valcuda · 22 hours
When someone says the worst thing you've ever heard, but you have social anxiety.
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valcuda · 2 days
Little Miss Triple Outfits here, finally got shaded.
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I would say this is the reason it took me forever to shade Elizabeth, but I admittedly forgot she had 2 alts, mainly cause I only look at the version with her in a lab coat and a button in her hair.
Anyway, this took at least 3 hours total. You might notice her shading looks a bit different than usual, that's because I used a slightly different method this time, which allowed me to do the coloring, and shading, separately!
Usually, when I shade, I'm using colors, making them darker for the shadows, like what you'd expect. This means I have to shade every color separately, to avoid color bleeding when blending. This time however, I set the color layers blending mode to "multiply", allowing me to do the shading in greyscale! This allowed me to do her shirt and pants on a single layer! When usually, I'd have to do 3 layers (since the numbers on her shirt are a different color), and I was also able to do her dress and arms on the same layer as well!
I think this might be my go to shading method, as it makes things easier, and allows me to easily change the colors, without needing to redo the shading.
Anyway, that's all for now. Hopefully I'll get around to shading Rossel next, though I also want to change Trisha's and Tithon's skin tones, since I accidentally made them extremely pale.
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valcuda · 4 days
Trisha and Tithon are officially FINISHED!!!
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Yup! Got Tithon done so fast, I didn't even share the unshaded version!
I originally drew him using my usual method, starting him from a skeleton, but that didn't look right. So instead, I basically just traced the drawing from Trisha's artwork, and it looks far better.
Tithon was raised in captivity, so he's meant to be very innocent, and child-like, with a bit of naivety, especially when compared to Quinton or Elizabeth. I think this drawing gets that across well.
Anyway, that's all for now! I might end up taking a bit of break from drawing, just due to how much I've drawn recently thanks to Trisha XD
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valcuda · 5 days
I'm writing this at 2AM, after having just finished the 26th revision of Trisha's design, so I pray my opinion on it doesn't change when I wake up.
Anyway, for the past 8 days, since I showed off Trisha, I've been repeatedly revising her design, cause I couldn't get her to look right! However, after 26 revisions, I think I've finally hit gold, and am fine with her design, so here it is! (Unshaded, cause I just finished it a couple minutes ago)
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Her entire head has been replaced, multiple times. That linework isn't even based off of the grandchildren of the linework from the initial revision I showed!
Anyway, I feel I should note, I renamed Timothy, to Tithon. I kept calling him Tithon by accident, liked the name, and so I renamed him to Tithon. I then accidentally called him Timothy for a bit.
Now then! You might be wondering why Trisha took so long to finalize the design for!
Because she's heavily based off of that artwork I've been trying, and failing, to find! As such, part of me was essentially trying to redraw that character from the artwork, but in my own style, based on a decade old memory. However, Trisha isn't just stolen from the artwork, despite originally being so. I worked on her character quite a bit originally, and so her design just naturally changed in my mind. This has happened quite a bit with Skizzy and Junk-Watt, and I've updated their art to reflect that, so I know this is a thing.
So, what I finally decided to do, was just forget about that drawing, and instead try to remember Trisha's character, then try to design her so she'd work with the other characters designs, since she's meant to be in the same story as them!
That's how I got to this design! Which looks nearly identical to how Trisha looks in my head! It's honestly weird, to draw her properly, I had to focus more on her personality than her appearance, but I guess that's how I drew my other characters, so it makes sense! Quinton is extremely nervous and worried, Hellen is very tense and strict, and Elizabeth is kind but cautious. Trisha, is kind hearted, but also very introverted, and keeps to herself mostly.
Anyway, I'll hopefully get some artwork of Tithon soon, cause it's kinda hard to work on him without it. He should be a lot easier to draw than Trisha though, especially since I already have a design mockup that's been sitting on her shoulder for 8 days now, meaning I ironically finished his design before Trisha's.
I'm hoping to get Trisha shaded sometime, and hopefully the others as well, but I might take a break from drawing soon.
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valcuda · 11 days
I'm going insane. There's a bit of artwork I saw on DeviantArt in the early 2010s that managed to wedge itself in my mind, to the point I still vividly recall it over a decade later.
I've tried finding it in the past, but with no luck, despite finding other artwork I recall from around that time! And recently, while drawing Trisha, it appeared in my mind again, since Trisha's based off of it. (And by extension, Skizzy!) And so, I've once again begun my search for it.
