valenate · 8 years
jfc, I've finally reached the point where I'm looking forward to no Castle-related news coming out. What was NF supposed to say? Where did he go wrong? Is he supposed to have a canned answer on hand for a favourite scene? Throw in a "S9 would have sucked!" at every opportunity? Name each and every cast member when acknowledging them in a three-minute video? Either he hated everything to do with Castle, or he wanted to hold onto it at the expense of the story, y'all can't have it both ways.
It just comes down to one basic point: there are people in this fandom who are gonna hate Nathan no matter what he says. If he had immediately had something in mind for a favorite scene/memory, people would complain because it didn’t mesh with what they thought it should be. If he had taken the time to name every single member of the cast, someone would complain because he wasn’t sincere enough. If he had said that he wasn’t sure that season nine would have been a good idea, that same group would accuse him of being a liar and just trying to get on the fans good side. 
And you know what? Screw em. If all you can do with your life is sit around and drum up ways to hate a guy for living his life and wanting to keep his job, you have a problem. I doubt that Nathan Fillion has done anything to personally hurt any of them, and it’s hilarious to me that people who claim to love Castle as a television show as much as they do can’t realize in the constant haterade that they put out there that, if not for Nathan, there would be no show. You don’t have to like it, and you don’t have to like him, but I think you do have to respect that this guy wanted to sign up to become Richard Castle and, for eight years, he led the charge in making the show what it is and, one way or another, keeping it on the air. 
You wanna know why he talks about Firefly and has very specific go to memories of the show? There are 13 episodes and a two hour movie. That’s about a year of his life, and a very limited pool of talking points. I’ve watched a pretty significant number of his panels over the years, and indeed he’s talked about the same dozen or so memories over and over. I can’t think of a time when people have asked him about Castle where he’s given the same answer twice. But, you know, he’s got eight years worth of stuff to draw from and, like it or not, the show’s structure is very basic: there is a murder, there is a b-plot, they solve the murder by the end of an episode. Lather, rinse, repeat. 
People want him to snap his fingers and be able to tell you exactly what he loved about this particular episode, or that particular episode and that’s some bullshit. These actors haven’t watched these episode over and over and over like we have; they’ve seen them once, if at all. They don’t have time or the inclination to dwell on their work, usually because they’re already onto the next script and the next episode and there just isn’t enough room in a brain to keep track of eight years of work. 
People like to claim that means he doesn’t care, which is also some bullshit. You know what Nathan Fillion cares about? The people on the set with him. For every story he tells, it comes with some behind the scenes anecdote. He remembers interactions with people more than he remembers what line he has to recite that day, and what that particular storyline was in that one episode in season three. And you know what? Good for him. It means that he doesn’t dwell on his work, that he puts more stock in interacting with the people that he saw for sixty hours a week for nine months a year, eight years in a row. Remembering the time he walked onto the loft set and saw a crew member playing a piano concerto when he thought no one was around is far more important and far more meaningful than being able to tell you what line he said in the opening scene of the season five premiere or what the most significant moment was for him between Castle and Beckett. 
You know who else might have trouble coming up with a favorite memory from the set? The fandom saint, Stana Katic. Eight years and 171 episodes (we aren’t counting XX and Cool Boys since she wasn’t onscreen) is a lot of material, and indeed I can remember back when she did interviews that if someone asked her a favorite memory she gave rather generic answers, but no one raked her over the coals for those. Instead it was fangirl feels and flailing about how much she understands the character and appreciates the storyline and the fans, etc, etc, etc. Likewise, Seamus Dever and Jon Huertas have been very honest in interviews that they have trouble recalling specific storylines or scenes, and usually if they talk about something, it’s because they remember something that happened between scenes or that messed up a take and they had to start over. 
But here’s the other thing, the show is over. I have no idea what people think they’re going to accomplish with continuing to yammer on about making Nathan the bad guy. Hate him or not, he’s gonna work again in the industry and there’s absolutely nothing that a fan is gonna say or do to change that so I legitimately don’t understand the point of it all, nor do I understand attacking people who don’t necessarily have a problem with him. It’s not going to change anything, and really it only serves to give the fans who follow and adore Stana a bad reputation, which is unfortunate because not all of them are crazy and take every opportunity to hate on Nathan. 
Plus, another important point, is that you really can like the both of them at the same time. Contrary to the belief of others, you can be fans of them both. I’m not really sure when it became a thing in this fandom that you had to choose one or the other, but that’s complete nonsense and, honestly, it says far more about the fan that it ever could about the actor. 
