valentiiinesday · 6 years
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        The pub had quickly become one of her favorite spots in town. It reminded her of places she would frequent as a teenager in Chicago, memorizing the address on her fake ID in case they carded her. She stirred her drink – ruby sour, extra cherry – absentmindedly, waiting for nothing in particular. Most nights she just came here to kill time, although she figured she would have to start working soon. Maraschino. Carmen had learned to all but completely tune out her last name, especially in bars. Usually, it was only someone ordering double cherries in their drink. She didn’t bat an eye when she heard it, anymore. 
       A heavy hand on her shoulder causes her to stir. She spins around and looks him up and down, confusion written all over her face. Her eyes shift from the hand on her shoulder up to his face. “Sorry, sir,” she begins, wide eyed, “do I know you?” For a moment she tries to keep her composure before erupting into uproarious laughter and bringing her hands up to his cheeks. 
       “You look just the same, kid,” she smiles and pinches one of his cheeks, “what are you doing here?” 
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     He can’t help but grin from ear to ear when he sees her. Talk about a blast from the past.  “More like what are you doing here, cherry baby? You on the lam or something?” He’s joking, of course. Little Carmen Maraschino was the bad girl of Melrose Park (if rumors were anything to go on), but she was never a bad gal. Valentine, simple as he was, couldn’t imagine someone so pretty doing anything awful to anybody. “What are the chances!” Ever the sentimental one, Valentine wanted to lift her right off of that chair and give her a bear hug. 
      “Just when I’ve been missing the old neighborhood, you show up out of the blue.” Perhaps it was fate, or perhaps the few drinks he’d had were messing with his tendency to overthink. 
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
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     His buddy elbows him in the ribs and points to the opposite end of the Pub, where a new arrival sits. All Valentine can see is a curtain of brown curls, but that’s all it takes to keep his attention. That, and the curve of her back as she sits in a barstool, lonely, but not alone due to the multiple pairs of eyes that are undoubtedly sizing her up. His jaw drops when she turns her head, as if on cue. “No. Fuckin’. Way.” His pals are confused, but he’s long gone.
    “ MARASCHINO !! “ 
     Valentine began shoving his way across the crowded room, pushing people aside like an overzealous dog bumping past kneecaps. Mindless, in the way that he feels compelled to break the distance between them until he’s close enough to clasp a hand on her tiny shoulder. His expression wears the smile of a person 20 years his junior.
     “I’d know those eyes anywhere.” 
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
Name a song your muse can sing every word to.
accepting || ⁙ oddly specific headcanons
     Poison - Bel Biv DeVoe
     It’s his power move. 
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
Who was your muse’s first kiss?
accepting || ⁙ oddly specific headcanons
     Carmen Maraschino. She lived down the block from Valentine when he lived in Melrose Park.  He was 11 and she was 12, it happened when they were with a group of friends seeing Who Framed Roger Rabbit at the neighborhood theater. The kiss never led to anything, but it was a major source of pride that he rode out through the remainder of his adolescence. She was, in his opinion, the prettiest girl in all of Chicago.
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
So I am looking for photos for my weekly au moodboards and I found this gem
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apparently this is baby Bernthal and I know I am sure this has been posted before, but it still totally made my day.
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
fuccin that exhaust pipe
NO NO NO | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
     D I S R E S P E C T !!
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
cars :)
HELL No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
0 notes
valentiiinesday · 6 years
HELL No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
     “I'm all for getting rough, but I don’t know if I could, like, hurt somebody.”
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
HELL No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
     “That’s some freak shit.”
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
knife play
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
     “Depends on who’s holding the knife, and where it’s pointed.”
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
some good old fashioned home cookin
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
shower sex... gettin all soaped up
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
Send me a fetish you can see my character having...
And they’ll rate it: No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
OC Association
season? summer color? orange planet? mars deity? vulcan ice cream? rocky road candy? snickers cookie? oatmeal chocolate chip cryptid? yeti food? italian music genre? classic rock emoji?  🚗💨 superhero? thor viillain? bane disney character? sully  clothing? boots art style? pop art body part? arm/hands game? crash bandicoot  movie director? scorsese  sport? rugby decade? 70s dog breed? boxer/cane corso cat breed? maine coon/scottish fold beverage (non-alc)? root beer beverage (alc)? whiskey cartoon? scooby doo, where are you scent? gasoline quote? beep // boop
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
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“nothing quite like the feeling of oil under my fingernails and grease on my face,” she commented with a shrug of her shoulders. she hated explaining why she did what she did and why because they were always the same ( should a woman like you really be doing a guys job? ). “i’m good at it.” the beer was raised to her lips as she took a drink before giving them an even look. “if you knew how to fix your own car you wouldn’t have to come to me for it you know,” she said simply with a sickly sweet smile but a tone that dared them to press her further and push that button. the one night she doesn’t drink with val and she gets harassed. 
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     Valentine slams his palms against the table as he approached it, a wide grin spread across his face. He knew the sight of an asshole when he saw one, and especially one that was bugging Frankie. “What’s goin’ on here?” he asks, looking between his pal and her company, before focusing just on her. “You okay, Franks?” Chalk it up to being overprotective. He knew Frankie could hold her own, but damn did he love playing backup.
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valentiiinesday · 6 years
what do you think of valentine? ( kekekekekeke)
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‘   have you seen that fucking guy ,  he’s like …   a fucking daydream walking .   he’s incredibly kind ,  and he does a lot of work around the house for nothing but food .   might be running out of food due to him plus the kids ,  but hey ,  at least our shit will work .   ’   she laughs ,  covering her mouth .   ‘   don’t get me started on how he is with the kids either ,  he’s SO good with them ,  the twins absolutely adore him .   ’   gael is still getting adjusted to a man coming around ,  it’s new for him ,  and she doesn’t blame him .   ‘   oh my god ,  and his ears ? ?   i love them ,  and his nose !   i just want to KISS him all over ,  god .   leave my mark ,  you know what i mean ? ?   but also …   he’s too good to be true ,  there’s gotta be something wrong with him ,  but i can’t figure what .   ’
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