Anyways, this has led me down a rabbit hole, where I'm looking at a ton of artwork on Deviant art from the late 2000s to early 2010s. (I recall the artwork had Minecraft YouTubers in it, so it gives me a minimum year of 2011, and a max of 2014, since that's the latest I could've seen it) What's weird though, is a lot of this artwork was obviously drawn by either kids, or teenagers, which by itself isn't weird, but they were made over a decade ago!
It is so strange to think, some of the artwork I've seen has likely been forgotten by their creators, not thought about for years. Hell, some of the artists might not even be alive anymore!
What's really insane to think about though, is that might be the case with the artwork I'm looking for! Maybe the artist hasn't thought about it in years, maybe they think it's bad, or embarrassing! I don't know what the story is behind that artwork, all I know is that a young Valcuda liked it so much, his brain refused to forget it, and it went on to inspire almost all of his future creations.
Honestly, I even if I never find the artwork, I hope its artist is doing well, and I hope I get the chance to thank them some day. I hope my art goes on to inspire someone in the same way that persons art inspired me.
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valcuda · 14 days
(Note: Most of this was written prior to my previous post! And this was actually the draft I referenced in it!)
I've had an idea for a story so long, that it actually predates literally every other story I'm working on currently, including Carrot Man's! (Though the roots of that story predate this one)
I simply call it "The Tiny Series", which makes it one of 2 series I've created which doesn't reference a main character in its title! This was originally meant to be a side-series for "TheModSeries", taking place in the same world, and occasionally featuring TheModHead, but he wasn't the focus.
Anyways, the only core part of the series that doesn't change, is that it takes place in a world with tinnies. For those who don't know, on the internet, a tiny is basically just a name given to tiny humans, with what tinnies are being left up to the writer.
In this series, tinnies are a sub-species of human, split off thousands of years ago due to being trapped on a remote island, evolving to be small, before being found in the 1700s, then basically turned into pets. I have a bit more written, but that's the gist of it. In fact, this marks the 4th time I've written an in-universe research paper on them! Cause I keep returning to this idea, and losing the damn document!
What does this all have to do with anything? I've decided to make Quinton's story a part this series.
It opens so many more doors for what I can do with him, Elizabeth, Jasmin, and the others, including allowing for some interesting stories with Quinton interacting with a Tiny! Which is an idea I had before, but ended up scrapping for various reasons. (The "Tiny" would've been a young kid shrunken down, so she was raised as a tiny person) I also felt like if I was gonna have 2 series involving tiny people, I'd end up only focusing on one, with that likely being the Tiny series anyway, since it more easily lets me tell the kinds of stories I want to.
Despite what you'd expect, this decision doesn't really require much of a rewrite of Quinton's story. I already have all the changes I'll need to do, and their impact on the story, all planned out. I think this change improves quite a bit honestly. Quinton and Hellen meet, cause she's doing an experiment on him. I ended up skipping most of that in the draft though, cause I didn't know what to put. This change however, makes the experiment make far more sense, and I actually have an obvious reason for that experiment now!
Now then, with the resurrection of this series, I've decided to revive 2 characters who I associate heavily with this series!
Trisha Hammert, and TheModHead However, I'm renaming TheModHead, and the name I settled on (at 6 AM during a restless night) is Timothy, because TiMOtHy, and "Tim-Moth-E" "The-Mod-Head". Yes, that was my actual logic.
If you read my last post (from only a few hours ago), you'll know I was having difficulty drawing one of these two, and that was Trisha! I had an epiphany almost right after making that post, and after some more tweaking, and the finally drawing her final linework, I finally have a drawing of Trisha!
This is something I've been trying to do for years, but just couldn't for some reason. I unfortunately only have 1 of these attempts saved, and I was gonna share it, but it is far worse than I thought! It might be a day or two before I recover from how horrible that was...
Instead, here's some of the test exports I made while working on the current version!
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Starting off, we have icons I made for something funny I thought of, and am gonna share later in this post. I somehow messed up at first, and made her blonde with an orange sweater. She's never looked like that.
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My first actual attempt at her base art. She was supposed to be pressing her cheek against Timothy, but he was shorter than I expected (based him off Quins proportions in Hellen's artwork), and I didn't want to draw him standing. Instead, it looks like he's pulling her hair. In reality, he's just holding it to help avoid falling. Anyway, this didn't look right, so I thew this out almost completely, and started anew.