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valenate · 9 years
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Castle AU | nap time
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valenate · 9 years
Enough is enough. Well done!
Nathan is a joke. If he care about the show he would not sign without Stana. That is very selfish.
So, you know, I usually respond to things with sarcasm and, for the especially crazy a whiff of condescension but its pretty rare I’m just openly rude. That’s about to change because Anon, you and your little like minded trolls are the absolute worst. 
I don’t know if its because you are young, or uninformed. I don’t know if its because you choose to be ignorant, or know the facts and just choose not to accept them. I don’t actually care because, frankly, if you’re gonna stand around and condem the guy who essentially green lit the future of the series with his name on a contract then I’m just assuming that you’re an idiot who doesn’t have a clue about how the real world works. 
Nathan Fillion is NOT selfish. Just because he doesn’t spend his days waxing poetic about Stana Katic, or go on and on and on about Castle like he does for Firefly does NOT mean he hates the show, or Stana. He cannot help it that the studio gave him a contract that he agreed with before Stana was presented hers, and its beyond his control when that sort of thing is announced. 
I’ll give you a very hard reality check: Without Nathan Fillion agreeing to sign on for Castle there’d be no opportunity for Stana Katic to negotiate her contract at all. The show would be over. Some of you are under some illusion that he and Stana owe you to sign a contract and continue providing you entertainment. Screw that, they owe you nothing, and are well within their rights to walk away. If you were ready to move on from your job, a couple million people wouldn’t berate you on twitter for deciding you want to try a new opportunity and yet theres this stupid mentality in the world that “because he’s a celebrity” that he asked for it. 
No celebrity asks for that kind of derogatory treatment, and just because they are famous you don’t have the right to behave like an ass and degrade the guy for existing and having passions in life that don’t align with yours. Do you sit around and scream at your friends when they don’t automatically love everything you love? Do you call them selfish when they get an opportunity before you do? 
This nonsense going around about how Stana Katic is holding out for equal pay and that Nathan is horrible for not backing her up? Hearsay. There is ZERO indication that equal pay is the issue. Just because Stana Katic has discussed the issue (when prompted by a reporter, she didn’t stroll up screaming EQUAL PAY FOR WOMEN) twice doesn’t mean its the problem. No one knows the issue, and you certainly don’t know what, if anything, Nathan Fillion has said or thinks about it.
 I know in that little bubble where Stana is a perfect princess who does no wrong and people always give her what she wants that it might seem unfathomable that she’s simply ready to move on and in order to make Stana the horrible victim you have to make Nathan a villain, but the stark reality is that Nathan Fillion assured that Castle is getting a season eight. Instead of bitching about his selfish, egotistical ass he is you should be tweeting him thank you for wanting to continue the journey. 
But, you know, logic is very hard for some of you. So I’m asking a lot, I know.  
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valenate · 10 years
I've always loved this man ♥
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16K notes · View notes
valenate · 10 years
castle au→ it’s career day at school. the problem is, who’s going to go?
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valenate · 10 years
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57K notes · View notes
valenate · 10 years
Joss Whedon: The biography - Amy Pascale
My generation, we were kind of raised on the super-cool, "I can handle anything" with a gun in his hand hero. Any situation you throw at him, he can handle it — with catchphrases. It was very cool.
But Joss Whedon's version of a hero doesn't always win. He loses more than he wins, and when he wins, the victories are tiny, but he takes 'em. "That's a victory! I call that a victory!" It's a tiny victory — he takes it, and that's what he walks away with. And that's something I can actually relate to.
That's something that people can relate to — because that's actually life. I don't know a lot of people who win more than they lose. Life is kind of a losing proposition as you go. It's not all winning lotteries every day. It's a lot of "What do I do with this problem? Now how do I handle this?" I think people can relate easier to someone who isn't prepared to handle every single situation, and everything comes out roses and their way, and all they've got to do is be cool. We don't have that in real life.
A friend of mine once told me that what he finds so satisfying about Joss Whedon is his way of telling stories. As a society, we are incredibly story literate: We know story. This is the hero; this is the villain. This is the denouement; this is where the twist comes; this is where the learning experience is; this is where the turn is. We know story.
He said, "Joss Whedon will give you a story twist. But instead of twisting it to the story tradition that we know, he twists it and says, 'That's what happens in stories. This is what happens in real life. This is how real life went.'"
I described Joss to a friend as we were on our way over to his house for a party. And she's heard me tell stories over the years about this fellow. We went to his house, we had a great time, and on the way home, she said, "You know, I got to say, from your description of the kind of guy this guy is, and from all the stories you've told me — I expected him to be six two, chiseled jaw, long, wavy golden hair and bright blue eyes and gleaming teeth, and just chesty and ..." The guy, she said, "when you describe him, he's so heroic."
