifying possibility of not being able to evacuate with their children. please help them get to their 50k goal.
€30,846 / €50,000 as of September 1
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valcubust-main · 26 days
Recently there has been a fall in engagement with Palestinian content on tumblr, and for those of us who are helping Palestinians fundraise it is very obvious that this has happened directly after the very public smear campaigns, carried out by some racist users with significant followings.
It seems half the site somehow found it easier to believe in the horseshit about “belgian scam rings” and “russian botnets” in an effort to justify their apathy towards genocide victims, and the other half seems to think that everything is over and that the evil was defeated just because some racist bloggers got run off the site after giving half-hearted apologies that did nothing to mitigate the damage they had done.
THERE ARE PEOPLE STILL IN DIRE NEED OF HELP !! There are people who are still getting death threats from zionists every day and have to stay on this godforsaken website because their gofundmes haven't reached their endgoals yet...
I'm going to keep this brief:
Siraj's ( @siraj2024 ) family including his parents, and his five siblings and their families were displaced during the recent attacks by IOF on deir al balah
This means there are now 23 family members that Siraj is the sole provider for at the moment. 
10 of those members are young children.
Siraj's wife, Halima, is having a terrible flareup of eczema and his children are suffering from skin infections and badly need medical attention.
This whole family has been living in unhygienic conditions in 2 tents, packed like sardines during this heatwave, leading to spread of infections between them as well– all during a time where hygiene products have become unaffordable due to the israeli blockade, and when water has become scarce, and kids cant even receive life saving vaccinations during polio epidemic.
All this while everyday siraj risks his life trying to reach out to us from an internet point amidst violence and shelling from the IOF in what once was a “humanitarian safe zone”, even more desperately than before because–
Currently at $55,614/ $82,000 CAD
Vetting link #219
If you want additional incentive to donate, pls check out:
Art raffle here (ending in 4 days!!!) - where you get to win this zine as a prize as well for as low as $5 for 1 entry, please dont miss it !!
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valcubust-main · 26 days
Amidst all the images coming out of palestine of death and destruction created by the zionist occupation, i think it is important that we take a moment to remember palestine as it was- seen and captured through the eyes of talented photographers like Shahed @shahednhall and remember exactly what was senselessly lost in the past few months.
This is Al-Azhar university, where Shahed used to study. She was an exemplary student, and used to get regularly invited by her teachers to give lectures.
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Since the university was bombed and destroyed by the IOF, all she has left are these pictures. Even through all the violence and death around her though, she still makes sure to keep up with her studies through the university's online programme.
This is a shop Shahed had visited only some time before october. She told me it was run by an artist who painted these beautiful home items, and engraved them by hand with customers names. Shahed had photographed them because they were so eye-catching and beautiful, and had sent the woman her photos so she could use them to promote the shop.
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Shahed has told me this shop isnt there any more. She is currently trying to get in touch with the woman who used to run this shop again, but shahed doesn't know if she is even alive or not.
Shahed has an eye for beauty in all things, and it shows in her work and in conversation. It has taken on a different meaning now when so much of everything she knows has been stolen by the occupation from her and other palestinians like her.
In her own words:
"As you know, I like to photograph a lot, everyone liked my photography. I was filming everything because a memory can never come back again. This sentence is not understood by many. I am happy because I photograph everything."
What had been a hobby of collecting moments for her has now become something of an archive of all the things in Palestine that have been lost to the zionist occupation.
Shahed's outlook on her photography tends to colour our conversation as well. She finds it is more productive to talk to me about her hope for a better future, rather than all the bleakness around her right now.
"Yes, because I see inside every picture of new hope, I feel a great motivation that I will survive to see that life is more beautiful than what I live at the moment. I seek to return to a life that is more beautiful than the one we live now, a very difficult life because it has turned black and white."
I don't know how anyone can look at her photos and think of anything but hope
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The mainstream media in the west and elsewhere can lie all they like- but we will know always that palestine was and is a land full of beautiful people. Never forget that the death, illness and destruction in palestine today was something imposed upon them by the colonizers, and has been imposed upon them for decades.
Shahed doesn't like to share images of misery with me, but please remember that she and her family are suffering right now. The happy children in the pictures, her little sisters, are suffering from severe hepatitis and are no longer recieving treatment due to overcrowding at what hospitals are left in gaza. Shahed herself has been weak and ill for days, narrowly surviving multiple massacres in just the past few days while trying to get food for her family. They all got displaced just last week due to the intense bombing in khan younis, and in doing so have lost precious funds that could have gone into food and clean water. They are starving.