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I have 7 exported drafts from this version, but I picked out 4 to show. I didn't redraw Timothy for this, that's the same drawing as in the previous version, and I just kept moving him around. He hides in her hair, just cause it's warm, and safe, and this fact helped me hide the fact he's still drawn sitting!
Anyway, with all of that! This is the final (unshaded) version of Trisha Hammerts artwork!
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This whole process took multiple days...
Anyways, I don't have any artwork of Timothy by himself, I'll draw that up later.
Now then, let's talk about Trisha!
IRL, I originally gave her a sister, and I was planning on reusing Skizzy for this, since she basically stole Trisha's sisters personality, and is based off of Trisha anyway. However, I decided to scrap that idea, and make Trisha an only child.
This is why she has Timothy! Her parents bought her a pet tiny, so she wouldn't be alone all the time, since they were often busy, and couldn't spend much time with her.
Personality wise, Trisha is meant to be a bit introverted, but still rather kind, and caring. I imagine her studying for a test, under a tree in a park, with a nice breeze. She's the kind of person to catch and release most pests, instead of just killing them. She takes Timothy almost everywhere she goes, even school! They're basically inseparable.
Because of this, Timothy doesn't come across as very shy most of the time, as he trusts Trisha's judgement of people. Like most tinnies, he's a bit naive of the world from a humans perspective. (Unlike Quinton and Elizabeth, who aren't, due to actually being humans)
I don't have everything figured out yet, as Trisha is admittedly not very developed, and Timothy needs to be completely redone due to not being TheModHead anymore, and Quinton stealing quite a bit of his personality...
Now, finally, onto that funny thing I made! This is what cemented the idea of bring the Tiny Series back in my mind.
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I imagined what social media posts might be like in the Tiny Series universe, thought of this, and laughed my ass off so much, I decided to make it with Tweetgen.
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm gonna continue working on this, and try figuring out how everything fits together. I already have Quinton's story figured out, but I don't know what I want to do with Elizabeth yet.
--- Addendum Except Trisha's artwork to change every time you see it.
I think she's gonna be the first case since Junk-Watt, where I constantly make small changes to her. I did this with both Skizzy and Junk-Watt, just constantly iterating on their appearances as I notice things that bug me. I had improved to the point I didn't need to do it, but I'm starting to think it's more of a character thing than a quality thing.
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valcuda · 14 days
The other day, I made a bit of a massive change to the world Quinton and the others are in, basically merging it with another story idea I've worked on quite a bit in the past (but have yet to talk about), and I even typed up a post talking about it!
However, with this change, I decided to draw some artwork for two of the new characters, who comes from that story I'm merging this one with, since I like having visuals to show others, since I know what the character looks like in my head already. I expected this to be a 1 day thing, cause I've drawn 3 character in one day in the past! (Still not shaded, but that's besides the point)
It's been 4 days. I'm still not done working on the first one yet!
I'm not joking, this is the longest I've spent working on a single characters artwork, since Skizzy's!!! This isn't due to me adding a ton of detail, or going all out on the shading, I literally just got done redrafting their head and hair and mouth, and I still don't like it!!! I have literally hit the layer limit in Medibang, which I didn't even know was a thing!
The absolute irony of this, is that she's related to TheModHead, who I've never been able to draw either. To further add to it, Skizzy is heavily based on her! And I've been unable to redraw Skizzy since I drew her!
Anyway, hopefully I'll finish the artwork soon! The plus side of all this is that it's giving me time to work her character and story, as well as figure out how everything is gonna fit together story-wise.
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valcuda · 18 days
Someone followed me, and asked me a question, which I discovered while checking my email, thanks to the "subject" of the email.
In those seconds, I felt social anxiety consume me, as I now had to suffer the consequences of making a blog, answer a question about the crud I've been talking about! I didn't want to look, but I knew I couldn't put it off forever! Putting it off would only lead to more consequences in the future!
So, using what strength I had, preparing to need to answer a question, I clicked on the email, and read the question!
It was a spam bot.
Now I'm disappointed ):<
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valcuda · 19 days
Reddit got rid of the "Old New" UI, so expect to see me here more often, cause I can't stand the New New Reddit UI...