And yeah, he is. He's heroic like that.
Foreword By Nathan Fillion ♥
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valenate · 10 years
are nathan and christina still dating?
No, Christina and Nathan aren't still dating since the beginning of May.The last appearance together is on May 3 at the Minneapolis Wizard World. They don't follow more each other on twitter.
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valenate · 10 years
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This is what I said
gramato7 ha detto:
Hi, I see lots of photos recently of stana with a man named kris. I believe she was with him before. Are they together again or have they always been together?
I don’t know certainly if they’re together. But I always thought he was her boyfriend. What I know about...
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valenate · 10 years
gramato7 ha detto:
Hi, I see lots of photos recently of stana with a man named kris. I believe she was with him before. Are they together again or have they always been together?
I don't know certainly if they're together. But I always thought he was her boyfriend. What I know about him is: - His name is Kris Srboljub Brkljac - He's half serbian and half australian - He has two brothers: Milan is a chiropractic, and Dragoljub a cop - His family live in Australia - His father was/is a serbian politician - He was/is the vicepresident of "DisputeSuite", that deals of softwares. This located in Florida http://www.crunchbase.com/person/kris-brkljac - Voices say that he was married and divorced in 2006 - He is the owner of 180now, founded on 2006, in which Marko Katic, Stana's brother, was an intern (2006/2007) - The first appearance with Stana was at the "Stiletto" party (05.27.2007)
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Then: - "15th annual event "women in hollywood" Elle" (10.06.2008) (I'm not sure if that man behind her is him, but hair and hat seems to match)
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- "Castle" Christmas party (December 2008)
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- "Castle" premiere party (September 2009)
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- "Nautica Malibu triathlon" (09.13.2009)
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- Stana's grandmother obituary: Kris is mentioned after Stana's name, between parentheses. In serbian culture when a name is approached, in this way, to another name, indicate the husband/wife or longtime companion (09.25.2009)
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- "Greg Lauren Presents: Alteration Los Angeles Party" (05.01.2010)
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- "Roma Fiction Fest: Opening Night" (07.03.2010)
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- Pompeii with Marko Katic and her cousin Ivana (summer 2010)
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- "America Music Awards" (11.21.2010)
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- "Jimmy Kimel Live" (11.22.2010)
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- "People Choice Awards" (01.11.2012)
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- "20th Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards: Viewing Party" (02.26.2012)
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- "Castle" wrap party season 4 (04.14.2012)
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- "100th anniversary of the Beverly Hills Hotel" the man near the pillar and behind the woman in green dress looks like him (06.16.2012)
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- "L.A. Opera: "The Two Foscari" opening night" (09.15.2012)
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- appearance on "Castle" 5x12 "Death gone crazy" (November 2012)
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- "L.A. Opera Hosts Placido Domingo In Concert And 15th Annual Domingo Awards" (06.07.2013)
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- Florence on the set of 'The tourist' (06.08.2014)
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- Athens, Stana's interview for "peoplegreece.com" (06.16.2014)
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This seems to me a longtime couple.
I repeat that I don't know if they are actually a couple!
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valenate · 10 years
Marina & Ulay: 
“Marina Abramovic and Ulay started an intense love story in the 70s, performing art out of the van they lived in. When they felt the relationship had run its course, they decided to walk the Great Wall of China, each from one end, meeting for one last big hug in the middle and never seeing each other again. at her 2010 MoMa retrospective Marina performed ‘The Artist Is Present’ as part of the show, a minute of silence with each stranger who sat in front of her. Ulay arrived without her knowing it and this is what happened.”
best story ever ♥
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469K notes · View notes
valenate · 10 years
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2K notes · View notes
valenate · 10 years
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123K notes · View notes
valenate · 10 years
Anonimo ti ha chiesto:
So is nathan fillion single again and did it end badly with mikeala and christina.
I don't know if it ended badly. I don't know more than that they publish. It's very simple decipher Nathan's behaviors. Just observe what he and they do usually. I wrote this in a few posts ago. The first thing that make me think that they were in crisis was when he went to Dallas comic-con for three days and she was not with him. This can seem a normal thing. And it is. But usually she followed him in every place he went, also just for a day. The other thing was that Nathan seemed to be so free to talk much, and he said only good things, about Castle. And he never do that, especially when he's in a relationship with someone. Because of his relationship with Stana.