Shahed is only 21 years old but the responsibility of taking care of all 17 of her family members rests solely on her shoulders.
She has only gotten $47k/80k, and she needs to get to $50k within this week.
This gfm was verified and appears on hussein @/el-shab-hussein and nairuz @/nabulsi list of vetted fundraisers (#224) so please dont hesitate to donate whatever you can, and please keep sharing!!!
Take this as a call to action, please repost her her fundraiser in your discord servers, in your whatsapp groups. Repost her photgraphy and share her story on whatever social media you have reach, so that people can help because i really cant get her to her goal in time alone.
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valcubust-main · 26 days
fundraising on here is genuinely making me cynical in ways that feel so fucking foul, do you know how it feels to sit here trying to come up with 'strategies' to tell a new interesting story every day to get people's attention for someone surviving a literal genocide. like genuinely i do not want to believe that most people are so thoughtless and careless that they would turn away from mohammed and his family simply because one of my posts doesn't catch their attention like a youtube thumbnail but what am i supposed to think when every 18–24 hours the campaign stagnates again because i miscalibrated and people didn't see a perfectly cute kid photo or enough coloured text. idek what to say i wish that i had a million krona and i would just fund the whole thing and not ever think about how to package a story so that a genocide can generate compelling social media posts day in and day out. it's the polar fucking opposite of how i ever want to think about this atrocity it makes me feel dirty and slimy and not even dirty enough to be reliably succeeding. i just want people to fucking care enough for them to buy a packet of biscuit rations on the black market and it's like pulling fucking teeth
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valcubust-main · 29 days
Can we bring back Palestine Academy as a resource, I fear a lot of people are forgetting to go back to the basics and simply learn about what is happening in Gaza and what HAS BEEN happening for the past 76 years
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valcubust-main · 1 month
what's the price of a movie ticket in your area?
last week, i challenged you to "skip the takeout", inviting you to donate to a palestinian family instead. i also asked you to "skip the movie", but i was worried that wouldn't motivate you guys as much, because i wasn't sure people really went out to the movies anymore.
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turns out they do!
so, i looked up my local theater, and a ticket for deadpool & wolverine is 13 dollars.
13 USD. less than 18 CAD. about 19 australian. under 12 euro and less than 10 quid. roughly 132 SEK.
deadpool & wolverine had a $200 MILLION production budget and a $100 million marketing budget. as of today, august 23, 2024, it has grossed over $1.154 BILLION. so, for disney, your $13 is a drop in the bucket.
but for a palestinian family hoping to escape the horrific conditions in occupied gaza? your $13 means a lot.
so this week, donate the price of a movie ticket to one of these families.
"I work during these times of war, as a volunteer dentist. We try to relieve people’s pain as much as we can, help them, we want them to be fine in the midst of all this destruction, killing, and lack of life... It is enough that we just try!"
"Setting foot outside Gaza felt like leaving hell and entering a whole new world... My heart skips a beat every time I hear that the neighborhood where my family has been displaced was bombed!"
"Before the war, I worked as a mobile programmer, and my wife was a schoolteacher... We want to provide a dignified life and a better future for our children."
"We are gripped by fear, terror, and hunger."
"We had a beautiful home... but one night our lives turned into a nightmare."
"I am still alive after ten months of war. This is my fifth war too. But this war is unlike any other."
"I hope that every living conscience will help us save our young son’s life and donate any amount you can."
"I fled on foot, just ten days after giving birth. I carried my ten-day-old baby and my other young children, alone, fighting for their safety."
"I had to identify the remains of my martyred sister and her two children. Her daughter survived with injuries... I hope one day I will be able to give her a better life and help her overcome her trauma."
"My son Mohammed suffers from motor and hearing disabilities, among other health issues. I used to have a workshop for windows, kitchens, and all aluminum work, but due to the war, my livelihood was completely destroyed, and I can no longer meet our basic needs."
"My father, the owner of a clothing sewing factory, had only one dream – to educate and take care of his family. My brothers have children. The idea that their innocence has been marred by the horrors of war is too heavy a burden to bear."
"I believe that goodness still exists and that someone shares our hope for a better life."
"My children deserve to live a peaceful life free from fear and anxiety."
"The occupation took away their joy."
it truly doesn't matter to me whether you've gone to see deadpool & wolverine, whether you plan to, whether you're waiting until it comes to disney+, whether you're just going to pirate it, or whether you have not and will never see it. there's really only one question i have for you.
can you spare the price of one movie ticket?
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