Also, is there a culture behind reblogging? Like, I know I can just reblog anything, but like, is that taboo or something? Like what're the social rules behind that? Do you just do it? Like "Oh I like this! Gonna hit the reblog!" or will the OP be like "Who tf is this dude who just reblogged my post???"
(I've been using Tumblr for months now, yet I still feel like the new kid in the neighborhood)
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valcuda · 19 days
Basically the main reason my blog exists, so I can overshare on a whim!
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valcuda · 25 days
Sometimes I feel like an idiot for insisting on working on an entire series at once, but last night, I made the realization that I could change the entire opening of Hellen's book to set up multiple massive reveals, which I only thought of while working on Elizabeth's book. This modified opening would also foreshadow Elizabeth's book!
I also got some ideas to make the first act of Hellen's book more interesting, giving them actual things to do. In the current draft (my first one) I had no idea what to do with them, so despite Hellen being a "Researcher of Behavioral and Psychological Effects", she is literally just sitting in her office, typing up reports for an entire month. Quinton isn't much better, as he's literally just sitting around for a whole month.
I knew that wasn't what I wanted the first act to be like, but I didn't know what I wanted them to do, cause I barely planned anything. Hell, I didn't even know what act 2 would be like, and had to spend multiple days planning that out once I got there. Remember: It's better to write something horrible and improve it later, than to never write at all. Improving to perfection is FAR easier than making perfection first try.
Anyway, that's all for now.
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valcuda · 1 month
Okay, I think I have an idea for the magic system now, in Scella's story.
My biggest issue with magic so far, is that I don't want it to be common place, I want it to be rare, so when magic is used it feels special, cause that's how I always imagine magic.
Unfortunately, this creates the question of "How do we make it rare?" In Skyrim, magic isn't too common iirc, yet there's an entire school for it. It makes sense there would be though! Magic is incredibly useful, so people would obviously want to use it, and they'd teach others how to as well! If royals try keeping it to themselves, then there's still ways for it to get out, like someone telling the peasants, or someone stealing the info somehow, so I don't see that as an effective way to stop it either. I also don't want Valucuda to use magic in his backstory, as I feel that would detract from him being this extremely powerful dude, as he basically has a cheat. If it came out that Usane Bolt had access to swiftness magic, people would be like "Well that's why he's the fastest person in the world!" even if there's no evidence to suggest he used it.
So, the issue becomes, how do I limit magic so it's special, prevent Valucuda from using it prior to a certain point in the story, while also giving him access to it after a certain point. This has been my main issue with magic, but I think I finally found the solution I'm gonna work with! Make it require a book. Make the Goddess Felra (pronounced Thelra) punish those who use it without permission!
So, the magic system I've settled on is "Haulguix", or "God Speak". They're words that when spoken, effect the world itself, as such, the Goddess of Knowledge, Goddess Felra, keeps close watch over their use, and distribution. Few words are known to the Sela (Sela basically meaning "Person"), and even fewer known by the public! It is said that those who use them without permission from the Goddess Felra, are damned to the worst of punishments.
This does mean I have to write another language, on top of Selaguix, but I can deal with that. I think Haulguix might be simpler to make, since it doesn't have to be as natural as Selaguix, just due to the nature of it.
Anyway, the reason I decided to make Felra controller of magic, is kinda due to wanting to make the Goddesses more important to the story. It's kind of taking on the themes of redemption, at least Valucuda's arc. He's punished by Aulna for being careless, but is then given the chance to redeem himself, and even given some powers of god! Which fits his given name! (Valuc - Godlike | Cuda - Warrior).
Also yes, Valucuda is not his birth name, it's one given to him by others, which he quickly adopted. After winning a battle which seemed near impossible for him to win, he would exclaim something along the lines of "Ira valuc cuda!" translating to "I am [the] godlike warrior!". Because of this, people soon began calling him "Valucuda", a name he quickly adopted, and so began saying "Ira rixes Valucuda!" "I am THE Valucuda!" (rixes basically means "one and only". Think of it like if you asked a world champion "Are you a champion?" and they said "Yes, I am THE champion!").
Anyway, that's all I have for now. With a rough magic system now in place, I think some parts of the story, like Scella's creation, now have a possible explanation. I still have to work on it obviously, but I'm one massive step closer.