I hate say this, because I'm very proud of this fandom, but often people give him the fault to be shallow and not grateful to Castle. This is absolutely not true. I have to remember to these people that when he said that Castle and Beckett not had to stay together, was because he was afraid that the show can become boring and so end before the time. If this is not love for this show I don't know what it is. When he says that Firefly is the best job he ever had, is because thanks to Firefly and Joss, first of all, he was able to buy his house, to be indipendent. And probably he would  never did Castle without Firefly. So I'm thankful to it. First of all because it's one of the more beautiful show that I ever seen. Then because Nathan is Castle. He led the show on his shoulders for years. If he was not in there probably, in the beginning, it wouldn't had this success. With years Stana did a great job for bring it even more high.
Compare Firefly with your first love. You have to say only good things, and be grateful to it to make you become more strong and prepared to life. Then imagine Castle like your current love. You have found the love of your life, your future. But without your first love you wouldn't have lived your current and actual love in the same way. Maybe you would have screwed it all up. And it would be the biggest regret of your life. So I don't give to Firefly and Castle different importance. Both are Nathan Fillion! And finally, if he don't talk about Castle or Stana it's because of stupid people.
We are no one to say to him what to do or with who have a relationship. Let's see him like the awesome and wonderful actor who he is, and we have to be grateful to have an example like him, for being a gentleman, a good person with a gold heart, and for make us smile every day.
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valenate · 10 years
jacksonshunt ti ha chiesto:
hey, I’ve read your Nathan/Cristina ask and I just wanted to correct you that nathan and christina got together around late summer 2012 (they already were together Halloween 2012). they split back last summer for a while (bc of mikaela I think) but got back together. :) but looks like they split for real now :(
This is not true. I show you why.
Nathan in the summer 2012 was single.
Him last girlfriend before Mikaela Hoover was Emma Danoff, in the summer 2011.
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Then he went to Montecarlo with Suzanne Freeman (June 13-14.2012).
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Christina appeared with him May 26, 2012 at LAfam.
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August 8, 2012
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Beach concert (August 11,2012)
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Disneyland, labor day (September 3, 2012)
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At his house (October 6,2012)
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Firefly panel for 10th anniversary at NY comic-con (October 13, 2012)
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And finally Halloween party (October 2012)
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In all this time Christina seems to be in a relationship with another man. And also Nathan said that they were only friends.
Nathan was single in the last half of season 4 and all the season 5 of Castle. !!! (2012, and almost all 2013, till September)
Mikaela seems to be with him from early September 2013 till at Talking  dead event (October 13, 2013)
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A few weeks later Nathan was with Christina and friends at Delusion adv. (October 26, 2013)
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…and by this moment we know the continuous!
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They split around half May.
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valenate · 10 years
Read that nathan and christina are getting married. Do you know if it's true. I also read they were no longer together. Which is true?
Sorry, I didn’t see the last question. I answer you in here.They’re not getting married. They don’t follow more each other on twitter. They split!The news comes to the same magazine that a few months ago, show the news of Stana Katic being the reason of James Brolin and Barbra Streisand divorce. So this argue that is not true.The magazine wrote that Nathan will go to Spain, but only Christina have to go in there. They wrote also that they dated till the last summer (2013), but he was in a relationship with Mikaela Hoover. Their first appearance together was on October 26 on Delusion adv. And Christina this summer seemed to be still engaged with her ex boyfriend.It’s only a publicity stunt of the magazine.
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valenate · 10 years
what proof do you have?
-They don't follow more eachother on twitter. -She always followed him in every place he went, also when he have to stay one day (see Salt Lake), this weekend he have to stay away for three days and she was in LA. But it's not a proof if you consider that she was filming "Matador", unless you see that when he come back to LA, she was not filming but was on beach with friends. -She yesterday twitted that she booked tix for Spain, when he can go on vacation only in this period, and for Greece's islands on September, and he'll be filming Castle's season 7 -On Letterman (5.09.2014) he says that he would go on vacation with his brother Jeff, thing that always do, but it's strange that he don't go also with her, and this is impossible because of Spain These last two are my suppositions, I don't know Nathan but I always observe and I notice when he changes: -This last week he tweeted most, thing that he rarely did when he stayed with her - At Dallas Comic Con he talk most of Castle, and in a good way, he was more flexible, and when he is with a girl he avoids that for obvious reasons (see crazy fans) I repeat. I don't know if they break up, but why don't follow eachother on twitter? They were friends for years. For the way he is, they would remain friends.
…and again. I don’t want to be too hasty….but also Christina-Nathan it’s over.
P.s. These are only suppositions based on voices
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