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valcuda · 1 month
Bad news, I haven't been in an artistic mood lately, so I got nothing done, which I'm kinda upset about, cause I had something planned for Hug a Tiny day.
Now then, I've been working on Valucuda quite a bit lately, and now that I'm saying that aloud, it sounds stupid. So, context time! I once called myself "TheModHead", before changing it to Valcuda because I had created a character named TheModHead, who I scrapped the week after changing it. One day, a friend referred to the pumpkin in my icon as Valcuda, so I gave him the name Valcuda! For sanity's sake, I've very recently changed his name to "Valucuda" (Val-ook-ku-da) just so it's possible to refer to him more easily.
Anyway, Valucuda is far more fleshed out now, which is nice. His backstory has been improved, and he has better story motivations than just "The Goddess Aulna told me to do this". Scella has unfortunately fallen behind a bit, and I desperately need to get some more foundational story pieces in place, since I'm currently still debating Scella's origins, broadly how the magic system works, and what the overall effect of the main conflict is on the world and how that effects the semi-broad parts of the story. I'm definitely making progress though! Which is nice, since it's not even the main story I'm working on.
I've also been working on Elizabeth's story. Last I talked about it, I think I was talking about how I might have to swap POVs mid story from Liz and Sophia, to Quin and Rossel, which I didn't want to do. However, I've now found a solution to that, which made the story better! Currently working on some loose scenes for that part of the story. (Basically just test scenes which may or may not make it into the story. Even if they do, I typically rewrite them anyway)
Anyway, that's all for now. I've gotten into a writing mood again lately, though I'm not sure if I'll stay in it or not, I guess we'll see.
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valcuda · 2 months
Ever since that basket artwork, something has been bugging me, and that's that my base character art looks extremely flat now! And it's obvious why! I drew them without much consideration for the 3rd dimension! Which was fine in the past, cause I didn't know what they'd look like with consideration for it! But now I do!
So, I quickly got this idea for redrawing all the artwork using the 3D mannequin as a pose draft, just like in the basket artwork! Needless to say, this is a massive project, since I need to redraw EVERYONE. Not only that, I need to pose them in 3D as well!
The plus side to all of this, is that I can figure out heights finally, which has been a bit of an issue. I typically use my drawing to base everyone's relative height off of (which is why Elizabeth is taller than Quinton) though an issue with this, is that I don't always draw everyone at the same camera height. If you look at her artwork, you'll notice you can see far more of Jasmin's skirt than anyone else's. This is also gonna bite me in the ass when getting the reference renders, since the virtual camera is gonna be the same for everyone, so some drawings won't be 1 to 1 unfortunately.
Another plus side is that I can do more dynamic poses. Remember Scella? It's been a while since I've talked about her, but you might notice, I've never shown any artwork of her! That's because the pose I wanted to give her is far more complex than I could draw, since it makes heavy use of the 3rd dimension. So her current artwork looks like trash. Besides Scella though, I'm not exactly sure if any character will have their pose modified to make use of this. I might change Bridget, but I'm not 100% certain.
Yet another plus, is that since I'm scaling the mannequins to be the correct height anyway, this will give me a mannequin for everyone, so it'll be easier to make artwork with them!
Anyways, I have Quinton's ref render done, so here it is with his current reference art.
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As you can see, I'm able to do a more natural looking pose, since I'm now confined to (mostly) what's physically possible. A minor issue is that Quinton's neck is longer than the Mannequin's, so I'll need to account for that, but that's not much of an issue, I'm gonna be playing proportions slightly when drawing anyway.
Anyway, that's the plan. I'm not sure when I'm gonna get started on drawing, since I still have 2 drawings I have yet to get started on... and I also still need to finish shading Rossel, Elizabeth, Bridget, and Gunther. (actually, I don't need to worry about that anymore) That's all for now then. Hopefully I'll get off my lazy ass, and have some artwork for the 11th, but we'll see.
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valcuda · 2 months
I think I forgot to say this before, but expect to rarely see me a lot! Or basically, expect long periods of time where I'm inactive, but whenever I am active, expect see to quite often as I drain my brain of thoughts.
I don't know why I'm like this, I just am for some reason. Anyways, I'm currently in that break period (I think), just decided to make a post cause I randomly thought of it. See y'all later!
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valcuda · 2 months
Here's a bit of a fun story!
I originally began drawing on a hand me down Galaxy Note 4. It was my introduction to digital art, and is what made art a hobby of mine, since I no longer needed paper and crud to do it. Fortunately, my sister already had some experience in digital art, since she's more of an artist, and had already stepped into digital art a bit on her computer, and she used a free program called "Medibang Paint Pro". Turns out, the "Pro" part of its name was simply to differentiate it, from it's mobile counterpart! Medibang Paint. After learning about it, I downloaded it, and began using, and I still use it to this day!
I obviously sucked at drawing at first, cause I wasn't much of an artist prior, and I originally just used random resolution. Starting with Skizzy however, I began to use the "Medibang Cover Size" setting at my resolution. This is the resolution most of Skizzy's, and Junk-Watt's artwork was drawn in, until their final revisions.
But at some point, this resolution began feeling too small for me, so I wanted to double it. Unfortunately, my Note 4 couldn't handle that, which I thought was due to the aging hardware. So of course, I couldn't do it.
At some point in 2021, the Note 4 began to suffer hardware issues, and slowdowns, so I knew it was time to get a new device. Unfortunately, the Note 4 left some pretty big shoes to fill! Cause it had an SPen (Basically a Wacom pen), and an AMOLED display! And I only had a budget of $200, which I got from selling my old computer to a friend. After doing mountains of research, I had 2 options: A Galaxy Tab S6 Lite (LCD), or a Galaxy Tab S4 (AMOLED) To say this decision was tough, is an understatement. Newer tablet, with an LCD, or older tablet with the same display as the Note 4. The S6 had the advantage of being newer, so it'd likely last longer, actually get Android updates (S4 was no longer supported), and the SPen would be better.
In the end, I went with the S4 thanks to the screen, and it being a 4 like the Note 4 it was replacing. It also cost less, so I charged my friend $150 instead, since the whole point of selling the computer was just to fund the Note 4s replacement.
Anyways, it came just in time! Prior to it's arrival, I transferred all my drawings project files to an SD card, and the day after it arrived... my Note 4 went to the Electronics Store in the sky... or in other words, it stopped booting. I was using a custom ROM, so I know it wasn't something to do with Samsung.
It took a bit of time to adjust drawing on a tablet, since before, I'd sit back in my chair, hold my phone with my right hand, and draw with my left, while I now had to put the tablet on my desk and draw like that, which required a LOT of relearning! Especially thanks to the much bigger size! After that however, I did a test, and drew at double resolution! Lo and behold, that tablet did it effortlessly! It felt like drawing at 1x resolution on the Note 4! So that became my standard resolution!
So, why am I telling this long story? Cause I was a complete and utter idiot, and didn't truly understand it until today.
My Note 4 was an absolute CHAMP for effortlessly handling the resolution I was drawing at on it. Why? Cause I was drawing at over 2K resolution. 2100x2800
So what does this mean for my current drawings? THEY'RE DRAWN AT 5K RESOLUTION!!! 4200x5600
For context, I have a 1080p monitor. Here's the original resolution I was drawing at, VS my monitor. The visible part is my monitors resolution, while the dotted square is the full image.
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That's roughly triple the size of my monitor! Now this is what my current drawing resolution looks like!
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How the hell can my tablet handle that??? I have a 4K TV, and not even THAT could show the full image without scaling it!!! My tablet handles dozens of 5K layers per project, without even batting an eye! Every time it lagged, I thought it was weak, but no! I'm just drawing at an absolutely nonsensical resolution!! And keep in mind, I almost never have a single drawing take up the whole screen!
This has made me appreciate my Note 4 and Tab S4, so much more. Thank you Note 4, for handling dozens of 2K drawings, and I'm so sorry for thinking you were weak when you weren't able to handle a 5K drawing. And thank you Tab S4, for handling 5K drawings like an absolute champ!
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valcuda · 2 months
In the draft of Elizabeth's book, I was trying to come up with a reason for Sophia's walk home to take longer, so I just randomly wrote:
"On my way there, I stop by a shop to get a bread roll for Quinton. He really likes them; They're the same height as him, so it must be like having an entire bed made of bread."
Now I can't stop thinking about Quinton eating a bread roll. Like imagine how amazing that would be! Hell imagine how cute that'd be! Over the course of a day or maybe more, he's just slowly making his way through a bread roll, needing to rip off a small piece at a time.
I might have to make an illustration of this sometime. I still have 2 others I need to work on tho.
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